La Commissione indica le prossime tappe verso la stabilità, la crescita e l'occupazione
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 30-05-2012
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Commission sets out the next steps for stability, growth and jobs
La Commissione indica le prossime tappe verso la stabilità, la crescita e l'occupazione
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Brussels, 30 May 2012 - The European Commission has adopted a package of recommendations for budgetary measures and economic reforms to enhance financial stability, boost growth and create employment across the EU.
Bruxelles, 30 maggio 2012 - La Commissione europea ha adottato un pacchetto di raccomandazioni riguardanti misure di bilancio e riforme economiche per rafforzare la stabilità finanziaria, rilanciare la crescita e creare occupazione in tutta l'UE.
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The recommendations are country-specific, taking account of the individual situation of each Member State.
Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese tengono conto della situazione di ciascuno Stato membro.
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The Commission has also issued recommendations for the euro area as a whole, and set out its vision for the EU-level policy action needed to complement the national measures to deliver an ambitious, two-tiered EU growth initiative.
La Commissione ha formulato anche raccomandazioni per la zona euro considerata nel suo insieme e ha illustrato l'azione politica a livello di UE che, a suo parere, deve integrare le misure nazionali per arrivare a un'ambiziosa iniziativa UE per la crescita a due livelli.
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It has also presented the conclusions of twelve in-depth reviews in the context of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure and made recommendations to the Council relating to the Excessive Deficit Procedure.
La Commissione ha presentato inoltre le conclusioni di dodici esami approfonditi nell'ambito della procedura per gli squilibri macroeconomici e ha rivolto raccomandazioni al Consiglio riguardanti la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi.
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President Barroso said:
Il Presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"Today the Commission has taken important decisions that set out the further action that needs to be taken both at national level by each of our Member States and at the EU level to enhance our competitiveness, boost growth and jobs, and to strengthen decisively our economic and monetary union.
"Oggi la Commissione ha preso decisioni importanti definendo le ulteriori misure che devono essere adottate a livello nazionale, dai singoli Stati membri, e a livello di UE per migliorare la nostra competitività, dare impulso a crescita e occupazione e rafforzare in modo sostanziale la nostra unione economica e monetaria.
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They reflect the Commission's vital role at the heart of Europe’s economic government.
Queste decisioni riflettono il ruolo centrale della Commissione nella governance economica dell'Europa.
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Our recommendations are tailored for each Member State, but form part of a coherent approach to rebalancing the European economy.
Pur essendo modulate in funzione della situazione di ciascuno Stato membro, le nostre raccomandazioni fanno parte di un approccio coerente volto a riequilibrare l'economia europea.
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We have made good progress: public finances are starting to improve and imbalances are beginning to be unwound.
Abbiamo fatto buoni progressi: la situazione delle finanze pubbliche inizia a migliorare e si sta cominciando a correggere gli squilibri.
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The direction is clear.
La direzione da seguire è chiara.
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We now need to redouble our efforts, at both the national and European levels, to move faster and further."
Ora dobbiamo moltiplicare gli sforzi, a livello nazionale ed europeo, per agire in modo più rapido e efficace."
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A number of key messages emerge from this second set of annual country-specific recommendations.
Da questa seconda serie annuale di raccomandazioni specifiche per paese emergono diverse indicazioni fondamentali.
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On public finances, Member States are on the whole taking the necessary action to restore sustainability, but in several cases consolidation should be more growth-friendly.
Per quanto riguarda le finanze pubbliche, nel complesso gli Stati membri stanno adottando le misure necessarie al ripristino della sostenibilità, ma in diversi casi il risanamento dovrebbe essere più favorevole alla crescita.
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Unemployment, and in particular youth unemployment, is a severe problem - and though there is no quick fix, immediate action should be taken to increase productivity and better match skills and training to labour market needs.
