Si registrano progressi nella riduzione della dispersione scolastica e aumenta il numero di laureati in Europa, ma bisogna fare di più
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Data documento: 07-06-2012
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Progress in reducing early school leaving and increasing graduates in Europe, but more efforts needed
Si registrano progressi nella riduzione della dispersione scolastica e aumenta il numero di laureati in Europa, ma bisogna fare di più
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Member States must work harder if they are to meet the Europe 2020 education targets to reduce early school leaving rates to less than 10% and increase the share of young people with degree-level qualifications to at least 40%, according to figures for 2011 released by Eurostat.
Gli Stati membri devono intensificare gli sforzi se vogliono raggiungere gli obiettivi nel campo dell'istruzione stabiliti nella strategia Europa 2020 al fine di ridurre gli abbandoni scolastici portandoli a una percentuale inferiore al 10% e di accrescere il numero di giovani con diploma a livello di laurea portandolo ad almeno il 40%, come è possibile dedurre dalle cifre relative al 2011 pubblicate da Eurostat.
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They show that Member States are making progress, but wide disparities remain and it is far from certain that the EU will meet its 2020 goals: The share of early school leavers now stands at 13.5%, down from 14.1% in 2010 and from 17.6% in 2000.
Tali cifre indicano che gli Stati membri stanno facendo progressi, ma che permangono ampie disparità e non è affatto certo che l'UE raggiunga i suoi obiettivi per il 2020: la percentuale di abbandoni scolastici si situa ora al 13,5%, al di sotto del 14,1% registrato nel 2010 e del 17,6% nel 2000.
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In 2011, 34.6% of 30-34 year olds in the EU had a degree, compared to 33.5% in the previous year and 22.4% in 2000.
Nel 2011 il 34,6% delle persone nell'UE tra i 30 e i 34 anni aveva una laurea rispetto al 33,5% nell'anno precedente e al 22,4% nel 2000.
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Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"Member States need to focus on reforms and step up their efforts to implement comprehensive strategies against early school leaving.
"Gli Stati membri devono concentrarsi sulle riforme e intensificare gli sforzi per porre in atto strategie globali onde arginare la dispersione scolastica.
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They need to boost access to higher education while also increasing its quality.
Essi devono promuovere l'accesso all'istruzione superiore migliorandone nel contempo la qualità.
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Equipping young people with the right skills and qualifications will help Europe to fight youth unemployment, to overcome the crisis and make the most of the opportunities created by the knowledge-based economy.
Il fatto di dotare i giovani delle opportune competenze e qualifiche aiuterà l'Europa a lottare contro la disoccupazione, a superare la crisi e a cogliere le opportunità determinate dall'economia basata sui saperi.
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Serious investment in education and training is a pre-requisite for long-term success: without proper funding Europe will not win the global battle for growth, jobs and competitiveness."
Un serio investimento nell'istruzione e nella formazione è condizione essenziale per un successo duraturo: se non si disporrà di finanziamenti adeguati l'Europa non potrà vincere la battaglia globale per la crescita, l'occupazione e la competitività."
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Although the latest figures highlight progress towards both targets, the Commission is concerned that this is not a result of reforms which will have a long-term impact but rather a by-product of high youth unemployment which means more young people are staying longer in education and training.
Sebbene le cifre più recenti evidenzino i progressi compiuti verso il raggiungimento di entrambi gli obiettivi, la Commissione teme che ciò sia il risultato non di riforme aventi un impatto di lungo periodo, ma sia piuttosto una conseguenza collaterale dell'elevato tasso di disoccupazione giovanile che induce un maggior numero di giovani a protrarre il loro periodo di istruzione e formazione.
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Another concern is that national targets set by Member States are not sufficient for the EU to meet its joint overall target.
Un'altra preoccupazione è che gli obiettivi nazionali fissati dagli Stati membri non siano sufficienti per far sì che l'UE raggiunga il suo obiettivo di insieme.
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On early school leaving, defined as the share of 18-24 year olds with only lower secondary education qualifications at best and who are no longer in education or training, 11 Member States have surpassed the 10% benchmark. Malta (33.5%), Spain (26.5%) and Portugal (23.2%) have the highest rates of school drop-outs, but have made a lot of progress in recent years.
