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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              



  1. Convenzione contro l'apartheid

  2. La bandiera europea: caratteristiche e storia

  3. Convenzione per la protezione dei beni culturali in caso di conflitto armato

  4. Discorso di benvenuto al Parlamento Europeo

  5. Lascia che ti racconti un segreto sull'ambiente (racconto per bambini)

  6. Booklet - Una globalizzazione al servizio di tutti

  7. Profilo di Franz-Hermann Bruener, direttore generale dell'OLAF, ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode

  8. Trattato NATO

  9. Carta delle nazioni unite

  10. La carta europea per le piccole imprese

  11. Che cos'è il servizio YOUR EUROPE - BUSINESS?

  12. Il servizio di orientamento per i cittadini - 1

  13. Il servizio di orientamento per i cittadini - 2

  14. Concorso - Parlate Europeo?

  15. Come scegliere un sistema di gestione del contenuto in accordo a un modello di apprendimento

  16. Cooperazione con paesi terzi

  17. Dichiarazione congiunta delle 6 nazioni sulla Corea del Nord

  18. La costituzione europea - Art. 30-86

  19. La costituzione europea - Art. 9-29

  20. La costituzione europea - Art. 1-8

  21. Nuova direttiva sull'emissione deliberata di OGM

  22. Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani

  23. Convenzione sull'eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti della donna

  24. Apprendimento lungo tutto l'arco della vita

  25. Il programma E-Learning dell'Unione Europea

  26. L'allargamento dell'Unione Europea

  27. Manifesto di Praga del movimento per la lingua internazionale esperanto

  28. Che cos'è l'EURES

  29. Che cos'è l'EURES Job-Search

  30. La giornata europea delle lingue

  31. La banca europea per gli investimenti

  32. Che cos'è l'Europol (polizia europea)

  33. Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia

  34. Trovare un lavoro con il portale EURES

  35. Finanziamento comunitario per l'apprendimento linguistico

  36. Impariamo il gergo dell'Unione Europea!

  37. I dati sulla fame nel mondo

  38. Convenzione su popoli indigeni e tribali

  39. I centri di informazione europea (Infopoints)

  40. L'inno europeo (Inno alla gioia di Beethoven)

  41. Un apprendimento delle lingue di carattere innovativo

  42. L'Unione Europea in sintesi

  43. Le istituzioni europee

  44. Insegnamento delle lingue

  45. Leggi d'Europa - Introduzione

  46. Leggi d'Europa - Le definizioni

  47. Leggi d'Europa: attori chiave nel processo legislativo dell'Unione Europea

  48. Leggi d'Europa: il ruolo degli organi consultivi dell'UE

  49. Leggi d'Europa: il ruolo delle altre istituzioni od organi dell'UE

  50. Elenco completo delle istituzioni ed organi europei

  51. Leggi d'Europa: legislazione dell'UE online

  52. Studiare all'estero

  53. Licenza Pubblica Generica del progetto GNU

  54. Progetto Lingua 1

  55. Testo del trattato di Maastricht

  56. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Prima parte

  57. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Seconda parte

  58. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Terza parte

  59. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Ultima parte

  60. Messaggio di Giovanni Paolo II per la celebrazione della giornata mondiale della pace

  61. Convenzione internazionale sulla protezione dei diritti dei lavoratori migranti e dei membri delle loro famiglie

  62. Promozione e salvaguardia delle lingue e culture regionali o minoritarie

  63. Un'alleanza in trasformazione (discorso del segretario generale della Nato)

  64. Nuove tecnologie multimediali nell'insegnamento

  65. Il nuovo paradigma dell'apprendimento nell'educazione scolastica

  66. Che cos'è l'ombudsman o mediatore europeo

  67. Il mediatore europeo in poche parole

  68. Lo statuto del mediatore europeo

  69. Orientamenti comunitari per lo sviluppo della rete transeuropea di trasporto

  70. Pinocchio - Come andò che Maestro Ciliegia trovò un pezzo di legno che piangeva e rideva come un bambino

  71. Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici

  72. Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali

  73. Ploteus, il programma europeo per chi vuole studiare all'estero

  74. Protezione dei minori de della dignità umana nei servizi audiovisivi e d'informazione

  75. Pubblicazioni dell'Unione Europea per il grande pubblico

  76. Convenzione internazionale sull'eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione razziale

  77. Politica regionale: il successo ottenuto nel 2005 indica la via da seguire per favorire la crescita e l’occupazione

  78. Preghiere: Padre Nostro

  79. Convenzione relativa allo status dei rifugiati

  80. Direttiva "Televisione senza frontiere"

  81. Suggerimenti e consigli su come trovare un lavoro nell'Unione Europea

  82. Formazione professionale nell'UE

  83. Turismo: come comunicare

  84. Turismo: attività culturali

  85. Turismo: diritti dei passeggeri di aerei

  86. Turismo: documenti necessari

  87. Turismo: patente di guida

  88. Turismo: la moneta

  89. Turismo: animali domestici

  90. Turismo: la salute

  91. Turismo: shopping

  92. Turismo: come comportarsi in caso di emergenza

  93. Seguire in diretta le sedute del Parlamento Europeo col webstreaming

  94. Che cos'è il servizio YOUR EUROPE - CITIZENS?

Testi singoli tratti da:  e



Adopted on 28 July 1951

Adottata il 28 luglio 1951.



The High Contracting Parties,

Le Alte Parti Contraenti,

Considering that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved on 10 December 1948 by the General Assembly have affirmed the principle that human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination,

Considerato  che lo Statuto delle Nazioni Unite e la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell'Uomo, approvata il 10 dicembre 1948 dalla Assemblea Generale, hanno affermato il principio che gli esseri umani senza distinzione debbano usufruire dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali;

Considering that the United Nations has, on various occasions, manifested its profound concern for refugees and endeavoured to assure refugees the widest possible exercise of these fundamental rights and freedoms,

Considerato  che l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite ha, a più riprese, manifestato il suo profondo interesse per i rifugiati e la sua preoccupazione affinché ad essi venga garantito l'esercizio dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali nel senso più ampio possibile;

Considering that it is desirable to revise and consolidate previous international agreements relating to the status of refugees and to extend the scope of and the protection accorded by such instruments by means of a new agreement,

Considerato  che sarebbe auspicabile rivedere e codificare gli accordi internazionali precedenti relativi allo status dei rifugiati ed estendere l'applicazione di questi strumenti e la protezione da essi garantita a mezzo di un nuovo accordo;

Considering that the grant of asylum may place unduly heavy burdens on certain countries, and that a satisfactory solution of a problem of which the United Nations has recognized the international- scope and nature cannot therefore be achieved without international co-operation,

Considerato  che dalla concessione del diritto di asilo possono derivare obblighi eccezionalmente gravosi per determinati Paesi e che la soluzione più soddisfacente dei problemi, di cui l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite ha riconosciuto la portata ed il carattere internazionale, non potrebbe essere raggiunta, quindi, se non attraverso una cooperazione internazionale;

Expressing the wish that all States, recognizing the social and humanitarian nature of the problem of refugees, will do everything within their power to prevent this problem from becoming a cause of tension between States,

Auspicato  che tutti gli Stati, in considerazione del carattere sociale ed umanitario del problema dei rifugiati, facciano quanto è in loro potere per evitare che detto problema diventi causa di tensione tra gli Stati;

Noting that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is charged with the task of supervising international conventions providing for the protection of refugees, and recognizing that the effective co-ordination of measures taken to deal with this problem will depend upon the co-operation of States with the High Commissioner,

Preso  atto del fatto che l'Alto Commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati ha per scopo di sorvegliare l'applicazione delle Convenzioni internazionali che provvedono alla protezione dei rifugiati, e riconoscendo che l'effettivo coordinamento dei provvedimenti adottati per risolvere queato problema dipenderà dalla cooperazione tra gli Stati e l'Alto Commissario;

Have agreed as follows:

Hanno convenuto  quanto segue:





Article 1. Definition of the term "refugee"

Articolo 1 Definizione del termine "rifugiato"

A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term "refugee,, shall apply to any person who:

Ai fini della presente Convenzione, il termine "rifugiato" si applicherà a colui:

(1) Has been considered a refugee under the Arrangements of 12 May 1926 and 30 June 1928 or under the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 or the Constitution of the International Refugee Organization;

1)        che sia stato considerato rifugiato ai sensi degli Accordi del 12 maggio 1926 e del 30 giugno 1928, o ai sensi delle Convenzioni del 28 ottobre 1933 e del 10 febbraio 1938 e del Protocollo del 14 settembre 1939, o in applicazione della Costituzione della Organizzazione Internazionale per i Rifugiati;

Decisions of non-eligibility taken by the International Refugee Organization during the period of its activities shall not prevent the status of refugee being accorded to persons who fulfil the conditions of paragraph 2 of this section;

Le decisioni di "non-eleggibilità", prese dalla Organizzazione Internazionale per i Rifugiati nel periodo del suo mandato, non escludono che la qualifica di rifugiato possa venire accordata a persone in possesso dei requisiti previsti al paragrafo 2 della presente sezione;

(2) As a result of events occurring before I January 1951 and owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

2)        che, a seguito di avvenimenti verificatisi anteriormente al 1° gennaio 1951, temendo a ragione di essere perseguitato per motivi di razza, religione, nazionalità, appartenenza ad un determinato gruppo sociale o per le sue opinioni politiche, si trova fuori del Paese, di cui è cittadino e non può o non vuole, a causa di questo timore, avvalersi della protezione di questo Paese: oppure che, non avendo la cittadinanza e trovandosi fuori del Paese in cui aveva residenza abituale a seguito di tali avvenimenti, non può o non vuole tornarvi per il timore di cui sopra.

In the case of a person who has more than one nationality, the term "the country of his nationality" shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, and a person shall not be deemed to be lacking the protection of the country of his nationality if, without any valid reason based on well-founded fear, he has not availed himself of the protection of one of the countries of which he is a national.