La disoccupazione, in particolare fra i giovani, è un problema grave e, anche se non esiste una soluzione rapida, occorre intervenire immediatamente per aumentare la produttività e conciliare meglio le competenze e la formazione con le esigenze del mercato del lavoro.
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Many Member States are undertaking major structural reforms, including of their labour markets.These are helping to boost competitiveness and to correct macro-economic imbalances within Europe.
Molti Stati membri hanno intrapreso profonde riforme strutturali, tra cui quelle dei loro mercati occupazionali, che contribuiscono a migliorare la competitività e a correggere gli squilibri macroeconomici in Europa.
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Yet much greater action is needed across the EU to unlock our growth potential, create opportunities for business development, and unleash the job-creating potential of the services and energy sectors and the digital economy.
Occorre tuttavia un'azione nettamente più estesa in tutta l'UE per liberare il nostro potenziale di crescita, creare opportunità di sviluppo dell'attività imprenditoriale e sfruttare il potenziale di occupazione dei servizi, dell'energia e dell'economia digitale.
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Finally, the Commission has indicated the main steps towards full economic and monetary union, including a banking union;
La Commissione ha indicato infine le principali tappe verso un'unione economica e monetaria a tutti gli effetti, comprendente un'unione bancaria:
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euro area financial supervision and euro-area wide deposit guarantees.
vigilanza finanziaria della zona euro e garanzie sui depositi per tutta la zona euro.
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This process will need to take into account legal issues such as Treaty and constitutional change, while giving more democratic legitimacy and accountability to further integration moves.
Questo processo dovrà tener conto di questioni giuridiche quali le modifiche del trattato e le modifiche costituzionali, conferendo nel contempo legittimità democratica e responsabilità alle prossime tappe verso l'integrazione.
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Content of today's package
Contenuto del pacchetto odierno
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The package has three distinct but interlinked components.
Il pacchetto si articola in tre componenti distinte, ma strettamente connesse tra loro.
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First, there are 27 sets of country-specific recommendations, plus one for the euro area as a whole, on budgetary and economic policies.
In primo luogo, una serie di 27 raccomandazioni specifiche per paese, più una per l'intera zona euro, sulle politiche economiche e di bilancio.
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The analysis underpinning the recommendations is set out in 28 staff working documents, while the overarching policy messages are drawn together in a Communication on Action for Stability, Growth and Jobs.
Le analisi su cui si basano le raccomandazioni sono contenute in 28 documenti di lavoro, mentre i messaggi politici generali sono riuniti in una comunicazione sull'azione per la stabilità, la crescita e l'occupazione.
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Second, the Commission is publishing the results of the in-depth reviews launched earlier this year for 12 Member States deemed at risk of macro-economic imbalances.
In secondo luogo, la Commissione pubblica i risultati degli esami approfonditi avviati all'inizio di quest'anno per 12 Stati membri considerati a rischio di squilibri macroeconomici.
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The Commission’s conclusion is that all twelve are suffering from imbalances, though none are currently excessive.
La conclusione della Commissione è che tutti e dodici presentano squilibri, anche se attualmente nessuno squilibrio è eccessivo.
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Guidance for preventive action is included in the country-specific recommendations.
Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese contengono anche orientamenti sull'azione preventiva.
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Third, the Commission is recommending to the Council that the Excessive Deficit Procedure be abrogated for Bulgaria and Germany. It is also proposing a Council decision concluding that Hungary has taken effective action to correct its excessive deficit and that the suspension of its 2013 Cohesion Fund commitments be lifted.
Infine, la Commissione raccomanda al Consiglio di abrogare la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi per Bulgaria e Germania e propone una decisione del Consiglio che conclude che l'Ungheria ha adottato misure efficaci per correggere il suo disavanzo eccessivo e revoca la sospensione dei suoi impegni nell'ambito del Fondo di coesione per il 2013.
