La lotta contro la schiavitù dei nostri tempi: 40 nuove misure per una strategia dell’UE contro la tratta di esseri umani
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Data documento19-06-2012
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Combatting the slavery of our times: 40 new measures for an EU strategy against trafficking in human beings
La lotta contro la schiavitù dei nostri tempi: 40 nuove misure per una strategia dell’UE contro la tratta di esseri umani
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Hundreds of thousands of people are trafficked in the EU every year.
Centinaia di migliaia di persone sono oggetto di tratta ogni anno nell’Unione europea:
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Women and men, boys and girls in vulnerable positions are traded for the purpose of sexual or labour exploitation, removal of organs, begging, domestic servitude, forced marriage, illegal adoption as well as other forms of exploitation.
donne e uomini, ragazzi e ragazze in situazioni vulnerabili sono vittime di questo fenomeno a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale o lavoro forzato, espianto di organi, accattonaggio forzato, servitù domestica, matrimonio forzato, adozione illegale e altre forme di sfruttamento.
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Today, the Commission adopted the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings (2012-2016), a set of concrete and practical measures to be implemented over the next five years.
Oggi la Commissione ha adottato la Strategia dell’UE per l’eradicazione della tratta di esseri umani (2012-2016), un insieme di misure concrete e pratiche da attuare nei prossimi cinque anni.
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These include the establishment of national law enforcement units specialised in human trafficking and the creation of joint European investigation teams to prosecute cross-border trafficking cases.
Fra cui l’istituzione di unità nazionali di contrasto specializzate nella tratta di esseri umani e la creazione di squadre investigative comuni europee incaricate di perseguire i casi di tratta transfrontaliera.
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"Unfortunately slavery hasn't yet been left to the history books.
"Disgraziatamente la schiavitù non è stata ancora confinata ai libri di storia.
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It is appalling to see that in our times human beings are still being put up for sale and being trafficked into forced labour or prostitution.
È spaventoso vedere come ancor oggi gli esseri umani siano messi in vendita e costretti al lavoro forzato o alla prostituzione.
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Ensuring that victims can get support and bringing traffickers to justice is at the heart of our actions.
Scopo centrale della nostra iniziativa è fare in modo che le vittime ottengano sostegno e che i trafficanti siano consegnati alla giustizia.
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We are far from there yet, but we can have only one aim: to eradicate trafficking in human beings", said Cecilia Malmström, Home Affairs Commissioner.
Siamo ancora lontani dall’ottenerlo, ma il nostro fine non può che essere questo: eliminare la tratta di esseri umani", ha affermato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria per gli Affari interni.
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A new European strategy
Una nuova strategia europea
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The strategy includes prevention, protection and support of the victims, as well as prosecution of the traffickers.
La strategia comprende la prevenzione, la protezione e il sostegno alle vittime, nonché l’azione penale nei confronti dei trafficanti.
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It identifies five priorities and outlines a series of initiatives for each of them, such as:
Identifica cinque priorità per ognuna delle quali espone una serie di iniziative, tra le quali:
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- Supporting the establishment of national law enforcement units specialised in human trafficking.
- sostenere l’istituzione di unità nazionali specificamente dedicate al contrasto della tratta di esseri umani;
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- Creating joint investigation teams and involving Europol and Eurojust in all cross-border trafficking cases.
- creare squadre investigative comuni e coinvolgere Europol ed Eurojust in tutti i casi di tratta transfrontaliera;
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- Providing clear information to victims on their rights under EU law and national legislation, in particular their right to assistance and health care, their right to a residence permit and their labour rights.
- fornire alle vittime informazioni chiare sui diritti di cui godono in virtù della legislazione dell’UE e della normativa nazionale, in particolare il diritto all’assistenza e alle prestazioni sanitarie, il diritto di ottenere un permesso di soggiorno e i diritti nel campo del lavoro;
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- Creating an EU Mechanism to better identify, refer, protect and assist trafficked victims.
- creare un meccanismo dell’UE per individuare, indirizzare, proteggere e assistere meglio le vittime della tratta;
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- Establishing a European Business Coalition against trafficking in Human Beings to improve cooperation between companies and stakeholders.
- istituire una Coalizione europea delle imprese contro la tratta di esseri umani per migliorare la cooperazione tra imprese e portatori d’interesse;
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- Establishing an EU platform of civil society organisations and service providers working on victim protection and assistance in Member States and third countries.
- istituire una piattaforma a livello dell’UE di organizzazioni e di prestatori di servizi della società civile che operano nel campo dell’assistenza alle vittime e della loro protezione negli Stati membri e nei paesi terzi;
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- Supporting research projects examining the Internet and social networks as increasingly popular recruitment tools for traffickers.