Nel caso di persona con più di una cittadinanza, l'espressione "del paese di cui è cittadino"indica ognuno dei Paesi di cui la persona è cittadino. Pertanto non sarà più considerato privato della protezione del paese di cui è cittadino colui che, senza valido motivo fondato su timore giustificato, non abbia richiesto la protezione di uno dei Paesi di cui ha la cittadinanza.

B. (1) For the purposes of this Convention, the words "events occurring before I January 1951" in article 1, section A, shall be understood to mean either (a) "events occurring in Europe before I January 1951"; or (b) "events occurring in Europe or elsewhere before I January 1951"; and each Contracting State shall make a declaration at the time of signature, ratification or accession, specifying which of these meanings it applies for the purpose of its obligations under this Convention.

B. 1) Ai fini della presente Convenzione, le parole "avvenimenti verificatisi anteriormente al 1° gennaio 1951 ", di cui all'art. 1, sez. A, potranno essere interpretate nel senso di: a)        "avvenimenti verificatisi anteriormente al 1° gennaio 1951 in Europa" oppure nel senso di: b)  "avvenimenti verificatisi anteriormente al 1° gennaio 1951 in Europa o altrove"; ed ogni Stato contraente - al momento della firma, della ratifica o della adesione - preciserà con una dichiarazione la portata che intende riconoscere a questa espressione dal punto di vista degli obblighi da esso assunti in virtù della presente Convenzione.

(2) Any Contracting State which has adopted alternative (a) may at any time extend its obligations by adopting alternative (b) by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Gli Stati contraenti che avranno adottato la formula a) potranno in qualsiasi momento estendere i loro obblighi adottando la formula b), mediante notifica indirizzata al Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite.

C. This Convention shall cease to apply to any person falling under the terms of section A if:

C La presente Convenzione cesserà di essere applicata ad una persona in possesso dei requisiti contemplati dalla precedente sezione A:

(1) He has voluntarily re-availed himself of the protection of the country of his nationality; or

1)        qualora abbia usufruito nuovamente e volontariamente delle protezione del Paese di cui ha la cittadinanza; oppure

(2) Having lost his nationality, he has voluntarily reacquired it; or

2)        qualora, avendo perduto la sua cittadinanza, l'abbia riacquistata volontariamente; oppure

(3) He has acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality; or

3)        qualora abbia acquisito una nuova cittadinanza e goda della protezione del Paese di cui ha acquisito la cittadinanza; oppure

(4) He has voluntarily re-established himself in the country which he left or outside which he remained owing to fear of persecution; or

4)        qualora sia tornata volontariamente a stabilirsi nel Paese che aveva lasciato o fuori del quale viveva per timore di essere perseguitata; oppure

(5) He can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he has been recognized as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself of the protection of the country of his nationality;

5)        qualore, essendo venute meno le circostanze in seguito alle quali è stata riconosciuta come rifugiata, non possa continuare a rifiutare di avvalersi della protezione del Paese di cui ha la cittadinanza;

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a refugee falling under section A (I) of this article who is able to invoke compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to avail himself of the protection of the country of nationality;

Restando inteso tuttavia che le disposizioni del presente paragrafo non si applicheranno ai rifugiati, di cui al paragrafo I della sezione A del presente articolo, che possano invocare motivi imperiosi derivanti da precedenti persecuzioni per rifiutare di avvalersi della protezione del Paese di cui ha la cittadinanza;

(6) Being a person who has no nationality he is, because the circumstances in connection with which he has been recognized as a refugee have ceased to exist, able to return to the country of his former habitual residence;

6)        se, trattandosi di persona senza cittadinanza, essendo venute meno le circostanze in seguito alle quali ha ottenuto il riconoscimento della qualifica di rifugiato, è in grado di tornare nel Paese di in cui aveva la residenza abituale;

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a refugee falling under section A (I) of this article who is able to invoke compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to return to the country of his former habitual residence.

Restando inteso tuttavia che le disposizioni del presente paragrafo non si applicheranno ai rifugiati, di cui al paragrafo I della sezione A del presente articolo, che possano invocare motivi imperiosi derivanti da precedenti persecuzioni per rifiutare di tornare nel Paese in cui avevano la residenza abituale.

D. This Convention shall not apply to persons who are at present receiving from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees protection or assistance.

D. La presente Convenzione non potrà applicarsi a coloro che beneficiano attualmente di protezione o assistenza da parte di organi o agenzie delle Nazioni Unite diversi dall'Alto Commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati.

When such protection or assistance has ceased for any reason, without the position of such persons being definitively settled in accordance with the relevant resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, these persons shall ipso facto be entitled to the benefits of this Convention.

Qualora questa protezione o questa assistenza per un qualunque motivo dovessero venire a cessare, senza che la situazione di queste persone sia stata definitivamente regolata, in conformità con le risoluzioni adottate dall'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, costoro avranno pieno diritto a usufruire del regime previsto dalla presente Convenzione.

E. This Convention shall not apply to a person who is recognized by the competent authorities of the country in which he has taken residence as having the rights and obligations which are attached to the possession of the nationality of that country.

E. La presente Convenzione non si potrà applicare a coloro che sono considerati dalle autorità competenti del Paese in cui hanno stabilito la loro residenza come aventi i diritti e gli obblighi connessi al possesso della cittadinanza di detto Paese.

F. The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that:

F. Le disposizioni dellla presente Convenzione non si applicheranno a quelle persone nei confronti delle quali si hanno serie ragioni per ritenere:

(a) He has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes;

a)        che abbiano commesso un crimine contro la pace, un crimine di guerra o un crimine contro l'umanità, come definito negli strumenti internazionali elaborati per stabilire disposizioni riguardo a questi crimini;

(b) He has committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee;

b)        che abbiano commesso un crimine grave di diritto comune al di fuori del Paese di accoglimento e prima di esservi ammesse in qualità di rifugiati;

(c) He has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

c)         che si siano rese colpevoli di azioni contrarie ai fini ed ai principi delle Nazioni Unite.

Article 2. General obligations

Articolo 2 Obblighi generali

Every refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order.

Ogni rifugiato ha nei confronti del Paese in cui si trova dei doveri che comportano in particolare l'obbligo di conformarsi sia alle leggi e ai regolamenti, sia ai provvedimenti adottati per il mantenimento dell'ordine pubblico.

Article 3. Non-discrimination

Articolo 3 Non discriminazione

The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Gli Stati contraenti applicheranno le disposizioni della presente Convenzione ai rifugiati, senza discriminazione riguardo alla razza, la religione e il Paese di origine.

Article 4. Religion

Articolo 4 Religione

The Contracting States shall accord to refugees within their territories treatment at least as favourable as that accorded to their nationals with respect to freedom to practise their religion and freedom as regards the religious education of their children.

Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati sul loro territorio un trattamento favorevole almeno qualto quello accordato ai cittadini per quanto riguarda la libertà di praticare la loro religione e la libertà di istruzione religiosa dei loro figli.

Article 5. Rights granted apart from this Convention

Articolo 5 Diritti accordati indipendentemente dalla presente Convenzione

Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to impair any rights and benefits granted by a Contracting State to refugees apart from this Convention.

Nessuna delle disposizioni della presente Convenzione può ledere gli altri diritti e vantaggi accordati ai rifugiati indipendentemente dalla Convenzione stessa.

Article 6. The term "in the same circumstances"

Articolo 6 L'espressione "nelle stesse circostanze"

For the purposes of this Convention, the term "in the same circumstances,, implies that any requirements (including requirements as to length and conditions of sojourn or residence) which the particular individual would have to fulfil for the enjoyment of the right in question, if he were not a refugee, must be fulfilled by him, with the exception of requirements which by their nature a refugee is incapable of fulfilling.

Ai fini della presente Convenzione, l'espressione "nelle stesse circostanze" implica che tutte le condizioni (e in particolare quelle relative alla durata ed alle condizioni per il soggiorno e la residenza) cui l'interessato dovrebbe adempiere qualora non fosse rifugiato per poter esercitare determinati diritti, devono da lui essere soddisfatte ad eccezione di quelle condizioni che per la loro natura non possono essere adempiute da un rifugiato.

Article 7. Exemption from reciprocity

Articolo 7 Esenzione della reciprocità

1. Except where this Convention contains more favourable provisions, a Contracting State shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to aliens generally.

1)        Salve restando le dispopsizioni più favorevoli previste dalla presente Convenzione, ogni Stato contraente accorderà ai rifugiati lo stesso trattamento che concede agli stranieri in generale.

2. After a period of three years' residence, all refugees shall enjoy exemption from legislative reciprocity in the territory of the Contracting States.

2)        Dopo un periodo di residenza di tre anni, i rifugiati beneficeranno sul territorio degli Stati contraenti della esenzione dalla reciprocità legislativa

3. Each Contracting State shall continue to accord to refugees the rights and benefits to which they were already entitled, in the absence of reciprocity, at the date of entry into force of this Convention for that State.

3)        Ogni Stato contraente continuerà ad accordare ai rifugiati i diritti e i vantaggi che, in assenza di reciprocità, potevano già pretendere al momento dell'entrata in vigore della presente Convenzione per detto Stato.

4. The Contracting States shall consider favourably the possibility of according to refugees, in the absence of reciprocity, rights and benefits beyond those to which they are entitled according to paragraphs 2 and 3, and to extending exemption from reciprocity to refugees who do not fulfil the conditions provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3.

4)        Gli Stati contraenti prenderanno in benevola considerazione la possibilità di concedere ai rifugiati, in assenza di reciprocità, ulteriori diritti e benefici rispetto a quelli cui possono pretendere in virtù dei paragrafi 2 e 3, e così pure la possibilità di far beneficiare dell'esenzione dalla reciprocità anche rifugiati che non rispondano alle condizioni previste ai paragrafi 2 e 3.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 apply both to the rights and benefits referred to in articles 13, 18, 19, 21 and 22 of this Convention and to rights and benefits for which this Convention does not provide.