Per quanto concerne la dispersione scolastica definita quale la percentuale dei 18-24enni che nel migliore dei casi hanno soltanto qualifiche a livello di istruzione secondaria inferiore e che non frequentano più corsi di istruzione o formazione, 11 Stati membri hanno superato la soglia di riferimento del 10%Malta (33,5%), Spagna (26,5%) e Portogallo (23,2%) presentano i tassi più alti di abbandoni scolastici, ma hanno compiuto notevoli progressi negli ultimi anni.
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Other Member States that have reduced early school leaving include Cyprus (11.2%), Latvia (11.8%) and Bulgaria (12.8%).
Tra gli altri Stati membri che hanno ridotto la dispersione scolastica vi sono Cipro (11,2%), Lettonia (11,8%) e Bulgaria (12,8%).
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13 Member States have higher education attainment rates above the 40% headline target. Among those with lower attainment levels, Slovenia (37.9%), Latvia (35.7%), Hungary (28.1%), Portugal (26.1%), the Czech Republic (23.8%) and Romania (20.4%) all saw year-on-year increases of over two percentage points.
13 Stati membri presentano risultati in tema di diplomi di istruzione superiore che vanno al di là dell'obiettivo finale del 40%. Tra coloro che presentano i risultati più bassi, la Slovenia (37,9%), la Lettonia (35,7%), l'Ungheria (28,1%), il Portogallo (26,1%), la Repubblica ceca (23,8%) e la Romania (20,4%) hanno registrato tutti aumenti annuali di più di due punti percentuali.
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In contrast, Greece (28.9%), Austria (23.8%) and Italy (20.3%) achieved increases of only half a percentage point or less and Bulgaria (27.3%) and Malta (21.1%) registered a fall in their higher education attainment rate.
Di converso, la Grecia (28,9%), l'Austria (23,8%) e l'Italia (20,3%) hanno registrato aumenti di un solo punto percentuale o anche meno mentre la Bulgaria (27,3%) e Malta (21,1%) hanno subito una riduzione nel tasso di completamento dell'istruzione superiore.
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Poland (36.9%), Germany (30.7%) and Slovakia (23.4%) recorded modest increases in the same period.
La Polonia (36,9%), la Germania(30,7%) e la Slovacchia (23,4%) hanno segnalato un modesto aumento nello stesso periodo.
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The figures were compiled by Eurostat as part of the Labour Force Survey, which provides data on the situation and trends in the EU labour market, including participation and attainment in education.
Le cifre sono state compilate da Eurostat nell'ambito dell'indagine sulle forze di lavoro che fornisce dati sulla situazione e sulle tendenze nel mercato del lavoro dell'UE, compresa la partecipazione e i risultati in campo educativo.
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In June 2011, Member States committed themselves to developing evidence-based and comprehensive national strategies to reduce early school leaving by the end of 2012.
Nel giugno 2011 gli Stati membri si sono impegnati a sviluppare strategie nazionali globali e basate su dati esperienziali al fine di ridurre entro la fine del 2012 la dispersione scolastica.
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Country-specific recommendations
Raccomandazioni per paese
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On 30 May 2012, the European Commission presented a set of country-specific recommendations to Member States on reforms to increase stability, growth and employment across the EU.
Il 30 maggio 2012 la Commissione europea ha presentato un insieme di raccomandazioni per paese agli Stati membri in tema di riforme per promuovere la stabilità, la crescita e l'occupazione nell'UE.
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Six countries (Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta and Spain) received recommendations to address early school leaving, while seven countries (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Slovakia) had recommendations on higher education.
Sei paesi (Danimarca, Ungheria, Italia, Lettonia, Malta e Spagna) hanno ricevuto raccomandazioni affinché affrontino la piaga della dispersione scolastica, mentre sette paesi (Austria, Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Ungheria, Italia, Lettonia e Slovacchia) hanno ricevuto raccomandazioni per quanto concerne l'istruzione superiore.
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Cooperation at European level and next steps
La cooperazione a livello europeo e i passi successivi
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As part of the EU's strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020") the Commission encourages Member States to work together to reduce early school leaving and to modernise higher education by identifying and exchanging good practices at European level.
Nell'ambito del quadro strategico per la cooperazione europea nel settore dell'istruzione e della formazione ("ET 2020") dell'UE la Commissione incoraggia gli Stati membri a collaborare per ridurre gli abbandoni scolastici e modernizzare l'istruzione superiore identificando e scambiando buone pratiche a livello europeo.
