L'educazione alla cittadinanza è oggi impartita in tutti i paesi europei ma manca una formazione specialistica per i docenti
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Data documento: 31-05-2012
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Citizenship education now taught in all European countries but specialist training for teachers lacking
L'educazione alla cittadinanza è oggi impartita in tutti i paesi europei ma manca una formazione specialistica per i docenti
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Brussels, 31 May 2012 – All EU Member States have integrated 'citizenship education' into their primary and secondary school curricula - albeit with different approaches, according to a report published today by the European Commission.
Bruxelles, 31 maggio 2012 - Tutti gli Stati membri hanno integrato "l'educazione alla cittadinanza" nei loro piani di studio scolastici primari e secondari - anche se con approcci diversi, secondo quanto riferisce la relazione pubblicata oggi dalla Commissione europea.
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Improving knowledge and skills for teaching the subject remains a challenge, however, with only two countries (UK - England and Slovakia) offering training for prospective specialist teachers in initial teacher education programmes.
Migliorare le conoscenze e le competenze per insegnare questa materia rimane tuttavia una sfida, dal momento che solo due paesi (Regno Unito - Inghilterra e Slovacchia) offrono una formazione per i futuri docenti specializzati nei programmi di istruzione iniziale destinati ai docenti.
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The report indicates a general consensus that citizenship education should aim to develop critical thinking, analytical skills and attitudes to foster active participation in school and society.
La relazione evidenzia un consenso generale sul fatto che l'educazione alla cittadinanza dovrebbe mirare a sviluppare il pensiero critico, le capacità e gli atteggiamenti analitici al fine di favorire una partecipazione attiva nella scuola e nella società.
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Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"Citizenship education endows pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to actively engage in our society.
"L'educazione alla cittadinanza sviluppa negli alunni le conoscenze, le competenze e i valori necessari per impegnarsi attivamente nella nostra società.
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We must encourage this because active participation is at the root of our democratic values in Europe.
Dobbiamo incoraggiare questo tipo di educazione poiché la partecipazione attiva è alla radice dei nostri valori democratici in Europa.
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We also need to put more emphasis on teacher training in this area so that young people are inspired to become active citizens."
Dobbiamo inoltre compiere maggiori sforzi per la formazione dei docenti in questo settore, in modo tale che i giovani siano incentivati a divenire cittadini attivi."
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The report finds that schools in all European countries have introduced rules and recommendations aimed at encouraging democratic practices and participation through, for example, the election of class representatives, student councils and student representation on school governing bodies.
La relazione informa che le scuole in tutti i paesi europei hanno introdotto regole e raccomandazioni volte a incoraggiare le prassi e la partecipazione democratiche, ad esempio attraverso l'elezione dei rappresentanti di classe, i consigli studenteschi e le rappresentanze studentesche degli organismi di gestione delle scuole.
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This increases the likelihood that young people will actively engage in social and political life.
In questo modo aumenta la probabilità che i giovani si impegnino attivamente nella vita sociale e politica.
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While all countries have guidelines to give pupils a voice in the running of their school, since 2007 more than half have implemented at least one publicly financed programme or project to cultivate citizenship-related values and attitudes outside school.
Tutti i paesi hanno adottato orientamenti destinati a dare agli alunni un ruolo nella gestione della loro scuola ed inoltre dal 2007 più della metà hanno attuato almeno un programma o progetto finanziato con fondi pubblici destinato a coltivare i valori e gli atteggiamenti collegati alla cittadinanza al di fuori della scuola.
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These include initiatives to encourage pupils from different ethnic and socio-economic groups to get involved in joint activities (Latvia, for instance, has launched a project on these lines) or to bring children in primary schools together with old people in retirement homes (France is among the countries to encourage such 'intergenerational' projects).
I programmi comprendono iniziative volte a incoraggiare gli alunni di diversi gruppi etnici e socioeconomici a partecipare ad attività congiunte (ad esempio la Lettonia ha lanciato un progetto di questo tipo) o a riunire gli alunni delle scuole primarie e gli anziani nelle case di riposo (la Francia è uno dei paesi che incoraggiano questi progetti "intergenerazionali").
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Active participation is also increasingly used in pupil assessment.
La partecipazione attiva è inoltre sempre più utilizzata nella valutazione degli alunni.
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More than a third of European countries now take participation in school or community activities into account when assessing students.
Più di un terzo dei paesi europei attualmente prende in considerazione la partecipazione alle attività scolastiche o comunitarie al momento di valutare gli studenti.
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The Citizenship Education in Europe report, compiled for the Commission by the Eurydice network, covers 31 European countries - the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Croatia and Turkey.
La relazione L'educazione alla cittadinanza in Europa, elaborata per la Commissione dalla rete Eurydice, comprende 31 paesi europei - gli Stati membri dell'UE, l'Islanda, la Norvegia, la Croazia e la Turchia.
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It aims to sum up how policies and measures relating to citizenship education have evolved in recent years.
Lo scopo è di analizzare in che modo le politiche e le misure collegate all'educazione alla cittadinanza si sono evolute negli ultimi anni.
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The report provides an overview of five main topics:
La relazione fornisce un quadro della situazione attuale suddiviso in cinque temi principali:
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1) Curriculum aims and organisation;
1) finalità e organizzazione dei curricula;
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2) Student and parent participation in schools;
2) partecipazione degli studenti e dei genitori nelle scuole;
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3) School culture and student participation in society;
3) cultura scolastica e partecipazione studentesca nella società;
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4) Assessment and evaluation;
4) valutazione;
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5) Support for teachers and school heads.
