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  1. A Christmas Carol
  2. Advent
  3. Advent calendar
  4. Advent wreath
  5. Aguinaldo
  6. Ashen faggot
  7. Belsnickel
  8. Bethlehem
  9. Biblical Magi
  10. Black Friday
  11. Boxing Day
  12. Bubble light
  13. Buche de Noël
  14. Burgermeister Meisterburger
  15. Caganer
  16. Candy cane
  17. Christkind
  18. Christmas cake
  19. Christmas card
  20. Christmas carol
  21. Christmas cracker
  22. Christmas dinner
  23. Christmas Eve
  24. Christmas flowers
  25. Christmas gift-bringers around the world
  26. Christmas lights
  27. Christmas market
  28. Christmas music
  29. Christmas number one
  30. Christmas ornament
  31. Christmas pickle
  32. Christmas pudding
  33. Christmas pyramid
  34. Christmas seal
  35. Christmas stamp
  36. Christmas stocking
  37. Christmas stories
  38. Christmastide
  39. Christmas traditions
  40. Christmas trees
  41. Christmas village
  42. Christmas worldwide
  43. Companions of Saint Nicholas
  44. Cranberry sauce
  45. David Zancai
  46. Ded Moroz
  47. Ebenezer Scrooge
  48. Eggnog
  49. Elf
  50. Epiphany
  51. Father Christmas
  52. Frosty the Snowman
  53. Fruitcake
  54. Ghost of Christmas Past
  55. Ghost of Christmas Present
  56. Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  57. Gingerbread
  58. Gryla
  59. Heat Miser
  60. History of some Christmas traditions
  61. Hogmanay
  62. Holly
  63. Jack Frost
  64. Jolasveinar
  65. Joulupukki
  66. Julemanden
  67. Koleda
  68. La Befana
  69. Lebkuchen
  70. Little Christmas
  71. Marzipan
  72. Mince pie
  73. Mistletoe
  74. Mr. Bingle
  75. Mrs. Claus
  76. Mulled wine
  77. Nativity Fast
  78. Nativity of Jesus
  79. Nativity scene
  80. Nine Lessons and Carols
  81. North Pole, Alaska
  82. Nutcracker
  83. Olentzero
  84. Origins of Santa Claus
  85. Pandoro
  86. Panettone
  87. Panforte
  88. Pantomime
  89. Père Noël
  90. Poinsettia
  91. Regifting
  92. Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree
  93. Royal Christmas Message
  94. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
  95. Saint Nicholas
  96. Santa Claus
  97. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
  98. Santa Claus on film
  99. Santa Claus parade
  100. Santa Claus' reindeer
  101. Santa Claus rituals
  102. Santa's Grotto
  103. Santon
  104. Secret Santa
  105. Snap-dragon
  106. Snow baby
  107. Snow Miser
  108. Star of Bethlehem
  109. Stollen
  110. The Grinch
  111. Tiny Tim
  112. Tio de Nadal
  113. Tomte
  114. Tree topper
  115. Turron
  116. Twelfth Night
  117. Twelve days of Christmas
  118. Twelve-dish Christmas Eve supper
  119. Wassail
  120. Wassailing
  121. White Christmas
  122. Winter holiday greetings
  123. Winter holiday season
  124. Xmas
  125. Yule
  126. Yule Goat
  127. Yule Lads
  128. Yule log
  129. Zwarte Piet


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Christmas worldwide

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The term "Christmas around the world" redirects here. For the album of the same name by Bradley Joseph, see Christmas Around the World (Bradley Joseph album)

The Christmas season is celebrated in different ways around the world.

  • The list of winter festivals includes winter holidays not specifically related to Christmas.
  • This page focuses on traditions in countries other than the United Kingdom, Australia and North America. See Christmas, Santa Claus, and American Christmas traditions for more information about those traditions.



Christmas is a state holiday in India, mainly due to old colonial era regulations. Only 3% of the population is actually Christian. The celebration by Christians is largely based on the American media depiction. Sincere devotees attend the church services. In many of the schools that are run by the Christian missionaries, the children actively participate in the programmes. This involves singing carols etc. Christmas is officially celebrated at the Rashtrapati Bhavan by the President of India. The celebrations continue and get mixed up with new year celebrations.

In India, most educational institutions have a mid-academic year vacation, sometimes called Christmas vacation, beginning shortly before Christmas and ending a few days after New Year's Day. Christmas is also known as bada din (the big day). The concept of Santa Claus is relatively new, and Western(English)-media enforced. Up until the late '90s, Santa Claus was hardly popular. Due to the warm temperature it is difficult to Indianize his concept. Commercialization and open markets is however bringing more secular-Christmas celebration to the public sphere, even though its is not celebrated religiously.


Christmas tree in Seoul, South Korea.
Christmas tree in Seoul, South Korea.

South Korea recognizes Christmas as a public holiday. Non-Christian Koreans otherwise go about their daily routine on December 25 but may engage in some holiday customs such as gift-giving, sending Christmas cards, and setting up decorated trees in their homes; children, especially, appear to have embraced Santa Claus, whom they call Santa Haraboji (Grandfather Santa) in Korean, Local radio stations play holiday music on Christmas Day and a few days before, while television stations are known to air Christmas films and cartoon specials popular in the Western countries. In addition, increasing numbers of stores and buildings are displaying Christmas decorations.

Christmas decorations over a street in Seoul, South Korea.
Christmas decorations over a street in Seoul, South Korea.

As in the West, Christian churches in Korea hold Christmas pageants and conduct special services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Young people especially enjoy the fellowship these observances provide; after the Christmas Eve services, for example, they go caroling to the homes of older church members, where they are usually treated to hot drinks and snacks.

South Korea is the only East Asian country to recognise Christmas as a public holiday.


Christmas in Shibuya, a district in Tokyo, Japan.
Christmas in Shibuya, a district in Tokyo, Japan.

Encouraged by the commercial sector, the secular celebration of Christmas is popular in Japan, though Christmas is not a national holiday. The Japanese adopted the character of Santa Claus in their celebrations, but the Santa image does not carry the same social importance as in western countries. Christmas is not as important as New Year's Day, which is the most sacred holiday in Japan, whereas Christmas is not a holiday at all. In contrast to western customs, Christmas Eve is a day for couples to date and groups to hold parties, while the official New Year's Day holiday is a day of family celebration. Christmas Eve is a time for lovers to exchange gifts, have a special date and stroll under Christmas lights erected by companies and governments to enhance the romantic feel of the day. All Christmas theme decorations come down on the 25th and are replaced by New Year's decorations. A unique feature of Christmas in Japan is the Christmas cake, a white whipped cream cake with strawberries.

