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  1. Acute abdomen
  2. Acute coronary syndrome
  3. Acute pancreatitis
  4. Acute renal failure
  5. Agonal respiration
  6. Air embolism
  7. Ambulance
  8. Amnesic shellfish poisoning
  9. Anaphylaxis
  10. Angioedema
  11. Aortic dissection
  12. Appendicitis
  13. Artificial respiration
  14. Asphyxia
  15. Asystole
  16. Autonomic dysreflexia
  17. Bacterial meningitis
  18. Barotrauma
  19. Blast injury
  20. Bleeding
  21. Bowel obstruction
  22. Burn
  23. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  24. Cardiac arrest
  25. Cardiac arrhythmia
  26. Cardiac tamponade
  27. Cardiogenic shock
  28. Cardiopulmonary arrest
  29. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  30. Catamenial pneumothorax
  31. Cerebral hemorrhage
  32. Chemical burn
  33. Choking
  34. Chronic pancreatitis
  35. Cincinnati Stroke Scale
  36. Clinical depression
  37. Cord prolapse
  38. Decompression sickness
  39. Dental emergency
  40. Diabetic coma
  41. Diabetic ketoacidosis
  42. Distributive shock
  43. Drowning
  44. Drug overdose
  45. Eclampsia
  46. Ectopic pregnancy
  47. Electric shock
  48. Emergency medical services
  49. Emergency medical technician
  50. Emergency medicine
  51. Emergency room
  52. Emergency telephone number
  53. Epiglottitis
  54. Epilepsia partialis continua
  55. Frostbite
  56. Gastrointestinal perforation
  57. Gynecologic hemorrhage
  58. Heat syncope
  59. HELLP syndrome
  60. Hereditary pancreatitis
  61. Hospital
  62. Hydrocephalus
  63. Hypercapnia
  64. Hyperemesis gravidarum
  65. Hyperkalemia
  66. Hypertensive emergency
  67. Hyperthermia
  68. Hypoglycemia
  69. Hypothermia
  70. Hypovolemia
  71. Internal bleeding
  72. Ketoacidosis
  73. Lactic acidosis
  74. Lethal dose
  75. List of medical emergencies
  76. Malaria
  77. Malignant hypertension
  78. Medical emergency
  79. Meningitis
  80. Neuroglycopenia
  81. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  82. Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma
  83. Obstetrical hemorrhage
  84. Outdoor Emergency Care
  85. Overwhelming post-splenectomy infection
  86. Paralytic shellfish poisoning
  87. Paramedic
  88. Paraphimosis
  89. Peritonitis
  90. Physical trauma
  91. Placenta accreta
  92. Pneumothorax
  93. Positional asphyxia
  94. Pre-eclampsia
  95. Priapism
  96. Psychotic depression
  97. Respiratory arrest
  98. Respiratory failure
  99. Retinal detachment
  100. Revised Trauma Score
  101. Sepsis
  102. Septic arthritis
  103. Septic shock
  104. Sexual assault
  105. Shock
  106. Simple triage and rapid treatment
  107. Soy allergy
  108. Spinal cord compression
  109. Status epilepticus
  110. Stroke
  111. Temporal arteritis
  112. Testicular torsion
  113. Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  114. Toxidrome
  115. Triage
  116. Triage tag
  117. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
  118. Uterine rupture
  119. Ventricular fibrillation
  120. Walking wounded
  121. Watershed stroke
  122. Wilderness first aid
  123. Wound


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Carbon monoxide poisoning

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs after the inhalation of carbon monoxide gas. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a product of combustion of organic matter under conditions of restricted oxygen supply, which prevents complete oxidation to carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating, making it difficult for people to detect.

Common sources of CO which may lead to poisoning include house fires, furnaces/heaters, wood-burning stoves, motor vehicle exhausts, and propane-fuelled equipment such as portable camping stoves, ice resurfacers, and forklifts. CO poisoning can also occur in scuba diving due to faulty or badly sited diving air compressors. (See under Effects of relying on breathing equipment while underwater for more information) or following exposure to the organic solvent methylene chloride, (methylene chloride is metabolized to CO by the body).[1]


Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most common type of fatal poisoning in France and the United States. It has been estimated that more than 40,000 people per year seek medical attention for carbon monoxide poisoning in the United States.[2] In many industrialized countries carbon monoxide may be the cause of greater than 50% of fatal poisonings.[3] In the U.S., about 200 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning associated with home fuel-burning heating equipment.[1] The CDC reports that "Each year, more than 500 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning, and more than 2,000 commit suicide by intentionally poisoning themselves." [2]


As the availability of other poisons such as cyanide and arsenic were placed under increasingly stringent legal restrictions, the carbon monoxide in town gas became the principal method of suicide by poisoning. Suicide was also often committed by inhaling exhaust fumes of running car engines. In the past motor car exhausts may have contained up to 25% carbon monoxide. However, newer cars have catalytic converters which can eliminate over 99% of carbon monoxide produced.[4] Even cars with catalytic converters can produce substantial carbon monoxide if an idling car is left in an enclosed space, this is due to reduced oxygen availability and therefore less efficient combustion.

As carbon monoxide poisoning via car exhaust has become less of a suicide option, there has been an increase in new methods of carbon monoxide poisoning such as burning charcoal or other fossil fuel within a confined space, such as a small room, tent, or car.[5] Such incidents have occurred mostly in connection with group suicide pacts in both Japan and Hong Kong, but are starting to occur in western countries as well.



The earliest symptoms, especially from low level exposures, are often non-specific and readily confused with other illnesses, typically flu-like viral syndromes, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and migraine or other headaches.[6] Often this makes the diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning difficult. If suspected the diagnosis can be confirmed by measurement of blood carboxyhemoglobin.

The main manifestations of poisoning develop in the organ systems most dependent on oxygen use: the central nervous system and the heart. The clinical manifestations include tachycardia and hypertension, and central nervous system symptoms such as headache, dizziness, confusion, convulsions, and unconsciousness. CO poisoning may also produce myocardial ischemia, atrial fibrillation, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, hyperglycemia, muscle necrosis, acute renal failure, skin lesions, visual and auditory problems, and respiratory arrest.[7]

One of the major concerns following CO poisoning is the severe neurological manifestations that may occur days or even weeks after an acute poisoning. Common problems encountered are difficulty with higher intellectual functions and short-term memory, dementia, irritability, gait disturbance, speech disturbances, parkinson-like syndromes, cortical blindness, and depression[8] (depression can occur in those accidentally exposed). These delayed sequelae occur in approximately 15 percent of severely poisoned patients after an interval of 2 to 28 days. It is difficult to predict who may develop delayed sequelae, however, advancing age, loss of consciousness while poisoned, and initial neurological abnormalities may indicate a greater chance of developing delayed symptoms. According to the Philadelphia poison control hotline, sequelae are generally not anticipated when exposure is not severe enough to result in loss of consciousness.


Long term, repeat exposures present a greater risk to persons with coronary heart disease and in pregnant patients.[9] Chronic exposure may increase the incidence of cardiovascular symptoms in some workers i.e. motor vehicle examiners, firefighters, and welders. Patients often complain of persistent headaches, lightheadedness, depression, confusion, and nausea. Upon removal from exposure the symptoms usually resolve.[10]


Carbon monoxide is a significantly toxic gas, although patients may demonstrate varied clinical manifestations with different outcomes, even under similar exposure conditions.[11] Toxicity is also increased by several factors including: increased activity and rate of ventilation, pre-existing cerebral or cardiovascular disease, reduced cardiac output, anemia or other hematological disorders, decreased barometric pressure, and high metabolic rate.

Under ordinary conditions, it is less dense than air, but during fires, it accumulates on the ground, so that if poisoning causes loss of consciousness, the amount of carbon monoxide inhaled increases and so fatality is radically increased.

Carbon monoxide is life-threatening to humans and other forms of air-breathing life, as inhaling even relatively small amounts of it can lead to hypoxic injury, neurological damage, and possibly death. A concentration of as little as 0.04% (400 parts per million) carbon monoxide in the air can be fatal. The gas is especially dangerous because it is not easily detected by human senses. Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include drowsiness and headache, followed by unconsciousness, respiratory failure, and death. First aid for a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning requires access to fresh air; administration of artificial respiration and, if available, oxygen; and, as soon as possible, medical attention.

When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it takes the place of oxygen in haemoglobin, the red blood pigment that normally carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Because carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin several hundred times more strongly than oxygen, its effects are cumulative and long-lasting, causing oxygen starvation throughout the body. Prolonged exposure to fresh air (or pure oxygen) is required for the CO-tainted hemoglobin (carboxyhaemoglobin) to clear. Carbon monoxide detectors for homes are now readily available and are increasingly being required by municipal building codes.

The effects of carbon monoxide in parts per million are listed below:

35 ppm (0.0035%) Headache and dizziness within six to eight hours of constant exposure
100 ppm (0.01%) Slight headache in two to three hours
200 ppm (0.02%) Slight headache within two to three hours
400 ppm (0.04%) Frontal headache within one to two hours
800 ppm (0.08%) Dizziness, nausea, and convulsions within 45 minutes. Insensible within two hours.
1,600 ppm (0.16%) Headache, dizziness, and nausea within 20 minutes. Death in less than two hours.
3,200 ppm (0.32%) Headache, dizziness and nausea in five to ten minutes. Death within 30 minutes.
6,400 ppm (0.64%) Headache and dizziness in one to two minutes. Death in less than 20 minutes.
12,800 ppm (1.28%) Death in less than three minutes.

In addition, a recent report concludes that carbon monoxide exposure can lead to significant loss of lifespan after exposure due to damage to the heart muscle. [12]


Levels of carbon monoxide bound in the blood can be determined by measuring carboxyhemoglobin; carboxyhemoglobin is a stable complex of carbon monoxide and hemoglobin that forms in red blood cells. Carbon monoxide is produced normally in the body, establishing a low background carboxyhemoglobin saturation. Carbon monoxide also functions as a neurotransmitter. Normal carboxyhemoglobin levels in an average person are less than 5%, whereas cigarette smokers (two packs/day) may have levels up to 9%.[13]

Serious toxicity is often associated with carboxyhemoglobin levels above 25%, and the risk of fatality is high with levels over 70%. Although, no consistent dose response relationship has been found between carboxyhemoglobin levels and clinical effects.[14] Therefore carboxyhemoglobin levels are more guides to exposure levels than effects as they do not reliably predict clinical course or short or long term outcome.[15]

Toxic mechanism

The precise mechanisms by which toxic effects are induced by CO are not fully understood.

Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin (reducing oxygen transportation), myoglobin (decreasing its oxygen storage capacity), and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (inhibiting cellular respiration).


Carbon monoxide has a significant affinity to the iron (or copper) sites in hemoglobin, the principal oxygen-carrying compound in blood. The affinity between carbon monoxide and hemoglobin is 240 times stronger than the affinity between hemoglobin and oxygen.

CO binds to the hemoglobin, producing carboxyhemoglobin (COHb); the traditional belief is that carbon monoxides toxicity arises from the formation of carboxyhemoglobin, which decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, inhibiting transport, delivery, and utilization of oxygen.[16] Hemoglobin is a tetramer with four oxygen binding sites, binding of CO at one of these sites also increases the oxygen affinity of the remaining 3 sites which interferes with normal release of oxygen. This causes hemoglobin to retain oxygen that would otherwise be delivered to the tissue. [17]

Levels of oxygen available for tissue use are decreased. This situation is described as CO shifting the oxygen dissociation curve to the left. Oxygen blood content is actually increased in the case of carbon monoxide poisoning; because all the oxygen is in the blood, none is being given to the tissues, and this causes tissue hypoxic injury. However, despite CO affecting oxygen availability, other mechanisms may contribute to the crucial effects of CO poisoning.

A sufficient exposure to carbon monoxide can reduce the amount of oxygen taken up by the brain to the point that the victim becomes unconscious, and can suffer brain damage or even death from anoxia. The brain regulates breathing based upon carbon dioxide levels in the blood, rather than oxygen, so a victim can succumb to anoxia without ever noticing anything up to the point of collapse. Hallmark pathological change following CO poisoning is bilateral necrosis of globus pallidus.

Hemoglobin acquires a bright red colour when converted to carboxyhemoglobin, so a casualty of CO poisoning is described in textbooks as looking pink-cheeked and healthy. However, this "classic" cherry-red appearance is very uncommon[18] - it has only been noted in 2% of cases so care should be taken not to overlook the diagnosis even if this colour is not present.


Carbon monoxide also has a high affinity for myoglobin. CO bound to myoglobin may impair cardiac output and result in cerebral ischemia. A delayed return of symptoms has been reported and appears to result following a recurrence of increased carboxyhemoglobin levels; this effect may be due to late release of CO from myoglobin, which subsequently binds to hemoglobin.[3]

Cytochrome oxidase

A second mechanism involves co-effects on the mitochondrial respiratory enzyme chain which is responsible for effective tissue utilization of oxygen. CO does not bind to cytochrome oxidase with the same affinity as oxygen so it likely requires significant intracellular hypoxia before binding. This binding interferes with aerobic metabolism and efficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis. Cells respond by switching to anaerobic metabolism, causing anoxia, lactic acidosis, and eventual cell death.[19]

Other mechanisms

Another mechanism, (thought to have a significant influence on delayed effects) involves formed blood cells and chemical mediators which cause brain lipid peroxidation.

CO causes endothelial cell and platelet release of nitric oxide, and the formation of oxygen free radicals including peroxynitrite.[14] In the brain this causes further mitochondrial dysfunction, capillary leakage, leukocyte sequestration, and apoptosis.[20] The end result is lipid peroxidation (degradation of unsaturated fatty acids) which causes delayed reversible demyelinization of white matter in the central nervous system, and can lead to edema and focal areas of necrosis within the brain.[17]

This brain damage occurs mainly during the recovery period and results in cognitive defects (especially affecting memory and learning) and movement disorders. The movement disorders are related to a predilection of CO to damage the basal ganglia.[20] These delayed neurological effects may develop over days following the initial acute poisoning.


Carbon monoxide poisoning can have a significant effect on the fetus. CO causes fetal tissue hypoxia by decreasing the release of maternal oxygen to the fetus, and by carbon monoxide crossing the placenta and combining with fetal hemoglobin, which has a 10 to 15% higher affinity for CO than adult hemoglobin.[3] Elimination of carbon monoxide is also slower in the fetus, leading to an accumulation of CO. The level of fetal morbidity and mortality in acute carbon monoxide poisoning is significant, even despite maternal wellbeing, severe fetal poisoning can still occur. Due to these effects, pregnant patients are treated with normal or hyperbaric oxygen for longer periods of time than non-pregnant patients.


First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning is to immediately remove the victim from the exposure without endangering oneself, call for help, and applying CPR if needed. The main medical treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning is 100% oxygen by a tight fitting oxygen mask. Oxygen hastens the dissociation of carbon monoxide from hemoglobin, improving tissue oxygenation by reducing its biological half-life. Hyperbaric oxygen is also used in the treatment of CO poisoning; hyperbaric oxygen also increases carboxyhemoglobin dissociation and does so to a greater extent than normal oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen may also facilitate the dissociation of CO from cytochrome oxidase.

A significant controversy in the medical literature is whether or not hyperbaric oxygen actually offers any extra benefits over normal high flow oxygen in terms of increased survival or improved long term outcomes. There have been clinical trials[15][21][22][23][24][25] in which the two treatment options have been compared; of the six performed, four found hyperbaric oxygen improved outcome and two found no benefit for hyperbaric oxygen. Some of these trials have been criticized for apparent flaws in their implementation.[26][27][28] A recent robust review of all the literature on carbon monoxide treatment concluded that the role of hyperbaric oxygen is unclear and the available evidence neither confirms nor denies a clinically meaningful benefit. The authors suggested a large, well designed, externally audited, multicentre trial to compare normal oxygen with hyperbaric oxygen.[29]

Further specific treatment for other complications such as seizure, cardiac abnormalities, pulmonary edema, and acidosis may be required. The delayed development of neuropsychiatric impairment is one of the most serious complications of poisoning, with extensive follow up and treatment often being required.