5)        Le disposizioni dei paragrafi 2 e 3 di cui sopra si applicano non solo ai diritti ed ai vantaggi sanciti dagli artt. 13, 18, 19, 21 e 22 della presente Convenzione, ma anche ai diritti ed ai vantaggi che da questa non sono contemplati.

Article 8. Exemption from exceptional measures

Articolo 8 Esenzione da misure eccezionali

With regard to exceptional measures which may be taken against the person, property or interests of nationals of a foreign State, the Contracting States shall not apply such measures to a refugee who is formally a national of the said State solely on account of such nationality. Contracting States which, under their legislation, are prevented from applying the general principle expressed in this article, shall, in appropriate cases, grant exemptions in favour of such refugees.

Per quanto riguarda le misure eccezionali che possono essere adottate nei confronti della persona, dei beni o degli interessi dei cittadini di un determinato Stato, gli Stati contraenti non applicheranno questi provvedimenti ad un rifugiato, formalmente sotto la giurisdizione di quello Stato, basandosi unicamente sulla sua cittadinanza. Gli Stati contraenti che, sulla base delle loro leggi vigenti, non possono applicare il principio generale suesposto, accorderanno - nelle circostanze appropriate - esenzioni in favore di tali rifugiati.

Article 9. Provisional measures

Articolo 9 Misure provvisorie

Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a Contracting State, in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances, from taking provisionally measures which it considers to be essential to the national security in the case of a particular person, pending a determination by the Contracting State that that person is in fact a refugee and that the continuance of such measures is necessary in his case in the interests of national security.

Nessuna delle disposizioni della presente Convenzione potrà impedire ad uno Stato contraente - in tempo di guerra o in altre circostanze gravi ed eccezionali - di adottare provvisoriamente nei confronti di una determinata persona le misure che riterrà indispensabili a garantire la sicurezza nazionale, in attesa che venga accertato da parte di detto Stato che la persona è effettivamente un rifugiato e che l'osservanza di dette misure è necessaria nei suoi confronti nell'interesse della sicurezza nazionale.

Article 10. Continuity of residence

Articolo 10 Continuità di residenza

1. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War and removed to the territory of a Contracting State, and is resident there, the period of such enforced sojourn shall be considered to have been lawful residence within that territory.

1)        Nel caso che un rifugiato nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale sia stato deportato e trasportato sul territorio di uno degli Stati contraenti e vi risieda, il periodo relativo al soggiorno forzato verrà considerato di residenza regolare su questo territorio.

2. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War from the territory of a Contracting State and has, prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention, returned there for the purpose of taking up residence, the period of residence before and after such enforced displacement shall be regarded as one uninterrupted period for any purposes for which uninterrupted residence is required.

2)        Nel caso che un rifugiato nel corso della seconda guerra mondiale sia stato deportato dal territorio di uno Stato contraente e vi abbia fatto ritorno per fissarvi la sua residenza prima della entrata in vigore della presente Convenzione, il periodo che precede e quello che segue la sua deportazione verranno considerati a tutti gli effetti, quando è richiesta una residenza ininterrotta, come unico ed ininterrotto periodo di tempo.

Article 11. Refugee seamen

Articolo 11 Rifugiati marinai

In the case of refugees regularly serving as crew members on board a ship flying the flag of a Contracting State, that State shall give sympathetic consideration to their establishment on its territory and the issue of travel documents to them or their temporary admission to its territory particularly with a view to facilitating their establishment in another country.

Nel caso di rifugiati regolarmente arruolati come membri dell'equipaggio a bordo di una nave battente bandiera di uno Stato contraente, detto Stato prenderà in benevolo esame la possibilità di autorizzare detti rifugiati a stabilirsi sul suo territorio e di concedere loro un documento di viaggio, oppure di ammetterli temporaneamente sul suo territorio soprattutto in vista di facilitarne la successiva sistemazione in altro Stato.





Article 12. Personal status

Status personale

1. The personal status of a refugee shall be governed by the law of the country of his domicile or, if he has no domicile, by the law of the country of his residence.

1)        Lo status personale del rifugiato verrà regolato dalla legge del Paese in cui ha domicilio o, in mancanza di domicilio, dalla legge del Paese di cui ha la residenza.

2. Rights previously acquired by a refugee and dependent on personal status, more particularly rights attaching to marriage, shall be respected by a Contracting State, subject to compliance, if this be necessary, with the formalities required by the law of that State, provided that the right in question is one which would have been recognized by the law of that State had he not become a refugee.

2)        I diritti che il rifugiato abbia acquisiti in precedenza e che derivino dal suo status personale, ed in modo particolare quelli conseguenti al matrimonio, saranno rispettati da ognuno degli Stati contraenti, subordinatamente, se necessario, all'adempimento delle formalità previste dalle leggi di detto Stato, a condizione tuttavia che il diritto in questione sia uno di quelli che avrebbero dovuto essere riconosciuti dalla legge di detto Stato se l'interessato non fosse divenuto rifugiato.

Article 13. Movable and immovable property

Articolo 13 Beni mobili ed immobili

The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, as regards the acquisition of movable and immovable property and other rights pertaining thereto, and to leases and other contracts relating to movable and immovable property.

Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati il trattamento più favorevole possibile, e comunque non meno favorevole di quello accordato nelle stesse circostanze agli starnieri in generale, per quanto concerne l'acquisto di beni mobili ed immobili ed i diritti connessi, la locazione e gli altri contratti relativi ai beni mobili ed immobili.

Article 14. Artistic rights and industrial property

Articolo 14 Proprietà intellettuale ed industriale

In respect of the protection of industrial property, such as inventions, designs or models, trade marks, trade names, and of rights in literary, artistic and scientific works, a refugee shall be accorded in the country in which he has his habitual residence the same protection as is accorded to nationals of that country. In the territory of any other Contracting States, he shall be accorded the same protection as is accorded in that territory to nationals of the country in which he has his habitual residence.

Riguardo alla protezione della proprietà industriale, particolarmente quella relativa alle invenzioni, i disegni, i modelli, i marchi di fabbrica, il nome commerciale, e riguardo alla protezione della proprietà letteraria, artistica e scientifica, ogni rifugiato beneficerà, nel paese in cui ha la residenza abituale, della protezione di cui usufruiscono i cittadini di detto Paese. Nel territorio di qualsiasi altro Stato contraente ogni rifugiato beneficerà della protezione concessa in detto territorio ai cittadini del Paese di cui ha la residenza abituale.

Article 15. Right of association

Articolo 15 Diritti di associazione

As regards non-political and non-profit-making associations and trade unions the Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, in the same circumstances.

Per quanto riguarda le associazioni apolitiche e non lucrative ed i sindacati professionali, gli Stati contraenti accorderanno ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul loro territorio il trattamento più favorevole accordato nelle stesse circostanze ai cittadini di un Paese straniero.

Article 16. Access to courts

Articolo 16 Libero accesso ai tribunali

1. A refugee shall have free access to the courts of law on the territory of all Contracting States.

1)        Ogni rifugiato avrà libero e facile accesso ai tribunali nel territorio degli Stati contraenti.

2. A refugee shall enjoy in the Contracting State in which he has his habitual residence the same treatment as a national in matters pertaining to access to the courts, including legal assistance and exemption from cautio judicatum solvi.

2)        Ogni rifugiato, nello stesso Stato contraente in cui ha la residenza abituale, potrà usufruire dello stesso trattamento dei cittadini per quanto riguarda l'accesso ai tribunali, ivi compresa l'assistenza giuridica e l'esenzione della "cautio judicatum solvi".

3. A refugee shall be accorded in the matters referred to in paragraph 2 in countries other than that in which he has his habitual residence the treatment granted to a national of the country of his habitual residence.

3)        Negli Stati contraenti diversi da quello in cui hanno abituale residenza e per le materie di cui al paragrafo 2, verrà concesso ai rifugiati lo stesso trattamento concesso ai cittadini del Paese in cui hanno residenza abituale.





Article 17. Wage-earning employment

Articolo 17 Attività salariate

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage in wage-earning employment.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti accorderanno ad ogni rifugiato residente regolarmente sul loro territorio il trattamento piu favorevole accordato, nelle stesse circostanze, ai cittadini di un Paese straniero per quanto riguarda l'esercizio di una attività salariata.

2. In any case, restrictive measures imposed on aliens or the employment of aliens for the protection of the national labour market shall not be applied to a refugee who was already exempt from them at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting State concerned, or who fulfils one of the following conditions:

2)        In ogni modo, le misure restrittive imposte agli stranieri o all'assunzione di stranieri per la protezione del mercato nazionale del lavoro, non si applicheranno ai rifugiati che ne fossero già esentati al momento della entrata in vigore della presente Convenzione da parte dello Stato contraente interessato, o che fossero in possesso di uno dei seguenti requisiti:

(a) He has completed three years' residence in the country;

a)        abbiano tre anni di residenza nel Paese;

(b) He has a spouse possessing the nationality of the country of residence. A refugee may not invoke the benefit of this provision if he has abandoned his spouse;

b)        abbiano moglie avente la cittadinanza del Paese di residenza. Un rifugiato non potrà invocare il beneficio di questa disposizione nel caso che avesse abbandonato la consorte;

(c) He has one or more children possessing the nationality of the country of residence.

c)         abbiano uno o più figli aventi la cittadinanza del Paese di residenza.

3. The Contracting States shall give sympathetic consideration to assimilating the rights of all refugees with regard to wage-earning employment to those of nationals, and in particular of those refugees who have entered their territory pursuant to programmes of labour recruitment or under immigration schemes.

3)        Gli Stati contraenti prernderanno in benevola considerazione la possibilità di adottare misure tendenti ad assimilare i diritti di tutti i rifugiati per quanto riguarda l'esercizio di tutte le attività salariate a quelli dei loro cittadini, e ciò, in particolare per i rifugiati entrati sul loro territorio in applicazione di un programma di reclutamento di mano d'opera o di un piano di immigrazione.

Article 18. Self-employment

Articolo 18 Attività autonome

The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee lawfully in their territory treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage on his own account in agriculture, industry, handicrafts and commerce and to establish commercial and industrial companies.

Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati che si trovano regolarmente sul loro territorio il trattamento più favorevole possibile, e comunque non meno favorevole di quello accordato nelle stesse circostanze agli stranieri in generale, per quanto riguarda l'esercizio di un lavoro autonomo nell'agricoltura, nell'industria, nell'artigianato e nel commercio, e così pure per quanto riguarda la creazione di società commerciali ed industriali.

Article 19. Liberal professions

Articolo 19 Libere professioni

1. Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory who hold diplomas recognized by the competent authorities of that State, and who are desirous of practising a liberal profession, treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

1)        Ogni Stato contraente accorderà ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul suo territorio, titolari di diplomi riconosciuti validi dalle autorità competenti di detto Stato e desiderosi di esercitare una libera professione, il trattamento più favorevole possibile e, comunque, non meno favorevole di quello accordato nelle stesse circostanze agli stranieri in generale.

2. The Contracting States shall use their best endeavours consistently with their laws and constitutions to secure the settlement of such refugees in the territories, other than the metropolitan territory, for whose international relations they are responsible.

2)        Gli Stati contraenti faranno quanto è loro possibile, compatibilmente con le loro leggi e costituzioni, per assicurare la sistemazione di detti rifugiati nei territori, diversi da quello metropolitano, delle cui relazioni internazionali essi sono responsabili.





Article 20. Rationing

Articolo 20 Razionamento

Where a rationing system exists, which applies to the population at large and regulates the general distribution of products in short supply, refugees shall be accorded the same treatment as nationals.

Qualora fosse istituito un sistema di razionamento, al quale fosse sottoposta tutta la popolazione e che re~olasse la distribuzione generale dei prodotti di cui vi fosse penuria, i rifugiati saranno trattati come i cittadini.

Article 21. Housing

Articolo 21 Alloggi

As regards housing, the Contracting States, in so far as the matter is regulated by laws or regulations or is subject to the control of public authorities, shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

Per quanto riguarda gli alloggi, gli Stati contraenti, nella misura in cui questa materia è regolata da leggi o regolamenti è sottoposta a controllo da parte delle autorità pubbliche, concederanno ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul loro territorio il trattamento più favorevole possibile e, in ogni caso, un trattamento non meno favorevole di quello accordato nelle stesse circostanze agli stranieri in generale.

Article 22. Public education

Articolo 22 Istruzione pubblica

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to nationals with respect to elementary education.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti accorderanno ai rifugiati, per quanto riguarda l'istruzione elementare, lo stesso trattamento accordato ai cittadini.

2. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees treatment as favourable as possible, and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, with respect to education other than elementary education and, in particular, as regards access to studies, the recognition of foreign school certificates, diplomas and degrees, the remission of fees and charges and the award of scholarships.

2)        Gli Stati contraenti accorderanno ai rifugiati il trattamento più favorevole possibile e, comunque, non meno favorevole di quello accordato nelle stesse circostanze agli stranieri in generale, per quanto riguarda i gradi di istruzione diversi da quella elementare ed in particolare l'ammissione agli studi, la convalida di certificati di studio, di diplomi e titoli universitari conseguiti all'estero, l'esenzione delle tasse e la concessione di borse di studio.

Article 23. Public relief

Articolo 23 Assistenza pubblica

The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the same treatment with respect to public relief and assistance as is accorded to their nationals.

In materia di assistenza pubblica, gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul loro territorio lo stesso trattamento concesso ai loro cittadini.

Article 24. Labour legislation and social security

Articolo 24 Legislazione del lavoro ed assicurazioni sociali

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the following matters;

1)        Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul loro territorio lo stesso trattamento concesso ai cittadini per quanto riguarda le seguenti materie:

(a) In so far as such matters are governed by laws or regulations or are subject to the control of administrative authorities: remuneration, including family allowances where these form part of remuneration, hours of work, overtime arrangements, holidays with pay, restrictions on home work, minimum age of employment, apprenticeship and training, women's work and the work of young persons, and the enjoyment of the benefits of collective bargaining;

a)        Nella misura in cui queste materie sono regolate da leggi o regolamenti o sono soggette a controllo da parte della pubblica amministrazione: la remunerazione, compresi i contributi familiari quando questi fanno parte della remunerazione, la durata del lavoro, il lavoro straordinario, le ferie pagate, le restrizioni relative al lavoro a domicilio, l'età minima per l'assunzione al lavoro, l'apprendistato e l'addestramento professionale, il lavoro delle donne ed il lavoro dei minori, il beneficio dei vantaggi previsti dai contratti collettivi;

(b) Social security (legal provisions in respect of employment injury, occupational diseases, maternity, sickness, disability, old age, death, unemployment, family responsibilities and any other contingency which, according to national laws or regulations, is covered by a social security scheme), subject to the following limitations:

b)        Le assicurazioni sociali (le disposizioni di legge relative ad infortuni sul lavoro, malattie professionali, maternità, malattia, vecchiaia, invalidità, morte, disoccupazione, carichi di famiglia e così pure ogni altro rischio che, conformemente alla legislazione nazionale, è coperto da una forma di assicurazione sociale), salvo:

(i) There may be appropriate arrangements for the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition;

i)          appositi accordi per la salvaguardia dei diritti acquisiti e in corso di acquisizione;

(ii) National laws or regulations of the country of residence may prescribe special arrangements concerning benefits or portions of benefits which are payable wholly out of public funds, and concerning allowances paid to persons who do not fulfil the contribution conditions prescribed for the award of a normal pension.

ii)         particolari disposizioni della legge nazionale del Paese di residenza, relative alle prestazioni o frazioni di prestazioni pagabili interamente da fondi pubblici come pure ai contributi versati a coloro che non hanno raggiunto la quota richiesta per ottenere una normale pensione.

2. The right to compensation for the death of a refugee resulting from employment injury or from occupational disease shall not be affected by the fact that the residence of the beneficiary is outside the territory of the Contracting State.

2)        I diritti a prestazioni dovuti alla morte di un rifugiato, conseguente ad un infortunio sul lavoro o ad una malattia professionale, non saranno pregiudicati dal fatto che l'avente diritto risiede fuori del territorio dello Stato contraente.

3. The Contracting States shall extend to refugees the benefits of agreements concluded between them, or which may be concluded between them in the future, concerning the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in the process of acquisition in regard to social security, subject only to the conditions which apply to nationals of the States signatory to the agreements in question.

3)        Gli Stati contraenti estenderanno ai rifugiati i benefici degli accordi conclusi tra loro o che concluderanno, relativi alla salvaguardia dei diritti acquisiti e dei diritti in via di acquisizione, in materia di assicurazioni sociali, a condizione soltanto che i rifugiati siano in possesso dei requisiti previsti per i cittadini dei Paesi firmatari degli accordi in questione.

4. The Contracting States will give sympathetic consideration to extending to refugees so far as possible the benefits of similar agreements which may at any time be in force between such Contracting States and non- contracting States.

4)        Gli Stati contraenti prenderanno in benevola considerazione la possibilità di estendere ai rifugiati, per quanto sarà possibile, i benefici di analoghi accordi stipulati o da stipulare tra questi Stati contraenti e Stati non contraenti.





Article 25. Administrative assistance

Articolo 25 Assistenza amministrativa

1. When the exercise of a right by a refugee would normally require the assistance of authorities of a foreign country to whom he cannot have recourse, the Contracting States in whose territory he is residing shall arrange that such assistance be afforded to him by their own authorities or by an international authority.

1)        Allorquando l'esercizio di un diritto da parte di un rifugiato richiederebbe normalmente il concorso di autorità straniere, alle quali non può ricorrere, gli Stati contraenti sul cui territorio risiede faranno in modo che questo concorso gli sia fornito dalle loro stesse autorità o da una autorità internazionale.

2. The authority or authorities mentioned in paragraph I shall deliver or cause to be delivered under their supervision to refugees such documents or certifications as would normally be delivered to aliens by or through their national authorities.

2)        Le autorità, di cui al precedente paragrafo 1, concederanno o faranno concedere - sotto il loro controllo - ai rifugiati quei documenti o certificati che normalmente sarebbero concessi agli stranieri dalle loro autorità nazionali o tramite queste.


3. Documents or certifications so delivered shall stand in the stead of the official instruments delivered to aliens by or through their national authorities, and shall be given credence in the absence of proof to the contrary.

3)        I documenti o i certificati rilasciati in questo modo sostituiranno gli atti ufficiali concessi agli stranieri dalle loro autorità nazionali o tramite queste e faranno fede fino a prova contraria.

4. Subject to such exceptional treatment as may be granted to indigent persons, fees may be charged for the services mentioned herein, but such fees shall be moderate and commensurate with those charged to nationals for similar services.

4)        Salve le eccezioni che potrebbero essere ammesse in favore degli indigenti, i servizi di cui trattasi al presente articolo potranno essere retribuiti, ma queste retribuzioni saranno modiche ed in rapporto con le stesse a carico dei cittadini per servizi analoghi.

5. The provisions of this article shall be without prejudice to articles 27 and 28.

5)        Le disposizioni di questo articolo non pregiudicano assolutamente gli artt. 27 e 28.

Article 26. Freedom of movement

Articolo 26 Libertà di movimento

Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the right to choose their place of residence and to move freely within its territory subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

Ogni Stato contraente concederà ai rifugiati che si trovano regolarmente sul territorio il diritto di eleggervi il luogo di residenza e di circolarvi liberamente, salve le limitazioni che i regolamenti sanciscono per gli stranieri in generale nelle stesse circostanze.

Article 27. Identity papers

Articolo 27 Documenti di identità

The Contracting States shall issue identity papers to any refugee in their territory who does not possess a valid travel document.

Gli Stati contraenti rilasceranno dei documenti di identità a tutti i rifugiati che si trovano sul loro territorio e che non possiedono un documento di viaggio valido.