Christmas decorations at the Tokyo Tower.
Christmas decorations at the Tokyo Tower.

The first recorded Christmas in Japan was celebrated with a mass held by Jesuit missionaries in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1552, although some believe that unrecorded celebrations were held prior to this date, starting in 1549 when Saint Francis Xavier arrived in Japan to begin missionary work. Starting with the expulsion of missionaries in 1587, Christianity was banned throughout Japan beginning in 1612, a few years into the Edo Period, and the public practice of Christmas subsequently ceased. However, a small enclave of Japanese Christians, known as Kakure Kirishitan ("hidden Christians"), continued to practice underground over the next 250 years, and Christianity along with Christmas practices reemerged at the beginning of the Meiji period. In the Meiji period, as spreading of Christian teachings was authorized, churches held their Christmas masses. In upper circles, heavily influenced by American customs, Christmas parties were held and presents were exchanged. The practice slowly spread in major cities, but its proximity to the New Year's celebrations makes it a significantly smaller focus of attention. During World War II, all celebrations and customs, especially those from America, were avoided and suppressed. From the 1960s, with the aid of a rapidly expanding economy, and influenced by American TV dramas, Christmas became popular, but not as a religious occasion. For many Japanese, celebrating Christmas is similar to participating in a matsuri, where participants often do not consider which kami is being celebrated, but believe that the celebration is a tribute nevertheless. From the 1970s to the 1980s, many songs and TV drama series presented Christmas from a lover's point of view.

The birthday of the current emperor, Akihito, on December 23 is a national holiday. Christmas itself is not, but shortly thereafter businesses close for the New Year's holidays, usually reopening on the first weekday after January 3.


Christmas tree in one of the Houses in Jordan.
Christmas tree in one of the Houses in Jordan.

Though Jordan is located in the heart of the Muslim world, the tiny Christian community that makes 6% of the whole population, celebrates Christmas freely. Christmas day (25 of December) is a public holiday in Jordan. All Christian families put the Christmas tree and decorate the house with red and gold lights, and celebrates Christmas Eve with all the family and relatives, and usually would have dinner which is made up from traditional dishes, such as (Grilled Chicken With Rice), and (wara dawale, vine leafs which are foiled around Rice and Meat), After dinner some families go to Church to celebrate the Christmas Mass. While other families go to hotels, most five star hotels hold a Christmas party on both 24 and 25 of December.

Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan

Christmas tree in Shanghai, China
Christmas tree in Shanghai, China

In Mainland China, December 25 is not a legal holiday. Christians unofficially, and usually privately, observe Christmas.

Both Hong Kong and Macao designate Christmas as a public holiday on December 25. Both are former colonies of Western powers with (nominal) Christian cultural heritage.

However, it is worthy of note that commercial Christmas decorations, signs, and other symbolic items have become increasingly prevalent during the month of December in large urban centers of mainland China, reflecting a cultural interest in this Western phenomenon, and, sometimes, as part of retail marketing schemes.

A large artificial Christmas tree outside a shopping mall in Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China
A large artificial Christmas tree outside a shopping mall in Hong Kong, the People's Republic of China

In Taiwan Christmas is not officially celebrated. However, coincidentally, December 30 is the date of the signing of the Constitution of the Republic of China in 1947, officially the Constitution Day (行憲紀念日). Hence there was already an official holiday on that date, which is largely, though unofficially, treated as if it were Christmas. In order to avoid having too many legal holidays when phasing in two-day-off-per-week plan, the Constitution Day is no longer a full legal holiday with a day off. Some people have become disappointed that December 25 has ceased to be a holiday, but there are still unofficial celebrations of Christmas. Boxing day is important in Each country in Asia and Europe.


Christmas tree in Malaysia
Christmas tree in Malaysia

Christmas is a public holiday in Malaysia, however, much of the public celebration is commercial in nature and has no overt religious overtones. Occasionally, Christian activist groups do buy newspaper advertorials on Christmas or Easter but this is largely only allowed in English newspapers and permission is not given every year. The advertorials themselves are usually indirect statements.

In 2004, [1]the government organized a national-level Christmas celebration but allegedly imposed an unofficial ban on all Christian religious symbols and hymns that specifically mention Jesus Christ. The event was jointly organised by the Arts, Culture and Heritage ministry, the government of the state of Selangor and the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM). It has been reported that the Sultan of Selangor and his consort, the Prime Minister as well as assorted cabinet ministers will be in attendance. It will also be televised on TV in a majority Muslim country.

OC Lim, a former lawyer turned Jesuit priest and director of the Catholic Research Centre (also assistant parish priest of St. Francis Xavier's Church) has lodged a formal complaint. He has also stated that "To exclude (such) carols and to use (Christmas) for political gain is outrageous, scandalous and sacrilegious." He also said "To call it a cultural event (as rationalised by Christian politicians who are more politician than Christian) is to downgrade Jesus to a cultural sage such as Confucius."

CFM general secretary Rev Dr Hermen Shastri stated that the government wanted "nothing that insults Islam" during the open house.

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Dr Rais Yatim later denied that any such ban had been "issued officially or unofficially". He also added that there is "nothing wrong in singing songs such as Silent Night and Merry Christmas" as they are "joyous songs for the festival".

Lee Min Choon, legal advisor to the CFM and the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship issued a statement which said "It means that churches can celebrate Christmas as they have been doing all along. Otherwise, the very meaning of the occasion will be lost." "Now, everybody should take the government at its word and celebrate Christmas the way they normally celebrate and express their religious faith."


Main article: Philippine Christmas traditions

The Philippines has earned the distinction of celebrating the world's longest Christmas season. Although it presently starts from early September, traditionally, Christmas Day in the Philippines is ushered in by the nine-day dawn masses that start on Dec. 16. Known as the Misas de Aguinaldo (Gift Masses) or Misa de Gallo (Rooster's Mass) in the traditional Spanish, these masses are more popularly known in Filipino as the Simbang Gabi. Christmas Eve on Dec. 24 is the much-anticipated "noche buena" — the traditional Christmas feast after the midnight mass. Family members dine together on traditional noche buena fare, which includes the queso de bola ("ball of cheese", usually edam) and jamon (Christmas ham). In the capital Manila, Christmas Day is the start of the annual Metro Manila Film Festival where most film outfits produce fantasy movies. Usually, aside from Rizal Day (December 30) and New Year's Eve (December 31), Christmas Eve (December 24), Niños Inocentes (December 28), and the Epiphany (tradtionally, January 6) are also declared as holidays as part of the Christmas celebration. In Asia, Christmas is also the liveliest in the Philippines, since the country is the only predominantly Christian nation in the continent besides, Russia, East Timor, Georgia and Armenia.

However, as in many East Asian countries, secular Christmas displays are common both in business establishments and in public, including lights, Christmas trees, depictions of Santa Claus, and Christmas greetings in English and Chinese. Occasionally such displays are left in place even in summer for example the PAROL representing the "Star of Bethlehem" which led the Three Kings to the newborn Baby Jesus.

The Americas


Mexico's Christmas traditions are centered on posadas. Over a nine day period, groups of townspeople go from door to door, in a fashion reminiscent of visitors to the baby Jesus, and are periodically called inside homes to participate in the breaking of a gift-filled piñata. Mexican Christmas is now influenced by American Christmas.It does not snow. They put shoes under the Christmas tree for the epiphany (three kings). They believe that the Three Kings will bring them a gift like they gave to baby Jesus.

United States and Canada

Further information: American Christmas traditions
Christmas at Rockefeller Center, located in New York City, USA
Christmas at Rockefeller Center, located in New York City, USA

In the United States and Canada, the Santa Claus traditions are essentially the same, except in Quebec and other French speaking areas, with its réveillon and the Père Noël ("Father Christmas" in French). The Celebration of Boxing Day on the day after Christmas Day is a tradition practiced in Canada, as it is in the UK.

South America

Religious themes predominate in Christmas celebrations in heavily Roman Catholic South America. The secular customs and gift-giving in these countries are an admixture of traditions handed down from European and Native American forebears, plus the increasing influence of American culture.

Gift giving traditions include Chile's "Viejo Pascuero" (Old Man Christmas), and Brazil's "Papai Noel", the latter two resembling Santa Claus in many ways. South American "Santas" dress more lightly in keeping with the warmer Christmas there, and have adopted a number of means, from ladders to trampolines, to enter homes at night. Gift giving in Argentina occurs both in Christmas and on January 6, "Kings' Day", when children leave shoes under their beds to be filled with snacks or small gifts by the Magi, who stop off on their way to Bethlehem.

Nativity scenes are a strong feature of South American Christmas, both in homes and in public places. In regions with large numbers of Native American descendants, such as Peru, the figures are often hand-carved in a centuries-old style. As in Mexico, village processions acting out the events surrounding the birth of Christ are also common. Family Christmas meals are very important, and their contents are as varied as the number of countries on the continent. Christmas lights are a near-universal holiday feature, and with the summery weather, fireworks displays are also found, especially over the cities of Brazil and Argentina.


In most of Brazil, the Christmas is particularly a family celebration and it carries the European traditions, particularly from Portugal, brought by the Jesuits. Between December 24th and January 6th, there is an event in the most traditional regions called Folia de Reis, which consist in processions through the city singing Christmas carols for the "Menino-Deus" (The "God as a boy") and the Three Kings.

However, in most of the southern cities, as well as in the largest cities of the Southeastern Region, like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte the celebrations resemble in many ways the traditions in Northern Europe and North America, with the Christmas Tree, the changing of gifts and Christmas cards, the decoration in the houses and buildings with electric lights and the Nativity Scene. The Christmas Eve is the most important day. In the midnight between December 24 and December 25, the churches celebrate the "Missa do Galo" (the Rooster's Mass).


Christmas in Colombia is celebrated as a very religious holyday. Presents are brought by “El Niño Dios” (Baby Jesus) instead of “Papá Noél” he is still an important Christmas figure, but his role in gift giving has been down played by the church, his presence however is still felt in decorations, and Santa Clauses pose for pictures at malls.

Christmas decorated river in Medellín, Colombia.
Christmas decorated river in Medellín, Colombia.

While the Christmas decorations may have been put up since early November, the unofficial start of the Christmas festivities in Colombia takes place on December 7, Día de las Velitas, or "Day of the Candles", when at night the streets, sidewalks, balconies, porches and driveways are decorated with candles and paper lanterns, illuminating the city in a yellow glow, all in honor of the Immaculate Conception which takes place the next day December 8. Many activities take place including musical events, firework displays, and many other events planed by the cities.

In many cities, and even in small rural towns, neighborhoods get together and decorate their whole neighborhood or street, making many streets feel like a tunnel of lights. Many radio stations, and some local organizations hold competitions for the best display of lights, making the competition for the best light show a serious event.

Fireworks were a common item during the holiday season in Colombia, often going on at any time of the day everyday in many cities, but a recent ban of fireworks has decreased the use of fireworks and now only the city or towns get to hold firework displays.

December 16 is the first day of the Christmas Novena, a devotion consisting of prayer said on nine successive days, the last one held on Christmas Eve. The Novena was a call for a understanding the real meaning of Christmas, and a way to fight the commercialism of the season, the Catholic Church promotes this tradition as a staple of Christmas, much like the posadas of Mexico. Villancicos are sung accompanied by Tambourines and bells, and verses from the Bible are read, followed by an interpretation which may change each year. Churches offer nightly masses for the novenas, culminating with the “Misa de Gallo” (Rooster’s Mass) on December 24 at midnight.

Christmas Eve is the most important day of Christmas in Colombia. Families and friends get together pray the last Novena and wait till midnight to open the presents, and parties go on till sunrise on Christmas Day, kids stay up playing with their toys, and fireworks fill the skies. December 25] is less on celebration as Christmas Eve is considered Christmas Day in Colombia.

Part of the Christmas season, Colombians celebrate the “Día de los Inocentes” or Day of the Innocents also known in English as the Massacre of the Innocents is a day for pranks, equivalent to April Fool's Day in many countries. Prank victims are called inocentes.

January 6, the day of the Revelation of the Magi, when according to the tradition is when the Wise Men arrived to see the baby Jesus and offered him gifts, used to be a day of gift giving, but has slowly lost its importance. Some families still give presents, but its also the day godparents usually give their presents, and the day where Christmas decorations are taken down.


In Venezuela on December 16, families bring out their Nativity scenes which are a specially designed and thought out depiction of the nativity scene.

It is customary to attend one of nine carol services that are observed by most Venezuelans. Firecrackers explode and church bells toll to call worshipers from bed in the predawn hours. The last of the Christmas services takes place on Nochebuena de Navidad Christmas Eve. Families attend a mass on this night and then return home to a huge and fancy dinner.