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1. The 2012 country-specific recommendations (see MEMO/12/386)
1. Raccomandazioni specifiche per paese del 2012 (si veda il MEMO/12/386)
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The country-specific recommendations put forward by the Commission today give operational guidance for Member States while preparing their budgetary policies and for economic reforms that should be enacted over the coming twelve months to boost competitiveness and facilitate job creation.
Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese presentate oggi dalla Commissione contengono orientamenti operativi per la definizione delle politiche di bilancio e delle riforme economiche che gli Stati membri dovrebbero attuare nei prossimi dodici mesi per aumentare la competitività e favorire la creazione di posti di lavoro.
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The adoption of the recommendations marks the concluding phase of the European Semester of economic policy coordination, which was launched with the Commission’s Annual Growth Survey on 23 November 2011 (IP/11/1381, MEMO/11/821).
Con l'adozione delle raccomandazioni si conclude il semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche, lanciato il 23 novembre 2011 con l'analisi annuale della crescita della Commissione (IP/11/1381, MEMO/11/821).
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They should be endorsed by the European Council on 28-29 June and formally adopted by the Council in July.
Le raccomandazioni dovrebbero essere approvate dal Consiglio europeo del 28 e 29 giugno e adottate formalmente dal Consiglio a luglio.
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The basis for these recommendations is a thorough assessment of the implementation of those adopted last year, combined with a detailed analysis of the national reform programmes and stability or convergence programmes1 that Member States submitted by 30 April 2012.
Le raccomandazioni si basano su una valutazione approfondita dell'attuazione delle raccomandazioni dell'anno scorso, nonché su un'analisi dettagliata dei programmi nazionali di riforma e dei programmi di stabilità o di convergenza1 presentati dagli Stati membri il 30 aprile 2012.
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The analysis underpinning the recommendations is presented in 28 staff working documents (again, one for each Member State and one for the euro area).
Le analisi su cui si basano le raccomandazioni sono contenute in 28 documenti di lavoro (uno per ciascuno Stato membro e uno per la zona euro).
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For the first time this year, the recommendations also reflect the findings of the twelve in-depth reviews carried out in the context of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure (see below).
Quest'anno, inoltre, le raccomandazioni integrano per la prima volta i risultati dei dodici esami approfonditi svolti nell'ambito della procedura per gli squilibri macroeconomici (si veda più avanti).
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The recommendations cover a wide range of issues including public finances and structural reforms in areas such as taxation, pensions, public administration, services, and labour market issues, especially youth unemployment.
Le raccomandazioni riguardano un'ampia gamma di settori quali le finanze pubbliche e le riforme strutturali in materia di fiscalità, pensioni, pubblica amministrazione e servizi, nonché questioni connesse al mercato del lavoro, in particolare la disoccupazione giovanile.
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The programme countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Romania) receive only one recommendation: to implement the measures agreed under their programme.
Ai paesi oggetto di un programma di aggiustamento (Grecia, Portogallo, Irlanda e Romania) viene rivolta un'unica raccomandazione: attuare le misure concordate nell'ambito dei rispettivi programmi.
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2. Conclusion of 12 in-depth reviews (see MEMO/12/388)
2. Conclusione dei 12 esami approfonditi (si veda il MEMO/12/388)
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The in-depth reviews are part of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure, which was introduced to prevent and correct macroeconomic imbalances and which is being implemented for the first time this year.
Gli esami approfonditi fanno parte della procedura per gli squilibri macroeconomici, che è stata introdotta per prevenire e correggere questi squilibri e viene applicata per la prima volta quest'anno.
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They cover twelve Member States, which were identified in the Alert Mechanism Report of 14 February 2012 (IP/12/132, MEMO/12/104) as warranting further economic analysis in order to determine whether macroeconomic imbalances exist or risk emerging.
Gli esami riguardano i dodici Stati membri per i quali la relazione sul meccanismo di allerta del 14 febbraio 2012 (IP/12/132, MEMO/12/104) ha individuato la necessità di un'ulteriore analisi economica onde accertare l'eventuale esistenza o l'eventuale rischio di squilibri macroeconomici.
