Ambiente: informati sul tuo consumo d'acqua con Marino Acquabella
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Data documento: 22-05-2012
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Environment: Wise up your water use with Water Maniac Walter
Ambiente: informati sul tuo consumo d'acqua con Marino Acquabella
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Brussels, 22 May 2012 - The European Commission launched a new viral clip today as part of the "Generation Awake!" campaign, which alerts consumers to the dangers of unsustainable patterns of consumption.
Bruxelles, 22 maggio 2012 - La Commissione europea ha pubblicato oggi un nuovo video virale all'interno della campagna "Generation awake!" che mette in guardia i consumatori contro i pericoli di un consumo non sostenibile.
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The clip features Water Maniac Walter, a neurotic bucket who addresses the theme of excessive water use.
Il video ha per protagonista Marino Acquabella, un secchio nevrotico che affronta il tema dell'uso eccessivo dell'acqua.
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The clip links to the Generation Awake website, a multilingual site intended to get citizens thinking about their consumption habits, and help them change their behaviour so as to live more sustainably.
Il video è collegato al sito multilingue Generation Awake, destinato a far riflettere i cittadini sulle loro abitudini di consumo e ad aiutarli a modificare il loro comportamento in modo da vivere in modo più sostenibile.
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A number of other activities will also be launched this year as part of the campaign, including a new section on the website looking at the water footprint of goods such as jeans, hamburgers or beer.
All'interno della campagna quest'anno saranno avviate anche altre attività, inclusa l'apertura sul sito web di una nuova sezione dedicata all'impronta idrica di prodotti quali jeans, hamburger o birra.
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A video competition open to the general public will be launched in September 2012, and live events will be organised to inspire people and drive behaviour change in Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain, in early autumn.
A settembre 2012 sarà lanciato un concorso video aperto al pubblico, mentre all'inizio dell'autunno saranno organizzati eventi dal vivo in Italia, nei Paesi Bassi, in Romania e Spagna, il cui scopo è attirare l'attenzione dei cittadini e indurli a cambiare le proprie abitudini.
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Generation Awake is the European Commission’s campaign on resource efficiency.
"Generation Awake!" è la campagna della Commissione europea sull'efficienza nell'uso delle risorse.
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The aim is to raise awareness about the environmental, economic, social and personal consequences of using resources unsustainably, and to trigger changes in consumption patterns and behaviour.
L'obiettivo è quello di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sulle conseguenze ambientali, economiche, sociali e personali dell'uso non sostenibile delle risorse e allo stesso tempo di stimolare cambiamenti nei modelli di consumo e comportamento.
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Ultimately, the goal is to help citizens develop a responsible consumption reflex as a matter of routine.
In ultima analisi, la campagna si propone di aiutare i cittadini a sviluppare un consumo responsabile come abitudine automatica.
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Since its launch in October 2011, the campaign website, which is available in 23 EU languages, has generated over 200 000 page visits.
Dal suo avvio nell'ottobre 2011 il sito web della campagna, disponibile in 23 lingue dell'UE, ha ricevuto oltre 200 000 visite.
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The campaign video has been viewed by over 1 million people and the Facebook page
- see website below indicated - has attracted close to 13 000 fans.
La campagna video è stata vista da più di un milione di persone e la sua pagina Facebook
- vedi sito indicato sotto - ha richiamato quasi 13 000 sostenitori.
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The campaign has been specifically designed to address young urbans and families across the European Union, not only to build awareness about the importance of resource efficiency but also to encourage them to change their habits. |
La campagna è stata concepita appositamente per i giovani appartenenti alla popolazione urbana e per le famiglie di tutta l'Unione europea, non solo per creare la consapevolezza dell'importanza di uno sfruttamento più efficace delle risorse, ma anche per incoraggiare i cittadini a cambiare le proprie abitudini. |
(www.facebook.com/generationawake) |
Environment: Wise up your water use with Water Maniac Walter
Brussels, 22 May 2012 - The European Commission launched a new viral clip
today as part of the "Generation Awake!" campaign, which alerts consumers to the
dangers of unsustainable patterns of consumption.
The clip features Water Maniac Walter, a neurotic bucket who addresses the
theme of excessive water use.
The clip links to the Generation Awake website, a multilingual site intended
to get citizens thinking about their consumption habits, and help them change
their behaviour so as to live more sustainably.
A number of other activities will also be launched this year as part of the
campaign, including a new section on the website looking at the water footprint
of goods such as jeans, hamburgers or beer.
A video competition open to the general public will be launched in September
2012, and live events will be organised to inspire people and drive behaviour
change in Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain, in early autumn.
Generation Awake is the European Commission’s campaign on resource
The aim is to raise awareness about the environmental, economic, social and
personal consequences of using resources unsustainably, and to trigger changes
in consumption patterns and behaviour.
Ultimately, the goal is to help citizens develop a responsible consumption
reflex as a matter of routine.
Since its launch in October 2011, the campaign website, which is available in
23 EU languages, has generated over 200 000 page visits.
The campaign video has been viewed by over 1 million people and the Facebook
page - see website below indicated -has attracted close to 13 000
The campaign has been specifically designed to address young urbans and
families across the European Union, not only to build awareness about the
importance of resource efficiency but also to encourage them to change their