On January 6, the day of the Epiphany, when the children wake up they find that the straw that they had left beside their bed the night before has gone, and in its place are gifts that the children believe that the Magi and their camels have placed, and if they have a black smudge on their cheek, it means that Balthasar, King of the Ethiopians has kissed them whilst they slept.



Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration

In Commonwealth countries in the southern hemisphere, Christmas is celebrated on 25 December which falls during the height of the summer season there. The Australian traditions are quite similar to those of North America and similar wintry iconography is commonplace. This results in such incongruities as a red fur-coated Santa Claus riding a sleigh, carols such as Jingle Bells, and various snow covered Christmas scenes on Christmas cards and decorations appearing in the middle of a hot summer.

As Christmas falls in summer, the watching of television is not a strong part of Australian Christmas traditions, unlike the UK where it is one of the most important television ratings days. In Australia over summer official television ratings are not taken and schedules are mostly filled with repeats of old programs or previously cancelled shows. Some Australia-produced programs have a Christmas special though often it will be shown early December and not on Christmas day itself. Many television stations rerun old Christmas-themed films on Christmas Day, such as Miracle on 34th Street. The Great Escape and The Bridge on the River Kwai are also common fare.

Christmas in Australia
Christmas in Australia

According to tradition, children are told Santa Claus surreptitiously visits houses on Christmas Eve placing presents for children under the Christmas trees and putting lollies in stockings which are usually hung by a fireplace. In recent decades many new apartments and homes have been built without traditional combustion fireplaces, however with some innovation the tradition persists.

In many towns and suburban areas of large cities, it is popular to for homeowners to decorate their houses with strings of decorative lights. Displays range from the modest to the extremely elaborate, sometimes with hundreds of individual strings of lights, arranged to depict seasonal motifs such as trees, reindeer or nativity scenes. Some suburbs or groups of streets enjoy an ongoing reputation for the high quality of these displays, and attract a great amount of pedestrian and vehicular traffic during the Christmas season. As it is summer in Australia, the typical warm weather on evenings leading up to Christmas creates an opportunity for families to stroll amongst local streets to view such displays.

A Christmas tradition that started in Melbourne in 1938 and has since spread around the world is Carols by Candlelight, where people gather, usually outdoors, to sing carols by candlelight on Christmas Eve or other evening shortly before Christmas.

Traditionally, extended families would gather for a Christmas lunch similar to a traditional Christmas meal including roast turkey, roast vegetables, hams, followed by mince pies and plum pudding. More recently, as appropriate to the typically-hot weather on the day, lighter meals featuring fish and seafood may be served, along with barbecue lunches. However, the typical turkey remains popular.

Special events for international tourists away from their families are held on Bondi Beach in Sydney, often involving a turkey barbecue, and such humorous stunts as a fake santa dressed in a santa suit surfing in to appear to the crowd.

Two major sporting events traditionally commence on the day after Christmas Day in Australia: the Boxing Day Test cricket test match, and the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.

New Zealand

Many of Australia's christmas traditions also apply to New Zealand: as with its larger neighbour, New Zealand celebrates Christmas with traditional northern hemisphere winter imagery, though to some extent the symbols of the holly and ivy common to the British and North American Christmas are replaced by the flowering tree pohutukawa, which blossoms annually in late December and is thus often called the "New Zealand Christmas tree". This does not stop New Zealand homes being decorated with the more standard pine tree however. Children in New Zealand are also told of the surreptitious visit of Father Christmas to leave presents.

Traditional winter-styled hot roast food also has a role in New Zealand's festivities. One difference to the menu in New Zealand and Australia is the traditional dessert of pavlova.

As with Australia, the watching of television is not a strong part of New Zealand Christmas traditions, though some Christmas-specific programmes are usually shown, usually including a mix of religious programmes and special one-off episodes of regular television series (many of them British or American shows). The Queen's Christmas message is also broadcast at some point during the evening.

The Australian tradition of Carols by Candlelight is popular in New Zealand, especially in Auckland and Christchurch, where there is usually a large outdoor carol-singing gathering known as Christmas in the park.

There is an increasing but minor trend in New Zealand to celebrate an alternative to Christmas in mid-winter at the Maori midwinter festival of Matariki. This time has become an attractive non-denominational festival with many younger New Zealanders.


Central Europe

In countries of Central Europe (for this purpose, roughly defined as the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, and possibly other places) the main celebration date for the general public is Christmas Eve (December 24th). The day is usually a fasting day; in some places children are told they'll see a golden pig if they hold fast until dinner. When the evening comes preparation of Christmas Dinner starts. Traditions concerning dinner vary from region to region, for example in the Czech Republic the prevailing meal is fried carp with potato salad and fish soup. However, in some places the tradition is porridge with mushrooms (a modest dish), and elsewhere the dinner is exceptionally rich, with up to 12 dishes.

What's common is that people usually stay in close family circle. Staying alone during Christmas Eve is considered very sad, and many families "bring home" their grandparents at least for Christmas.

After the dinner comes the time for gifts. Tradition varies with region, commonly gifts are attributed to Christkind (Little Jesus) or their real originators (e.g. parents). Children usually find their gifts under the Christmas Tree, with name stickers. An interesting example of complicated history of the region is the "fight" between Christmas beings. During communism, when slavic countries of Central Europe were under Soviet influence, communist authorities strongly pushed Russian traditional Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost") in the place of Christkind. Little Jesus won. Now Santa Claus is attacking, by means of advertising and Hollywood film production.

Many people, Christians as well as people with just a Christian background, go to Roman Catholic churches for Midnight Mass. It's not uncommon to go to a church only one time a year, for this Christmas Mass.

Other attributes of Christmas include Christmas trees, mistletoe, Christmas garlands, Bethlehem Cribs.

Czech Republic

Christmas in Prague, Czech Republic.
Christmas in Prague, Czech Republic.

In the Czech Republic, Christmas is celebrated mainly on December 24, or Christmas Eve - Štědrý den (pron. "Shtiedree den", means "open-handed day") when the gifts are given in the evening. However, the December 25 and 26 are also free days. According to tradition, gifts are brought by Ježíšek (pron. "Yezheeshek"), or "little Jesus". Many very old Christmas traditions are followed, mostly for fun. People are taught not to eat anything on Christmas Eve until a ceremonial dinner is served, in order to be able to see a "golden pig". The gifts are displayed under the Christmas tree (usually a spruce or pine), and people open them after their christmas dinner.

