Nel gruppo che ha scoperto il bosone di Higgs, la particella di Dio, c'erano ricercatori che avevano ricevuto il sostegno dell'UE
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Data documento: 07-07-2012
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EU-backed researchers in team behind Higgs boson 'God particle' discovery
Nel gruppo che ha scoperto il bosone di Higgs, la particella di Dio, c'erano ricercatori che avevano ricevuto il sostegno dell'UE
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30 scientists supported by the European Union's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for research training and mobility were involved in the discovery of the Higgs Boson or so-called 'God Particle', the European Commission confirmed today.
Trenta ricercatori che hanno ricevuto un sostegno delle Azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie dell'Unione europea per la formazione alla ricerca e la mobilità hanno partecipato alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs, la cosiddetta 'Particella di Dio', come ha confermato oggi la Commissione europea.
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The sub-atomic particle, which experts believe is the basis for all matter in the Universe, was identified at CERN, the European nuclear research facility in Geneva, Switzerland.
La particella subatomica, che secondo gli esperti è la base di tutta la materia presente nell'universo, è stata identificata al CERN, il Centro europeo per la ricerca nucleare sito a Ginevra, Svizzera.
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The discovery has been hailed as one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of science.
La scoperta è stata celebrata quale una tra le più grandi pietre miliari nella storia della scienza.
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The 30 scientists are part of two EU-backed initiatives, which have received €6.5 million in funding.
I trenta ricercatori hanno fruito dell'aiuto di due iniziative sostenute dall'UE che hanno ricevuto 6,5 milioni di euro di finanziamenti.
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"We are extremely proud that the team responsible for the find included 30 of our researchers.
"Siamo estremamente fieri del fatto che nel gruppo responsabile della scoperta vi fossero trenta dei nostri ricercatori.
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It must be every scientist's dream to be part of an achievement like this;
È il sogno di ogni scienziato essere all'origine di una simile scoperta;
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I hope it will encourage them to go even further in their quest to expand the frontiers of science - and that their work will inspire the girls and boys who will be our next generation of scientists," said Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner who is responsible for the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).
mi auguro che questo risultato li incoraggerà a procedere oltre nella loro ricerca per espandere le frontiere della scienza - e mi auguro anche che il loro lavoro ispiri le ragazze e i ragazzi che saranno la nostra prossima generazione di ricercatori" ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per le Azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA).
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The 30 scientists have been working on the 'ACEOLE' and 'TALENT' projects, which made important contributions to the breakthrough.
I trenta ricercatori hanno lavorato sui progetti 'ACEOLE' e 'TALENT' che hanno recato un importante contributo alla scoperta.
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ACEOLE helped to develop the data readout systems used at the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator tunnel at CERN, where the particle was identified.
ACEOLE ha contribuito a sviluppare i sistemi di lettura dati usati nell'acceleratore di particelle Large Hadron Collider presso il CERN, in cui la particella è stata identificata.
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TALENT, which provided operational support for the experiment, is developing measurement tools for a better understanding of the precise nature of the new particle.
TALENT, che ha fornito un sostegno operativo all'esperimento, sviluppa strumenti di misurazione per una migliore conoscenza della natura specifica della nuova particella.
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Researchers use the 27-kilometre Large Hadron Collider to smash components called protons into each other at close to the speed of light.
I ricercatori usano il grande anello di collisione per adroni (Large Hadron Collider) lungo 27 chilometri per far collidere delle componenti determinate, i protoni, ad una velocità prossima a quella della luce.
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They then scour minute pieces of the debris for traces of particles that exist for just a fraction of a second before disintegrating.
Essi quindi esaminano i frammenti prodotti dagli impatti alla ricerca di particelle che esistono soltanto per una frazione di secondo prima di disintegrarsi.
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These elusive particles have been the subject of a 45-year search started by Professor Peter Higgs, a renowned UK physicist, to explain how 'matter' - from the stars and planets to every human being and creature in the world - is held together or attains 'mass'.
Queste particelle elusive sono l'oggetto di una ricerca lunga 45 anni avviata dal Professor Peter Higgs, un fisico britannico di chiara fama, per spiegare come "la materia" - dalle stelle e dai pianeti sino a ogni essere umano e ogni creatura al mondo - è tenuta unita ovvero raggiunge una 'massa'.
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The 30 EU-funded scientists involved in the discovery have been supported by two specific EU grant schemes within the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions:
I trenta ricercatori partecipanti alla scoperta che hanno ricevuto un finanziamento UE l'hanno ottenuto nell'ambito di due specifici sistemi di borse nel contesto delle Azioni Marie
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the 'Initial Training Networks', which support leading public and private research organisations in providing top-quality research and skills training for researchers at the earliest stages of their career and 'COFUND', which supports regional, national and international fellowship programmes.
le Reti per la formazione iniziale (Initial Training Networks), che aiutano organizzazioni di ricerca di punta pubbliche e private a fornire ricerche di alta qualità e ad assicurare la formazione di ricercatori nelle prime fasi della loro carriera, nonché 'COFUND', che sostiene programmi di borse a livello regionale, nazionale e internazionale.
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The EU is allocating more than €4.5 billion under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions between 2007 and 2013.
L'UE stanzia più di 4,5 miliardi di euro nell'ambito delle azioni
Marie Skłodowska-Curie nel periodo 2007-2013.
