Pesca: la Commissione presenta nuove misure per una maggiore tutela degli stock di acque profonde e dei loro habitat
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Data documento: 19-07-2012
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Fisheries: the Commission tables new measures for better protection for deep-sea stocks and their habitats
Pesca: la Commissione presenta nuove misure per una maggiore tutela degli stock di acque profonde e dei loro habitat
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The European Commission has proposed new measures to regulate fishing for deep-sea species in the North-East Atlantic.
La Commissione europea ha proposto nuove misure per disciplinare le attività di pesca per le specie di acque profonde nell'Atlantico nord-orientale.
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Deep sea ecosystems and the species that live in them are particularly vulnerable to human activities.
Gli ecosistemi delle acque profonde e delle specie che in essi vivono sono particolarmente vulnerabili alle attività umane.
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The new regulation aims to ensure that deep-sea species are fished sustainably, that unwanted by-catches decrease, that the impact on fragile deep-sea habitats decreases and that there is more data on the biology of these species.
Il nuovo regolamento mira a garantire che le specie di acque profonde siano pescate in maniera sostenibile, a diminuire le catture accessorie indesiderate e l'impatto sugli habitat vulnerabili di queste acque e a raccogliere una maggiore quantità di dati sulla biologia di queste specie.
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To this end the Commission proposes a reinforced licensing system and a gradual phase-out of those fishing gears that specifically target deep sea species in a less sustainable manner, namely bottom trawls and bottom-set gillnets.
A tal fine, la Commissione propone di rendere più severo il sistema di rilascio delle licenze e di eliminare gradualmente gli attrezzi da pesca meno sostenibili destinati specificamente alla cattura delle specie di acque profonde, ossia le reti a strascico e le reti da posta ancorate.
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The Commission also envisages specific requirements for the collection of data from deep sea fishing activities.
La Commissione intende inoltre stabilire requisiti specifici per la raccolta di dati relativi alle attività di pesca in acque profonde.
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The necessary adjustments to implement these measures may benefit from financial support under EU Funds.
Gli adeguamenti necessari per l'attuazione di tali misure possono beneficiare del sostegno finanziario dei fondi UE.
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Deep sea stocks can be taken as by-catch in many fisheries.
Gli stock di acque profonde possono essere pescati come catture accessorie in molti tipi di pesca.
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However, there are also fishing vessels that specifically target these species.
Tuttavia, vi sono anche pescherecci che catturano specificamente queste specie.
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These are the vessels that are most dependent on these resources and they will have a future only if their activity is managed to be sustainable.
Sono le navi che dipendono in gran parte da queste risorse e che avranno un futuro solo se la loro attività sarà gestita in modo sostenibile.
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This implies first the need to put in place a gradual switch to fishing techniques that are more selective, with less impact on the deep sea habitats.
Ciò implica, in primo luogo, la necessità di mettere in atto una transizione graduale verso tecniche di pesca più selettive e con minore impatto sugli habitat delle profondità marine.
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The Commission proposes that licenses for fishing deep sea species with bottom trawls and bottom-set gillnets be gradually phased out because it causes more harm to vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems than other fishing methods, and involves high levels of unwanted by-catches (20 to 40 per cent in weight, or more).
La Commissione propone che le licenze per la pesca di specie di acque profonde con reti a strascico e reti da posta ancorate siano gradualmente eliminate, poiché causano danni maggiori agli ecosistemi vulnerabili delle acque profonde rispetto ad altri metodi di pesca e comportano elevati livelli di catture accessorie indesiderate (da 20 al 40% in peso, o più).
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Other commercial fisheries using bottom trawls will not be affected, because the proposed measures only concern fisheries that target deep-sea fish.
Gli altri tipi di pesca commerciale con reti a strascico non saranno coinvolti, poiché le misure proposte riguardano unicamente la pesca in acque profonde.
