Turismo: la Commissione accoglie favorevolmente rapporto OCSE che segnala la ripresa del settore
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Data documento: 19-07-2012
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Tourism: Commission welcomes OECD report indicating revival
Turismo: la Commissione accoglie favorevolmente rapporto OCSE che segnala la ripresa del settore
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International tourism arrivals have returned rapidly to steady growth, showing tourism’s resilience to the effects of the global economic and financial crisis, according to a new OECD report.
Secondo un recente rapporto dell'OCSE, gli arrivi turistici internazionali sono tornati rapidamente a crescere in maniera stabile, dimostrando la resistenza del comparto turistico agli effetti della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale.
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"OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2012" indicates that OECD countries were the destination of choice for 66% of global arrivals in 2010 with EU countries accounting for 50.2%.
Il rapporto in questione, intitolato "OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2012" ("Rapporto OCSE 2012 sulle tendenze e le politiche del turismo"), indica inoltre che i paesi dell'OCSE sono stati scelti come destinazione nel 2010 dal 66% dei viaggiatori a livello mondiale, con una percentuale del 50,2% rappresentata dai paesi dell'UE.
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In 2010, total international arrivals in all countries reached 940 million, 6.7% above the 2009 figure, with most growth taking place in Asia and the Pacific.
In totale, nel 2010 gli arrivi internazionali in tutti i paesi sono stati 940 milioni, il 6,7% in più rispetto al 2009. La crescita più marcata si è registrata in Asia e nel Pacifico.
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Overall, international arrivals increased by 4% to OECD countries and 2.7% to the EU.
Gli arrivi internazionali nei paesi OCSE sono aumentati complessivamente del 4%, quelli nell'UE del 2,7%.
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The report notes that tourism represents a significant share of the service economy of OECD and EU members, accounting for up to a third of service exports and up to 10% of GDP.
Il rapporto rileva che il turismo costituisce una quota significativa dell'economia dei servizi degli Stati membri dell'OCSE e dell'UE, rappresentando fino a un terzo delle esportazioni di servizi e fino al 10% del PIL.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship welcomed the OECD report and its recommendations. He said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha accolto favorevolmente il rapporto dell'OCSE e ha dichiarato:
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"The OECD's figures confirm that if Europe wants to remain the world's number one tourist destination we need to modernise and invest more in quality, new technology and skills.
"I dati dell'OCSE confermano che se l'Europa vuole restare la prima destinazione turistica mondiale deve modernizzare e investire maggiormente in qualità, nuove tecnologie e know-how.
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The tourism industry needs to cater to an aging clientele, changing lifestyles and consumer demands, explore new ways to attract more international visitors and convince more Europeans to spend their holidays in the EU.
L'industria del turismo è chiamata a rispondere adeguatamente a questioni come l'invecchiamento della clientela, il cambiamento degli stili di vita e le richieste dei consumatori, studiando modi nuovi di attrarre più turisti internazionali e convincendo un maggior numero di cittadini europei a trascorrere le proprie vacanze nel territorio dell'UE.
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With this in mind we launched the "50,000 tourists" pilot initiative to promote travel between South America and the European Union, and a communication campaign to promote the image of Europe in selected emerging long-haul markets."
In quest'ottica abbiamo lanciato l'iniziativa pilota "50.000 turisti" finalizzata a promuovere i flussi turistici tra il Sud America e l'Unione europea, nonché una campagna di comunicazione per migliorare l'immagine dell'Europa in determinati mercati emergenti a lungo raggio."
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Yves Leterme, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, said:
Yves Leterme, segretario generale aggiunto dell'OCSE, ha dichiarato:
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"Tourism is directly responsible for over 5% of employment in OECD member countries.
"Dal turismo dipende in modo diretto oltre il 5% dell'occupazione negli Stati membri dell'OCSE.
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But in many countries, tourism jobs remain vacant due to a lack of appropriately skilled workers.
Ma in molti paesi accade che dei posti di lavoro nel comparto turistico rimangano vacanti a causa della mancanza di personale specializzato.
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There is a need for governments to assume a greater leadership role in shaping the training and education agenda.
Occorre che i governi assumano un ruolo guida nella formulazione dei programmi di istruzione e formazione professionale.
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A national tourism strategy, including a workforce development strategy, is necessary to fully address labour and skills shortages."
È necessaria una strategia nazionale per il turismo, comprendente una strategia per lo sviluppo della forza lavoro, che affronti e risolva le carenze di manodopera e di competenze."
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Growing importance of emerging tourism destinations
Cresce l'importanza delle destinazioni turistiche emergenti
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The report underlines the growing importance of emerging tourism destinations:
Il rapporto sottolinea la crescente importanza delle destinazioni turistiche emergenti:
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- Many of the emerging tourism destination countries are enjoying significant growth in arrivals, and outperforming OECD, EU and global averages for GDP and employment.
- Molti paesi fra le destinazioni turistiche emergenti stanno facendo registrare una crescita significativa degli arrivi, superando le medie dell'OCSE, dell'UE e mondiali relativamente al PIL e all'occupazione.
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- While still accounting for a relatively small proportion of global international arrivals, the potential impact of tourism on these economies is clear.
- Nonostante si tratti ancora di una percentuale relativamente piccola degli arrivi internazionali a livello mondiale, le potenziali ripercussioni del turismo su queste economie sono evidenti.
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- People from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia and South Africa represent a significant potential as sources of growth for traditional tourism destinations.
- I cittadini di Paesi quali Argentina, Brasile, Egitto, India, Indonesia e Sudafrica rappresentano un potenziale notevole di crescita per le destinazioni turistiche tradizionali.
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Disposable income and spending on travel and dining are directly related, as is the demand for quality, specialisation and uniqueness.