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These Member States are Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Gli Stati membri interessati sono: Belgio, Bulgaria, Cipro, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Italia, Ungheria, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia e Regno Unito.
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Each of the twelve in-depth reviews examines the origin, nature and severity of possible macroeconomic imbalances.
Scopo dei dodici esami approfonditi è analizzare l'origine, la natura e l'entità degli eventuali squilibri macroeconomici.
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They assess whether the country is affected by an imbalance or not, and if it is, what the nature of the imbalance is.
Gli esami valutano se il paese presenti uno squilibrio e, in caso affermativo, di quale natura.
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The reviews confirm that the twelve Member States concerned face macroeconomic imbalances which need to be corrected and closely monitored.
Gli esami confermano che i dodici Stati membri interessati presentano squilibri macroeconomici che devono essere corretti e monitorati attentamente.
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They also conclude that the adjustment of economic imbalances is broadly proceeding, as reflected in reductions in current account deficits, convergence in unit labour costs, retrenchment in credit flows or corrections in housing prices.
Essi concludono che il processo di correzione degli squilibri economici procede globalmente bene, come risulta chiaramente dalle riduzioni dei disavanzi delle partite correnti e dei flussi di credito, dalla convergenza dei costi unitari del lavoro o dalle correzioni dei prezzi degli alloggi.
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However, in some cases it is not clear to what extent the adjustment is complete and durable, or whether the speed of adjustment is adequate.
In certi casi, tuttavia, non è chiaro in che misura l'aggiustamento sia completo e duraturo o se proceda a un ritmo adeguato.
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In many cases, the accumulated internal and external imbalances continue to pose a formidable challenge, for example with regard to private and public sector indebtedness.
In molti casi, gli squilibri interni e esterni accumulatisi continuano a porre un problema alquanto serio, ad esempio per quanto riguarda il debito dei settori privato e pubblico.
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3. Proposals relating to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (see MEMO/12/385)
3. Proposte relative alla procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi (si veda il MEMO/12/385)
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Along with the country-specific recommendations and the conclusions of the in-depth reviews, the Commission is today also making three proposals to the Council related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
Oltre alle raccomandazioni specifiche per paese e alle conclusioni degli esami approfonditi, oggi la Commissione presenta anche tre proposte al Consiglio riguardanti la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi.
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Firstly, the Commission is recommending that the Council abrogate the EDP for Bulgaria and Germany, as foreseen in Article 126(12) of the Treaty.
In primo luogo, la Commissione raccomanda che il Consiglio abroghi la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi per la Bulgaria e la Germania, come previsto dall'articolo 126, paragrafo 12, del trattato.
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In March, Bulgaria and Germany notified that their 2011 general government deficit was below 3% of GDP.
A marzo la Bulgaria e la Germania hanno comunicato che il loro disavanzo pubblico per il 2011 era inferiore al 3% del PIL.
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Following the validation of these figures by Eurostat on 23 April 2012, and also taking into account that the Commission's 2012 spring forecast shows that these deficits will remain durably below 3% of GDP, the Commission has concluded that the correction of their excessive deficits is ensured.
Dopo la convalida di questo dato da parte di Eurostat il 23 aprile 2012, e visto che secondo le previsioni di primavera della Commissione per il 2012 questi disavanzi rimarranno stabilmente al di sotto del 3% del PIL, la Commissione ha concluso che la correzione dei loro disavanzi eccessivi è garantita.
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Secondly, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council decision to lift the suspension of commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary, after concluding that the country has taken the necessary action to correct its excessive deficit, in line with the Council Recommendation of 13 March 2012.
In secondo luogo, la Commissione europea ha adottato una proposta di decisione del Consiglio che revoca la sospensione degli impegni del Fondo di coesione per l'Ungheria dopo aver concluso che il paese aveva adottato le misure necessarie per correggere il suo disavanzo eccessivo, in linea con la raccomandazione del Consiglio del 13 marzo 2012.
