Ambiente: celebrazione di 20 anni di protezione della natura nell'UE
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Data documento: 21-05-2012
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Environment: Celebrating 20 years of EU nature protection
Ambiente: celebrazione di 20 anni di protezione della natura nell'UE
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Brussels, 21 May 2012 - Today is the 20th anniversary of two key instruments for the conservation and sustainable use of nature in the EU:
Bruxelles, 21 maggio 2012 - Oggi ricorre il 20° anniversario di due strumenti fondamentali per la conservazione e l'uso sostenibile della natura nell'UE:
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the Habitats Directive and LIFE, the EU financing programme for the environment.
la direttiva Habitat e LIFE, il programma di finanziamenti per l'ambiente dell'UE.
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Twenty years ago, EU Member States unanimously adopted the Habitats Directive to safeguard the most threatened species and habitats across Europe.
Venti anni fa, gli Stati membri hanno adottato all'unanimità la direttiva Habitat al fine di salvaguardare le specie e gli habitat maggiormente minacciati dell'intera Europa.
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This was in response to concerns over rapidly declining wildlife and loss of natural habitats, resulting from land-use changes, pollution and urban sprawl.
Questa iniziativa è stata presa in risposta alle preoccupazioni sul rapido calo delle forme di vita selvatiche e sulla perdita di habitat naturali, causati dalle modifiche della destinazione dei terreni, dall'inquinamento e dall'espansione urbana.
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To give species and habitats space to recover, the Directive set up the Natura 2000 network of protected areas and the LIFE financial instrument has provided strategic support to its development.
Per offrire alle specie e agli habitat spazi di recupero, la direttiva ha istituito zone protette nell'ambito della rete Natura 2000, al cui sviluppo lo strumento finanziario LIFE ha apportato un sostegno strategico.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potoc(nik said:
Janez Potoc(nik, Commissario per l'ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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" Today, as we mark their 20th anniversary, we can be proud of the EU's nature protection laws which help us appreciate and take care of our rich natural heritage Biodiversity is our life insurance, and Natura 2000, which protects the areas of highest biodiversity value, is its cornerstone.
"Oggi, nel celebrare il suo 20° anniversario, possiamo essere fieri della legislazione adottata dall'UE in materia di protezione della natura, che ci aiuta a essere consapevoli e a prenderci cura del nostro ricco patrimonio naturale. La biodiversità è la nostra assicurazione sulla vita e la rete Natura 2000, che tutela le zone di maggior valore in termini di biodiversità, ne costituisce l'asse portante.
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We have made great progress in the past two decades, and there is much to celebrate, but nature still needs our help, and it will pay us back many times over with the vital ecosystem services it provides".
I notevoli progressi che abbiamo compiuto nei due ultimi decenni costituiscono un valido motivo per festeggiare, ma è ancora necessario offrire il nostro aiuto alla natura che ci ricompenserà largamente con i suoi fondamentali servizi ecosistemici".
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Two decades after its adoption, the Directive has gone a significant way towards halting the large-scale destruction of our most valuable biodiversity assets, and a number of species and habitats are already showing signs of recovery.
A due decenni dall'adozione, la direttiva ha permesso di compiere importanti progressi verso l'obiettivo di mettere fine alla distruzione su vasta scala del nostro più prezioso patrimonio in termini di biodiversità. Un certo numero di specie e di habitat danno già segni di ripresa.
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The Natura 2000 network contains more than 26,000 protected sites over an area equivalent in size to Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic combined.
Della rete Natura 2000 fanno parte oltre 26 000 siti protetti, per una superficie equivalente a quella complessiva di Germania, Polonia e Repubblica ceca.
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Almost 18 % of the EU's territory is now included in the network, along with 200.000 square kilometres of protected areas at sea.
Della rete fa ora parte il 18% circa del territorio dell'Unione europea, oltre a 200 000 chilometri quadrati di aree protette marine.
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Slovenia, for example, has designated over a third of its territory as protected areas.
Ad esempio la Slovenia ha dichiarato zona protetta oltre un terzo del proprio territorio.
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EU funding for nature conservation has increased in the last 20 years.
Negli ultimi 20 anni sono aumentati i finanziamenti dell'UE per la tutela della natura.
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Adopted at the same time as the Habitats Directive, LIFE has contributed over € 1.2 billion to the management and restoration of over 2000 Natura 2000 sites across the EU.
Adottato contemporaneamente alla direttiva Habitat, LIFE ha contribuito con un importo superiore a 1,2 miliardi di EUR alla gestione e al ripristino di oltre 2 000 siti della rete Natura 2000 nell'intera UE.
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LIFE-funded projects are responsible for bringing endangered species back from the brink of extinction, like the Freshwater pearl mussel in Germany and the Czech Republic, the Abruzzo Chamois in Italy, the Hungarian meadow viper and the Spanish Imperial Eagle.