Christmas market
Christmas market

Other Czech Christmas traditions involve predictions for the future. Apples are always cut crosswise; if a star appears in the core, the next year will be successful, while a cross suggests a bad year. Girls throw shoes over the their shoulders; if the toe points to the door, the girl will get married soon. Another tradition requires pouring a little molten lead into water and guessing a message from the shapes that appear when it hardens. See: Christmas in Czech Republic


Main article: Polish Christmas traditions

In Poland, Christmas Eve is a day first of fasting, then of feasting. The feast begins with the appearance of the first star, and is followed by the exchange of gifts. The following day is often spent visiting friends. Poland is a land of intriguing traditions, superstitions, and legends. Its people have always combined religion and family closeness at Christmas time. Gift giving plays only a minor role in the rituals, emphasis being placed instead on making special foods and decorations.

Christmas in Warsaw, Poland
Christmas in Warsaw, Poland

Traditionally, Advent is an important season in the Polish year, with special church services, known as Roraty, being held every morning at 6am. The four Sundays of Advent are said to represent the 4,000 years of waiting for Christ. During Advent and, in some homes, on Christmas Eve, bee’s wax is poured on water, and fortunes are told from the shapes, which emerge. Special tasks carried out during Advent are the baking of the Christmas piernik or honey cake, and the making of Christmas decorations. Pierniki are made in a great variety of shapes, including hearts, animals and St Nicholas figures. Traditional decorations include the pajaki or spiders, which are handmade mobiles, stars and decorated eggshells. Beautifully lit Christmas trees are placed in all public arenas, outside churches and in homes. Traditionally the trees are decorated with shiny apples, walnuts, beautifully wrapped chocolate shapes and many homemade decorations and candles. On the top of the tree is a star or a glittering top piece. In many homes, sparklers are hung on the branches of the trees giving it a magical air. Sometimes the trees are left standing until February 2nd, the feast day of St Mary of the Candle of Lightning. During Advent, the Gwiadorzy or star carriers, used to begin wandering through the towns and villages and this would continue until Epiphany. Some of the Gwiadorzy sang carols; others recited verses or put on Szopki or puppet show, or herody or nativity scenes. The last two customs are developments from traditional manger scenes or Jaselka or crib. One tradition unique to Poland is the sharing the "opłatek", a thin wafer into which is pressed a holy picture. People once carried these oplatek from house to house to wish their neighbors a Merry Christmas. Nowadays, the bread is mostly shared with members of the family and immediate neighbors. As each person shares pieces of the wafer with another person, they are supposed to forgive any hurts that have occurred over the past year and to wish the other person all the happiness in the coming year.

On Christmas Eve, so important is the first star of the night that it has been given the affectionate name of "little star" or Gwiazdka, in remembrance of the Star of Bethlehem. On that night, all watch the sky anxiously, hoping to be the first to cry out, "The star!" The moment the star appears, people start eating. Families unite for the most carefully planned meal of the year, Wigilia, the Christmas supper. The Wigilia derives its name from the Latin word vigilare, which means to watch or keep vigil.

According to tradition, bits of hay have been spread beneath the tablecloth as a reminder that Christ was born in a manger. An even number of people must be seated around the table or tradition states someone may die in the coming year. Wigilia is a family feast and it's considered bad luck to entertain a guest on this sacred night. In some places an empty place setting is left at the table for the Baby Jesus or a wanderer who can come in need. The meal begins with the breaking of the Oplatek. Everyone at the table breaks off a piece and eats it as a symbol of their unity with Christ. Tere should be 12 meals- symbol of 12 apostles. Poppy seed cake, beet soup, prune dumplings, carp, herrings and noodles with poppy seed are universally Polish Christmas foods. Often there is compote of dry fruits. The remainder of the evening is given to stories and songs around the Christmas tree. It is decorated with nuts, apples and ornaments made from eggshells, coloured paper, straw, and hand blown glass baubles. In areas of the country, children are taught that "The Little Star" brings the gifts. As presents are wrapped, carolers may walk from house to house, receiving treats along the way. In Poland, an elaborate tradition called Wigilia is celebrated. Beginning on Christmas Eve, a strict 24-hour fast is observed which ends with a huge Christmas feast. In honour of the star of Bethlehem, the meal cannot begin until the first star of night appears. Though Christmas is Poland is officially known as Boze Narodzenie, it is most often referred to as Gwiazdka, which means, "Little star." Once the star appears, a special rice wafer blessed by the parish priest called oplatek, is broken into pieces and shared by all. Finally the meal can begin. The feast consists of twelve courses, one for each Apostle. The table is always set with one extra seat in case a stranger or the Holy Spirit should appear to share the meal.

Eastern Europe

Since the 1880s, the Christmas customs of Eastern European Slavic countries have included a similar character known as Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost"). According to legend, he travels in a magical troika — a decorated sleigh drawn by three horses. With his young, blond assistant Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden, said to be his granddaughter) at his side, he visits homes and gives gifts to good children. He only delivers presents to children while they are asleep, and unlike Santa, he does not travel down chimneys, coming instead to the front door of children's homes. It is traditional for children to leave food for Ded Moroz just as American and British children do.

This Ded Moroz is not identified nor in any way associated with St. Nicholas of Myra, who is very widely revered in Eastern Europe more for his clerical and charitable works as a Bishop. In all likelihood, Ded Moroz is actually a Slavic interpretation of the American Santa Claus or some similar figure, any connection to the original saint long since disappeared.

See Christmas in Hungary (in English and Hungarian)


In Bulgaria, Christmas (Bulgarian: Коледа, Koleda or more formally Рождество Христово, Rozhdestvo Hristovo, "Nativity of Jesus") is celebrated on 25 December (unlike in some other Eastern Orthodox countries) and is preceded by Christmas Eve (Бъдни вечер, Badni vecher). Traditionally, Christmas Eve would be the climax of the Nativity Fast, and thus only an odd number of lenten dishes are presented on that evening. On Christmas, however, meat dishes are already allowed and are typically served.

Among the Bulgarian Christmas traditions is koleduvane, which involves boy carolers (коледари, koledari) visiting the neighbouring houses starting at midnight on Chrsitmas Eve, wishing health, wealth and hapiness and patting the backs of the people with decorated cornel sticks (сур(о)вачка, sur(o)vachka). Another custom is the baking of a traditional round loaf (пита, pita).