Article 28. Travel documents

Articolo 28 Documenti di viaggio

1 . The Contracting States shall issue to refugees lawfully staying in their territory travel documents for the purpose of travel outside their territory, unless compelling reasons of national security or public order otherwise require, and the provisions of the Schedule to this Convention shall apply with respect to such documents. The Contracting States may issue such a travel document to any other refugee in their territory; they shall in particular give sympathetic consideration to the issue of such a travel document to refugees in their territory who are unable to obtain a travel document from the country of their lawful residence.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ai rifugiati residenti regolarmente sul loro territorio dei documenti di viaggio destinati a permettere loro di viaggiare al di fuori di detto territorio, a meno che imperiosi motivi di sicurezza nazionale o di ordine pubblico vi si oppongano. Le disposizioni dell'Allegato alla presente Convenzione si applicheranno a detti documenti. Gli Stati contraenti potranno concedere un siffatto documento di viaggio a qualsiasi altro rifugiato sul loro territorio, accorderanno una attenzione particolare alla situazione di quei rifugiati che si trovano sul loro territorio, che non sono in condizione di ottenere un documento di viaggio del Paese in cui hanno la residenza regolare.

2. Travel documents issued to refugees under previous international agreements by Parties thereto shall be recognized and treated by the Contracting States in the same way as if they had been issued pursuant to this article.

2)        I documenti di viaggio, rilasciati ai sensi degli accordi internazionali precedenti dalle Parti di detti accordi, saranno riconosciuti dagli Stati contraenti e considerati come se fossero stati rilasciati ai rifugiati in virtù del presente articolo.

Article 29. Fiscal charges

Articolo 29 Carichi fiscali

1. The Contracting States shall not impose upon refugees duties, charges or taxes, of any description whatsoever, other or higher than those which are or may be levied on their nationals in similar situations.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti non imporranno ai rifugiati diritti, tasse, imposte, a qualsiasi titolo, diverse o più elevate di quelle che sono o saranno esatte dai loro cittadini in situazioni analoghe.

2. Nothing in the above paragraph shall prevent the application to refugees of the laws and regulations concerning charges in respect of the issue to aliens of administrative documents including identity papers.

2)        Le disposizioni del paragrafo precedente non precludono l'applicazione ai rifugiati delle disposizioni di leggi e regolamenti relativi alle tasse in materia di concessione agli stranieri di documenti amministrativi, ivi compresi anche i documenti di identità.

Article 30. Transfer of assets

Articolo 30 Trasferimento dei beni

1. A Contracting State shall, in conformity with its laws and regulations, permit refugees to transfer assets which they have brought into its territory, to another country where they have been admitted for the purposes of resettlement.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti permetteranno ai rifugiati, in conformità con le loro leggi e regolamenti, di trasferire i beni che hanno fatto entrare sul loro territorio nel territorio di un altro Stato in cui sono stati ammessi per sistemarvisi.

2. A Contracting State shall give sympathetic consideration to the application of refugees for permission to transfer assets wherever they may be and which are necessary for their resettlement in another country to which they have been admitted.

2)        Gli Stati contraenti prenderanno in benevola considerazione le domande presentate da rifugiati che desiderano ottenere l'autorizzazione a trasferire ogni altro loro bene necessario alla loro sistemazione in un altro Paese in cui sono stati ammessi al fine di sistemarvisi.

Article 31. Refugees unlawfully in the country of refuge

Articolo 31 Rifugiati in situazione irregolare nel Paese di accoglimento

1. The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of article 1, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti non applicheranno sanzioni penali, per ingresso o soggiorno irregolare, a quei rifugiati che, provenienti direttamente dal paese in cui la loro vita o la loro libertà era minacciata nel senso previsto dall'art. l, entrano o si trovano sul loro territorio senza autorizzazione, purché si presentino senza indugio alle autorità ed espongano ragioni ritenute valide per il loro ingresso o la loro presenza irregolari.

2. The Contracting States shall not apply to the movements of such refugees restrictions other than those which are necessary and such restrictions shall only be applied until their status in the country is regularized or they obtain admission into another country. The Contracting States shall allow such refugees a reasonable period and all the necessary facilities to obtain admission into another country.

2)        Gli Stati contraenti non applicheranno altre restrizioni ai movimenti di questi rifugiati se non quelle necessarie; queste restrizioni verranno applicate solo in attesa che lo status dei rifugiati nel Paese di accoglimento venga regolarizzato o che essi riescano a farsi ammettere in un altro Stato. In vista di quest'ultima ammissione gli Stati contraenti accorderanno a detti rifugiati un periodo di tempo ragionevole e così pure tutte le facilitazioni necessarie.

Article 32. Expulsion

Articolo 32 Espulsione

1. The Contracting States shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory save on grounds of national security or public order.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti non espelleranno un rifugiato residente regolarmente sul loro territorio, se non per motivi di sicurezza nazionale o di ordine pubblico.

2. The expulsion of such a refugee shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law. Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself, and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.

2)        L'espulsione di detto rifugiato non avrà luogo se non in esecuzione di una decisione presa conformemente alla procedura prevista dalla legge. Il rifugiato - a meno che imperiosi motivi di sicurezza nazionale lo impediscano dovrà essere ammesso a fornire prove a suo discarico, a presentare un ricorso e ad essere rappresentato a questo scopo davanti alle autorità competenti o davanti ad una o più persone appositamente designate dalle autorità competenti.

3. The Contracting States shall allow such a refugee a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country. The Contracting States reserve the right to apply during that period such internal measures as they may deem necessary.

3)        Gli Stati contraenti concederanno ad un rifugiato nella situazione di cui sopra un periodo di tempo ragionevole per permettergli di tentare di farsi ammmettere regolarmente in un altro Paese. Gli Stati contraenti, durante questo periodo di tempo, potranno adottare quei provvedimenti di ordine interno che riterranno opportuni.

Article 33. Prohibition of expulsion or return ("refoulement")

Articolo 33 Divieto di espulsione o di respingimento (refoulement)

1. No Contracting State shall expel or return ("refouler") a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

1)        Nessuno Stato contraente potrà espellere o respingere (refouler) - in nessun modo - un rifugiato verso le frontiere dei luoghi ove la sua vita o la sua libertà sarebbero minacciate a causa della sua razza, della sua religione, della sua nazionalità, della sua appartenenza ad una determinata categoria sociale o delle sue opinioni politiche.

2. The benefit of the present provision may not, however, be claimed by a refugee whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country.

2)        Il beneficio di detta disposizione non potrà tuttavia essere invocato da un rifugiato per il quale vi siano gravi motivi per considerarlo un pericolo per la sicurezza dello Stato in cui si trova, oppure da un rifugiato il quale, essendo stato oggetto di una condanna già passata in giudicato per un crimine o un delitto particolarmente grave, rappresenti una minaccia per la comunità di detto Stato.

Article 34. Naturalization

Articolo 34 Naturalizzazione

The Contracting States shall as far as possible facilitate the assimilation and naturalization of refugees. They shall in particular make every effort to expedite naturalization proceedings and to reduce as far as possible the charges and costs of such proceedings.

Gli Stati contraenti faciliteranno, quanto più possibile, l'assimilazione e la naturalizzazione dei rifugiati. Si sforzeranno in modo particolare di accelerare la procedura necessaria per la naturalizzazione e di ridurre il più possibile le tasse e le spese richieste per questa procedura.





Article 35. Co-operation of the national authorities with the United Nations

Articolo 35 Cooperazione delle autorità nazionali con le Nazioni Unite

1. The Contracting States undertake to co-operate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or any other agency of the United Nations which may succeed it, in the exercise of its functions, and shall in particular facilitate its duty of supervising the application of the provisions of this Convention.

1)        Gli Stati contraenti si impegnano a cooperare con l'Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati, od ogni altra istituzione delle Nazioni Unite che dovesse succedergli, nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni e, in particolare, a facilitare il suo compito di sorveglianza dell'applicazione delle disposizioni della presente Convenzione.

2. In order to enable the Office of the High Commissioner or any other agency of the United Nations which may succeed it, to make reports to the competent organs of the United Nations, the Contracting States undertake to provide them in the appropriate form with information and statistical data requested concerning:

2)        Al fine di permettere all'Alto Commissariato, o ad ogni altra istituzione delle Nazioni Unite che dovesse succedergli, di presentare rapporti agli organi competenti delle Nazioni Unite, gli Stati contraenti si impegnano a fornir loro in forma appropriata le informazioni ed i dati statistici richiesti relativi:

(a) The condition of refugees,

a)        allo status dei rifugiati;

(b) The implementation of this Convention, and

b)        all'applicazione della presente Convenzione;

(c) Laws, regulations and decrees which are, or may hereafter be, in force relating to refugees.

c)         alle leggi, regolamenti e decreti che sono o entreranno in vigore per quanto riguarda i rifugiati.

Article 36. Information on national legislation

Articolo 36 Informazioni concernenti le leggi ed i regolamenti nazionali

The Contracting States shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations the laws and regulations which they may adopt to ensure the application of this Convention.

Gli Stati contraenti comunicheranno al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite il testo delle leggi e dei regolamenti che potranno adottare per assicurare l'applicazione della presente Convenzione.

Article 37. Relation to previous conventions

Articolo 37 Relazioni con le Convenzioni anteriori

Without prejudice to article 28, paragraph 2, of this Convention, this Convention replaces, as between Parties to it, the Arrangements of 5 July 1922, 31 May 1924, 12 May 1926, 30 June 1928 and 30 July 1935, the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 and the Agreement of 15 October 1946.

Senza pregiudizio per le disposizioni del paragrafo 2 dell'art. 28, la presente Convenzione sostituisce tra le Parti contraenti gli Accordi del 5 luglio 1922, 31 maggio 1924, 12 maggio 1926, 30 giugno 1928 e 30 luglio 1935, e così pure le Convenzioni del 28 ottobre 1933 e 10 febbraio 1938, il Protocollo del 14 settembre 1939 e l'Accordo del 15 ottobre 1946.





