Eurobarometro: il 98% degli intervistati afferma che l'apprendimento delle lingue è positivo per i propri figli, ma dai test emergono carenze di competenze
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Data documento: 21-06-2012
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Eurobarometer: 98% say language learning is good for their children, but tests highlight skills gap
Eurobarometro: il 98% degli intervistati afferma che l'apprendimento delle lingue è positivo per i propri figli, ma dai test emergono carenze di competenze
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Almost nine out of ten EU citizens believe that the ability to speak foreign languages is very useful and 98% say that mastering languages will be good for the future of their children, according to a new Eurobarometer opinion poll on EU citizens' attitudes towards multilingualism and foreign language learning.
Quasi nove cittadini dell'UE su dieci ritengono che la capacità di parlare lingue straniere sia estremamente utile e il 98% afferma che la padronanza delle lingue sarà positiva per il futuro dei loro figli, come risulta da una nuova indagine Eurobarometro sugli atteggiamenti dei cittadini dell'UE nei confronti del multilinguismo e dell'apprendimento delle lingue straniere.
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However, a separate European Commission study, the first European Survey on Language Competences, highlights that there is a gap between aspirations and reality when it comes to foreign language skills in practice:
Uno studio separato della Commissione europea, la prima Indagine europea sulle competenze linguistiche (European Survey on Language Competences) evidenzia tuttavia che vi è un divario tra le aspirazioni e la realtà allorché si esaminano le competenze in lingua straniera nella pratica:
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tests carried out among teenage pupils in 14 European countries show that only 42% are competent in their first foreign language and just 25% in their second.
da test eseguiti tra studenti e adolescenti in 14 paesi europei emerge che soltanto il 42% è competente nella propria prima lingua straniera e soltanto il 25% nella seconda.
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A significant number, 14% in the case of the first foreign language and 20% in the second, do not achieve even the level of 'basic user'.
Un numero significativo, il 14% nel caso della prima lingua straniera e il 20% nel caso della seconda, non raggiunge nemmeno il livello di base.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"This Eurobarometer shows that multilingualism and language learning matter a great deal to people and that is something we should rejoice in.
"Questa indagine Eurobarometro indica che il multilinguismo e l'apprendimento delle lingue contano molto per i cittadini e di questo non possiamo che rallegrarci.
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But we must also do more to improve the teaching and learning of languages.
Dobbiamo però fare di più per migliorare l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue.
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Being able to communicate in a foreign language broadens your horizons and opens doors;
Essere in grado di comunicare in una lingua straniera allarga gli orizzonti e apre porte;
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it makes you more employable and, in the case of businesses, it can open up more opportunities in the Single Market."
accresce l'occupabilità e, nel caso delle aziende, schiude un maggior numero di opportunità nel mercato unico."
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Ten years on from the 2002 Barcelona declaration by Heads of State and Government, who called for at least two foreign languages to be taught from a very early age, Europeans are widely aware of the benefits of multilingualism.
Dieci anni dopo la Dichiarazione di Barcellona del 2002 adottata dai capi di Stato e di Governo che hanno sollecitato l'insegnamento di almeno due lingue straniere in un'età precoce, i cittadini europei sono diffusamente consapevoli dei vantaggi del multilinguismo.
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Almost three quarters (72%) agree with this objective and 77% believe it should be a political priority.
Quasi tre quarti de cittadini (72%) è d'accordo con questo obiettivo e il 77% ritiene che dovrebbe costituire una priorità politica.
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More than half of Europeans (53%) use languages at work and 45% think they got a better job in their own country thanks to their foreign language skills.
Più della metà dei cittadini europei(53%) usa le lingue sul lavoro e il 45% ritiene di avere ottenuto un lavoro migliore nel proprio paese grazie alle competenze in lingue straniere.
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Nevertheless, the number of Europeans who say they can communicate in a foreign language has fallen slightly, from 56% to 54% .
Tuttavia, il numero di cittadini europei che affermano di essere in grado di comunicare in una lingua stranierà è leggermente calato passando dal 56% al 54%.
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This is in part due to the fact that Russian and German are no longer compulsory in school curricula in Central and Eastern countries.
Ciò è dovuto in parte al fatto che il russo e il tedesco non sono più obbligatori nei curricoli scolastici dei paesi dell'Europa centrale e orientale.
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The proportion of pupils who are competent in their first foreign language ranges from 82% in Malta and Sweden (where English is the first foreign language) to only 14% in France (learning English) and 9% in England (learning French).
