La tua città sarà la Capitale verde europea 2015?
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Data documento: 15-06-2012
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Will your city be the European Green Capital 2015?
La tua città sarà la Capitale verde europea 2015?
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Today the Commission launches the search to find the city that will win the European Green Capital title in 2015.
La Commissione inizia oggi la ricerca per trovare la città che vincerà il titolo di "Capitale verde europea" per il 2015.
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The European Green Capital Award recognises cities that are at the forefront of environmentally-friendly urban living and which can act as role-models to inspire other cities.
Il premio “Capitale verde europea" distingue le "città all’avanguardia nel proporre uno stile di vita urbano rispettoso dell’ambiente e in grado di proporsi come un modello di ispirazione per altre città.
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The annual award is intended to spur European cities to become more attractive and healthy places - "fit for life".
Questo premio annuo è stato istituito con l’intento di stimolare le città europee a diventare luoghi più gradevoli e salubri, in altri termini, città vivibili.
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European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potočnik, said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario europeo responsabile per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"The European Green Capital Award showcases local efforts to improve the urban environment and promote sustainable growth.
"Il premio per la capitale verde europea mette in evidenza gli sforzi locali volti a migliorare l’ambiente urbano e a promuovere una crescita sostenibile.
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As we launch the competition for the sixth European Green Capital, for 2015, I would like to encourage cities to apply and to use this as an opportunity to review and highlight their environmental achievements and plan a sustainable future for their citizens."
Nell’inaugurare il concorso per la sesta edizione della Capitale verde europea per il 2015 desidero incoraggiare le città a candidarsi e ad usare questa opportunità per rivedere ed evidenziare gli obiettivi ambientali raggiunti e pianificare un futuro sostenibile per i loro cittadini."
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The three key aims of the award are to:
I tre obiettivi principali del premio mirano a:
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Reward cities that have a well-established record of achieving high environmental objectives;
ricompensare le città che hanno già conseguito obiettivi ambientali di rilievo,
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Encourage cities to commit to ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development;
stimolare le città a impegnarsi in iniziative ambiziose per il miglioramento ambientale e lo sviluppo sostenibile;
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and provide a role model to inspire other cities and promote best practices and experiences in all other European cities.
e creare un modello in grado di ispirare altre città e promuovere le migliori prassi ed esperienze in tutte le altre città europee.
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All cities across Europe with more than 200,000 inhabitants can apply for the title of European Green Capital 2015. The award is open to EU Member States, acceding states (Croatia), candidate countries (Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland and Serbia) and other European Economic Area countries (Norway and Liechtenstein).
Tutte le città europee di oltre 200 000 abitanti possono entrare in lizza per il titolo di "Capitale verde europea"
per il 2015. Il premio è aperto
ai 27 Stati membri dell’UE, ai paesi aderenti (Croazia), ai paesi candidati (Turchia, ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Islanda e Serbia), e agli altri paesi dello Spazio economico europeo (Norvegia e Liechtenstein).
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In countries where there is no city with more than 200,000 inhabitants, the largest city is eligible to apply.
I paesi dove non vi sono città di oltre 200 000 abitanti possono candidare la città più grande.
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Entries will be assessed on the basis of 12 indicators:
Le candidature saranno valutate in base a 12 parametri:
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local contribution to global climate change, sustainable transport, green urban areas incorporating sustainable land use, promotion of nature and biodiversity, air quality, noise levels, waste management, water consumption, waste water treatment, eco-innovation and sustainable employment, environmental management of the local authority and energy performance.
contributo locale al cambiamento climatico globale, trasporti sostenibili, uso sostenibile del suolo nelle aree verdi urbane, promozione della natura e della biodiversità, qualità dell’aria, livelli di inquinamento acustico, gestione dei rifiuti, consumo di acqua, trattamento delle acque reflue, ecoinnovazione e occupazione sostenibile, gestione ambientale delle autorità locali e prestazione energetica.
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Cities can apply online at www.europeangreencapital.eu.
Le città possono candidarsi online all’indirizzo www.europeangreencapital.eu.
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The deadline for applications for the 2015 title is 15 October 2012.
Il 15 ottobre 2012 scade il termine per la presentazione delle domande per il 2015.
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The title is awarded by an international jury supported by a panel of renowned experts in different environmental fields.
Il premio è assegnato da una giuria internazionale affiancata da un gruppo di esperti di fama mondiale appartenenti a diversi settori ambientali.
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The winner will be announced in June 2013.
La città vincitrice sarà proclamata nel mese di giugno 2013.
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The European Green Capital Award is the outcome of an initiative taken by cities with a green vision.
Il premio "Capitale verde europea" è il risultato di una proposta avanzata da città con una grande sensibilità ecologica.
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The concept was originally conceived at a meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, held on 15 May 2006, at the initiative of Mr Jüri Ratas, former Mayor of Tallinn, where 15 European cities and the Association of Estonian cities signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of such an award.