As in other countries, a Christmas tree is typically set up and the entire house is decorated. The local name of Santa Claus is Dyado Koleda (Дядо Коледа, "Grandfather Christmas"), with Dyado Mraz (Дядо Мраз, "Grandfather Frost") being a similar Russian-imported character lacking the Christian connotations and thus popular during the Communist rule. However, it has been largely forgotten after 1989, when Dyado Koleda again returned as the more popular figure.


Georgians celebrate Christmas on January 7 (Julian calendar). Traditional in Georgia is to go on Alilo, a mass walking in streets, dressed in special forms to celebrate and congratulate each other the holiday. Often members of Alilo are children and they are gifted from elders with sweets. The Alilo songs vary in the provinces of Georgia. In most songs these words are used: ოცდახუთსა დეკემბერსა, ქრისტე იშვა ბეთლემსაო otsdakhutsa dekembersa qriste ishva betlemsao - on December 25 Christ was born in Bethlehem.


Further information: Romanian Christmas traditions


Christmas in Moscow, Russia.
Christmas in Moscow, Russia.

In Eastern Europe, Slavic countries have the tradition of Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost"). He is accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka ("Snowmaiden"). According to legend, he travels in a magical troika, a decorated sleigh drawn by three horses, and delivers gifts to children. He is thought to descend more from Santa Claus than from Saint Nicholas.

Christmas celebration in Russia is on the 7th of January (which corresponds to December 25 in the Julian Calendar). The tradition of celebrating Christmas has been revived since 1992, after decades of suppression by the communist government. It is centered on the Christmas Eve "Holy Supper", which consists of twelve servings, one to honor each of Jesus' apostles. The Russian traditions were largely kept alive by shifting some of them, including the visit by gift-giving "Grandfather Frost" and his "Snowmaiden", to New Year's Day. Many current Russian Christmas customs, including their Christmas tree, or "yolka", were brought by Peter the Great, after his western travels in the late 17th century.

Northern Europe

In Germany and the Netherlands, the celebration of Saint Nicholas Day on December 6th resembles the Christmas of the English-speaking world. Sinterklaas, from whom the English and American Santa evolved, is based on the real Saint Nicholas, and brings presents on the evening of December 6 to every child who has been good. He wears a red bishop's dress with a red mitre, rides a white horse over the rooftops, and is assisted by many mischievous helpers called 'zwarte Pieten' (black Peters). In some parts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the frightening Knecht Ruprecht also appears, to the chagrin of many children.

German-speaking areas of Europe

The Striezelmarkt, Germany'Dresden region, is arguably a worldwide Christmas gift production center which continues for nearly one month. This is the time when Dresden Stollen fruitcake, Pulsnitzer gingerbread, wood carvings from the Erzgebirge Mountains, Dresden Pflaumentoffel, Lusatian indigo print, Silesian ceramics, Bohemian glass, and Meissen porcelain dominate the lives of visitors who come from all over to thoroughly immerse themselves in Christmas.

Knecht Ruprecht ("Black Peter") is a companion of Father Christmas in many different German speaking areas of Europe.

In some German-speaking communities (particularly in southern Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein), the character of Santa is replaced by the Christkind (literally "Christ child"). He or Father Christmas brings the presents not on the morning of December 25th, but on the evening of December 24th. A knock on the door heralds Father Christmas's arrival; someone dressed in a red suit and white beard enters with a sack and a stick, supposedly for punishing the children if they have been bad. He asks how well-behaved the children have been, and they have to say a poem or sing a song. For families who lack a suitable figure, or to confuse suspicious children, Father Christmases can be hired to come to homes and play the part. The Christkind, by contrast, is never seen. However, it rings a bell just before it leaves in order to let children know that the Christmas tree and the presents are ready.

It is a tradition to lavishly decorate a Christmas tree in the days preceding Christmas, and late Christmas Eve, for the tree to be unveiled and presents to be exchanged. In Protestant Christian churches, there is often a service in the late afternoon, intended to immediately precede this - this service often caters to families with children.

See Saint Nicholas for information about Saint Nicholas Day, a festivity similar to Christmas from which many English and American traditions derive.


Main article: German Christmas traditions
Christmas tree in Berlin, Germany
Christmas tree in Berlin, Germany

In Germany, Christmas traditions vary by region. Following Saint Nicholas Day, (December 6) which is mostly for children, the actual Christmas gift-giving usually takes place on the night of Christmas eve, with gifts put under the Christmas tree after a simple meal. The culinary feast typically takes place at lunch on Dec. 24 (evening) or Dec. 25, and usually involves poultry (typically roast goose). The gifts may be brought by the Weihnachtsmann, who resembles St. Nicholas, or by the Christkind, a sprite-like child who may or may not represent the baby Jesus. Commercially, the Striezelmarkt is arguably a worldwide Christmas gift production center, boasting the specialities of the Dresden region, from ceramics and prints to various delicacies which are shipped worldwide.

The Netherlands and Belgium

Sinterklaasavond (St. Nicholas evening) remains more important in the Netherlands than Christmas, although in recent years, the Dutch have started to celebrate Christmas Eve with Santa as well. This sparks minor controversy each year over when it is "appropriate" to start celebrating Christmas, with shopkeepers preferring to start the lucrative Christmas season immediately after Sinterklaasavond (sometimes putting up decorations even earlier) while others argue that the "foreign" and "commercial" Christmas impinges too much on the traditional Sinterklaas celebrations. Considering the ancestry of Santa Claus, it has truly been said that Sinterklaas is in competition with himself here.

The present-giver in children's folklore in The Netherlands and Belgium is a Santa-ish character called Sinterklaas or Sint Nicolaas. Like Father Christmas in Germany, Sinterklaas is often accompanied by a black helper named Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) who punishes disobedient children. Sinterklaas wears a tall bishop's hat and carries a crooked staff. He is said to reside in Spain, and in mid-November he arrives by steamboat, an event which is often acted out in the many coastal communities of the Low Countries. Dutch children leave their shoes out on many nights in the run-up to the actual celebration, to find them filled with small treats in the morning. December 5 (The Netherlands) and December 6 (Belgium) are traditionally recognized as the main gift-giving days of the Low Countries, with December 25 being a lower-key, more religious event.

In recent years Dutch and Belgian cultures have also incorporated Santa Claus into their traditions, with him and Sinterklaas being recognized as two distinct characters.

Walloons call Sint Nicolaas Saint Nicolas and Zwarte Piet Père Fouettard (Whipping Father).