Reddito disponibile e spese per viaggi e ristoranti sono direttamente correlati fra loro, come anche la richiesta di qualità, specializzazione e unicità.
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While globalisation allows for greater market reach, it also increases international competition.
Se da una parte la globalizzazione permette una maggiore penetrazione nel mercato, dall'altra essa aumenta la concorrenza internazionale.
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Three overall policy recommendations
Tre raccomandazioni di politica generale
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To maintain a leading position, to adapt to innovative demands from consumers and to allow the tourism sector to grow, the report endorses three overall policy recommendations addressed to national authorities:
Per mantenere una posizione di leadership, adeguarsi alle nuove richieste dei consumatori e consentire al comparto turistico di crescere, il rapporto avanza tre raccomandazioni di politica generale indirizzate alle autorità nazionali:
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- Governments should adopt an integrated whole-of-government approach to the development of tourism, better define the roles and responsibilities of tourism organisations, and encourage better industry co-ordination.
- I governi dovrebbero adottare un'impostazione integrata, estesa a tutta l'amministrazione, per lo sviluppo del turismo, definire meglio i ruoli e le responsabilità delle organizzazioni turistiche e favorire il coordinamento dell'industria del settore.
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Governance practice should reflect the changing business, thereby supporting stronger, greener and more inclusive tourism growth.
Le pratiche di gestione dovrebbero rispecchiare i mutamenti del contesto imprenditoriale, favorendo così una crescita del turismo più forte, più ecologica e più inclusiva.
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- The report highlights the need for effective evaluation of policies designed to support the industry, and to demonstrate the importance of tourism, particularly in times of resource constraint, when a strong and clear evidence base is needed by policy makers.
- Il rapporto evidenzia la necessità di un'efficace valutazione delle politiche intese a sostenere l'industria del settore e a dimostrare l'importanza del turismo, in particolare in periodi di scarsità di risorse, quando i responsabili politici necessitano di una forte e chiara base di conoscenze comprovate.
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- In many countries, tourism jobs remain vacant due to shortages of appropriately skilled workers, and there is a need for governments to assume a greater leadership role in shaping the training and education agenda.
- In molti paesi accade che dei posti di lavoro nel comparto turistico rimangano vacanti a causa della mancanza di personale specializzato. Occorre pertanto che i governi assumano un ruolo guida nella formulazione dei programmi di istruzione e formazione professionale.
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A national tourism strategy, including a workforce development strategy, is necessary to fully address labour and skills shortages.
È necessaria una strategia nazionale per il turismo, comprendente una strategia per lo sviluppo della forza lavoro, che affronti e risolva le carenze di manodopera e di competenze.
Tourism: Commission welcomes OECD report indicating revival
International tourism arrivals have returned rapidly to steady growth,
showing tourism’s resilience to the effects of the global economic and financial
crisis, according to a new OECD report.
"OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2012" indicates that OECD countries were
the destination of choice for 66% of global arrivals in 2010 with EU countries
accounting for 50.2%.
In 2010, total international arrivals in all countries reached 940 million,
6.7% above the 2009 figure, with most growth taking place in Asia and the
Overall, international arrivals increased by 4% to OECD countries and 2.7% to
the EU.
The report notes that tourism represents a significant share of the service
economy of OECD and EU members, accounting for up to a third of service exports
and up to 10% of GDP.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry
and entrepreneurship welcomed the OECD report and its recommendations. He said:
"The OECD's figures confirm that if Europe wants to remain the world's number
one tourist destination we need to modernise and invest more in quality, new
technology and skills.
The tourism industry needs to cater to an aging clientele, changing
lifestyles and consumer demands, explore new ways to attract more international
visitors and convince more Europeans to spend their holidays in the EU.
With this in mind we launched the "50,000 tourists" pilot initiative to
promote travel between South America and the European Union, and a communication
campaign to promote the image of Europe in selected emerging long-haul markets."
Yves Leterme, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, said:
"Tourism is directly responsible for over 5% of employment in OECD member
But in many countries, tourism jobs remain vacant due to a lack of
appropriately skilled workers.
There is a need for governments to assume a greater leadership role in
shaping the training and education agenda.
A national tourism strategy, including a workforce development strategy, is
necessary to fully address labour and skills shortages."
Growing importance of emerging tourism destinations
The report underlines the growing importance of emerging tourism
- Many of the emerging tourism destination countries are enjoying significant
growth in arrivals, and outperforming OECD, EU and global averages for GDP and
- While still accounting for a relatively small proportion of global
international arrivals, the potential impact of tourism on these economies is
- People from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia
and South Africa represent a significant potential as sources of growth for
traditional tourism destinations.
Disposable income and spending on travel and dining are directly related, as
is the demand for quality, specialisation and uniqueness.
While globalisation allows for greater market reach, it also increases
international competition.
Three overall policy recommendations
To maintain a leading position, to adapt to innovative demands from consumers
and to allow the tourism sector to grow, the report endorses three overall
policy recommendations addressed to national authorities:
- Governments should adopt an integrated whole-of-government approach to the
development of tourism, better define the roles and responsibilities of tourism
organisations, and encourage better industry co-ordination.
Governance practice should reflect the changing business, thereby supporting
stronger, greener and more inclusive tourism growth.
- The report highlights the need for effective evaluation of policies
designed to support the industry, and to demonstrate the importance of tourism,
particularly in times of resource constraint, when a strong and clear evidence
base is needed by policy makers.
- In many countries, tourism jobs remain vacant due to shortages of
appropriately skilled workers, and there is a need for governments to assume a
greater leadership role in shaping the training and education agenda.
A national tourism strategy, including a workforce development strategy, is
necessary to fully address labour and skills shortages.