5) sostegno per i docenti e i responsabili degli istituti scolastici.
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The report also highlights progress made, where evident, since the previous Eurydice study on this topic in 2005.
La relazione sottolinea inoltre i progressi compiuti in casi in cui essi sono evidenti, dal primo studio Eurydice su questo tema effettuato nel 2005.
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The reference year is 2010/11.
L'anno di riferimento è il 2010/2011.
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Improving teachers' knowledge and skills for teaching citizenship remains a challenge.
Migliorare le conoscenze e le competenze dei docenti nel settore dell'educazione alla cittadinanza rimane una sfida.
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While, in general, citizenship education is integrated into initial teacher education courses for secondary education specialists in subjects such as history and geography, only two of the 31 countries assessed (England and Slovakia) train prospective teachers as specialists in citizenship education.
Anche se in generale l'educazione alla cittadinanza è integrata nei corsi iniziali di formazione dei docenti destinati a specialisti dell'istruzione secondaria in materie come la storia e la geografia, solo due dei 31 paesi valutati (Inghilterra e Slovacchia) formano i futuri docenti come specialisti dell'educazione alla cittadinanza.
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Furthermore, while several countries have reformed their citizenship education curricula in recent years, these reforms have rarely been introduced in initial teacher education or continuing professional development programmes.
Inoltre, anche se alcuni paesi hanno ristrutturato negli ultimi anni i loro curricula nel settore dell'educazione alla cittadinanza, di rado queste riforme sono state introdotte nella formazione iniziale dei docenti o nei programmi continui di sviluppo professionale.
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Standardised methods that guide teachers in their assessment of pupils are also still widely lacking, the report finds.
La relazione sottolinea inoltre che mancano in generale metodi standardizzati di orientamento dei docenti nella valutazione degli alunni.
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The report is produced by the Eurydice network, which provides analyses and information on European education systems and policies.
La relazione è prodotta dalla rete Eurydice, che fornisce analisi e informazioni sui sistemi e sulle politiche d'istruzione europee.
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It consists of 37 national units based in all 33 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
La rete è composta da 37 unità nazionali basate in tutti i 33 paesi che partecipano al programma dell'UE sull'apprendimento permanente (gli Stati membri dell'UE, la Croazia, l'Islanda, il Liechtenstein, la Norvegia, la Svizzera e la Turchia).
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It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. |
La rete è coordinata e gestita dall'Agenzia esecutiva dell'UE per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura. |
Citizenship education now taught in all European countries but specialist
training for teachers lacking
Brussels, 31 May 2012 – All EU Member States have integrated 'citizenship
education' into their primary and secondary school curricula - albeit with
different approaches, according to a report published today by the European
Improving knowledge and skills for teaching the subject remains a challenge,
however, with only two countries (UK - England and Slovakia) offering training
for prospective specialist teachers in initial teacher education programmes.
The report indicates a general consensus that citizenship education should
aim to develop critical thinking, analytical skills and attitudes to foster
active participation in school and society.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
Youth, said:
"Citizenship education endows pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and
values to actively engage in our society.
We must encourage this because active participation is at the root of our
democratic values in Europe.
We also need to put more emphasis on teacher training in this area so that
young people are inspired to become active citizens."
The report finds that schools in all European countries have introduced rules
and recommendations aimed at encouraging democratic practices and participation
through, for example, the election of class representatives, student councils
and student representation on school governing bodies.
This increases the likelihood that young people will actively engage in
social and political life.
While all countries have guidelines to give pupils a voice in the running of
their school, since 2007 more than half have implemented at least one publicly
financed programme or project to cultivate citizenship-related values and
attitudes outside school.
These include initiatives to encourage pupils from different ethnic and
socio-economic groups to get involved in joint activities (Latvia, for instance,
has launched a project on these lines) or to bring children in primary schools
together with old people in retirement homes (France is among the countries to
encourage such 'intergenerational' projects).
Active participation is also increasingly used in pupil assessment.
More than a third of European countries now take participation in school or
community activities into account when assessing students.
The Citizenship Education in Europe report, compiled for the Commission by
the Eurydice network, covers 31 European countries - the EU Member States,
Iceland, Norway, Croatia and Turkey.
It aims to sum up how policies and measures relating to citizenship education
have evolved in recent years.
The report provides an overview of five main topics:
1) Curriculum aims and organisation;
2) Student and parent participation in schools;
3) School culture and student participation in society;
4) Assessment and evaluation;
5) Support for teachers and school heads.
The report also highlights progress made, where evident, since the previous
Eurydice study on this topic in 2005.
The reference year is 2010/11.
Improving teachers' knowledge and skills for teaching citizenship remains a
While, in general, citizenship education is integrated into initial teacher
education courses for secondary education specialists in subjects such as
history and geography, only two of the 31 countries assessed (England and
Slovakia) train prospective teachers as specialists in citizenship education.
Furthermore, while several countries have reformed their citizenship
education curricula in recent years, these reforms have rarely been introduced
in initial teacher education or continuing professional development programmes.
Standardised methods that guide teachers in their assessment of pupils are
also still widely lacking, the report finds.
The report is produced by the Eurydice network, which provides analyses and
information on European education systems and policies.
It consists of 37 national units based in all 33 countries participating in
the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency.