Ambiente: a Bruxelles si apre la Settimana verde
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Data documento: 22-05-2012
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Environment: Green Week opens in Brussels
Ambiente: a Bruxelles si apre la Settimana verde
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Brussels, 22 May 2012 - Europe's largest environment conference kicked off today under the banner "The Water Challenge - Every Drop Counts".
Bruxelles, 22 maggio 2012 - La principale conferenza europea a tema ambientale si è aperta oggi con il motto "La sfida dell'acqua - ogni goccia conta".
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This year's edition of Green Week is dedicated to water, and will see some 3000 participants gather for three days to discuss water-related issues.
L'edizione di quest'anno della Settimana verde è dedicata alle risorse idriche e per i tre giorni dell'evento si attendono circa 3 000 partecipanti che discuteranno temi collegati all'acqua.
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Stakeholders, NGOs, government representatives and EU officials will search for solutions to key water problems, like how to safeguard the availability of good quality water against a backdrop of rapid population growth and ever more apparent climate change.
Parti interessate, ONG, rappresentanti governativi e funzionari dell'UE cercheranno soluzioni ai principali problemi esistenti in materia, per esempio come tutelare la disponibilità di acqua di buona qualità a fronte di un rapido incremento della popolazione e di un ancora più evidente cambiamento climatico.
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Organisations and companies will showcase best practices at a 52-stand exhibition, and numerous side events include screenings of the films "La Soif du monde", "Oceans", and "Africa Turns Green".
Nei 52 stand dell'esposizione le organizzazioni e le imprese presenteranno le migliori pratiche nonché un corollario di numerosi eventi, compresa la proiezione dei film "La soif du monde", "Oceans" e "Africa turns green".
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The week also features the European Business Awards for the Environment, which honour innovative companies that successfully combine innovation, competitiveness and outstanding environmental performance, and the 3rd European Water Conference, a high-level stakeholder event.
In occasione dell'evento sarà assegnato anche lo "European Business Awards for the Environment", il premio per l'ambiente assegnato alle imprese europee innovative che associano con successo innovazione e competitività a una prestazione ambientale d'eccellenza, e si svolgerà la 3a Conferenza europea sull'acqua, un evento di alto livello cui partecipano le parti interessate.
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Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
Potočnik, Commissario per l'ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Water is literally a vital resource and human activity is having an enormous impact on it.
"L'acqua è letteralmente una risorsa vitale su cui le attività umane incidono in modo estremamente rilevante.
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During Green Week I hope that the hundreds of experts and interested parties who are gathered here will help to develop both existing policies and new ideas so that this precious resource is safeguarded for us all."
Nel corso della Settimana verde spero che le centinaia di esperti e di parti interessate qui riunite riusciranno a sviluppare sia le strategie esistenti, sia nuove idee, in modo da tutelare questa risorsa così preziosa per tutti noi".
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A recent European Commission survey shows that seven out of 10 Europeans think that water-related problems are a serious concern.
Una recente indagine della Commissione mostra che sette cittadini europei su dieci ritengono che le questioni legate all'acqua rappresentino un'importante fonte di preoccupazione.
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Pollution from point and diffuse sources, over-abstraction of water and alterations to rivers and lakes threaten efforts to achieve good status for European waters by 2015.
L'inquinamento di origine puntuale o diffusa, l'eccessiva estrazione di acqua e l'alterazione di fiumi e laghi mettono a repentaglio gli sforzi compiuti per conseguire entro il 2015 un buono stato delle acque europee.
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Water-related natural disasters such as droughts and floods have become more frequent and severe in large parts of our continent, and their severity and frequency is expected to increase as a result of climate change and changes in land use.
Le catastrofi naturali come la siccità e le inondazioni sono diventate più frequenti e gravi su ampie zone del nostro continente e la loro gravità e frequenza sono destinate ad aumentare in conseguenza dei cambiamenti climatici e della modificazione dell'uso dei suoli.
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Green Week will present an overview of water-related EU policies, and consider how they should evolve to meet the challenges ahead.
La Settimana verde presenterà una visione d'insieme delle politiche unionali per l'acqua e valuterà come queste debbano evolvere per far fronte alle sfide che ci attendono.
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The week's events will feed into the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources scheduled for November this year.
Gli eventi di questa settimana si inseriscono nel piano per la salvaguardia delle risorse idriche europee previsto dalla Commissione europea per novembre di quest'anno.
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As a step in the preparatory process for the Blueprint, Green Week is also hosting the 3rd European Water Conference, a platform for consultation and debate between a large number of water stakeholders, Member States and the European Commission.
La Settimana verde, in quanto parte del processo preparatorio del piano, ospita anche la 3a conferenza europea sull'acqua, una piattaforma di consulenza e dibattito fra le numerose parti interessate del settore idrico, gli Stati membri e la Commissione.
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A live webcast will be available on the conference website.
Il sito della conferenza organizzerà la trasmissione in diretta web.
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The Conference Programme can be found at website indicated below.
Il programma della conferenza è disponibile all' indirizzo sotto
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The Blueprint, which has the long-term objective of ensuring the availability of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use, will form the new EU policy response to the challenges surrounding water as a resource.
Il piano, inteso a garantire una quantità sufficiente di acqua di buona qualità da usare in modo sostenibile ed equo, costituirà la nuova risposta strategica alle sfide che questa risorsa deve affrontare.