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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA, formerly known as the Marie Curie Actions) have supported 60 000 researchers of nearly 130 different nationalities since the programme's creation in 1996.
Le azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA, precedentemente note quali Azioni Marie Curie) hanno recato sostegno a 60 000 ricercatori di quasi 130 paesi diversi a decorrere dalla creazione del programma nel 1996.
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More than half of the research supported through the programme is dedicated to societal challenges such as the fight against cancer, climate change and energy scarcity.
Più della metà delle ricerche sostenute tramite il programma è consacrata a sfide sociali come la lotta contro il cancro, il cambiamento climatico e la scarsità di energia.
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38% of the funded researchers are women and SMEs account for more than half of all businesses participating in the projects.
Il 38% dei ricercatori finanziati è costituito di donne e le PMI sono più della metà delle imprese partecipanti ai progetti.
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The scheme invests in the training and career development of researchers at every stage from post-graduate level, offering high-quality doctoral training to promote internationally competitive research careers in Europe.
Il programma investe nella formazione e nello sviluppo delle carriere dei ricercatori in una fase precoce fin dal livello post-laurea offrendo una formazione di dottorato d'alta qualità per promuovere in Europa carriere di ricerca competitive sul piano internazionale.
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The MSCA encourage the mobility of researchers across sectors, disciplines and countries and in this way also contribute to the goals of the EU's 'Youth on the Move' initiative and Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and growth.
MSCA incoraggia la mobilità dei ricercatori attraverso i diversi settori, le diverse discipline e i diversi paesi, e in tal modo contribuisce anche agli obiettivi dell'iniziativa 'Gioventù in movimento' dell'UE e della strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita e l'occupazione.
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Under the European Commission's proposal for "Horizon 2020", the new EU research programme for 2014-2020, the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions will receive € 5.75 billion in funding to train 50,000 new researchers.
Nell'ambito della proposta della Commissione europea in merito a "Horizon 2020" il nuovo programma di ricerca dell'UE per il 2014-2020, le Azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie riceveranno 5,75 miliardi di euro di finanziamenti per formare 50 000 nuovi ricercatori.
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The scheme is managed by the Research Executive Agency (REA), an EU funding body attached to the European Commission since 2009. |
Il programma è gestito dall'Agenzia esecutiva per la ricerca (REA), un organismo di finanziamento dell'UE che dal 2009 fa capo alla Commissione europea. |
EU-backed researchers in team behind Higgs boson 'God particle' discovery
30 scientists supported by the European Union's Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Actions for research training and mobility were involved in the discovery of the
Higgs Boson or so-called 'God Particle', the European Commission confirmed
The sub-atomic particle, which experts believe is the basis for all matter in
the Universe, was identified at CERN, the European nuclear research facility in
Geneva, Switzerland.
The discovery has been hailed as one of the most important breakthroughs in
the history of science.
The 30 scientists are part of two EU-backed initiatives, which have received
€6.5 million in funding.
"We are extremely proud that the team responsible for the find included 30 of
our researchers.
It must be every scientist's dream to be part of an achievement like this;
I hope it will encourage them to go even further in their quest to expand the
frontiers of science - and that their work will inspire the girls and boys who
will be our next generation of scientists," said Androulla Vassiliou, the
European Commissioner who is responsible for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
The 30 scientists have been working on the 'ACEOLE' and 'TALENT' projects,
which made important contributions to the breakthrough.
ACEOLE helped to develop the data readout systems used at the Large Hadron
Collider particle accelerator tunnel at CERN, where the particle was identified.
TALENT, which provided operational support for the experiment, is developing
measurement tools for a better understanding of the precise nature of the new
Researchers use the 27-kilometre Large Hadron Collider to smash components
called protons into each other at close to the speed of light.
They then scour minute pieces of the debris for traces of particles that
exist for just a fraction of a second before disintegrating.
These elusive particles have been the subject of a 45-year search started by
Professor Peter Higgs, a renowned UK physicist, to explain how 'matter' - from
the stars and planets to every human being and creature in the world - is held
together or attains 'mass'.
The 30 EU-funded scientists involved in the discovery have been supported by
two specific EU grant schemes within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions:
the 'Initial Training Networks', which support leading public and private
research organisations in providing top-quality research and skills training for
researchers at the earliest stages of their career and 'COFUND', which supports
regional, national and international fellowship programmes.
The EU is allocating more than €4.5 billion under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Actions between 2007 and 2013.
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA, formerly known as the Marie Curie
Actions) have supported 60 000 researchers of nearly 130 different nationalities
since the programme's creation in 1996.
More than half of the research supported through the programme is dedicated
to societal challenges such as the fight against cancer, climate change and
energy scarcity.
38% of the funded researchers are women and SMEs account for more than half
of all businesses participating in the projects.
The scheme invests in the training and career development of researchers at
every stage from post-graduate level, offering high-quality doctoral training to
promote internationally competitive research careers in Europe.
The MSCA encourage the mobility of researchers across sectors, disciplines
and countries and in this way also contribute to the goals of the EU's 'Youth on
the Move' initiative and Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and growth.
Under the European Commission's proposal for "Horizon 2020", the new EU
research programme for 2014-2020, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will
receive € 5.75 billion in funding to train 50,000 new researchers.
The scheme is managed by the Research Executive Agency (REA), an EU funding
body attached to the European Commission since 2009.