Article 38. Settlement of disputes

Articolo 38 Regolamento delle controversie

Any dispute between Parties to this Convention relating to its interpretation or application, which cannot be settled by other means, shall be referred to the International Court of Justice at the request of any one of the parties to the dispute.

Le controversie tra le Parti della presente Convenzione relative alla sua interpretazione o alla sua applicazione, non regolate in altro modo, verranno sottoposte alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia, a richiesta di una delle Parti nella controversia.

Article 39. Signature, ratification and accession

Articolo 39 Firma, ratifica e adesione

1. This Convention shall be opened for signature at Geneva on 28 July 1951 and shall thereafter be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. It shall be open for signature at the European Office of the United Nations from 28 July to 31 August 1951 and shall be re-opened for signature at the Headquarters of the United Nations from 17 September 1951 to 31 December 1952.

1)        I ) La presente Convenzione sarà aperta alla firma a Ginevra il 28 luglio 1951 e successivamente depositata presso il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite. Sarà aperta alla firma presso l'Ufficio Europeo delle Nazioni Unite dal 28 luglio al 31 agosto 1951, e poi nuovamente aperta alla firma presso la sede dell'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite dal 17 settembre 1951 al 31 dicembre 1952.

2. This Convention shall be open for signature on behalf of all States Members of the United Nations, and also on behalf of any other State invited to attend the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons or to which an invitation to sign will have been addressed by the General Assembly. It shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2)        La presente Convenzione sarà aperta alla firma di tutti gli Stati membri dell'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite e così pure di tutti gli Stati non membri invitati alla Conferenza dei Plenipotenziari sullo status dei rifugiati e degli apolidi o di qualisiasi altro Stato a cui l'Assemblea generale avrà rivolto un invito alla firma. La Convenzione dovrà essere ratificata e gli strumenti di ratifica saranno depositati presso il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite.

3. This Convention shall be open from 28 July 1951 for accession by the States referred to in paragraph 2 of this article. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3)        Gli Stati, di cui al paragrafo 2 del presente articolo, potranno aderire alla Convenzione a partire dal 28 luglio 1951. L'adesione avverrà mediante il deposito di uno strumento di adesione presso il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite.

Article 40. Territorial application clause

Articolo 40 Clausola di applicazione territoriale

1. Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, declare that this Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible. Such a declaration shall take effect when the Convention enters into force for the State concerned.

1)        Ogni Stato potrà, al momento della firma, ratifica o adesione, dichiarare che la presente Convenzione si applicherà a tutti i territori che rappresenta sul piano internazionale oppure ad una parte di essi. Una siffatta dichiarazione avrà efficacia dal momento in cui la Convenzione entrerà in vigore in detto Stato.

2. At any time thereafter any such extension shall be made by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and shall take effect as from the ninetieth day after the day of receipt by the Secretary- General of the United Nations of this notification, or as from the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State concerned, whichever is the later.

2)        In qualsiasi momento successivo, l'estensione dell'applicazione potrà essere effettuata mediante notifica indirizzata al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite ed avrà effetto a partire dal novantesimo giorno successivo alla data di ricezione di detta notifica da parte del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, oppure alla data di entrata in vigore della Convenzione nello Stato di cui trattasi, se questa data è posteriore.

3. With respect to those territories to which this Convention is not extended at the time of signature, ratification or accession, each State concerned shall consider the possibility of taking the necessary steps in order to extend the application of this Convention to such territories, subject, where necessary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories.

3)        Per quanto concerne i territori ai quali la Convenzione non si applicherà al momento della firma, ratifica o adesione, ognuno degli Stati interessati esaminerà la possibilità di adottare non appena possibile i provvedimenti necessari al fine di estendere l'applicazione della Convenzione a detti territori subordinatamente, quando necessario per ragioni costituzionali, al benestare del Governo di detti territori.

Article 41. Federal clause

Articolo 41 Clausola federale

In the case of a Federal or non-unitary State, the following provisions shall apply:

Nel caso di Stato federale o non unitario, si applicheranno le seguenti disposizioni:

(a) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of the federal legislative authority, the obligations of the Federal Government shall to this extent be the same as those of parties which are not Federal States;

a)        riguardo agli articoli della presente Convenzione, la cui applicazione rientra nell'azione legislativa del potere legislativo federale, gli obblighi del Governo federale saranno entro tali limiti gli stessi di quelli delle Parti che non sono Stati federali;

(b) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of constituent States, provinces or cantons which are not, under the constitutional system of the Federation, bound to take legislative action, the Federal Government shall bring such articles with a favourable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate authorities of States, provinces or cantons at the earliest possible moment;

b)        riguardo agli articoli della presente Convenzione - la cui applicazione rientra nell'azione legislativa di ciascuno Stato, provincia o cantone i quali non sono, in base al sistema costituzionale della Federazione, obbligati ad adottare provvedimenti legislativi - il Governo federale porterà questi articoli a conoscenza delle autorità competenti degli Stati, province o cantoni, il più presto possibile, esprimendo il suo parere favorevole;

(c) A Federal State Party to this Convention shall, at the request of any other Contracting State transmitted through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, supply a statement of the law and practice of the Federation and its constituent units in regard to any particular provision of the Convention showing the extent to which effect has been given to that provision by legislative or other action.

c)         gli Stati federali Parti della presente Convenzione comunicheranno - a richiesta di qualsiasi altro Stato contraente trasmessa loro tramite il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite - un rapporto sulla legislazione e la prassi in vigore nella Federazione e nelle unità che la compongono, riguardo a qualsiasi determinata disposizione della Convenzione, indicando la misura nella quale è data efficacia a detta disposizione per mezzo di un provvedimento legislativo o altro provvedimento.

Article 42. Reservations

Articolo 42 Riserve

1. At the time of signature, ratification or accession, any State may make reservations to articles of the Convention other than to articles 1, 3, 4, 16 (1), 33, 36-46 inclusive.

1)        Qualsiasi Stato al momento della firma, ratifica o adesione, potrà apporre riserve agli articoli della Convenzione, fatta eccezione per i seguenti: 1, 3, 4, 16 (1), 33, dal 36 al 46 incluso.

2. Any State making a reservation in accordance with paragraph I of this article may at any time withdraw the reservation by a communication to that effect addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2)        Qualsiasi Stato che, in conformità con il disposto del paragrafo I del presente articolo, abbia formulato una riserva, potrà ritirarla in qualsiasi momento mediante comunicazione indirizzata a tale scopo al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite.


Article 43. Entry into force

Articolo 43 Entrata in vigore

1. This Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the day of deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession.

1)        La presente Convenzione entrerà in vigore il noventesimo giorno successivo alla data di deposito del sesto strumento di ratifica o di adesione.

2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.

2)        Per ciascuno degli Stati che ratificheranno la Convenzione o vi aderiranno dopo il deposito del sesto strumento di ratifica o di adesione, la Convenzione entrerà in vigore il noventesimo giorno successivo alla data di deposito da parte di questo Stato dello strumento di ratifica o di adesione.

Article 44. Denunciation

Articolo 44 Denuncia

1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention at any time by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

1)        Ogni Stato contraente potrà denunciare la Convenzione in qualsiasi momento mediante notifica indirizzata al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite.

2. Such denunciation shall take effect for the Contracting State concerned one year from the date upon which it is received by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2)        La denuncia avrà effetto per lo Stato contraente interessato un anno dopo la data in cui sarà pervenuta al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite.

3. Any State which has made a declaration or notification under article 40 may, at any time thereafter, by a notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, declare that the Convention shall cease to extend to such territory one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.

3)        Qualsiasi Stato, cha abbia fatto una dichiarazione o una notifica come previsto all'art. 40, potrà notificare ulteriormente al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite che la Convenzione cesserà di applicarsi nel territorio indicato nella notifica. La Convenzione cesserà allora di avere applicazione nel territorio in questione un anno dopo la data di ricezione della notifica da parte del Segretario generale.

Article 45. - Revision

Articolo 45 Revisione

1. Any Contracting State may request revision of this Convention at any time by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

1)        Ogni Stato contraente potrà in qualsiasi momento, a mezzo di notifica al Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, fare richiesta di revisione della presente Convenzione.

2. The General Assembly of the United Nations shall recommend the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such request.

2)        L'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite raccomanderà, se necessario, i provvedimenti da adottare riguardo a detta richiesta.

Article 46. Notifications by the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Articolo 46 Notifiche a mezzo del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all Members of the United Nations and non-member States referred to in article 39:

Il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite notificherà a tutti gli Stati membri delle Nazioni Unite ed agli Stati non membri menzionati all'art. 39:

(a) Of declarations and notifications in accordance with section B of article 1;

) le dichiarazioni e le notifiche previste alla sezione B dell'art. 1;

(b) Of signatures, ratifications and accessions in accordance with article 39;

b) le firme, ratifiche ed adesioni previste all'art. 39;

(c) Of declarations and notifications in accordance with article 40;

c) le dichiarazioni e le notifiche previste all'art. 40;

(d) Of reservations and withdrawals in accordance with article 42;

d) le riserve formulate o ritirate di cui all'art. 42;

(e) Of the date on which this Convention will come into force in accordance with article 43;

e) la data alla quale la presente Convenzione entrerà in vigore, secondo quanto stabilito all'art. 43;

(f) Of denunciations and notifications in accordance with article 44;

f) le denunce e le notifiche di cui all'art. 44; g) le richieste di revisione di cui all'art. 45;

(g) Of requests for revision in accordance with article 45.

g) le richieste di revisione previste dall'articolo 45

IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Convention on behalf of their respective Governments.

In fede di che, i sottoscritti, debitamente autorizzati, hanno firmato la presente Convenzione a nome dei loro rispettivi Governi.

DONE at Geneva, this twenty-eighth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one, in a single copy, of which the English and French texts are equally authentic and which shall remain deposited in the archives of the United Nations, and certified true copies of which shall be delivered to all Members of the United Nations and to the non-member States referred to in article 39.

