L'Unione europea al vertice del G20 di Los Cabos (Messico): "Riequilibrare insieme la crescita mondiale"
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Data documento: 15-06-2012
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The European Union at the G20 Summit in Los Cabos (Mexico): "Rebalancing global growth together"
L'Unione europea al vertice del G20 di Los Cabos (Messico): "Riequilibrare insieme la crescita mondiale"
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Brussels, 15 June 2012 - The discussion on the global economy and on a framework for growth will be high on the agenda of the G20 Summit, which will be held on 18 and 19 June in Los Cabos, Mexico.
Bruxelles, 15 giugno 2012 - Il vertice del G20 che si terrà il 18 e il 19 giugno a Los Cabos, in Messico, darà ampio spazio alle discussioni sull'economia mondiale e su un quadro di crescita.
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Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy underlined ahead of the Summit:
In vista del vertice, i Presidenti Barroso e Van Rompuy hanno dichiarato:
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"In this context the situation in the euro area will be an important issue for discussion in this year's G20 Summit.
"Nel contesto attuale, la situazione della zona euro sarà un punto importante all'ordine del giorno del vertice del G20 di quest'anno.
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We will bring to bear the EU's determined action to deliver a comprehensive response to the sovereign debt crisis:
Grazie ad un'azione decisa, l'UE riuscirà a dare una risposta globale alla crisi del debito sovrano.
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addressing the challenges of vulnerable countries;
affrontando le sfide che si pongono ai paesi vulnerabili;
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supporting growth through structural reform and differentiated and growth-friendly fiscal consolidation within the European Semester;
sostenendo la crescita attraverso riforme strutturali e un risanamento di bilancio differenziato e favorevole alla crescita nell'ambito del semestre europeo;
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strengthening euro area financial firewalls;
rafforzando le protezioni finanziarie della zona euro;
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funding and recapitalising banks;
finanziando e ricapitalizzando le banche;
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and strengthening economic governance in the euro area.
e potenziando la governance economica nella zona euro.
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We will reaffirm to our G20 partners our commitment to safeguard financial stability in the Euro Area and its integrity.
Ribadiremo ai partner del G20 il nostro impegno a tutelare la stabilità finanziaria e l'integrità della zona euro.
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We will also make clear that we want Greece to remain in the euro area while respecting its commitments.
Esprimeremo chiaramente la nostra volontà che la Grecia rimanga nella zona euro, pur rispettando i propri impegni.
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Finally, we will inform our partners of the work we are undertaking to further strengthen and deepen our economic union to match our monetary union."
E informeremo i nostri partner di ciò che stiamo facendo per rafforzare e approfondire ulteriormente la nostra unione economica affinché sia commisurata alla nostra unione monetaria".
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Both Presidents will also call on their G20 partners to recognise their own responsibilities in giving a strong impulse for rebalancing the global economy.
I due Presidenti esorteranno inoltre i partner del G20 a riconoscere le proprie responsabilità dando un forte impulso per riequilibrare l'economia mondiale.
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The EU is convinced that the Los Cabos Action Plan for Growth, that is to be adopted by the G20 leaders, should be a balanced combination of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, including balanced commitments by all G20 members, including the US, Japan, and China, and that it will serve as a concrete framework for all G20 countries to renew their commitments to boost global growth.
L'UE ritiene che il piano d'azione di Los Cabos per la crescita, che dovrà essere adottato dai leader del G20, debba essere un mix equilibrato di risanamento fiscale e riforme strutturali, comprendente impegni equilibrati di tutti i membri del G20, tra cui Stati Uniti, Giappone e Cina, e che costituirà un quadro concreto in cui tutti i paesi del G20 potranno rinnovare l'impegno a rilanciare la crescita mondiale.
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A further important item on the G20 Summit agenda will be the strengthening of the international financial architecture and the financial system, financial regulatory reform and promoting financial inclusion.
Il potenziamento dell'architettura finanziaria internazionale e del sistema finanziario, la riforma normativa nel settore finanziario e la promozione dell'inclusione finanziaria saranno altri punti importanti all'ordine del giorno del vertice del G20.
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The two Presidents will recall that the EU is well on track to have all financial reforms fully in place by 2013 and that it expects its partners to implement these G20 commitments too.
I due Presidenti ricorderanno che l'UE è sulla buona strada verso il completamento di tutte le riforme finanziarie entro il 2013 e che si aspetta anche dai suoi partner il rispetto degli impegni assunti in sede di G20.
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Financial market reform will have to remain high on the agenda of the G20, fulfilling the commitments taken by G20 Leaders since the Washington summit in 2008.
La riforma del mercato finanziario dovrà rimanere un punto importante dell'agenda del G20, in linea con gli impegni assunti dai leader del G20 dal vertice di Washington del 2008.
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The agreement already reached by G20 Finance Ministers in Washington in April to increase IMF resources by USD 430 billion is welcome.
È positivo l'accordo raggiunto in aprile a Washington dai ministri delle Finanze del G20 su un aumento delle risorse dell'FMI di 430 miliardi di USD.
