Un meccanismo per collegare l’Europa: gli Stati membri raggiungono un accordo sullo sviluppo delle future infrastrutture
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Data documento: 07-06-2012
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Connecting Europe Facility: Member States reach an agreement on building our future infrastructure
Un meccanismo per collegare l’Europa: gli Stati membri raggiungono un accordo sullo sviluppo delle future infrastrutture
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Siim Kallas, European Commission Vice-President responsible for transport and mobility, welcomed the efforts of the Danish Presidency and the outcome of today's Transport Council reaching a partial general approach on the initiative known as 'Connecting Europe Facility'.
Siim Kallas, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile per i trasporti e la mobilità, ha accolto con favore gli sforzi della presidenza danese e l’esito del consiglio "Trasporti" tenutosi in data odierna che ha concordato un’impostazione parziale generale in merito all' Iniziativa denominata "Un meccanismo per collegare l’Europa".
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"The establishment of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is one of the key initiatives of the Commission in the context of the proposed package for delivering sustainable growth and jobs", said Kalla
"La creazione del meccanismo per collegare l’Europa (Connecting Europe facility, CEF)" è una delle principali iniziative della Commissione nel’ambito della serie di misure proposte per conseguire una crescita e un’occupazione sostenibili", ha dichiarato Siim Kallas.
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."I think this text presents a delicate balance within the Council and forms a fair basis for further work.
"Ritengo che questo testo rifletta un delicato equilibrio all’interno del Consiglio e costituisca una base corretta per i lavori futuri.
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It also reflects the very good coordination with discussions on the sectoral guidelines for trans-European networks, for whose implementation the CEF is crucial", he added.
Esso rispecchia inoltre un ottimo coordinamento con i dibattiti relativi agli orientamenti settoriali per le reti transeuropee, per la cui attuazione il CEF è fondamentale ", ha aggiunto.
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The initial Commission proposal
Proposta iniziale della Commissione
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In October 2011 the Commission adopted a plan which will fund €50 billion worth of investment to improve Europe's transport, energy and digital networks.
Nell’ottobre 2011, la Commissione ha adottato un piano diretto a finanziare 50 miliardi di euro di investimenti allo scopo di migliorare le reti dei trasporti, energetiche e digitali europee.
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The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is one of the key initiatives proposed by the Commission in the context of its package for delivering sustainable growth and jobs.
Il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa (CEF) è una delle iniziative fondamentali proposte dalla Commissione nell’ambito della serie di misure volte a conseguire una crescita e un’occupazione sostenibili.
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The CEF shall concentrate on high EU added-value projects and shall finance projects which fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital backbone and remove bottlenecks.
Il CEF sarà incentrato su progetti di alto valore aggiunto per la UE e finanzierà progetti finalizzati a colmare i collegamenti mancanti nelle reti europee di energia, trasporti e settore digitale e ad eliminare le strozzature.
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By focussing on transport modes that are less polluting, the Connecting Europe Facility will push our transport system to become more sustainable.
Concentrandosi sui mezzi di trasporto meno inquinanti, il meccanismo per collegare l’Europa, condurrà il nostro sistema di trasporti verso un modello più sostenibile.
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It will also give consumers more choice about how they want to travel.
Esso offrirà inoltre ai consumatori una scelta più ampia sul modo di viaggiare.
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The internal market for energy will be further developed through better interconnections, leading to security of supply and the possibility to transport renewable energy in a cost-effective manner across the EU.
Il mercato interno dell’energia verrà ulteriormente sviluppato attraverso migliori interconnessioni, con conseguente sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti e possibilità di trasportare energie rinnovabili in modo economico in tutta l’UE.
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As regards digital services, the money would be used for grants to build infrastructure needed to roll out e-ID, eProcurement, electronic health care records, Europeana, eJustice and customs-related services.
Per quanto riguarda i servizi digitali, i finanziamenti saranno utilizzati per sovvenzioni allo scopo di creare le infrastrutture necessarie alla diffusione di procedure di identificazione elettronica (e-ID), eProcurement (appalti elettronici), cartelle cliniche elettroniche, Europeana, eJustice (giustizia elettronica) e servizi doganali.
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The money would serve to ensure interoperability and meet the costs of running the infrastructure at European level, linking up Member States' infrastructures. (IP/11/1200)
I finanziamenti consentirebbero di garantire l’interoperabilità e di sostenere i costi collegati al funzionamento dell’infrastruttura su scala europea per collegare le infrastrutture degli Stati membri. (IP/11/1200)
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The Commission considers the agreed text a fair basis for the on-going inter-institutional discussions.
La Commissione ritiene che il testo concordato rappresenti una base corretta per i dibattiti interistituzionali in corso.
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The European Parliament is expected to vote on the proposal in late 2012 or early 2013. |
Il Parlamento europeo dovrebbe votare la proposta alla fine del 2012 o all’inizio del 2013. |
Connecting Europe Facility: Member States reach an agreement on building
our future infrastructure
Siim Kallas, European Commission Vice-President responsible for transport and
mobility, welcomed the efforts of the Danish Presidency and the outcome of
today's Transport Council reaching a partial general approach on the initiative
known as 'Connecting Europe Facility'.
"The establishment of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is one of the key
initiatives of the Commission in the context of the proposed package for
delivering sustainable growth and jobs", said Kalla
."I think this text presents a delicate balance within the Council and forms
a fair basis for further work.
It also reflects the very good coordination with discussions on the sectoral
guidelines for trans-European networks, for whose implementation the CEF is
crucial", he added.
The initial Commission proposal
In October 2011 the Commission adopted a plan which will fund €50 billion
worth of investment to improve Europe's transport, energy and digital networks.
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is one of the key initiatives proposed
by the Commission in the context of its package for delivering sustainable
growth and jobs.
The CEF shall concentrate on high EU added-value projects and shall finance
projects which fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital
backbone and remove bottlenecks.
By focussing on transport modes that are less polluting, the Connecting
Europe Facility will push our transport system to become more sustainable.
It will also give consumers more choice about how they want to travel.
The internal market for energy will be further developed through better
interconnections, leading to security of supply and the possibility to transport
renewable energy in a cost-effective manner across the EU.
As regards digital services, the money would be used for grants to build
infrastructure needed to roll out e-ID, eProcurement, electronic health care
records, Europeana, eJustice and customs-related services.
The money would serve to ensure interoperability and meet the costs of
running the infrastructure at European level, linking up Member States'
infrastructures. (IP/11/1200)
Next steps
The Commission considers the agreed text a fair basis for the on-going
inter-institutional discussions.
The European Parliament is expected to vote on the proposal in late 2012 or
early 2013.