Christians and a large amount of people having a christian background go to church for Christmas. The Roman-catholic service is on Christmas eve, the Protestant churches in the Netherlands have their Christmas service on 25 December. This service is normally kept somewhat simpler compared to normal services, with more attention to the children and the singing of famous old Christmas hymns. Since the end of the 20th centuries, some Protestant churches also have services on Christmas eve. Due to the high amount of church abandoning during the last few centuries, a lot of old churches have been closed. However, the amount of people that want to visit a church service with Christmas seems to be as large as several years ago. Therefore, the remaining churches become too small to accommodate all the attendants with Christmas.


Chirstmas in Stockholm, Sweden.
Chirstmas in Stockholm, Sweden.

Swedish Christmas celebrations begin with the first of Advent. Saint Lucy Day (locally known as Luciadagen) is the first major Christmas celebration before Christmas itself. As in many other countries in northern Europe, Jultomten (a version of Santa Claus mixed with old folklore, see Yule and Tomte) brings the presents on Christmas Eve, the day generally thought of as Christmas.

Christmas is, as everywhere, a holiday of food. Almost all Swedish families celebrate Christmas on December 24 with a Christmas smörgåsbord (julbord). The common part of almost all julbord is the julskinka (baked ham), but there are also other common dishes such as meatballs, pickled herring, square ribs, lutfisk, pork sausage, Janssons frestelse (grated potatoes, onion, anchovy and cream), and rice pudding. The Christmas julbord is served with beer or julmust (somewhat similar to root beer) and snaps, the dishes of the julbord may vary throughout Sweden. Businesses traditionally invite their employees to a julbord dinner or lunch the weeks before Christmas, and people go out privately to restaurants offering julbord during December, as well.

Examples of candies and treats associated with Christmas are toffee, knäck (quite similar to butterscotch), fruit, nuts, figs, chocolate, dates and marzipan. Another Scandinavian speciality is the glögg (mulled and spiced wine with almonds and raisins), which is served hot in small cups.

Television also plays a big role in most families, the Disney Christmas special and Karl Bertil Jonssons julafton (animated short) are regarded by many to be the most important highlights of the Christmas television programming.

After the julbord on Christmas Eve, the presents are distributed, either by Jultomten or a family member, and usually from a sack or from under the Christmas tree where they have been laying all day or for several days. In older days a yule goat was an alternative to Jultomten, nowadays it is used as an ornament, ranging from sizes of 10 cm to huge constructions like the Gävle goat, famous for being vandalized almost every Christmas.

If one has two families to celebrate Christmas with, it is common that one of the families move their celebrations to Christmas Day or the first Saturday before Christmas Eve (commonly referred to as little Christmas Eve).

After Christmas Eve, the Christmas celebrations have more or less come to an end. Some people attend the julottan, an early morning church service on Christmas Day. Christmas Day and Boxing Day are of no big significance to Swedish celebrations.

On January 13 (locally known as knutdagen), 20 days after Christmas, the Christmas celebrations come to an end and all Christmas decorations are removed. See: Christmas in Sweden


The big day in Norway, as in most of Northern Europe, is December 24. Although it is legally a regular workday until 16:00 [2], most stores close early. The main Christmas meal is served in the evening. Common main dishes include pork rib, "pinnekjøtt" (pieces of lamb rib steamed over birch branches), and in some western areas burned sheep's head. Many people also eat "lutefisk" or fresh, poached cod. Rice porridge is also popular (but most commonly served the day after rather than for the main Christmas dinner), an almond is often hidden in the porridge, and the person who finds it wins a treat or small gift. In many families, where the parents grew up with different traditions, two different main dishes are served to please everyone.

For a lot of Norwegians, especially families, television is an important part of the earlier hours of Christmas Eve. Many Norwegians do not feel the Christmas spirit until they have watched the Czech-German fairy tale Three Nuts for Cinderella (Norwegian title: Tre nøtter til Askepott) and the Disney Christmas cavalcade.

If children are present (and they have behaved well the last year), "Julenissen" (Santa Claus) pays a visit, otherwise gifts are stored under the Christmas tree and then distributed by the youngest present. Many people also attend church, even if they are not regular churchgoers.

December 25 is a very quiet and relaxed day, before the festivities take off on December 26. Cinemas, night clubs and bars are full, and there are lots of private gatherings and parties, where all kinds of traditional Christmas cookies and sweets are enjoyed. Fatty, tasty dinners are also part of it. The time between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve is called romjul. During this time children in the western parts of Norway dress up with masks and go "Julebukk" - "Christmas goat" - asking for treats, much the same way as in the American Halloween. January 13 (20th day of Christmas, called St. Knuts Day) is the official end of Christmas.


Main article: Joulupukki

Joulupukki is the Finnish name for Santa Claus. The name Joulupukki literally means Yule Goat or Christmas Goat. This name is likely to come from an old Finnish tradition, where people dressed in goat hides called nuuttipukkis used to circulate in homes after Christmas eating leftover food.

Today Joulupukki looks and behaves mostly like his American version, but there are differences. Joulupukki's workshop is situated, not in the North Pole or Greenland, but in Korvatunturi, Lapland, Finland. He does not sneak in through the chimney during the night, but knocks on the front door during Christmas eve. When he comes in, his first words usually are: "Onkos täällä kilttejä lapsia?" (Are there (any) good children here?)

He usually wears red, warm clothes and often carries a wooden walking stick. He visits people's homes and rides a sleigh pulled by a number of reindeer. Joulupukki has a wife, Joulumuori (Mother Christmas), who knows how to make very delicious Christmas porridge, riisipuuro (rice porridge).

Southern Europe

Christmas at the Vatican in Rome, Italy
Christmas at the Vatican in Rome, Italy

Modern traditions combine with holdovers from their Roman forebears in the celebrations of Natale, the Italian Christmas. The pagan feast of Saturnalia coincides with the Christian advent, and the holiday season there spans from these weeks through Epiphany. Food, religious observances, nativity displays, and gift-giving are prominent. On Christmas Eve, Italians celebrate "La Vigilia", or the Feast of the seven fishes. In some regions, presents are brought on Epiphany by La Befana, and in others by Baby Jesus on Christmas day or eve. In recent years Babbo Natale (literally, Father Christmas), a Santa Claus-like figure, is becoming more common.


Christmas at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Christmas at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

Christmas in France is celebrated mainly in a religous mannor. Children put their shoes by the fireplace so Père Noël (Father Christmas) can give them gifts. Many french families also decorate their homes with Nativity Scenes depicting the birth of Jesus. Many families attend midnight mass. Some people put additional Santons (little saints) in their nativity scenes, which are bought at special Christmas fairs before the holidays.