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Fishermen already cooperate with scientists to know more about largely unknown deep-sea ecosystems.
I pescatori collaborano già con gli scienziati per conoscere meglio gli ecosistemi delle profondità marine che sono in genere sconosciuti.
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To find ways to test less harmful fishing gear and switch to fishing techniques and strategies that have less impact on those fragile ecosystems, the Commission has decided to finance a study on this topic, in cooperation with companies involved in deep-sea activities.
Per trovare il modo di provare attrezzi da pesca meno nocivi e adottare tecniche di pesca e strategie con un minor impatto sugli ecosistemi fragili, la Commissione ha deciso di finanziare uno studio sulla materia, in cooperazione con le imprese coinvolte in attività di alto mare.
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Deep-sea species are caught in deep waters in the Atlantic beyond the main fishing grounds on the continental shelves, in depths up to 4000 metres.
Le specie di acque profonde vengono catturate nelle acque profonde dell'Atlantico al di là dei principali fondali di pesca delle piattaforme continentali, a profondità che raggiungono i 4 000 metri.
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Their habitats and ecosystems are largely unknown, but we know that they are home to coral reefs as much as 8,500 years old and ancient species that are still little explored.
I loro habitat e gli ecosistemi sono in gran parte sconosciuti, ma sappiamo che ospitano barriere coralline vecchie di 8 500 anni e antiche specie ancora poco studiate.
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This is a fragile environment that, once damaged, is unlikely to recover.
Si tratta di un ambiente fragile, difficile da ricostituire una volta danneggiato.
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Highly vulnerable to fishing, deep-sea fish stocks are quick to collapse and slow to recover because they reproduce at low rates.
Essendo molto vulnerabili alla pesca, gli stock di acque profonde diminuiscono rapidamente, ma sono lenti nel recupero perché si riproducono in piccolo numero.
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Black scabbard fish and red sea bream are high value deep-sea species, while others as blue ling and grenadiers are of medium value to fishermen.
Il pesce sciabola nero e l'occhialone sono specie pregiate di acque profonde, mentre altre, come la molva azzurra e il granatiere, hanno un valore medio per i pescatori.
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Some deep-sea stocks are seriously depleated, including the orange roughy and deep-water sharks.
Alcuni stock di acque profonde sono seriamente depauperati, compresi il pesce specchio atlantico e gli squali di acque profonde.
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Other stocks can be fished (blue ling, roundnose grenadier) but this need to be done in an environmentally sound way (for instance avoiding unnecessary by-catches).
Altri stock possono essere pescati (molva azzurra, granatiere), ma in modo rispettoso dell'ambiente, ad esempio evitando inutili catture accessorie.
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Deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic are pursued in EU waters, including the outermost regions of Portugal and Spain, and in international waters governed by conservation measures adopted within the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC), in which the EU participates along with the other countries fishing in the area.
La pesca in acque profonde nell'Atlantico nord-orientale è praticata nelle acque UE, comprese le regioni ultraperiferiche del Portogallo e della Spagna, e nelle acque internazionali disciplinate da misure di conservazione adottate nell'ambito della Commissione per la pesca nell'Atlantico nord-orientale (NEAFC), cui l'UE partecipa insieme agli altri paesi che pescano nella stessa zona.
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Deep sea fisheries account for about 1% of fish landed from the North-East Atlantic, but some local fishing communities depend to a certain extent on deep-sea fisheries.
La pesca in acque profonde rappresenta circa l'1% del pesce sbarcato dall'Atlantico nord-orientale, ma alcune comunità locali di pescatori dipendono in una certa misura da questo tipo di pesca.
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The catches - and related jobs - have been declining for years, due to depleted stocks.
Le catture e i relativi posti di lavoro sono in calo da anni a causa del depauperamento degli stock.
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In the past, this fishery went on largely unregulated, and this clearly impacted negatively on the stocks concerned.
