Lettera d'invito del presidente Van Rompuy al Consiglio europeo
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Data documento: 27-06-2012
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Invitation letter by President Van Rompuy to the European Council
Lettera d'invito del presidente Van Rompuy al Consiglio europeo
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It is my pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the European Council on 28 and 29 June 2012 in Brussels.
Mi pregio d'invitarLa alla riunione del Consiglio europeo che si terrà a Bruxelles il 28 e 29 giugno 2012.
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The challenge for this European Council is, more than ever before, to signal, in a clear and concrete manner, that we are doing everything required in response to the crisis.
La sfida cui è confrontato questo Consiglio europeo è, oggi più che mai, dare un segnale chiaro e concreto che stiamo facendo tutto quanto necessario per rispondere alla crisi.
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This means endorsing the country-specific recommendations to guide our policies and budgets, adopting the "Compact for growth and jobs", launching the final phase of work towards a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) mobilised in support of growth and jobs, and, last but not least, setting our Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on a new path.
Ciò significa approvare le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese al fine di dare un indirizzo alle nostre politiche e ai nostri bilanci, adottare il "patto per la crescita e l'occupazione", varare la fase finale dei lavori per un nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale (QFP) mobilitato a sostegno della crescita e dell'occupazione e infine, ma non meno importante, dare un nuovo corso alla nostra unione economica e monetaria (UEM).
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We will begin our meeting focusing on the MFF.
Inizieremo la riunione concentrandoci sul QFP.
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Given the role of the European Parliament in this negotiation, I have invited its President for a one-hour meeting with the members of the European Council, from 15.00 till 16.00, so that he has ample opportunity to present the views of his institution on this topic.
Tenuto conto del ruolo svolto dal Parlamento europeo in questi negoziati, ho invitato il presidente a partecipare ad una riunione di un'ora, dalle 15.00 alle 16.00, con i membri del Consiglio europeo, affinché possa ampiamente esporre il punto di vista della sua istituzione su questo argomento.
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Following the family photo, we will continue our discussion on the MFF.
Dopo la foto di gruppo, proseguiremo il dibattito sul QFP.
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After the intensive work conducted by the Polish and Danish Presidencies, Member States' positions are well-known.
In seguito agli intensi lavori svolti dalle presidenze polacca e danese, le posizioni degli Stati membri sono ormai note.
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This is why I propose that we focus in particular on two issues:
Per questo motivo propongo di concentrarci in particolare su due questioni:
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how can the different policies in the new MFF best contribute to the creation of growth and jobs and enhance the quality of EU spending, and how should we prioritise spending among the different policy areas and better align it with the Europe 2020 strategy.
in che modo le diverse politiche contenute nel nuovo QFP possono contribuire meglio alla crescita e all'occupazione e migliorare la qualità della spesa dell'UE e in che modo occorre fissare le priorità di spesa tra i vari settori d'intervento e allinearle maggiormente alla strategia Europa 2020.
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This is also why I shall ask you to strictly limit your interventions to no more than two to three minutes.
Anche per questo motivo vi chiedo di limitare strettamente i vostri interventi a non più di due o tre minuti.
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After the discussion on the MFF, and by 18.00 at the latest, I will ask the European Council to examine the proposed "Compact for growth and jobs".
Dopo aver discusso sul QFP ed entro le ore 18.00, al più tardi, inviterò il Consiglio europeo ad esaminare il "patto per la crescita e l'occupazione" proposto.
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Given the very good work undertaken in preparation of this European Council, I propose that we structure our discussion on the basis of the conclusions and the text of the Compact and adopt it already on Thursday, leaving however aside the elements directly related to the EMU.
Tenuto conto dell'ottimo lavoro svolto in preparazione di questo Consiglio europeo, propongo di strutturare il dibattito sulla base delle conclusioni e del testo del patto e di adottarlo già giovedì, tralasciando tuttavia gli elementi direttamente legati all'UEM.
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After our discussions on growth, we shall break for short press conferences. Following which, we resume for dinner, where the President of the ECB will join us.