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Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy will stress that the full implementation of the reforms agreed in 2010 on IMF quota and governance is a critical element for boosting the legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness of the Fund.
I Presidenti Barroso e Van Rompuy ribadiranno che l'attuazione integrale delle riforme delle quote e della governance dell'FMI concordate nel 2010 è fondamentale per rafforzare la legittimità, la credibilità e l'efficacia del Fondo.
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The EU is on track for the timely implementation of the 2010 IMF quota and governance reforms.
L'UE è sulla buona strada per l'attuazione, nei tempi stabiliti, delle riforme 2010 sulle quote e sulla governance dell'FMI.
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And all EU Member States expect to complete their ratification by the agreed deadline.
Tutti gli Stati membri prevedono di completarne la ratifica entro il termine fissato.
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The EU will encourage all other IMF members to do likewise.
L'UE incoraggerà tutti gli altri membri dell'FMI a fare altrettanto.
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IMF members should also now stand ready for constructive discussions on the review of the IMF quota formula and on the next review of quotas, taking into account the need to improve IMF accountability, oversight and effectiveness.
Ora i membri dell'FMI dovrebbero tenersi pronti ad avviare discussioni costruttive sulla revisione del sistema di calcolo e sul prossimo riesame delle quote, tenendo conto della necessità di migliorare la responsabilità, la vigilanza e l'efficacia del Fondo.
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A third session will focus on the development, food security and inclusive green growth.
Una terza sessione verterà sui temi dello sviluppo, della sicurezza alimentare e della crescita verde e inclusiva.
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For the EU, it is very important to keep development and food security on the G20 agenda and to emphasise that we all, developed and less developed countries alike, should move towards a greener and more inclusive economy.
L'UE ritiene estremamente importante che lo sviluppo e la sicurezza alimentare rimangano temi centrali del G20 e sottolinea che tutti i paesi, anche quelli meno sviluppati, devono dirigersi verso un'economia più verde e più inclusiva.
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Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy will call on the G20 to give a political impulse to a successful Rio+20 conference, which takes place just days after the G20 Summit.
I Presidenti Barroso e Van Rompuy inviteranno il G20 a imprimere un impulso politico al successo della conferenza Rio+20, che si terrà pochi giorni dopo il vertice del G20.
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G20 leaders will also discuss trade, job creation and growth.
I leader del G20 parleranno anche di commercio, occupazione e crescita.
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The EU considers that trade should play an important role at the current juncture as a source of growth and jobs.
L'UE ritiene che, nel contesto attuale, il commercio sia chiamato a svolgere un ruolo importante quale fonte di crescita e occupazione.
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President Barroso and President Van Rompuy will call on their G20 partners to give a strong impulse for trade facilitation in order to secure a successful outcome of one part of the Doha development agenda which is particularly helpful for least developed countries.
I Presidenti Barroso e Van Rompuy esorteranno i partner del G20 a dare un forte impulso all'agevolazione degli scambi per garantire il successo di una parte dell'agenda di Doha per lo sviluppo che è particolarmente favorevole ai paesi meno sviluppati.
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Given the worrisome rise in protectionism, they will urge the G20 to enhance the fight against protectionism and to further strengthen the multilateral trading system.
Visto il preoccupante aumento del protezionismo, solleciteranno il G20 a lottare più energicamente contro questo fenomeno e a potenziare ulteriormente il sistema commerciale multilaterale.
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Last but not least, both Presidents consider employment, in particular for youth, as a key concern for the EU and for the G20 countries, and welcome the continued G20 focus on employment matters.
Un ultimo punto estremamente importante: i due Presidenti considerano l'occupazione, in particolare quella giovanile, una questione chiave per l'UE e per i paesi del G20 e si compiacciono della costante attenzione riservata dal G20 a questo tema.
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The first G20 Summit of heads of state and government was held in Washington in November 2008.
Il primo vertice G20 dei capi di Stato e di governo si è tenuto a Washington nel novembre 2008.
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Until 2010 G20 leaders met twice a year, since last year meetings are organised annually.
Fino al 2010 i leader del G20 si sono incontrati due volte all'anno, mentre dall'anno scorso le riunioni hanno cadenza annuale.
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The 2013 Summit will be hosted by Russia in Saint Petersburg.
Il vertice 2013 si svolgerà in Russia, a San Pietroburgo.
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The European Union is a full member of the G20, together with Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
L’Unione europea è membro a pieno titolo del G20 insieme a Argentina, Australia, Brasile, Canada, Cina, Francia, Germania, Italia, India, Indonesia, Giappone, Messico, Repubblica di Corea, Russia, Arabia Saudita, Sudafrica, Turchia, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti.
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Traditionally, guest countries may attend the Summits.The Mexican Presidency invited the following five official G20 guest countries:
In linea con la tradizione, che autorizza la presenza di paesi ospiti ai vertici, la presidenza messicana del G20 ha invitato ufficialmente i cinque paesi seguenti:
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Spain (as permanent guest country), Benin (chair country of the African Union), Cambodia (chair country of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Chile (chair country of the Latin American and Caribbean States community), and Colombia.
