SuperAlp! 6: la traversata sostenibile delle Alpi
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Data documento:06-07-2012
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SuperAlp! 6:The sustainable crossing of the Alps
SuperAlp! 6: la traversata sostenibile delle Alpi
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A journey of 1500 km through the Alps to highlight the sites of EU funded LIFE projects and the unique characteristics of the mountainous heart of Europe - starting from Slovenia and travelling through Austria, Italy and France to end in the city of Grenoble.
Un viaggio di 1 500 chilometri attraverso le Alpi per far conoscere i siti dei progetti LIFE, finanziati dall’Unione europea, e le caratteristiche peculiari del cuore montuoso dell'Europa, partendo dalla Slovenia e attraversando l'Austria, l'Italia e la Francia per terminare nella città di Grenoble.
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This is the sixth edition of SuperAlp!: a sustainable crossing of the Alps organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention.
È la sesta edizione di SuperAlp!, una traversata sostenibile delle Alpi organizzata dal Segretariato permanente della Convenzione alpina.
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From 4th to 11th July, a group of journalists from major newspapers and international media from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Nepal, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland and the UK will travel through the Alps from east to west, using various means of transport as alternatives to private cars: train, bus, bicycle, and of course on foot.
Dal 4 all'11 luglio un gruppo di giornalisti di importanti testate e media internazionali provenienti da Canada, Francia, Germania, Italia, Nepal, Romania, Slovenia, Svizzera e Regno Unito viaggerà sulle Alpi attraversandole da est a ovest con vari mezzi di trasporto alternativi all'auto privata: in treno, in autobus, in bicicletta e naturalmente a piedi.
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Among the objectives of SuperAlp! is the desire to communicate the possibility of getting about in the Alps using public transport.
SuperAlp! si prefigge tra l'altro l'obiettivo di comunicare la possibilità di spostarsi sulle Alpi utilizzando i mezzi di trasporto pubblici.
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The core of the 2012 edition will be visits to eight LIFE projects - one in Slovenia, two in Austria, three in Italy and two in France - focused on different subjects, from the reintroduction of bears to the preservation of water ecosystems.
Il nucleo centrale dell'edizione 2012 è costituito dalle visite a otto progetti LIFE (uno in Slovenia, due in Austria, tre in Italia e due in Francia) incentrati su diversi aspetti, dalla reintroduzione degli orsi alla conservazione degli ecosistemi acquatici.
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This special edition takes place in collaboration with DG Environment of the European Commission to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Habitats Directive and the ‘LIFE’ Programme, adopted to safeguard the most threatened species and habitats in Europe.
Si tratta di un'edizione speciale che si svolge in collaborazione con la DG Ambiente della Commissione europea per celebrare il ventesimo anniversario della direttiva Habitat e del programma LIFE, adottati per salvaguardare le specie e gli habitat più minacciati d'Europa.
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Under the Habitats Directive, the world's largest coherent network of protected areas " Natura 2000 " was established, consisting of more than 26.000 sites in all 27 Member States and covering nearly 18 % of the EU territory.
Grazie alla direttiva Habitat è stata istituita Natura 2000, la rete coerente di aree protette più grande del mondo, costituita da oltre 26 000 siti che si estendono, nei 27 Stati membri, su quasi il 18% del territorio complessivo dell'Unione:
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This unique network was developed with financial support provided by the LIFE initiative.
una rete unica nel suo genere, sviluppata con il sostegno finanziario dell'iniziativa LIFE.
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The challenges of globalization bear heavily on the Alpine arc, and meeting them effectively requires coordinated action by the national territories it covers.
Le sfide della globalizzazione gravano pesantemente sull'arco alpino e per affrontarle in modo efficace è necessario un intervento coordinato dei territori nazionali che lo compongono.
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The purpose of the Alpine Convention, an international treaty signed in 1991 between the eight Alpine states and the European Community, is to promote active cooperation to ensure sustainable development of the Alps and to protect the interests of the Alpine populations.
Lo scopo della Convenzione alpina, un trattato internazionale firmato nel 1991 tra gli otto Stati alpini e la Comunità europea, è quello di promuovere la cooperazione attiva per garantire lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio alpino e per tutelare gli interessi delle popolazioni alpine.
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The EU Birds and Habitats Directives and the LIFE instrument provide essential support for Nature conservation in the Alps and are a key tool to ensure that sustainable socio-economic development goes hand in hand with the need to protect and restore the valuable alpine biodiversity.
Le direttive Uccelli e Habitat e il programma LIFE forniscono un sostegno essenziale per la conservazione della natura nelle Alpi e sono uno strumento fondamentale per garantire che uno sviluppo socioeconomico sostenibile vada di pari passo con l'esigenza di proteggere e ripristinare la preziosa biodiversità alpina.
SuperAlp! 6:The sustainable crossing of the Alps
A journey of 1500 km through the Alps to highlight the sites of EU funded
LIFE projects and the unique characteristics of the mountainous heart of Europe
- starting from Slovenia and travelling through Austria, Italy and France to end
in the city of Grenoble.
This is the sixth edition of SuperAlp!: a sustainable crossing of the Alps
organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention.
From 4th to 11th July, a group of journalists from major newspapers and
international media from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Nepal, Romania,
Slovenia, Switzerland and the UK will travel through the Alps from east to west,
using various means of transport as alternatives to private cars: train, bus,
bicycle, and of course on foot.
Among the objectives of SuperAlp! is the desire to communicate the
possibility of getting about in the Alps using public transport.
The core of the 2012 edition will be visits to eight LIFE projects - one in
Slovenia, two in Austria, three in Italy and two in France - focused on
different subjects, from the reintroduction of bears to the preservation of
water ecosystems.
This special edition takes place in collaboration with DG Environment of the
European Commission to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Habitats Directive
and the ‘LIFE’ Programme, adopted to safeguard the most threatened species and
habitats in Europe.
Under the Habitats Directive, the world's largest coherent network of
protected areas " Natura 2000 " was established, consisting of more than 26.000
sites in all 27 Member States and covering nearly 18 % of the EU territory.
This unique network was developed with financial support provided by the LIFE
The challenges of globalization bear heavily on the Alpine arc, and meeting
them effectively requires coordinated action by the national territories it
The purpose of the Alpine Convention, an international treaty signed in 1991
between the eight Alpine states and the European Community, is to promote active
cooperation to ensure sustainable development of the Alps and to protect the
interests of the Alpine populations.
The EU Birds and Habitats Directives and the LIFE instrument provide
essential support for Nature conservation in the Alps and are a key tool to
ensure that sustainable socio-economic development goes hand in hand with the
need to protect and restore the valuable alpine biodiversity.