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More specifically, the Commission has concluded in its assessment that the 2012 budget deficit target of 2.5% of GDP is expected to be reached and the 2013 budget deficit is expected to be well below the 3% of GDP reference value, despite the slight weakening of the macroeconomic environment, as indicated by the Commission in its 2012 spring forecast.
Più specificatamente, la valutazione della Commissione conclude che l'obiettivo 2012 relativo a un disavanzo di bilancio pari al 2,5% del PIL dovrebbe essere raggiunto e che l'obiettivo 2013 dovrebbe essere nettamente inferiore al valore di riferimento (3% del PIL), nonostante il lieve deterioramento del contesto macroeconomico, come indicato nelle previsioni di primavera 2012 della Commissione.
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The Commission will continue to closely monitor budgetary developments in Hungary, in accordance with the Stability and Growth Pact.
La Commissione continuerà a sorvegliare attentamente gli sviluppi di bilancio in Ungheria, conformemente al patto di stabilità e crescita.
Commission sets out the next steps for stability, growth and jobs
Brussels, 30 May 2012 - The European Commission has adopted a package of
recommendations for budgetary measures and economic reforms to enhance financial
stability, boost growth and create employment across the EU.
The recommendations are country-specific, taking account of the individual
situation of each Member State.
The Commission has also issued recommendations for the euro area as a whole,
and set out its vision for the EU-level policy action needed to complement the
national measures to deliver an ambitious, two-tiered EU growth initiative.
It has also presented the conclusions of twelve in-depth reviews in the
context of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure and made recommendations to the
Council relating to the Excessive Deficit Procedure.
President Barroso said:
"Today the Commission has taken important decisions that set out the further
action that needs to be taken both at national level by each of our Member
States and at the EU level to enhance our competitiveness, boost growth and
jobs, and to strengthen decisively our economic and monetary union.
They reflect the Commission's vital role at the heart of Europe’s economic
Our recommendations are tailored for each Member State, but form part of a
coherent approach to rebalancing the European economy.
We have made good progress: public finances are starting to improve and
imbalances are beginning to be unwound.
The direction is clear.
We now need to redouble our efforts, at both the national and European
levels, to move faster and further."
A number of key messages emerge from this second set of annual
country-specific recommendations.
On public finances, Member States are on the whole taking the necessary
action to restore sustainability, but in several cases consolidation should be
more growth-friendly.
Unemployment, and in particular youth unemployment, is a severe problem - and
though there is no quick fix, immediate action should be taken to increase
productivity and better match skills and training to labour market needs.
Many Member States are undertaking major structural reforms, including of
their labour markets.These are helping to boost competitiveness and to correct
macro-economic imbalances within Europe.
Yet much greater action is needed across the EU to unlock our growth
potential, create opportunities for business development, and unleash the
job-creating potential of the services and energy sectors and the digital
Finally, the Commission has indicated the main steps towards full economic
and monetary union, including a banking union;
euro area financial supervision and euro-area wide deposit guarantees.
This process will need to take into account legal issues such as Treaty and
constitutional change, while giving more democratic legitimacy and
accountability to further integration moves.
Content of today's package
The package has three distinct but interlinked components.
First, there are 27 sets of country-specific recommendations, plus one for
the euro area as a whole, on budgetary and economic policies.
The analysis underpinning the recommendations is set out in 28 staff working
documents, while the overarching policy messages are drawn together in a
Communication on Action for Stability, Growth and Jobs.
Second, the Commission is publishing the results of the in-depth reviews
launched earlier this year for 12 Member States deemed at risk of macro-economic
The Commission’s conclusion is that all twelve are suffering from imbalances,
though none are currently excessive.