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A working group made up of experts from across the EU was set up in December 2011 by the Commission to support policy development to combat early school leaving.
Nel dicembre 2011 la Commissione ha istituito un gruppo di lavoro composto di esperti provenienti dai diversi paesi dell'UE per sostenere gli sviluppi strategici e lottare contro la dispersione scolastica.
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The Commission will report on latest developments concerning early school leaving and graduate attainment in the upcoming Education Monitor (autumn 2012) and the next Annual Growth Survey (2013). |
La Commissione riferirà sugli ultimi sviluppi in tema di dispersione scolastica e di risultati accademici nell'imminente Education Monitor (autunno 2012) e nella prossima indagine annuale sulla crescita (2013). |
Progress in reducing early school leaving and increasing graduates in
Europe, but more efforts needed
Member States must work harder if they are to meet the Europe 2020 education
targets to reduce early school leaving rates to less than 10% and increase the
share of young people with degree-level qualifications to at least 40%,
according to figures for 2011 released by Eurostat.
They show that Member States are making progress, but wide disparities remain
and it is far from certain that the EU will meet its 2020 goals: The share of
early school leavers now stands at 13.5%, down from 14.1% in 2010 and from 17.6%
in 2000.
In 2011, 34.6% of 30-34 year olds in the EU had a degree, compared to 33.5%
in the previous year and 22.4% in 2000.
Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, said:
"Member States need to focus on reforms and step up their efforts to
implement comprehensive strategies against early school leaving.
They need to boost access to higher education while also increasing its
Equipping young people with the right skills and qualifications will help
Europe to fight youth unemployment, to overcome the crisis and make the most of
the opportunities created by the knowledge-based economy.
Serious investment in education and training is a pre-requisite for long-term
success: without proper funding Europe will not win the global battle for
growth, jobs and competitiveness."
Although the latest figures highlight progress towards both targets, the
Commission is concerned that this is not a result of reforms which will have a
long-term impact but rather a by-product of high youth unemployment which means
more young people are staying longer in education and training.
Another concern is that national targets set by Member States are not
sufficient for the EU to meet its joint overall target.
On early school leaving, defined as the share of 18-24 year olds with only
lower secondary education qualifications at best and who are no longer in
education or training, 11 Member States have surpassed the 10% benchmark. Malta
(33.5%), Spain (26.5%) and Portugal (23.2%) have the highest rates of school
drop-outs, but have made a lot of progress in recent years.
Other Member States that have reduced early school leaving include Cyprus
(11.2%), Latvia (11.8%) and Bulgaria (12.8%).
13 Member States have higher education attainment rates above the 40%
headline target. Among those with lower attainment levels, Slovenia (37.9%),
Latvia (35.7%), Hungary (28.1%), Portugal (26.1%), the Czech Republic (23.8%)
and Romania (20.4%) all saw year-on-year increases of over two percentage
In contrast, Greece (28.9%), Austria (23.8%) and Italy (20.3%) achieved
increases of only half a percentage point or less and Bulgaria (27.3%) and Malta
(21.1%) registered a fall in their higher education attainment rate.
Poland (36.9%), Germany (30.7%) and Slovakia (23.4%) recorded modest
increases in the same period.
The figures were compiled by Eurostat as part of the Labour Force Survey,
which provides data on the situation and trends in the EU labour market,
including participation and attainment in education.
In June 2011, Member States committed themselves to developing evidence-based
and comprehensive national strategies to reduce early school leaving by the end
of 2012.
Country-specific recommendations
On 30 May 2012, the European Commission presented a set of country-specific
recommendations to Member States on reforms to increase stability, growth and
employment across the EU.
Six countries (Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta and Spain) received
recommendations to address early school leaving, while seven countries (Austria,
Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Slovakia) had
recommendations on higher education.
Cooperation at European level and next steps
As part of the EU's strategic framework for European cooperation in education
and training ("ET 2020") the Commission encourages Member States to work
together to reduce early school leaving and to modernise higher education by
identifying and exchanging good practices at European level.
A working group made up of experts from across the EU was set up in December
2011 by the Commission to support policy development to combat early school
The Commission will report on latest developments concerning early school
leaving and graduate attainment in the upcoming Education Monitor (autumn 2012)
and the next Annual Growth Survey (2013).