Scopo dei progetti finanziati da LIFE è salvare dall'estinzione specie minacciate, come l'ostrica perlifera d'acqua dolce in Germania e nella Repubblica ceca, il camoscio d'Abruzzo in Italia, la vipera dell'Orsini in Ungheria e l'aquila imperiale in Spagna.
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LIFE is also supporting the conservation of the fire-bellied toad in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Latvia.
LIFE concede anche finanziamenti per la conservazione dell'ululone dal ventre rosso in Germania, Danimarca, Svezia e Lettonia.
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The large-scale destruction of valuable wildlife-rich habitats has been halted thanks to a great number of practical restoration projects across the EU such as those for protecting sand dunes in Lithuania, cleaning Posidonia beds of alien species in France, as well as restoring the Danube in Austria, the deciduous forest in Sweden, wetlands in the Netherlands, raised bogs in Poland and Denmark.
Alla distruzione su vasta scala di preziosi habitat ricchi di specie selvatiche è stato posto termine mediante numerosi progetti pratici di ripristino attuati nell'intera UE, come quelli intesi a proteggere le dune di sabbia in Lituania e a eliminare le specie esotiche dalle praterie di posidonie in Francia nonché a ripristinare il Danubio in Austria, la foresta decidua in Svezia, le zone umide nei Paesi Bassi, le torbiere alte in Polonia e Danimarca.
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Many of these initiatives have been supported by LIFE.
Molte di queste iniziative sono state finanziate da LIFE.
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Natura 2000 is not a system of strict nature reserves but is based on a much wider principle of sustainable land and water use management.
Natura 2000 è un sistema che non è costituito da riserve naturali in senso stretto ma si basa invece su un principio assai più ampio di gestione sostenibile dell'uso del territorio e delle risorse idriche.
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Economic activities may be carried out, provided they do not threaten the conservation objective of the sites.
Lo svolgimento di attività economiche è possibile se queste non minacciano l'obiettivo di conservazione dei siti.
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Natura 2000 has provided numerous new opportunities for recreation and tourism.
Natura 2000 ha offerto numerose nuove opportunità a livello di tempo libero e di turismo.
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It is estimated that there are between 1.2 to 2.2 billion visitors to Natura 2000 sites each year providing recreational benefits of between € 5 and € 9 billion per year.
Dalle stime risulta che nei siti Natura 2000 si contano ogni anno da 1,2 a 2,2 miliardi di visitatori e che le entrate generate dalle attività ricreative vanno da 5 a 9 miliardi di EUR all'anno.
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New developments must also safeguard the integrity of Natura 2000 sites and potentially damaging developments can only proceed, after a full ecological assessment, if there is no alternative solution, if projects are of overriding public interest and with compensation to offset any loss or damage to the sites.
I nuovi sviluppi devono inoltre tutelare l'integrità dei siti Natura 2000 ed è possibile attuare progetti potenzialmente dannosi, dopo che ne è stata effettuata una completa valutazione ecologica, soltanto qualora non vi sia alcuna soluzione alternativa, i progetti presentino un rilevante interesse pubblico e prevedano una compensazione per controbilanciare eventuali perdite o danni per i siti.
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For example an alternative route was selected for the road via Baltica in Poland and the location of a windfarm in Scotland was adapted to preserve the Golden eagle.
Ad esempio, per la via Baltica in Polonia è stato selezionato un percorso alternativo e l'ubicazione di una centrale eolica in Scozia è stata cambiata per tutelare l'aquila reale.
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Involving local stakeholders in the management of Natura 2000 is also critical and provides new opportunities for sustainable land use management as demonstrated by initiatives such as conservation-friendly farming, introduced through a LIFE project to the glaciated karst landscape in Burren, Ireland.
È inoltre essenziale coinvolgere nella gestione della rete Natura 2000 i soggetti interessati a livello locale. Ciò offre nuove opportunità di gestione sostenibile dell'uso del suolo, come dimostrano iniziative quali l'allevamento compatibile con la conservazione, introdotto mediante un progetto LIFE nella zona carsica glaciale di Burren, in Irlanda.
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In France, for example the government is working closely with local landowners to put in place management plans for each site.
Ad esempio in Francia il governo sta lavorando in stretta collaborazione con i proprietari terrieri locali al fine di stabilire piani di gestione per ciascun sito.
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Effectively managing and restoring sites in the Natura 2000 Network requires significant costs, some of which can be met through EU funds such as rural and regional development funds.
Garantire la gestione efficace e il ripristino dei siti che fanno parte della rete Natura 2000 impone costi rilevanti e questi possono essere in parte sostenuti mediante i Fondi dell'UE, come il Fondo di sviluppo rurale e il Fondo di sviluppo regionale.
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However, in addition to its intrinsic value, Natura 2000 provides vital ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits whose estimated monetary value far outweighs these investment costs.
Oltretutto, in aggiunta al suo valore intrinseco, la rete Natura 2000 fornisce servizi ecosistemici essenziali e benefici socioeconomici il cui valore monetario, in base alle stime, è di gran lunga superiore ai costi degli investimenti.