Tale proposta è stata inizialmente formulata in occasione di un incontro svoltosi a Tallinn (Estonia) il 15 maggio 2006, su iniziativa dell’ex-sindaco della città Jüri Ratas, quando 15 città europee e l’Associazione delle città estoni hanno firmato un memorandum di intesa sull’istituzione del premio.
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Four cities - Stockholm, Hamburg, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Nantes - have been awarded the prestigious title so far, from 2010 to 2013 respectively.
Fra il 2010 e il 2013 sono state finora quattro le città vincitrici di questo titolo prestigioso, nell’ordine Stoccolma, Amburgo, Victoria-Gasteiz e Nantes.
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The 2014 green capital will be announced on 29 June.
La capitale verde per il 2014 sarà annunciata il 29 giugno.
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Europe is now an essentially urban society, with three out of four Europeans living in towns and cities.
L’Europa di oggi è una società urbana in cui i tre quarti degli abitanti vivono in città e cittadine.
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Most of the environmental challenges facing our society originate from urban areas but it is also these urban areas that bring together the commitment and innovation needed to resolve them.
La maggior parte delle sfide ambientali che dobbiamo affrontare trae origine dalle zone urbane ma sono queste stesse zone che riuniscono l’innovazione e l’impegno necessari per risolverle.
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The European Green Capital Award was conceived as an initiative to promote and reward efforts, to spur cities to commit to further action, and to showcase and encourage exchange of best practice among European cities.
Il premio "Capitale verde europea" è stato concepito come un’iniziativa intesa a promuovere e ricompensare l’impegno, spronare le città a varare nuove azioni, illustrare le migliori pratiche e incoraggiarne lo scambio fra le città europee.
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In addition to inspiring other cities, this increased profile will serve to enhance the winning city’s reputation and attractiveness as a destination for people to visit, work and live in.
Oltre al ruolo ispiratore, questo rinnovato profilo servirà a rafforzare la reputazione della città vincitrice, facendone una destinazione interessante sotto il profilo turistico, lavorativo e abitativo.
Will your city be the European Green Capital 2015?
Today the Commission launches the search to find the city that will win the
European Green Capital title in 2015.
The European Green Capital Award recognises cities that are at the forefront
of environmentally-friendly urban living and which can act as role-models to
inspire other cities.
The annual award is intended to spur European cities to become more
attractive and healthy places - "fit for life".
European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potočnik,
"The European Green Capital Award showcases local efforts to improve the
urban environment and promote sustainable growth.
As we launch the competition for the sixth European Green Capital, for 2015,
I would like to encourage cities to apply and to use this as an opportunity to
review and highlight their environmental achievements and plan a sustainable
future for their citizens."
The three key aims of the award are to:
- Reward cities that have a well-established record of achieving high
environmental objectives;
- Encourage cities to commit to ambitious goals for future
environmental improvement and sustainable development;
- and provide a role model to inspire other cities and promote best
practices and experiences in all other European cities.
All cities across Europe with more than 200,000 inhabitants can apply for the
title of European Green Capital 2015. The award is open to EU Member States,
acceding states (Croatia), candidate countries (Turkey, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland and Serbia) and other European
Economic Area countries (Norway and Liechtenstein).
In countries where there is no city with more than 200,000 inhabitants, the
largest city is eligible to apply.
Entries will be assessed on the basis of 12 indicators:
local contribution to global climate change, sustainable transport, green
urban areas incorporating sustainable land use, promotion of nature and
biodiversity, air quality, noise levels, waste management, water consumption,
waste water treatment, eco-innovation and sustainable employment, environmental
management of the local authority and energy performance.
Cities can apply online at www.europeangreencapital.eu.
The deadline for applications for the 2015 title is 15 October 2012.
The title is awarded by an international jury supported by a panel of
renowned experts in different environmental fields.
The winner will be announced in June 2013.
The European Green Capital Award is the outcome of an initiative taken by
cities with a green vision.
The concept was originally conceived at a meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, held
on 15 May 2006, at the initiative of Mr Jüri Ratas, former Mayor of Tallinn,
where 15 European cities and the Association of Estonian cities signed a joint
Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of such an award.
Four cities - Stockholm, Hamburg, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Nantes - have been
awarded the prestigious title so far, from 2010 to 2013 respectively.
The 2014 green capital will be announced on 29 June.
Europe is now an essentially urban society, with three out of four Europeans
living in towns and cities.
Most of the environmental challenges facing our society originate from urban
areas but it is also these urban areas that bring together the commitment and
innovation needed to resolve them.
The European Green Capital Award was conceived as an initiative to promote
and reward efforts, to spur cities to commit to further action, and to showcase
and encourage exchange of best practice among European cities.
In addition to inspiring other cities, this increased profile will serve to
enhance the winning city’s reputation and attractiveness as a destination for
people to visit, work and live in.