Spagna (come ospite permanente), Benin (che presiede l'Unione africana), Cambogia (che presiede l'Associazione nelle nazioni del sud-est asiatico), Cile (che presiede la Comunità degli Stati latino-americani e caraibici) e Colombia.
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In addition, Ethiopia is also invited as the chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
È invitata anche l'Etiopia quale presidente del Nuovo partenariato per lo sviluppo dell'Africa (NEPAD).
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As in the past, several side events will take place, like the Business (B20) and Labour (L20) Summits.
Come in passato, a margine del G20 si svolgeranno diversi eventi quali il vertice degli imprenditori (B20) e il vertice dei sindacati (L20).
The European Union at the G20 Summit in Los Cabos (Mexico): "Rebalancing
global growth together"
Brussels, 15 June 2012 - The discussion on the global economy and on a
framework for growth will be high on the agenda of the G20 Summit, which will be
held on 18 and 19 June in Los Cabos, Mexico.
Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy underlined ahead of the Summit:
"In this context the situation in the euro area will be an important issue
for discussion in this year's G20 Summit.
We will bring to bear the EU's determined action to deliver a comprehensive
response to the sovereign debt crisis:
addressing the challenges of vulnerable countries;
supporting growth through structural reform and differentiated and
growth-friendly fiscal consolidation within the European Semester;
strengthening euro area financial firewalls;
funding and recapitalising banks;
and strengthening economic governance in the euro area.
We will reaffirm to our G20 partners our commitment to safeguard financial
stability in the Euro Area and its integrity.
We will also make clear that we want Greece to remain in the euro area while
respecting its commitments.
Finally, we will inform our partners of the work we are undertaking to
further strengthen and deepen our economic union to match our monetary union."
Both Presidents will also call on their G20 partners to recognise their own
responsibilities in giving a strong impulse for rebalancing the global economy.
The EU is convinced that the Los Cabos Action Plan for Growth, that is to be
adopted by the G20 leaders, should be a balanced combination of fiscal
consolidation and structural reforms, including balanced commitments by all G20
members, including the US, Japan, and China, and that it will serve as a
concrete framework for all G20 countries to renew their commitments to boost
global growth.
A further important item on the G20 Summit agenda will be the strengthening
of the international financial architecture and the financial system, financial
regulatory reform and promoting financial inclusion.
The two Presidents will recall that the EU is well on track to have all
financial reforms fully in place by 2013 and that it expects its partners to
implement these G20 commitments too.
Financial market reform will have to remain high on the agenda of the G20,
fulfilling the commitments taken by G20 Leaders since the Washington summit in
The agreement already reached by G20 Finance Ministers in Washington in April
to increase IMF resources by USD 430 billion is welcome.
Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy will stress that the full implementation of
the reforms agreed in 2010 on IMF quota and governance is a critical element for
boosting the legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness of the Fund.
The EU is on track for the timely implementation of the 2010 IMF quota and
governance reforms.
And all EU Member States expect to complete their ratification by the agreed
The EU will encourage all other IMF members to do likewise.
IMF members should also now stand ready for constructive discussions on the
review of the IMF quota formula and on the next review of quotas, taking into
account the need to improve IMF accountability, oversight and effectiveness.
A third session will focus on the development, food security and inclusive
green growth.
For the EU, it is very important to keep development and food security on the
G20 agenda and to emphasise that we all, developed and less developed countries
alike, should move towards a greener and more inclusive economy.
Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy will call on the G20 to give a political
impulse to a successful Rio+20 conference, which takes place just days after the
G20 Summit.
G20 leaders will also discuss trade, job creation and growth.
The EU considers that trade should play an important role at the current
juncture as a source of growth and jobs.
President Barroso and President Van Rompuy will call on their G20 partners to
give a strong impulse for trade facilitation in order to secure a successful
outcome of one part of the Doha development agenda which is particularly helpful
for least developed countries.
Given the worrisome rise in protectionism, they will urge the G20 to enhance
the fight against protectionism and to further strengthen the multilateral
trading system.
Last but not least, both Presidents consider employment, in particular for
youth, as a key concern for the EU and for the G20 countries, and welcome the
continued G20 focus on employment matters.
The first G20 Summit of heads of state and government was held in Washington
in November 2008.
Until 2010 G20 leaders met twice a year, since last year meetings are
organised annually.
The 2013 Summit will be hosted by Russia in Saint Petersburg.
The European Union is a full member of the G20, together with Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Indonesia,
Japan, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Traditionally, guest countries may attend the Summits.The Mexican Presidency
invited the following five official G20 guest countries:
Spain (as permanent guest country), Benin (chair country of the African
Union), Cambodia (chair country of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations),
Chile (chair country of the Latin American and Caribbean States community), and
In addition, Ethiopia is also invited as the chair of the New Partnership for
Africa's Development (NEPAD).
As in the past, several side events will take place, like the Business (B20)
and Labour (L20) Summits.