Prevention remains a vital public health issue, requiring public education on the safe operation of appliances, heaters, fireplaces, and internal-combustion engines, as well as increased emphasis on the installation of carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide alarms are usually installed in homes around heaters and other equipment. If a high level of CO is detected, the device sounds an alarm, giving people in the area a chance to ventilate the area or safely leave the building. Unlike smoke detectors, they do not need to be placed near ceiling level. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that "carbon monoxide detectors are as important to home safety as smoke detectors are", and recommends that each home should have at least one carbon monoxide detector.[3]

The devices, which retail for $20-$60USD and are widely available, can either be battery-operated or AC powered (with or without a battery backup). Since CO is colorless and odorless (unlike smoke from a fire), detection in a home environment is impossible without such a warning device. Some state and municipal governments, including Ontario, Canada and New York City require installation of CO detectors in new units. Massachusetts will require detector in all residences by January 1, 2007.[30]

The carbon monoxide can be easily detected by the filtering paper impregnated by the solution of the palladium chloride. Carbon monoxide reduces the palladium monoxide to the black metallic palladium. This reaction is very sensitive.


  1. ^ Kubic VL, Anders MW. (1975). "Metabolism of dihalomethanes to carbon monoxide. II. In vitro studies". Drug Metab Dispos 3 (2): 104-12. PMID 236156.
  2. ^ Hampson NB. (1998). "Emergency department visits for carbon monoxide poisoning in the Pacific Northwest". J Emerg Med 16 (5): 695-8. PMID 9752939.
  3. ^ a b c Omaye ST. (2002). "Metabolic modulation of carbon monoxide toxicity". Toxicology 180 (2): 139-50. PMID 12324190.
  4. ^ Vossberg B, Skolnick J. (1999). "The role of catalytic converters in automobile carbon monoxide poisoning: a case report". Chest 115 (2): 580-1. PMID 10027464.
  5. ^ Chung WS, Leung CM. (2001). "Carbon monoxide poisoning as a new method of suicide in Hong Kong". Psychiatr Serv 52 (6): 836-7. PMID 11376237.
  6. ^ Ilano AL, Raffin TA. (1990). "Management of carbon monoxide poisoning". Chest 97 (1): 165-9. PMID 2403894.
  7. ^ Choi IS. (2001). "Carbon monoxide poisoning: systemic manifestations and complications". J Korean Med Sci 16 (3): 253-61. PMID 11410684.
  8. ^ Roohi F, Kula RW, Mehta N. (2001). "Twenty-nine years after carbon monoxide intoxication". Clin Neurol Neurosurg 103 (2): 92-5. PMID 11516551.
  9. ^ Allred EN, Bleecker ER, Chaitman BR, Dahms TE, Gottlieb SO, Hackney JD, Pagano M, Selvester RH, Walden SM, Warren J. (1989). "Short-term effects of carbon monoxide exposure on the exercise performance of subjects with coronary artery disease". N Engl J Med 321 (21): 1426-32. PMID 2682242.
  10. ^ Fawcett TA, Moon RE, Fracica PJ, Mebane GY, Theil DR, Piantadosi CA. (1992). "Warehouse workers' headache. Carbon monoxide poisoning from propane-fueled forklifts". J Occup Med 34 (1): 12-5. PMID 1552375.
  11. ^ Raub JA, Mathieu-Nolf M, Hampson NB, Thom SR. (2000). "Carbon monoxide poisoning-a public health perspective". Toxicology 145 (1): 1-14. PMID 10771127.
  12. ^ Henry CR, Satran D, Lindgren B, Adkinson C, Nicholson CI, Henry TD, MD (2006). "Myocardial Injury and Long-term Mortality Following Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning". JAMA 295: 398-402. Abstract
  13. ^ (2001) Ford MD, Delaney KA, Ling LJ, Erickson T.: Clinical toxicology. WB Saunders Company. ISBN 0-7216-5485-1.