- sostenere progetti di ricerca che studino Internet e le reti sociali in quanto strumenti di reclutamento sempre più attivi a disposizione dei trafficanti.
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Some figures
Qualche cifra
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Recent estimates from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) put the number of victims of forced labour, including forced sexual exploitation, at 20.9 million worldwide. 5.5 million of them are children.
Secondo stime recenti dell’Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro (OIL), in tutto il mondo sono 20,9 milioni le vittime di lavoro forzato, compreso lo sfruttamento sessuale, tra cui 5,5 milioni di minori.
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According to Europol, children forced into criminal activities, such as organised begging and shoplifting, are being traded as commodities with €20 000 price tags.
Secondo Europol, i minori costretti a compiere attività criminali, come l’accattonaggio organizzato, sono acquistati come merci al prezzo di 20 000 euro.
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The estimated number of victims in the developed economies (US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Norway and EU countries) amounts to around 1.5 million forced labourers, 7% of the total worldwide.
Si calcola che nelle economie sviluppate (Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia, Giappone, Norvegia e paesi dell’UE) i lavoratori forzati siano circa 1,5 milioni, il 7% del totale mondiale.
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Trafficking in human beings generates more than €25 billion profits a year for international criminal organisations worldwide.
La tratta di esseri umani frutta ogni anno alle organizzazioni criminali internazionali di tutto il mondo profitti superiori a 25 miliardi di euro.
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While many victims come from non-EU countries, internal trafficking (i.e. EU citizens trafficked within the EU) appears to be the rise.
Molte delle vittime provengono da paesi terzi, ma la tratta interna all’UE (cioè i cittadini dell’Unione vittime di tratta nell’Unione stessa) sembra in crescita.
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Preliminary data collected by Member States at EU level appear consistent with those provided by international organisations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), showing that three quarters of victims identified in EU Member States are trafficked for sexual exploitation (76% in 2010). Other victims are forced into labour exploitation (14%), begging (3%) and domestic servitude (1%).
I dati preliminari raccolti dagli Stati membri a livello dell’UE sono coerenti con quelli forniti da organizzazioni internazionali quali l’Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite contro la droga e il crimine (UNODC) e indicano che tre quarti delle vittime individuate negli Stati membri dell’Unione sono oggetto di tratta a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale (il 76% nel 2010), mentre altre sono costrette allo sfruttamento del lavoro (il 14%), all’accattonaggio (il 3%) e alla servitù domestica (l’1%).
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From a gender-specific point of view, preliminary data available show that women and girls are the main victims of trafficking in human beings;
In una prospettiva di genere, i dati preliminari a disposizione mostrano che le donne e le ragazze sono le vittime principali della tratta di esseri umani:
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female victims accounted for 79% (of whom 12% were girls) and men for 21% (of whom 3% were boys) of victims between 2008 and 2010.
tra il 2008 e il 2010 le vittime erano per il 79% di sesso femminile (e il 12% di queste erano ragazze) e per il 21% di sesso maschile (di cui il 3% ragazzi).
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Yet too few perpetrators end up behind bars while victims struggle to recover and re-integrate themselves into society:
Eppure sono troppo pochi i colpevoli che finiscono dietro le sbarre, mentre le vittime lottano per recuperare e reintegrarsi nella società:
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preliminary results of recent data collected shows that the number of convictions in trafficking cases has decreased from around 1 500 in 2008 to around 1 250 in 2010.
i risultati preliminari di raccolte di dati recenti mostrano che il numero di condanne in casi di tratta è diminuito da circa 1 500 nel 2008 a circa 1 250 nel 2010.
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Europeans agree that something needs to be done: in the latest survey .93% of citizens agreed that EU Member States should cooperate to tackle trafficking in human beings.
Gli europei sono convinti che si debba fare qualcosa: secondo l’ultima indagine il 93% dei cittadini conviene che gli Stati membri dell’UE debbano cooperare per combattere la tratta di esseri umani.
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With the "EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human Beings (2012-2016)", the Commission is focusing on concrete actions that will support and complement the implementation of EU legislation on trafficking (Directive 2011/36/EU ) - whose deadline for transposition is April 2013.
Con la Strategia dell’UE per l’eradicazione della tratta di esseri umani (2012-2016) la Commissione si concentra su azioni concrete che sosterranno e completeranno l’attuazione della normativa dell’Unione sulla tratta (direttiva 2011/36/UE ), il cui termine di recepimento è aprile 2013.
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The measures included in the strategy are the result of extensive consultations with experts, governments, civil society and international organisations, social partners and academics.They reflect their main concerns, as well as the views of victims, and will complement existing efforts.
Le misure previste dalla strategia sono il risultato di ampie consultazioni di esperti, governi, società civile e organizzazioni internazionali, parti sociali e mondo accademico, e riflettono le loro principali preoccupazioni così come quelle delle vittime, allo scopo di completare le iniziative già in corso.