Dopo aver discusso il tema della crescita interromperemo i lavori per brevi conferenze stampa e, al termine, torneremo a riunirci per il pranzo dove ci raggiungerà il presidente della BCE.
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I shall present the report that was requested of me, in close cooperation with the Presidents of the Commission, Eurogroup and ECB, on the future of the EMU.
Presenterò la relazione che mi era stato chiesto di redigere sul futuro dell'Unione economica monetaria in stretta collaborazione con i presidenti della Commissione, dell'Eurogruppo e della BCE.
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This report is not a final blueprint to be adopted by the European Council but I do expect to reach a common understanding amongst us on the way forward for the EMU.
Non si tratta di un piano definitivo da sottoporre all'adozione del Consiglio europeo, mi attendo non di meno di raggiungere un'intesa comune, tra noi, sulla via da seguire per l'UEM.
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On Friday morning, I will give a brief overview of my ideas for future European Council meetings and the themes I should like to address up to the end of my mandate.
Venerdì mattina illustrerò brevemente le mie idee sulle future riunioni del Consiglio europeo e i temi che desidero affrontare entro la fine del mio mandato.
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Next, we will approve our conclusions, including the external relations aspects.
Approveremo quindi le conclusioni, ivi compresi gli aspetti inerenti alle relazioni esterne.
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The European Council will be followed by a Euro Area summit luncheon around noon, also attended by the President of the ECB, where we will continue the discussion on the EMU report and will look at current developments in the euro area.
Alla riunione del Consiglio europeo seguirà, attorno a mezzogiorno, la colazione del vertice della zona euro, cui parteciperà anche il presidente della BCE e nella quale proseguiremo le discussioni concernenti la relazione sull'UEM e prenderemo in esame gli attuali sviluppi della zona euro.
Invitation letter by President Van Rompuy to the European Council
It is my pleasure to invite you to the meeting of the European Council on 28
and 29 June 2012 in Brussels.
The challenge for this European Council is, more than ever before, to signal,
in a clear and concrete manner, that we are doing everything required in
response to the crisis.
This means endorsing the country-specific recommendations to guide our
policies and budgets, adopting the "Compact for growth and jobs", launching the
final phase of work towards a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)
mobilised in support of growth and jobs, and, last but not least, setting our
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on a new path.
We will begin our meeting focusing on the MFF.
Given the role of the European Parliament in this negotiation, I have invited
its President for a one-hour meeting with the members of the European Council,
from 15.00 till 16.00, so that he has ample opportunity to present the views of
his institution on this topic.
Following the family photo, we will continue our discussion on the MFF.
After the intensive work conducted by the Polish and Danish Presidencies,
Member States' positions are well-known.
This is why I propose that we focus in particular on two issues:
how can the different policies in the new MFF best contribute to the creation
of growth and jobs and enhance the quality of EU spending, and how should we
prioritise spending among the different policy areas and better align it with
the Europe 2020 strategy.
This is also why I shall ask you to strictly limit your interventions to no
more than two to three minutes.
After the discussion on the MFF, and by 18.00 at the latest, I will ask the
European Council to examine the proposed "Compact for growth and jobs".
Given the very good work undertaken in preparation of this European Council,
I propose that we structure our discussion on the basis of the conclusions and
the text of the Compact and adopt it already on Thursday, leaving however aside
the elements directly related to the EMU.
After our discussions on growth, we shall break for short press conferences.
Following which, we resume for dinner, where the President of the ECB will join
I shall present the report that was requested of me, in close cooperation
with the Presidents of the Commission, Eurogroup and ECB, on the future of the
This report is not a final blueprint to be adopted by the European Council
but I do expect to reach a common understanding amongst us on the way forward
for the EMU.
On Friday morning, I will give a brief overview of my ideas for future
European Council meetings and the themes I should like to address up to the end
of my mandate.
Next, we will approve our conclusions, including the external relations
The European Council will be followed by a Euro Area summit luncheon around
noon, also attended by the President of the ECB, where we will continue the
discussion on the EMU report and will look at current developments in the euro