La proporzione di allievi che sono competenti nella loro prima lingua va dall'82% a Malta e in Svezia (dove l'inglese è la prima lingua straniera) a solo il 14% in Francia (apprendimento dell'inglese) e al 9% in Inghilterra (apprendimento del francese).
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One of the most striking changes since 2005 is that the internet has encouraged people to broaden their 'passive' reading and listening skills in foreign languages.
Uno dei cambiamenti più rimarchevoli a partire dal 2005 è che internet ha incoraggiato le persone a ampliare le loro competenze "passive" di lettura e di ascolto di lingue straniere.
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The number of Europeans who regularly use foreign languages on the internet, through social media for example, has increased by 10 percentage points, from 26% to 36%.
Il numero di cittadini europei che usa regolarmente le lingue straniere su internet, ad esempio attraverso le reti sociali, è aumentato di 10 punti percentuali passando da 26% a 36%.
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Next steps
I prossimi passi
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The European Commission wants to step up support for language learning through the new 'Erasmus for All' programme (IP/11/1398).
La Commissione europea intende accrescere il sostegno all'apprendimento delle lingue attraverso il nuovo programma "Erasmus per tutti" (IP/11/1398).
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Language learning is one of its six specific objectives and the Commission plans to boost funding for language courses for people wishing to study, train or volunteer abroad.
L'apprendimento delle lingue è uno dei suoi sei obiettivi specifici e la Commissione intende intensificare i finanziamenti per i corsi di lingua destinati alle persone che desiderano studiare, ricevere una formazione o far opera di volontariato all'estero.
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The Commission will propose a European benchmark on language competences by the end of 2012 which will measure Member States' progress in improving language teaching and learning.
La Commissione proporrà entro la fine del 2012 un quadro di riferimento europeo delle competenze linguistiche che servirà a misurare i progressi compiuti dagli Stati membri nell'insegnamento e apprendimento delle lingue.
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The results of the Eurobarometer on 'Europeans and their Languages' and the European Survey on Language Competences will be discussed at an international conference in Limassol (Cyprus) which will coincide with the next European Day of Languages (26 September).
I risultati dell'indagine Eurobarometro "Gli europei e le loro lingue" e l'Indagine europea sulle competenze linguistiche verranno discussi in occasione della Conferenza internazionale di Limassol (Cipro) che coinciderà con la prossima Giornata europea delle lingue (26 settembre).
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The Barcelona Council of 2002 called for actions "to improve the mastery of basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a very early age" and for "the establishment of a linguistic competence indicator".
Il Consiglio di Barcellona del 2002 ha sollecitato interventi "per migliorare la padronanza delle competenze di base, segnatamente mediante l'insegnamento di almeno due lingue sin dall'infanzia" e per la "fissazione di un indicatore di competenza linguistica".
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The Special Eurobarometer (386) survey on Europeans and their Languages was carried out in spring 2012.
L'Eurobarometro speciale (386) sugli europei e le loro lingue è stato realizzato nella primavera del 2012.
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Almost 27,000 people were interviewed face-to-face in their mother tongue.
Quasi 27 000 persone sono state intervistate de visu nella loro madrelingua.
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All 27 Member States were covered and those taking part represented different social and demographic groups.
Tutti i 27 Stati membri sono stati coperti dall'indagine e i rispondenti provenivano da gruppi sociali e demografici diversi.
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The most widely spoken mother tongue is German (16%), followed by Italian and English (13% each), French (12%), then Spanish and Polish (8% each).
La madrelingua più parlata è il tedesco (16%), seguita dall'italiano e dall'inglese (13% ciascuna), dal francese (12%) e quindi dallo spagnolo e dal polacco (8% ciascuna).
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Countries showing the most notable increases in the proportion of respondents saying that they are able to speak at least one foreign language well enough to hold a conversation, compared to data from the 2005 Eurobarometer survey, are Austria (+16 percentage points to 78%), Finland (+6 points to 75%), and Ireland (+6 points to 40%).
I paesi che registrano l'aumento più rimarchevole nella proporzione di rispondenti che affermano di essere in grado di parlare almeno una lingua straniera sufficientemente bene da sostenere una conversazione, rispetto ai dati dell'indagine Eurobarometro 2005, sono l'Austria (+16 punti percentuali, 78%), la Finlandia (+6 punti percentuali, 75%), e l'Irlanda (+6 punti percentuali, 40%).