Christmas in Ireland, for some, is largely a religious observation with church services playing a major role in the celebration of Christmas, the most observed service being that of Midnight Mass. However, in recent times, due to the decline of Catholicism in Ireland, Christmas in Ireland has moved from being a largely religious theme and now focuses on more widespread themes such as happiness, family togetherness, exchanging gifts, and general goodwill and compassion.

The Irish people display the Spirit of Christmas with generosity to the street vendors and the less fortunate around the time of Christ’s birth. In the countryside, cottages are freshly white washed in preparation for the Holy Season. Christmas Day is largely reserved for family gatherings. Beginning on St. Stephen's Day, the 26th of December, through January 6th, "Christmas Week" is spent visiting and entertaining friends for food, a bit of drink and craic (fun). Presents are opened on Christmas morning, by a man called both Father Christmas and Santa Claus (Daidí na Nollaig in the Irish language), with a very traditional large Christmas turkey and ham lunch/dinner (among other things) and the obligatory pudding.

Traditions such as Christmas trees, lights, decorations, stockings, holly and so forth carry over to and from The USA and United Kingdom with some variations.

United Kingdom

The London Eye at Christmastime
The London Eye at Christmastime

In the United Kingdom the traditions are quite similar to those of Australia, North America and New Zealand. On Christmas Eve, presents are delivered in stockings and under the Christmas tree by Father Christmas, who previously had been something like the ghost of Christmas present in Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol, but has now become mainly conflated with Santa Claus. The two names are now used interchangeably and equally known to British people, but Father Christmas tends to be used more often, and some distinctive features still remain. On Christmas Day, many families and sometimes friends gather around for a traditional Christmas meal.

Goose or turkey is generally the centrepiece of the meal, followed by Christmas pudding.

Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square in London, UK.
Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square in London, UK.

Television is widely watched: for many television networks, Christmas Day is the most important day of the year in terms or ratings. Many Britons still watch the Queen's annual Christmas message.

The Celebration of Boxing Day on the day after Christmas Day is a tradition practiced in the UK. It is a bank holiday, and if it happens to fall on a weekend, then a special bank holiday Monday will occur.


Sviata Vechera or "Holy Supper" is the central tradition of the beautiful Christmas Eve celebrations in Ukrainian homes. The dinner table sometimes has a few wisps of hay on the embroidered table cloth as a reminder of the manger in Bethlehem.

When the children see the first Star in the eastern evening sky, which symbolizes the trek of the Three Wise Men, the Sviata Vechera may begin. In farming communities the head of the household now brings in a sheaf of wheat called the didukh which represents the importance of the ancient and rich wheat crops of Ukraine, the staff of life through the centuries. Didukh means literally "grandfather spirit" so it symbolizes the family's ancestors. In city homes a few stalks of golden wheat in a vase are often used to decorate the table.

A prayer is said and the father says the traditional Christmas greeting, "Khristos rodyvsya!" which translated is Christ is born!, which is answered by the family with "Slavite Yoho!" which translated is Let Us Glorify Him!. In some families the Old Slavic form Khristos razhdayetsya is used.

At the end of the Sviata Vechera the family often sings Kolyadky which is a Ukrainian Christmas Carols. In many communities the old Ukrainian tradition of caroling is carried on by groups of young people and members of organizations and churches calling at homes and collecting donations.

The favorite Ukrainian carol is Boh predvichny meaning God Eternal which has a very beautiful melody and lyrics. Some Ukrainian carols are unusual because they mention Ukraine while others are ancient pagan songs of a thousand years ago which have been converted into Christian carols.

Christmas is a joyous day which opens for Ukrainian families with attendance at Church. Ukrainian Churches offer services starting before midnight on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning. Christmas supper, without Lenten restrictions, does not have as many traditions connected with it as Sviata Vechera. The old tradition in Ukraine of giving gifts to children on St. Nicholas Day, December 19th, has generally been replaced by the Christmas date.

The traditional Christmas customs of Ukraine add color and significance to the winter festival of Christmas, and Ukrainian Christmas on January 7th is usually a peaceful and quiet event. This celebration reminds us of the baby in a Bethlehem manger whose birthday we celebrate. But whether Christmas is celebrated on December 25th or on January 7th the message is the same: "Peace on Earth! Good will towards men!

In the Ukraine, Father Frost visits all the children in a sleigh pulled by only three reindeer.

He brings along a little girl named Snowflake Girl. She wears a silver blue costume trimmed with white fur and a crown shaped like a snowflake.

See: Ukraine Christmas



Christmas Day, not a public holiday, is celebrated mainly in the southern and eastern parts of Nigeria. Nigerians have special traditions they employ to celebrate Christmas. Almost everyone goes to church on Christmas Day. Weeks before the day, people buy lots of hens, turkeys, goats and cows. Children hover around the beasts, taunting, and mostly gawking at them. There are feverish preparations for travel, holiday, and exchange of gifts, caroling and all manner of celebration.

On Christmas Eve, traditional meals are prepared. In Yorùbáland, such meals usually include Iyan, (pounded yam) eba or amala, served with peppery stewed vegetables. People find themselves eating this same meal three to four times on that day, as they are offered it at every house they visit; and according to Yorùbá customs, it was considered rude to decline to eat when offered food. Other meals include rice served with chicken stew, which is a bit similar to the Indian curry stew. Some families would include a delicacy called Moin-moin; which is blended black eyed beans, mixed with vegetable oil and diced liver, prawns, chicken, fish and beef. The concoction is then wrapped in large leaves and then steamed until cooked.

Another tradition is that of decorating homes (compounds) and churches with both woven and unwoven palm fronds, Christmas trees and Christmas lights. There are the festive jubilations on the streets, the loud crackling of fireworks and luminous starry fire crackers going off, traditional masquerades on stilts parading about and children milling about displaying their best clothes, or Christmas presents. There are no other celebrations that compare to Christmas festivities in Nigeria, where everyone can personalize their own festival, and one family’s gusto merges with others; both physically and psychologically, creating a universe of fun and bonhomie.

See also

  • American Christmas traditions
  • German Christmas traditions
  • Philippine Christmas traditions
  • Polish Christmas traditions
  • Romanian Christmas traditions
  • Zimbabwean Christmas traditions


  • Christmas In Japan

External links

  • "Christmas in Europe" - Christmas habits in the European Union.
  • "Call Santa" - Give Santa your wishlist.
  • "Christmas Presents for men" - Find the perfect gift for men.


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