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The Strategy will now be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council.
La strategia sarà ora discussa in sede di Parlamento europeo e di Consiglio.
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The Commission will continue to assess progress made in addressing trafficking and will report every two years to the European Parliament and the Council.
La Commissione continuerà a valutare i progressi compiuti nella lotta contro la tratta e ne riferirà ogni due anni al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio.
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The first report, to be issued in 2014, will include a midterm evaluation of the Strategy.
La prima relazione, che sarà pubblicata nel 2014, comprenderà una valutazione intermedia della strategia.
Combatting the slavery of our times: 40 new measures for an EU strategy
against trafficking in human beings
Hundreds of thousands of people are trafficked in the EU every year.
Women and men, boys and girls in vulnerable positions are traded for the
purpose of sexual or labour exploitation, removal of organs, begging, domestic
servitude, forced marriage, illegal adoption as well as other forms of
Today, the Commission adopted the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of
Trafficking in Human Beings (2012-2016), a set of concrete and practical
measures to be implemented over the next five years.
These include the establishment of national law enforcement units specialised
in human trafficking and the creation of joint European investigation teams to
prosecute cross-border trafficking cases.
"Unfortunately slavery hasn't yet been left to the history books.
It is appalling to see that in our times human beings are still being put up
for sale and being trafficked into forced labour or prostitution.
Ensuring that victims can get support and bringing traffickers to justice is
at the heart of our actions.
We are far from there yet, but we can have only one aim: to eradicate
trafficking in human beings", said Cecilia Malmström, Home Affairs Commissioner.
A new European strategy
The strategy includes prevention, protection and support of the victims, as
well as prosecution of the traffickers.
It identifies five priorities and outlines a series of initiatives for each
of them, such as:
- Supporting the establishment of national law enforcement units specialised
in human trafficking.
- Creating joint investigation teams and involving Europol and Eurojust in
all cross-border trafficking cases.
- Providing clear information to victims on their rights under EU law and
national legislation, in particular their right to assistance and health care,
their right to a residence permit and their labour rights.
- Creating an EU Mechanism to better identify, refer, protect and assist
trafficked victims.
- Establishing a European Business Coalition against trafficking in Human
Beings to improve cooperation between companies and stakeholders.
- Establishing an EU platform of civil society organisations and service
providers working on victim protection and assistance in Member States and third
- Supporting research projects examining the Internet and social networks as
increasingly popular recruitment tools for traffickers.
Some figures
Recent estimates from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) put the
number of victims of forced labour, including forced sexual exploitation, at
20.9 million worldwide. 5.5 million of them are children.
According to Europol, children forced into criminal activities, such as
organised begging and shoplifting, are being traded as commodities with €20 000
price tags.
The estimated number of victims in the developed economies (US, Canada,
Australia, Japan, Norway and EU countries) amounts to around 1.5 million forced
labourers, 7% of the total worldwide.
Trafficking in human beings generates more than €25 billion profits a year
for international criminal organisations worldwide.
While many victims come from non-EU countries, internal trafficking (i.e. EU
citizens trafficked within the EU) appears to be the rise.
Preliminary data collected by Member States at EU level appear consistent
with those provided by international organisations such as the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), showing that three quarters of victims
identified in EU Member States are trafficked for sexual exploitation (76% in
2010). Other victims are forced into labour exploitation (14%), begging (3%) and
domestic servitude (1%).
From a gender-specific point of view, preliminary data available show that
women and girls are the main victims of trafficking in human beings;
female victims accounted for 79% (of whom 12% were girls) and men for 21% (of
whom 3% were boys) of victims between 2008 and 2010.
Yet too few perpetrators end up behind bars while victims struggle to recover
and re-integrate themselves into society:
preliminary results of recent data collected shows that the number of
convictions in trafficking cases has decreased from around 1 500 in 2008 to
around 1 250 in 2010.
Europeans agree that something needs to be done: in the latest survey .93% of
citizens agreed that EU Member States should cooperate to tackle trafficking in
human beings.
With the "EU Strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human Beings
(2012-2016)", the Commission is focusing on concrete actions that will support
and complement the implementation of EU legislation on trafficking (Directive
2011/36/EU ) - whose deadline for transposition is April 2013.
The measures included in the strategy are the result of extensive
consultations with experts, governments, civil society and international
organisations, social partners and academics.They reflect their main concerns,
as well as the views of victims, and will complement existing efforts.
The Strategy will now be discussed by the European Parliament and the
The Commission will continue to assess progress made in addressing
trafficking and will report every two years to the European Parliament and the
The first report, to be issued in 2014, will include a midterm evaluation of
the Strategy.