  14. ^ a b Hardy KR, Thom SR. (1994). "Pathophysiology and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning". J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 32 (6): 613-29. PMID 7966524.
  15. ^ a b Scheinkestel CD, Bailey M, Myles PS, Jones K, Cooper DJ, Millar IL, Tuxen DV. (1999). "Hyperbaric or normobaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide poisoning: a randomised controlled clinical trial". Med J Aust 170 (5): 203-10. PMID 10092916.
  16. ^ Haldane J. (1895). "The action of carbonic oxide on man". J Physiol 18: 430-62.
  17. ^ a b Gorman D, Drewry A, Huang YL, Sames C. (2003). "The clinical toxicology of carbon monoxide". Toxicology 187 (1): 25-38. PMID 12679050.
  18. ^ Brooks DE, Lin E, Ahktar J. (2002). "What is cherry red, and who cares?". J Emerg Med 22 (2): 213-4. PMID 11858933.
  19. ^ Alonso JR, Cardellach F, Lopez S, Casademont J, Miro O. (2003). "Carbon monoxide specifically inhibits cytochrome c oxidase of human mitochondrial respiratory chain". Pharmacol Toxicol 93 (3): 142-6. PMID 12969439.
  20. ^ a b Blumenthal I. (2001). "Carbon monoxide poisoning". J R Soc Med 94 (6): 270-2. PMID 11387414.
  21. ^ Thom SR, Taber RL, Mendiguren II, Clark JM, Hardy KR, Fisher AB. (1995). "Delayed neuropsychologic sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning: prevention by treatment with hyperbaric oxygen". Ann Emerg Med 25 (4): 474-80. PMID 7710151.
  22. ^ Raphael JC, Elkharrat D, Jars-Guincestre MC, Chastang C, Chasles V, Vercken JB, Gajdos P. (1989). "Trial of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide intoxication". Lancet 2 (8660): 414-9. PMID 2569600.
  23. ^ Ducasse JL, Celsis P, Marc-Vergnes JP. (1995). "Non-comatose patients with acute carbon monoxide poisoning: hyperbaric or normobaric oxygenation?". Undersea Hyperb Med 22 (1): 9-15. PMID 7742714.
  24. ^ Mathieu D, Mathieu-Nolf M, Durak C, Wattel F, Tempe JP, Bouachour G, Sainty JM. (1996). "Randomized prospective study comparing the effect of HBO vs 12 hours NBO in non-comatose CO-poisoned patients: results of the preliminary analysis". Undersea Hyperb Med 23: 7.
  25. ^ Weaver LK, Hopkins RO, Chan KJ, Churchill S, Elliott CG, Clemmer TP, Orme JF Jr, Thomas FO, Morris AH. (2002). "Hyperbaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide poisoning". N Engl J Med 347 (14): 1057-67. PMID 12362006.
  26. ^ Gorman DF. (1999). "Hyperbaric or normobaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide poisoning: a randomised controlled clinical trial. Unfortunate methodological flaws". Med J Aust 170 (11): 563. PMID 10397050.
  27. ^ Scheinkestel CD, Jones K, Myles PS, Cooper DJ, Millar IL, Tuxen DV. (2004). "Where to now with carbon monoxide poisoning?". Emerg Med Australas 16 (2): 151-4. PMID 15239731.
  28. ^ Isbister GK, McGettigan P, Harris I. (2003). "Hyperbaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide poisoning". N Engl J Med 348 (6): 557-60. PMID 12572577.
  29. ^ Buckley NA, Isbister GK, Stokes B, Juurlink DN. (2005). "Hyperbaric oxygen for carbon monoxide poisoning : a systematic review and critical analysis of the evidence". Toxicol Rev 24 (2): 75-92. PMID 16180928.
  30. ^ Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 148, Section 26F 1/2. Also known as "Nicole's Bill". Enacted November 4, 2005.

See also

  • Carbon Dioxide Poisoning
  • List of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning


  • Website about carbon monoxide poisoning and prevention
  • COALERT: Carbon monoxide poisoning information, co detectors, co detector placement
  • 2003 report of a group suicide via charcoal-produced carbon monoxide poisoning, in Japan
  • 2005 report of a group suicide via charcoal-produced carbon monoxide poisoning, in the UK
  • COSUPPORT: Carbon monoxide study from UK carbon monoxide poisoning victims support group
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