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The Commission today launches a celebratory brochure on the Habitats Directive that showcases a selection of the many achievements to date, showing the real EU added value of this legislation in all Member States.
La Commissione pubblica oggi un opuscolo celebrativo della direttiva Habitat, che illustra alcuni dei numerosi risultati finora conseguiti ed evidenzia l'effettivo valore aggiunto UE di tale normativa in tutti gli Stati membri.
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Celebratory events take place all over Europe; special events in numerous Natura 2000 sites in EU Member States, and over 300 LIFE events have been planned.
Sono previste celebrazioni nell'intera Europa e sono stati pianificati eventi speciali in numerosi siti Natura 2000 degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea nonché oltre 300 eventi LIFE.
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A key conference will take place in Belgium in October 2012. |
Nell'ottobre 2012 si terrà in Belgio una conferenza fondamentale sul tema. |
Environment: Celebrating 20 years of EU nature protection
Brussels, 21 May 2012 - Today is the 20th anniversary of two key instruments
for the conservation and sustainable use of nature in the EU:
the Habitats Directive and LIFE, the EU financing programme for the
Twenty years ago, EU Member States unanimously adopted the Habitats Directive
to safeguard the most threatened species and habitats across Europe.
This was in response to concerns over rapidly declining wildlife and loss of
natural habitats, resulting from land-use changes, pollution and urban sprawl.
To give species and habitats space to recover, the Directive set up the
Natura 2000 network of protected areas and the LIFE financial instrument has
provided strategic support to its development.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potoc(nik said:
" Today, as we mark their 20th anniversary, we can be proud of the EU's
nature protection laws which help us appreciate and take care of our rich
natural heritage Biodiversity is our life insurance, and Natura 2000, which
protects the areas of highest biodiversity value, is its cornerstone.
We have made great progress in the past two decades, and there is much to
celebrate, but nature still needs our help, and it will pay us back many times
over with the vital ecosystem services it provides".
Two decades after its adoption, the Directive has gone a significant way
towards halting the large-scale destruction of our most valuable biodiversity
assets, and a number of species and habitats are already showing signs of
The Natura 2000 network contains more than 26,000 protected sites over an
area equivalent in size to Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic combined.
Almost 18 % of the EU's territory is now included in the network, along with
200.000 square kilometres of protected areas at sea.
Slovenia, for example, has designated over a third of its territory as
protected areas.
EU funding for nature conservation has increased in the last 20 years.
Adopted at the same time as the Habitats Directive, LIFE has contributed over
€ 1.2 billion to the management and restoration of over 2000 Natura 2000 sites
across the EU.
LIFE-funded projects are responsible for bringing endangered species back
from the brink of extinction, like the Freshwater pearl mussel in Germany and
the Czech Republic, the Abruzzo Chamois in Italy, the Hungarian meadow viper and
the Spanish Imperial Eagle.
LIFE is also supporting the conservation of the fire-bellied toad in Germany,
Denmark, Sweden and Latvia.
The large-scale destruction of valuable wildlife-rich habitats has been
halted thanks to a great number of practical restoration projects across the EU
such as those for protecting sand dunes in Lithuania, cleaning Posidonia beds of
alien species in France, as well as restoring the Danube in Austria, the
deciduous forest in Sweden, wetlands in the Netherlands, raised bogs in Poland
and Denmark.
Many of these initiatives have been supported by LIFE.
Natura 2000 is not a system of strict nature reserves but is based on a much
wider principle of sustainable land and water use management.
Economic activities may be carried out, provided they do not threaten the
conservation objective of the sites.
Natura 2000 has provided numerous new opportunities for recreation and
It is estimated that there are between 1.2 to 2.2 billion visitors to Natura
2000 sites each year providing recreational benefits of between € 5 and € 9
billion per year.
New developments must also safeguard the integrity of Natura 2000 sites and
potentially damaging developments can only proceed, after a full ecological
assessment, if there is no alternative solution, if projects are of overriding
public interest and with compensation to offset any loss or damage to the sites.
For example an alternative route was selected for the road via Baltica in
Poland and the location of a windfarm in Scotland was adapted to preserve the
Golden eagle.
Involving local stakeholders in the management of Natura 2000 is also
critical and provides new opportunities for sustainable land use management as
demonstrated by initiatives such as conservation-friendly farming, introduced
through a LIFE project to the glaciated karst landscape in Burren, Ireland.
In France, for example the government is working closely with local
landowners to put in place management plans for each site.
Effectively managing and restoring sites in the Natura 2000 Network requires
significant costs, some of which can be met through EU funds such as rural and
regional development funds.
However, in addition to its intrinsic value, Natura 2000 provides vital
ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits whose estimated monetary value
far outweighs these investment costs.
The Commission today launches a celebratory brochure on the Habitats
Directive that showcases a selection of the many achievements to date, showing
the real EU added value of this legislation in all Member States.
Celebratory events take place all over Europe; special events in numerous
Natura 2000 sites in EU Member States, and over 300 LIFE events have been
A key conference will take place in Belgium in October 2012.