Per una politica penale coerente dell'Unione europea in linea con i diritti fondamentali: la Commissione riunisce esperti ad alto livello
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Data documento: 19-06-2012
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Developing a coherent EU Criminal Policy in line with Fundamental Rights: Commission gathers high-level experts
Per una politica penale coerente dell'Unione europea in linea con i diritti fondamentali: la Commissione riunisce esperti ad alto livello
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Today, Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner, opened the inaugural meeting of the expert group on EU criminal policy.
Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissario UE per la Giustizia, ha aperto oggi la prima riunione del gruppo di esperti sulla politica penale dell'Unione europea.
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Twenty high-level legal experts, academics and practitioners, are meeting to discuss and advise the European Commission on key questions of EU criminal law.
Venti esperti di alto livello, esponenti del mondo accademico e professionisti, si incontrano per discutere e per fornire consulenza alla Commissione europea su questioni fondamentali di diritto penale europeo.
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The group includes judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers from thirteen different EU Member States representing the major legal traditions of the EU (see Annex).
Il gruppo comprende giudici, pubblici ministeri e avvocati difensori di tredici Stati membri dell'UE rappresentanti le principali tradizioni giuridiche dell'Unione (vedi allegato).
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The expert group will contribute to improve the quality of EU legislation in the field of criminal law, in the light of the new rules of the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Il gruppo di esperti contribuirà a migliorare la qualità della legislazione dell'UE nel settore del diritto penale, alla luce delle nuove norme del trattato di Lisbona e della Carta dei diritti fondamentali.
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It will meet twice a year.The group was created following a policy Communication published in September 2011 in which the Commission set out the strategy and principles it intends to apply when using EU criminal law to strengthen the enforcement of European policies and protect the interests of citizens (see IP/11/1049 ).
Il gruppo, che si riunirà due volte all'anno, è stato creato a seguito di una comunicazione pubblicata nel settembre 2011 in cui la Commissione ha esposto la strategia e i principi che intende attuare nel ricorrere al diritto penale per rafforzare l'applicazione delle sue politiche e per proteggere gli interessi dei cittadini (vedi IP/11/1049).
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"With the Lisbon Treaty in force, today the European Union is much better equipped to fight cross-border crime through the use of criminal law.
"L'entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona ha dotato l'Unione europea di mezzi molto più idonei per lottare contro la criminalità transfrontaliera attraverso l'uso del diritto penale.
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There are, however, also clear legal and democratic limits to what we can do.
Vi sono comunque chiari limiti alla nostra azione, sia giuridici che dettati dalla democrazia.
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EU criminal law must be developed with fundamental rights always in mind, notably fair trial rights, in agreement with the European Parliament and in respect of the different legal systems and traditions across the EU", said Vice-President Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
Il diritto penale europeo va elaborato senza perdere mai di vista i diritti fondamentali, specialmente il diritto a un processo equo, con l'approvazione del Parlamento europeo e nel rispetto dei diversi sistemi e delle diverse tradizioni giuridiche dell'UE", ha dichiarato Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissario UE per la Giustizia.
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"The invaluable expertise assembled in the expert group on criminal law will enable the European Commission to develop a more coherent approach to criminal law at EU level."
"Grazie alle preziose competenze riunite nel gruppo di esperti sul diritto penale, la Commissione europea potrà elaborare un approccio più coerente in tale settore a livello UE."
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EU criminal law can help ensure that EU-wide rules are respected.
Il diritto penale dell'UE può contribuire a garantire il rispetto della legislazione europea.
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Rules on preventing manipulation of financial markets through practices such as insider trading (IP/11/1218 ), on safeguarding taxpayers' money from fraud (IP/11/644 ) or on protecting the environment are only effective if they are enforced.
Le norme per contrastare la manipolazione dei mercati finanziari con pratiche quali l'insider trading (abuso d’informazioni privilegiate) (IP/11/1218)per salvaguardare il denaro dei contribuenti dalle frodi (IP/11/644) , o per proteggere l’ambiente, sono efficaci solo se fatte rispettare.
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The EU's Council of Ministers has been creating rules in the area of criminal law for more than a decade with the aim of better fighting crime that has become increasingly international and sophisticated.
Per più di un decennio il Consiglio dei Ministri dell'UE ha elaborato norme di diritto penale per combattere più efficacemente un tipo di criminalità che è diventata sempre più internazionale e sofisticata.
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But these rules often lacked a coherent policy basis.
Ma spesso queste norme non hanno avuto una base politica coerente.
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The Lisbon Treaty allows the EU to make use of criminal law to strengthen the enforcement of EU policies and rules.
Il trattato di Lisbona consente all'Unione europea di avvalersi del diritto penale per rafforzare l’applicazione delle sue norme e politiche.
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Criminal law legislation must now be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, under full judicial control of the European Court of Justice. In addition, national Parliaments are called upon to play a strong role in the development of EU legislation on criminal law.