In passato, questo tipo di pesca non era generalmente regolamentato, e questo ha chiaramente inciso in modo negativo sugli stock interessati.
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In 2003, the EU started imposing limits on the amount of fish that can be taken, on the numbers of vessels authorised, and on the days they can spend at sea (i.e. fishing effort) to fish for those species.
Nel 2003, l'UE ha iniziato ad imporre limiti alla quantità di pesce che poteva essere catturata, al numero delle navi autorizzate e ai giorni che queste ultime potevano trascorrere in mare (sforzo di pesca) per pescare queste specie.
Fisheries: the Commission tables new measures for better protection for
deep-sea stocks and their habitats
The European Commission has proposed new measures to regulate fishing for
deep-sea species in the North-East Atlantic.
Deep sea ecosystems and the species that live in them are particularly
vulnerable to human activities.
The new regulation aims to ensure that deep-sea species are fished
sustainably, that unwanted by-catches decrease, that the impact on fragile
deep-sea habitats decreases and that there is more data on the biology of these
To this end the Commission proposes a reinforced licensing system and a
gradual phase-out of those fishing gears that specifically target deep sea
species in a less sustainable manner, namely bottom trawls and bottom-set
The Commission also envisages specific requirements for the collection of
data from deep sea fishing activities.
The necessary adjustments to implement these measures may benefit from
financial support under EU Funds.
Deep sea stocks can be taken as by-catch in many fisheries.
However, there are also fishing vessels that specifically target these
These are the vessels that are most dependent on these resources and they
will have a future only if their activity is managed to be sustainable.
This implies first the need to put in place a gradual switch to fishing
techniques that are more selective, with less impact on the deep sea habitats.
The Commission proposes that licenses for fishing deep sea species with
bottom trawls and bottom-set gillnets be gradually phased out because it causes
more harm to vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems than other fishing methods, and
involves high levels of unwanted by-catches (20 to 40 per cent in weight, or
Other commercial fisheries using bottom trawls will not be affected, because
the proposed measures only concern fisheries that target deep-sea fish.
Fishermen already cooperate with scientists to know more about largely
unknown deep-sea ecosystems.
To find ways to test less harmful fishing gear and switch to fishing
techniques and strategies that have less impact on those fragile ecosystems, the
Commission has decided to finance a study on this topic, in cooperation with
companies involved in deep-sea activities.
Deep-sea species are caught in deep waters in the Atlantic beyond the main
fishing grounds on the continental shelves, in depths up to 4000 metres.
Their habitats and ecosystems are largely unknown, but we know that they are
home to coral reefs as much as 8,500 years old and ancient species that are
still little explored.
This is a fragile environment that, once damaged, is unlikely to recover.
Highly vulnerable to fishing, deep-sea fish stocks are quick to collapse and
slow to recover because they reproduce at low rates.
Black scabbard fish and red sea bream are high value deep-sea species, while
others as blue ling and grenadiers are of medium value to fishermen.
Some deep-sea stocks are seriously depleated, including the orange roughy and
deep-water sharks.
Other stocks can be fished (blue ling, roundnose grenadier) but this need to
be done in an environmentally sound way (for instance avoiding unnecessary
Deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic are pursued in EU waters,
including the outermost regions of Portugal and Spain, and in international
waters governed by conservation measures adopted within the North East Atlantic
Fisheries Commission (NEAFC), in which the EU participates along with the other
countries fishing in the area.
Deep sea fisheries account for about 1% of fish landed from the North-East
Atlantic, but some local fishing communities depend to a certain extent on
deep-sea fisheries.
The catches - and related jobs - have been declining for years, due to
depleted stocks.
In the past, this fishery went on largely unregulated, and this clearly
impacted negatively on the stocks concerned.
In 2003, the EU started imposing limits on the amount of fish that can be
taken, on the numbers of vessels authorised, and on the days they can spend at
sea (i.e. fishing effort) to fish for those species.