Guidance for preventive action is included in the country-specific
Third, the Commission is recommending to the Council that the Excessive
Deficit Procedure be abrogated for Bulgaria and Germany. It is also proposing a
Council decision concluding that Hungary has taken effective action to correct
its excessive deficit and that the suspension of its 2013 Cohesion Fund
commitments be lifted.
1. The 2012 country-specific recommendations (see MEMO/12/386)
The country-specific recommendations put forward by the Commission today give
operational guidance for Member States while preparing their budgetary policies
and for economic reforms that should be enacted over the coming twelve months to
boost competitiveness and facilitate job creation.
The adoption of the recommendations marks the concluding phase of the
European Semester of economic policy coordination, which was launched with the
Commission’s Annual Growth Survey on 23 November 2011 (IP/11/1381, MEMO/11/821).
They should be endorsed by the European Council on 28-29 June and formally
adopted by the Council in July.
The basis for these recommendations is a thorough assessment of the
implementation of those adopted last year, combined with a detailed analysis of
the national reform programmes and stability or convergence programmes1 that
Member States submitted by 30 April 2012.
The analysis underpinning the recommendations is presented in 28 staff
working documents (again, one for each Member State and one for the euro area).
For the first time this year, the recommendations also reflect the findings
of the twelve in-depth reviews carried out in the context of the Macroeconomic
Imbalances Procedure (see below).
The recommendations cover a wide range of issues including public finances
and structural reforms in areas such as taxation, pensions, public
administration, services, and labour market issues, especially youth
The programme countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Romania) receive only
one recommendation: to implement the measures agreed under their programme.
2. Conclusion of 12 in-depth reviews (see MEMO/12/388)
The in-depth reviews are part of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure, which
was introduced to prevent and correct macroeconomic imbalances and which is
being implemented for the first time this year.
They cover twelve Member States, which were identified in the Alert Mechanism
Report of 14 February 2012 (IP/12/132, MEMO/12/104) as warranting further
economic analysis in order to determine whether macroeconomic imbalances exist
or risk emerging.
These Member States are Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France,
Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Each of the twelve in-depth reviews examines the origin, nature and severity
of possible macroeconomic imbalances.
They assess whether the country is affected by an imbalance or not, and if it
is, what the nature of the imbalance is.
The reviews confirm that the twelve Member States concerned face
macroeconomic imbalances which need to be corrected and closely monitored.
They also conclude that the adjustment of economic imbalances is broadly
proceeding, as reflected in reductions in current account deficits, convergence
in unit labour costs, retrenchment in credit flows or corrections in housing
However, in some cases it is not clear to what extent the adjustment is
complete and durable, or whether the speed of adjustment is adequate.
In many cases, the accumulated internal and external imbalances continue to
pose a formidable challenge, for example with regard to private and public
sector indebtedness.
3. Proposals relating to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (see
Along with the country-specific recommendations and the conclusions of the
in-depth reviews, the Commission is today also making three proposals to the
Council related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
Firstly, the Commission is recommending that the Council abrogate the EDP for
Bulgaria and Germany, as foreseen in Article 126(12) of the Treaty.
In March, Bulgaria and Germany notified that their 2011 general government
deficit was below 3% of GDP.
Following the validation of these figures by Eurostat on 23 April 2012, and
also taking into account that the Commission's 2012 spring forecast shows that
these deficits will remain durably below 3% of GDP, the Commission has concluded
that the correction of their excessive deficits is ensured.
Secondly, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council
decision to lift the suspension of commitments from the Cohesion Fund for
Hungary, after concluding that the country has taken the necessary action to
correct its excessive deficit, in line with the Council Recommendation of 13
March 2012.
More specifically, the Commission has concluded in its assessment that the
2012 budget deficit target of 2.5% of GDP is expected to be reached and the 2013
budget deficit is expected to be well below the 3% of GDP reference value,
despite the slight weakening of the macroeconomic environment, as indicated by
the Commission in its 2012 spring forecast.
The Commission will continue to closely monitor budgetary developments in
Hungary, in accordance with the Stability and Growth Pact.