Tale legislazione penale europea deve ora essere adottata dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio, con il pieno controllo giurisdizionale della Corte di giustizia europea, e nella sua elaborazione sono chiamati a svolgere un ruolo forte anche i Parlamenti nazionali.
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In view of this changed legal landscape, the European Commission published, in September 2011, a policy document entitled "Towards an EU Criminal Policy : "Ensuring the effective implementation of EU policies through criminal law" which sets out the conditions under which the Union should put in place a coherent and consistent EU criminal policy.
Nell'ottica di questo nuovo panorama giuridico, nel settembre 2011 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato un documento intitolato "Verso una politica penale dell’Unione europea: "garantire l’efficace attuazione delle politiche dell’Unione attraverso il diritto penale", che definisce le condizioni a cui l'Unione dovrebbe creare una politica penale dell'Unione coerente e coesa.
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With the establishment of today's expert group the Commission is delivering on its announcement of last September.
Istituendo oggi questo gruppo di esperti, la Commissione concretizza il suo annuncio del settembre scorso.
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On 21 February 2012, the Commission adopted a decision setting up the group which held its first meeting in Brussels today.
Il 21 febbraio 2012, ha adottato una decisione di istituzione del gruppo che ha tenuto la sua prima riunione oggi a Bruxelles.
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The group's composition seeks to provide a high level of expertise and, as far as possible, an adequate balance in terms of range of competencies, geographical origin and gender.
La composizione del gruppo mira a garantire conoscenze specialistiche elevate e, per quanto possibile, un corretto equilibrio a livello di competenze, origine geografica e genere.
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The members have a mandate of three years and act in a personal capacity without remuneration.
I membri rimangono in carica per un periodo di tre anni, e agiscono a titolo personale, senza remunerazione.
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The discussions during the inaugural meeting today focused on two recurrent topics : the interplay between administrative and criminal sanctions as well as the obligation for Member States to provide for "effective, proportionate and dissuasive" criminal sanctions.
Le discussioni dell'odierna riunione inaugurale si sono concentrate su due argomenti ricorrenti: l'interazione fra le sanzioni amministrative e penali e l'obbligo, per gli Stati membri, di prevedere sanzioni penali "efficaci, proporzionate e dissuasive".
Developing a coherent EU Criminal Policy in line with Fundamental Rights:
Commission gathers high-level experts
Today, Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner, opened
the inaugural meeting of the expert group on EU criminal policy.
Twenty high-level legal experts, academics and practitioners, are meeting to
discuss and advise the European Commission on key questions of EU criminal law.
The group includes judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers from thirteen
different EU Member States representing the major legal traditions of the EU
(see Annex).
The expert group will contribute to improve the quality of EU legislation in
the field of criminal law, in the light of the new rules of the Lisbon Treaty
and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
It will meet twice a year.The group was created following a policy
Communication published in September 2011 in which the Commission set out the
strategy and principles it intends to apply when using EU criminal law to
strengthen the enforcement of European policies and protect the interests of
citizens (see IP/11/1049 ).
"With the Lisbon Treaty in force, today the European Union is much better
equipped to fight cross-border crime through the use of criminal law.
There are, however, also clear legal and democratic limits to what we can do.
EU criminal law must be developed with fundamental rights always in mind,
notably fair trial rights, in agreement with the European Parliament and in
respect of the different legal systems and traditions across the EU", said
Vice-President Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
"The invaluable expertise assembled in the expert group on criminal law will
enable the European Commission to develop a more coherent approach to criminal
law at EU level."
EU criminal law can help ensure that EU-wide rules are respected.
Rules on preventing manipulation of financial markets through practices such
as insider trading (IP/11/1218 ), on safeguarding taxpayers' money from fraud
(IP/11/644 ) or on protecting the environment are only effective if they are
The EU's Council of Ministers has been creating rules in the area of criminal
law for more than a decade with the aim of better fighting crime that has become
increasingly international and sophisticated.
But these rules often lacked a coherent policy basis.
The Lisbon Treaty allows the EU to make use of criminal law to strengthen the
enforcement of EU policies and rules.
Criminal law legislation must now be adopted by the European Parliament and
the Council, under full judicial control of the European Court of Justice. In
addition, national Parliaments are called upon to play a strong role in the
development of EU legislation on criminal law.
In view of this changed legal landscape, the European Commission published,
in September 2011, a policy document entitled "Towards an EU Criminal Policy :
"Ensuring the effective implementation of EU policies through criminal law"
which sets out the conditions under which the Union should put in place a
coherent and consistent EU criminal policy.
With the establishment of today's expert group the Commission is delivering
on its announcement of last September.
On 21 February 2012, the Commission adopted a decision setting up the group
which held its first meeting in Brussels today.
The group's composition seeks to provide a high level of expertise and, as
far as possible, an adequate balance in terms of range of competencies,
geographical origin and gender.
The members have a mandate of three years and act in a personal capacity
without remuneration.
The discussions during the inaugural meeting today focused on two recurrent
topics : the interplay between administrative and criminal sanctions as well as
the obligation for Member States to provide for "effective, proportionate and
dissuasive" criminal sanctions.