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In contrast the proportion able to speak at least one foreign language has decreased notably in Slovakia (-17 percentage points to 80%), the Czech Republic (-12 points to 49%), Bulgaria (-11 points to 48%), Poland (-7 points to 50%), and Hungary (-7 points to 35%).
Di converso, la proporzione di persone capaci di parlare almeno
una lingua straniera è diminuita notevolmente in Slovacchia (-17 punti
percentuali, 80%) nella Repubblica ceca (-12 punti percentuali, 49%), in Bulgaria (-11 punti percentuali, 48%), in Polonia (-7 punti percentuali, 50%), e in Ungheria (-7 punti percentuali, 35%).
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In these countries there has been a downward shift since 2005 in the proportions able to speak foreign languages such as Russian and German.
In questi paesi si è registrato un calo rispetto al 2005 nelle proporzioni di persone capaci di parlare lingue straniere quali il russo e il tedesco.
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The five most widely spoken foreign languages remain English (38%), French (12%), German (11%), Spanish (7%) and Russian (5%).
Le cinque lingue straniere più parlate rimangono l'inglese (38%), il francese (12%), il tedesco (11%), lo spagnolo (7%) e il russo (5%).
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At a national level English is the most widely spoken foreign language in 19 of the 25 Member States where it is not an official language (i.e. excluding the UK and Ireland).
A livello nazionale l'inglese è la lingua straniera più parlata in 19 dei 25 Stati in cui non è lingua ufficiale (escludendo quindi il Regno Unito e l'Irlanda).
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For the first time, attitudes to the role of translation in health and safety, education, job seeking, information and leisure activities such as films and reading were also explored.
Per la prima volta si è esplorato il ruolo della traduzione in ambiti quali la salute e la sicurezza, l'istruzione, la ricerca di lavoro, l'informazione e le attività del tempo libero come ad esempio i film e la lettura.
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Previous Eurobarometer surveys on languages were carried out for the Commission in 2001 and 2005.
Le precedenti indagini Eurobarometro sulle lingue sono state
condotte dalla Commissione nel 2001 e nel 2005.
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The European Survey on Language Competences was carried out in spring 2011 and the findings are published today following a detailed analysis.
L'Indagine europea sulle competenze linguistiche è stata condotta nella primavera del 2011 e le risultanze sono pubblicate oggi in seguito a un'analisi dettagliata.
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It tested almost 54 000 pupils across 14 countries and 16 educational systems (the three language communities of Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Estonia, France, Greece, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden).
L'Indagine ha testato quasi 54 000 allievi di 14 paesi e di 16 sistemi educativi (le tre comunità linguistiche del Belgio, la Bulgaria, la Croazia, l'Inghilterra, l'Estonia, la Francia, la Grecia, Malta, i Paesi Bassi, la Polonia, il Portogallo, la Slovenia, la Spagna e la Svezia).
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The assessment provides comparable data on the level of foreign language competences of pupils aged 14-15.
La valutazione fornisce dati comparabili sul livello di competenze in lingue straniere degli allievi di 14-15 anni.
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In each country the tests measured reading, listening and writing abilities in two out of the five most widely taught official languages of the EU:
In ciascun paese i test hanno misurato le abilità di lettura, ascolto e scrittura in due delle cinque lingue ufficiali dell'UE maggiormente insegnate:
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English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano e spagnolo.
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In addition, on the basis of questionnaires filled in by the pupils, as well as nearly 5000 language teachers and 2,250 school principals, the assessment identifies that language learning abilities are closely related to a sense of motivation which is in turn linked to the situation in families, education and society at large.
Inoltre, sulla base di questionari compilati dagli allievi,
nonché da quasi 5000 insegnanti di lingue e 2 250 direttori di scuole, la valutazione conclude che le capacità di apprendimento delle lingue sono strettamente correlate alla motivazione, che è a sua volta funzionale alla situazione familiare, al livello d'istruzione e alla condizione sociale in generale.
Eurobarometer: 98% say language learning is good for their children, but
tests highlight skills gap
Almost nine out of ten EU citizens believe that the ability to speak foreign
languages is very useful and 98% say that mastering languages will be good for
the future of their children, according to a new Eurobarometer opinion poll on
EU citizens' attitudes towards multilingualism and foreign language learning.