Fatto a Ginevra il 28 luglio 1951, in un unico esemplare, di cui i testi inglese e francese fanno ugualmente fede e che sarà depositato negli archivi della Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite e di cui le copie certificate conformi saranno trasmesse a tutti gli Stati membri delle Nazioni Unite e agli Stati non membri menzionati all'art. 39.


  1. Perché è utile
  2. Leggi il n. 1 gratis!
  3. Acquista gli arretrati
  4. Cosa dicono i lettori
  5. Il  metodo



Adopted on 28 July 1951


The High Contracting Parties,

Considering that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved on 10 December 1948 by the General Assembly have affirmed the principle that human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination,

Considering that the United Nations has, on various occasions, manifested its profound concern for refugees and endeavoured to assure refugees the widest possible exercise of these fundamental rights and freedoms,

Considering that it is desirable to revise and consolidate previous international agreements relating to the status of refugees and to extend the scope of and the protection accorded by such instruments by means of a new agreement,

Considering that the grant of asylum may place unduly heavy burdens on certain countries, and that a satisfactory solution of a problem of which the United Nations has recognized the international- scope and nature cannot therefore be achieved without international co-operation,

Expressing the wish that all States, recognizing the social and humanitarian nature of the problem of refugees, will do everything within their power to prevent this problem from becoming a cause of tension between States,

Noting that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is charged with the task of supervising international conventions providing for the protection of refugees, and recognizing that the effective co-ordination of measures taken to deal with this problem will depend upon the co-operation of States with the High Commissioner,

Have agreed as follows:



Article 1. Definition of the term "refugee"

A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term "refugee,, shall apply to any person who:

(1) Has been considered a refugee under the Arrangements of 12 May 1926 and 30 June 1928 or under the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 or the Constitution of the International Refugee Organization;

Decisions of non-eligibility taken by the International Refugee Organization during the period of its activities shall not prevent the status of refugee being accorded to persons who fulfil the conditions of paragraph 2 of this section;

(2) As a result of events occurring before I January 1951 and owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.

In the case of a person who has more than one nationality, the term "the country of his nationality" shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, and a person shall not be deemed to be lacking the protection of the country of his nationality if, without any valid reason based on well-founded fear, he has not availed himself of the protection of one of the countries of which he is a national.

B. (1) For the purposes of this Convention, the words "events occurring before I January 1951" in article 1, section A, shall be understood to mean either (a) "events occurring in Europe before I January 1951"; or (b) "events occurring in Europe or elsewhere before I January 1951"; and each Contracting State shall make a declaration at the time of signature, ratification or accession, specifying which of these meanings it applies for the purpose of its obligations under this Convention.

(2) Any Contracting State which has adopted alternative (a) may at any time extend its obligations by adopting alternative (b) by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

C. This Convention shall cease to apply to any person falling under the terms of section A if:

(1) He has voluntarily re-availed himself of the protection of the country of his nationality; or

(2) Having lost his nationality, he has voluntarily reacquired it; or

(3) He has acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality; or

(4) He has voluntarily re-established himself in the country which he left or outside which he remained owing to fear of persecution; or

(5) He can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he has been recognized as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself of the protection of the country of his nationality;

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a refugee falling under section A (I) of this article who is able to invoke compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to avail himself of the protection of the country of nationality;

(6) Being a person who has no nationality he is, because the circumstances in connection with which he has been recognized as a refugee have ceased to exist, able to return to the country of his former habitual residence;

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to a refugee falling under section A (I) of this article who is able to invoke compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to return to the country of his former habitual residence.

D. This Convention shall not apply to persons who are at present receiving from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees protection or assistance.

When such protection or assistance has ceased for any reason, without the position of such persons being definitively settled in accordance with the relevant resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, these persons shall ipso facto be entitled to the benefits of this Convention.

E. This Convention shall not apply to a person who is recognized by the competent authorities of the country in which he has taken residence as having the rights and obligations which are attached to the possession of the nationality of that country.

F. The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that:

(a) He has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn up to make provision in respect of such crimes;

(b) He has committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee;

(c) He has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 2. General obligations

Every refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order.

Article 3. Non-discrimination

The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refugees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 4. Religion

The Contracting States shall accord to refugees within their territories treatment at least as favourable as that accorded to their nationals with respect to freedom to practise their religion and freedom as regards the religious education of their children.

Article 5. Rights granted apart from this Convention

Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to impair any rights and benefits granted by a Contracting State to refugees apart from this Convention.

Article 6. The term "in the same circumstances"

For the purposes of this Convention, the term "in the same circumstances,, implies that any requirements (including requirements as to length and conditions of sojourn or residence) which the particular individual would have to fulfil for the enjoyment of the right in question, if he were not a refugee, must be fulfilled by him, with the exception of requirements which by their nature a refugee is incapable of fulfilling.

Article 7. Exemption from reciprocity

1. Except where this Convention contains more favourable provisions, a Contracting State shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to aliens generally.

2. After a period of three years' residence, all refugees shall enjoy exemption from legislative reciprocity in the territory of the Contracting States.

3. Each Contracting State shall continue to accord to refugees the rights and benefits to which they were already entitled, in the absence of reciprocity, at the date of entry into force of this Convention for that State.

4. The Contracting States shall consider favourably the possibility of according to refugees, in the absence of reciprocity, rights and benefits beyond those to which they are entitled according to paragraphs 2 and 3, and to extending exemption from reciprocity to refugees who do not fulfil the conditions provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 apply both to the rights and benefits referred to in articles 13, 18, 19, 21 and 22 of this Convention and to rights and benefits for which this Convention does not provide.

Article 8. Exemption from exceptional measures

With regard to exceptional measures which may be taken against the person, property or interests of nationals of a foreign State, the Contracting States shall not apply such measures to a refugee who is formally a national of the said State solely on account of such nationality. Contracting States which, under their legislation, are prevented from applying the general principle expressed in this article, shall, in appropriate cases, grant exemptions in favour of such refugees.

Article 9. Provisional measures

Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a Contracting State, in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances, from taking provisionally measures which it considers to be essential to the national security in the case of a particular person, pending a determination by the Contracting State that that person is in fact a refugee and that the continuance of such measures is necessary in his case in the interests of national security.

Article 10. Continuity of residence

1. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War and removed to the territory of a Contracting State, and is resident there, the period of such enforced sojourn shall be considered to have been lawful residence within that territory.

2. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War from the territory of a Contracting State and has, prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention, returned there for the purpose of taking up residence, the period of residence before and after such enforced displacement shall be regarded as one uninterrupted period for any purposes for which uninterrupted residence is required.

Article 11. Refugee seamen

In the case of refugees regularly serving as crew members on board a ship flying the flag of a Contracting State, that State shall give sympathetic consideration to their establishment on its territory and the issue of travel documents to them or their temporary admission to its territory particularly with a view to facilitating their establishment in another country.



Article 12. Personal status

1. The personal status of a refugee shall be governed by the law of the country of his domicile or, if he has no domicile, by the law of the country of his residence.

2. Rights previously acquired by a refugee and dependent on personal status, more particularly rights attaching to marriage, shall be respected by a Contracting State, subject to compliance, if this be necessary, with the formalities required by the law of that State, provided that the right in question is one which would have been recognized by the law of that State had he not become a refugee.

Article 13. Movable and immovable property

The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, as regards the acquisition of movable and immovable property and other rights pertaining thereto, and to leases and other contracts relating to movable and immovable property.

Article 14. Artistic rights and industrial property

In respect of the protection of industrial property, such as inventions, designs or models, trade marks, trade names, and of rights in literary, artistic and scientific works, a refugee shall be accorded in the country in which he has his habitual residence the same protection as is accorded to nationals of that country. In the territory of any other Contracting States, he shall be accorded the same protection as is accorded in that territory to nationals of the country in which he has his habitual residence.

Article 15. Right of association

As regards non-political and non-profit-making associations and trade unions the Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, in the same circumstances.

Article 16. Access to courts

1. A refugee shall have free access to the courts of law on the territory of all Contracting States.

2. A refugee shall enjoy in the Contracting State in which he has his habitual residence the same treatment as a national in matters pertaining to access to the courts, including legal assistance and exemption from cautio judicatum solvi.

3. A refugee shall be accorded in the matters referred to in paragraph 2 in countries other than that in which he has his habitual residence the treatment granted to a national of the country of his habitual residence.



Article 17. Wage-earning employment

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage in wage-earning employment.

2. In any case, restrictive measures imposed on aliens or the employment of aliens for the protection of the national labour market shall not be applied to a refugee who was already exempt from them at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting State concerned, or who fulfils one of the following conditions:

(a) He has completed three years' residence in the country;

(b) He has a spouse possessing the nationality of the country of residence. A refugee may not invoke the benefit of this provision if he has abandoned his spouse;

(c) He has one or more children possessing the nationality of the country of residence.

3. The Contracting States shall give sympathetic consideration to assimilating the rights of all refugees with regard to wage-earning employment to those of nationals, and in particular of those refugees who have entered their territory pursuant to programmes of labour recruitment or under immigration schemes.

Article 18. Self-employment

The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee lawfully in their territory treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage on his own account in agriculture, industry, handicrafts and commerce and to establish commercial and industrial companies.

Article 19. Liberal professions

1. Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory who hold diplomas recognized by the competent authorities of that State, and who are desirous of practising a liberal profession, treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

2. The Contracting States shall use their best endeavours consistently with their laws and constitutions to secure the settlement of such refugees in the territories, other than the metropolitan territory, for whose international relations they are responsible.



Article 20. Rationing

Where a rationing system exists, which applies to the population at large and regulates the general distribution of products in short supply, refugees shall be accorded the same treatment as nationals.

Article 21. Housing

As regards housing, the Contracting States, in so far as the matter is regulated by laws or regulations or is subject to the control of public authorities, shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

Article 22. Public education

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to nationals with respect to elementary education.

2. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees treatment as favourable as possible, and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded to aliens generally in the same circumstances, with respect to education other than elementary education and, in particular, as regards access to studies, the recognition of foreign school certificates, diplomas and degrees, the remission of fees and charges and the award of scholarships.

Article 23. Public relief

The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the same treatment with respect to public relief and assistance as is accorded to their nationals.

Article 24. Labour legislation and social security

1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the following matters;

(a) In so far as such matters are governed by laws or regulations or are subject to the control of administrative authorities: remuneration, including family allowances where these form part of remuneration, hours of work, overtime arrangements, holidays with pay, restrictions on home work, minimum age of employment, apprenticeship and training, women's work and the work of young persons, and the enjoyment of the benefits of collective bargaining;

(b) Social security (legal provisions in respect of employment injury, occupational diseases, maternity, sickness, disability, old age, death, unemployment, family responsibilities and any other contingency which, according to national laws or regulations, is covered by a social security scheme), subject to the following limitations:

(i) There may be appropriate arrangements for the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition;

(ii) National laws or regulations of the country of residence may prescribe special arrangements concerning benefits or portions of benefits which are payable wholly out of public funds, and concerning allowances paid to persons who do not fulfil the contribution conditions prescribed for the award of a normal pension.

2. The right to compensation for the death of a refugee resulting from employment injury or from occupational disease shall not be affected by the fact that the residence of the beneficiary is outside the territory of the Contracting State.

3. The Contracting States shall extend to refugees the benefits of agreements concluded between them, or which may be concluded between them in the future, concerning the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in the process of acquisition in regard to social security, subject only to the conditions which apply to nationals of the States signatory to the agreements in question.

4. The Contracting States will give sympathetic consideration to extending to refugees so far as possible the benefits of similar agreements which may at any time be in force between such Contracting States and non- contracting States.



Article 25. Administrative assistance

1. When the exercise of a right by a refugee would normally require the assistance of authorities of a foreign country to whom he cannot have recourse, the Contracting States in whose territory he is residing shall arrange that such assistance be afforded to him by their own authorities or by an international authority.

2. The authority or authorities mentioned in paragraph I shall deliver or cause to be delivered under their supervision to refugees such documents or certifications as would normally be delivered to aliens by or through their national authorities.

3. Documents or certifications so delivered shall stand in the stead of the official instruments delivered to aliens by or through their national authorities, and shall be given credence in the absence of proof to the contrary.

4. Subject to such exceptional treatment as may be granted to indigent persons, fees may be charged for the services mentioned herein, but such fees shall be moderate and commensurate with those charged to nationals for similar services.

5. The provisions of this article shall be without prejudice to articles 27 and 28.

Article 26. Freedom of movement

Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the right to choose their place of residence and to move freely within its territory subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circumstances.

Article 27. Identity papers

The Contracting States shall issue identity papers to any refugee in their territory who does not possess a valid travel document.

Article 28. Travel documents

1 . The Contracting States shall issue to refugees lawfully staying in their territory travel documents for the purpose of travel outside their territory, unless compelling reasons of national security or public order otherwise require, and the provisions of the Schedule to this Convention shall apply with respect to such documents. The Contracting States may issue such a travel document to any other refugee in their territory; they shall in particular give sympathetic consideration to the issue of such a travel document to refugees in their territory who are unable to obtain a travel document from the country of their lawful residence.

2. Travel documents issued to refugees under previous international agreements by Parties thereto shall be recognized and treated by the Contracting States in the same way as if they had been issued pursuant to this article.

Article 29. Fiscal charges

1. The Contracting States shall not impose upon refugees duties, charges or taxes, of any description whatsoever, other or higher than those which are or may be levied on their nationals in similar situations.

2. Nothing in the above paragraph shall prevent the application to refugees of the laws and regulations concerning charges in respect of the issue to aliens of administrative documents including identity papers.

Article 30. Transfer of assets

1. A Contracting State shall, in conformity with its laws and regulations, permit refugees to transfer assets which they have brought into its territory, to another country where they have been admitted for the purposes of resettlement.

2. A Contracting State shall give sympathetic consideration to the application of refugees for permission to transfer assets wherever they may be and which are necessary for their resettlement in another country to which they have been admitted.

Article 31. Refugees unlawfully in the country of refuge

1. The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened in the sense of article 1, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.

2. The Contracting States shall not apply to the movements of such refugees restrictions other than those which are necessary and such restrictions shall only be applied until their status in the country is regularized or they obtain admission into another country. The Contracting States shall allow such refugees a reasonable period and all the necessary facilities to obtain admission into another country.

Article 32. Expulsion

1. The Contracting States shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory save on grounds of national security or public order.

2. The expulsion of such a refugee shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law. Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself, and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.

3. The Contracting States shall allow such a refugee a reasonable period within which to seek legal admission into another country. The Contracting States reserve the right to apply during that period such internal measures as they may deem necessary.

Article 33. Prohibition of expulsion or return ("refoulement")

1. No Contracting State shall expel or return ("refouler") a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

2. The benefit of the present provision may not, however, be claimed by a refugee whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country.

Article 34. Naturalization

The Contracting States shall as far as possible facilitate the assimilation and naturalization of refugees. They shall in particular make every effort to expedite naturalization proceedings and to reduce as far as possible the charges and costs of such proceedings.



Article 35. Co-operation of the national authorities with the United Nations

1. The Contracting States undertake to co-operate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or any other agency of the United Nations which may succeed it, in the exercise of its functions, and shall in particular facilitate its duty of supervising the application of the provisions of this Convention.

2. In order to enable the Office of the High Commissioner or any other agency of the United Nations which may succeed it, to make reports to the competent organs of the United Nations, the Contracting States undertake to provide them in the appropriate form with information and statistical data requested concerning:

(a) The condition of refugees,

(b) The implementation of this Convention, and

(c) Laws, regulations and decrees which are, or may hereafter be, in force relating to refugees.

Article 36. Information on national legislation

The Contracting States shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations the laws and regulations which they may adopt to ensure the application of this Convention.

Article 37. Relation to previous conventions

Without prejudice to article 28, paragraph 2, of this Convention, this Convention replaces, as between Parties to it, the Arrangements of 5 July 1922, 31 May 1924, 12 May 1926, 30 June 1928 and 30 July 1935, the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 and the Agreement of 15 October 1946.



Article 38. Settlement of disputes

Any dispute between Parties to this Convention relating to its interpretation or application, which cannot be settled by other means, shall be referred to the International Court of Justice at the request of any one of the parties to the dispute.

Article 39. Signature, ratification and accession

1. This Convention shall be opened for signature at Geneva on 28 July 1951 and shall thereafter be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. It shall be open for signature at the European Office of the United Nations from 28 July to 31 August 1951 and shall be re-opened for signature at the Headquarters of the United Nations from 17 September 1951 to 31 December 1952.

2. This Convention shall be open for signature on behalf of all States Members of the United Nations, and also on behalf of any other State invited to attend the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons or to which an invitation to sign will have been addressed by the General Assembly. It shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. This Convention shall be open from 28 July 1951 for accession by the States referred to in paragraph 2 of this article. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 40. Territorial application clause

1. Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, declare that this Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible. Such a declaration shall take effect when the Convention enters into force for the State concerned.

2. At any time thereafter any such extension shall be made by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and shall take effect as from the ninetieth day after the day of receipt by the Secretary- General of the United Nations of this notification, or as from the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State concerned, whichever is the later.

3. With respect to those territories to which this Convention is not extended at the time of signature, ratification or accession, each State concerned shall consider the possibility of taking the necessary steps in order to extend the application of this Convention to such territories, subject, where necessary for constitutional reasons, to the consent of the Governments of such territories.

Article 41. Federal clause

In the case of a Federal or non-unitary State, the following provisions shall apply:

(a) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of the federal legislative authority, the obligations of the Federal Government shall to this extent be the same as those of parties which are not Federal States;

(b) With respect to those articles of this Convention that come within the legislative jurisdiction of constituent States, provinces or cantons which are not, under the constitutional system of the Federation, bound to take legislative action, the Federal Government shall bring such articles with a favourable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate authorities of States, provinces or cantons at the earliest possible moment;

(c) A Federal State Party to this Convention shall, at the request of any other Contracting State transmitted through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, supply a statement of the law and practice of the Federation and its constituent units in regard to any particular provision of the Convention showing the extent to which effect has been given to that provision by legislative or other action.

Article 42. Reservations

1. At the time of signature, ratification or accession, any State may make reservations to articles of the Convention other than to articles 1, 3, 4, 16 (1), 33, 36-46 inclusive.

2. Any State making a reservation in accordance with paragraph I of this article may at any time withdraw the reservation by a communication to that effect addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 43. Entry into force

1. This Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the day of deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession.

2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.

Article 44. Denunciation

1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention at any time by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2. Such denunciation shall take effect for the Contracting State concerned one year from the date upon which it is received by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. Any State which has made a declaration or notification under article 40 may, at any time thereafter, by a notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, declare that the Convention shall cease to extend to such territory one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.

Article 45. - Revision

1. Any Contracting State may request revision of this Convention at any time by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

2. The General Assembly of the United Nations shall recommend the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such request.

Article 46. Notifications by the Secretary-General of the United Nations

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all Members of the United Nations and non-member States referred to in article 39:

(a) Of declarations and notifications in accordance with section B of article 1;

(b) Of signatures, ratifications and accessions in accordance with article 39;

(c) Of declarations and notifications in accordance with article 40;

(d) Of reservations and withdrawals in accordance with article 42;

(e) Of the date on which this Convention will come into force in accordance with article 43;

(f) Of denunciations and notifications in accordance with article 44;

(g) Of requests for revision in accordance with article 45.

IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Convention on behalf of their respective Governments.

DONE at Geneva, this twenty-eighth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one, in a single copy, of which the English and French texts are equally authentic and which shall remain deposited in the archives of the United Nations, and certified true copies of which shall be delivered to all Members of the United Nations and to the non-member States referred to in article 39.