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The 12th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will take place from 22 to 25 May 2012 in Brussels.
La 12a edizione della Settimana verde, la principale conferenza annuale sulla politica ambientale europea, si terrà fra il 22 e il 25 maggio 2012 a Bruxelles.
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Key speakers include:
Tra gli oratori principali:
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- Janez
Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Environment
- Janez
Potočnik, commissario europeo per l'Ambiente,
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- Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action
- Connie Hedegaard, commissaria europea responsabile
dell'Azione per il clima
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- Ida Auken, Danish Minister for the Environment
- Ida Auken, ministra danese dell'ambiente
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- Mark Mwandosya, Minister for Water and Irrigation, Tanzania
- Mark Mwandosya, ministro dell'Acqua e dell'irrigazione, Tanzania
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- Maria Emily Lubega Mutagamba, Minister of Water & Environment, Uganda
- Maria Emily Lubega Mutagamba, ministra dell'Acqua e dell'ambiente, Uganda
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- Fritz Holzwarth, Deputy Director-General, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
- Fritz Holzwarth, vicedirettore generale, Ministero federale dell'ambiente, Germania
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- Angél Gurria, Secretary General, OECD
- Angél Gurria, segretario generale, OCSE
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- Michel Candotti, Principal Adviser to the Executive Director, UNEP
- Michel Candotti, consigliere principale del direttore esecutivo, UNEP
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- Igor Volodin, Chief of the Water Management Unit, UNIDO
- Igor Volodin, capo unità Gestione dell'acqua, UNIDO
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- Monica Scatasta, Deputy Economic Adviser, Water & Waste Management Division, European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Monica Scatasta, vice consigliera economica, divisione Gestione dell'acqua e dei rifiuti, Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI)
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- Staffan Nilsson, President of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Staffan Nilsson, presidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo
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- Tony Long, Director European Policy Office, WWF
- Tony Long, direttore dello European Policy Office, WWF
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- Saskia Richartz, Director EU Oceans Policy, Greenpeace
- Saskia Richartz, direttore della EU Oceans Policy, Greenpeace
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- Valérie Ndaruzaniye, President, Global Water Institute (GWI)
- Valérie Ndaruzaniye, presidente, Global Water Institute (GWI)
http://waterblueprint2012.eu/programme. |
Environment: Green Week opens in Brussels
Brussels, 22 May 2012 - Europe's largest environment conference kicked off
today under the banner "The Water Challenge - Every Drop Counts".
This year's edition of Green Week is dedicated to water, and will see some
3000 participants gather for three days to discuss water-related issues.
Stakeholders, NGOs, government representatives and EU officials will search
for solutions to key water problems, like how to safeguard the availability of
good quality water against a backdrop of rapid population growth and ever more
apparent climate change.
Organisations and companies will showcase best practices at a 52-stand
exhibition, and numerous side events include screenings of the films "La Soif du
monde", "Oceans", and "Africa Turns Green".
The week also features the European Business Awards for the Environment,
which honour innovative companies that successfully combine innovation,
competitiveness and outstanding environmental performance, and the 3rd European
Water Conference, a high-level stakeholder event.
Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
"Water is literally a vital resource and human activity is having an enormous
impact on it.
During Green Week I hope that the hundreds of experts and interested parties
who are gathered here will help to develop both existing policies and new ideas
so that this precious resource is safeguarded for us all."
A recent European Commission survey shows that seven out of 10 Europeans
think that water-related problems are a serious concern.
Pollution from point and diffuse sources, over-abstraction of water and
alterations to rivers and lakes threaten efforts to achieve good status for
European waters by 2015.
Water-related natural disasters such as droughts and floods have become more
frequent and severe in large parts of our continent, and their severity and
frequency is expected to increase as a result of climate change and changes in
land use.
Green Week will present an overview of water-related EU policies, and
consider how they should evolve to meet the challenges ahead.
The week's events will feed into the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water
Resources scheduled for November this year.
As a step in the preparatory process for the Blueprint, Green Week is also
hosting the 3rd European Water Conference, a platform for consultation and
debate between a large number of water stakeholders, Member States and the
European Commission.
A live webcast will be available on the conference website.
The Conference Programme can be found at website indicated below.
The Blueprint, which has the long-term objective of ensuring the availability
of good quality water for sustainable and equitable water use, will form the new
EU policy response to the challenges surrounding water as a resource.
The 12th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European
environment policy, will take place from 22 to 25 May 2012 in Brussels.
Key speakers include:
- Janez
Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Environment
- Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action
- Ida Auken, Danish Minister for the Environment
- Mark Mwandosya, Minister for Water and Irrigation, Tanzania
- Maria Emily Lubega Mutagamba, Minister of Water & Environment, Uganda
- Fritz Holzwarth, Deputy Director-General, Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Germany
- Angél Gurria, Secretary General, OECD
- Michel Candotti, Principal Adviser to the Executive Director, UNEP
- Igor Volodin, Chief of the Water Management Unit, UNIDO
- Monica Scatasta, Deputy Economic Adviser, Water & Waste Management
Division, European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Staffan Nilsson, President of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Tony Long, Director European Policy Office, WWF
- Saskia Richartz, Director EU Oceans Policy, Greenpeace
- Valérie Ndaruzaniye, President, Global Water Institute (GWI)