However, a separate European Commission study, the first European Survey on
Language Competences, highlights that there is a gap between aspirations and
reality when it comes to foreign language skills in practice:
tests carried out among teenage pupils in 14 European countries show that
only 42% are competent in their first foreign language and just 25% in their
A significant number, 14% in the case of the first foreign language and 20%
in the second, do not achieve even the level of 'basic user'.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, said:
"This Eurobarometer shows that multilingualism and language learning matter a
great deal to people and that is something we should rejoice in.
But we must also do more to improve the teaching and learning of languages.
Being able to communicate in a foreign language broadens your horizons and
opens doors;
it makes you more employable and, in the case of businesses, it can open up
more opportunities in the Single Market."
Ten years on from the 2002 Barcelona declaration by Heads of State and
Government, who called for at least two foreign languages to be taught from a
very early age, Europeans are widely aware of the benefits of multilingualism.
Almost three quarters (72%) agree with this objective and 77% believe it
should be a political priority.
More than half of Europeans (53%) use languages at work and 45% think they
got a better job in their own country thanks to their foreign language skills.
Nevertheless, the number of Europeans who say they can communicate in a
foreign language has fallen slightly, from 56% to 54% .
This is in part due to the fact that Russian and German are no longer
compulsory in school curricula in Central and Eastern countries.
The proportion of pupils who are competent in their first foreign language
ranges from 82% in Malta and Sweden (where English is the first foreign
language) to only 14% in France (learning English) and 9% in England (learning
One of the most striking changes since 2005 is that the internet has
encouraged people to broaden their 'passive' reading and listening skills in
foreign languages.
The number of Europeans who regularly use foreign languages on the internet,
through social media for example, has increased by 10 percentage points, from
26% to 36%.
Next steps
The European Commission wants to step up support for language learning
through the new 'Erasmus for All' programme (IP/11/1398).
Language learning is one of its six specific objectives and the Commission
plans to boost funding for language courses for people wishing to study, train
or volunteer abroad.
The Commission will propose a European benchmark on language competences by
the end of 2012 which will measure Member States' progress in improving language
teaching and learning.
The results of the Eurobarometer on 'Europeans and their Languages' and the
European Survey on Language Competences will be discussed at an international
conference in Limassol (Cyprus) which will coincide with the next European Day
of Languages (26 September).
The Barcelona Council of 2002 called for actions "to improve the mastery of
basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a
very early age" and for "the establishment of a linguistic competence
The Special Eurobarometer (386) survey on Europeans and their Languages was
carried out in spring 2012.
Almost 27,000 people were interviewed face-to-face in their mother tongue.
All 27 Member States were covered and those taking part represented different
social and demographic groups.
The most widely spoken mother tongue is German (16%), followed by Italian and
English (13% each), French (12%), then Spanish and Polish (8% each).
Countries showing the most notable increases in the proportion of respondents
saying that they are able to speak at least one foreign language well enough to
hold a conversation, compared to data from the 2005 Eurobarometer survey, are
Austria (+16 percentage points to 78%), Finland (+6 points to 75%), and Ireland
(+6 points to 40%).
In contrast the proportion able to speak at least one foreign language has
decreased notably in Slovakia (-17 percentage points to 80%), the Czech Republic
(-12 points to 49%), Bulgaria (-11 points to 48%), Poland (-7 points to 50%),
and Hungary (-7 points to 35%).
In these countries there has been a downward shift since 2005 in the
proportions able to speak foreign languages such as Russian and German.
The five most widely spoken foreign languages remain English (38%), French
(12%), German (11%), Spanish (7%) and Russian (5%).
At a national level English is the most widely spoken foreign language in 19
of the 25 Member States where it is not an official language (i.e. excluding the
UK and Ireland).
For the first time, attitudes to the role of translation in health and
safety, education, job seeking, information and leisure activities such as films
and reading were also explored.
Previous Eurobarometer surveys on languages were carried out for the
Commission in 2001 and 2005.
The European Survey on Language Competences was carried out in spring 2011
and the findings are published today following a detailed analysis.
It tested almost 54 000 pupils across 14 countries and 16 educational systems
(the three language communities of Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Estonia,
France, Greece, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and
The assessment provides comparable data on the level of foreign language
competences of pupils aged 14-15.
In each country the tests measured reading, listening and writing abilities
in two out of the five most widely taught official languages of the EU:
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
In addition, on the basis of questionnaires filled in by the pupils, as well
as nearly 5000 language teachers and 2,250 school principals, the assessment
identifies that language learning abilities are closely related to a sense of
motivation which is in turn linked to the situation in families, education and
society at large.