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British Accent: ARY Combination Practice
British Accent: ARY Combination Practice
Here we go with words and sentences, standard American first, followed by British dialect.
Necessary – necessary Secretary – secretary Category – category Extraordinary – extraordinary.
Now, let’s try some sentences. Was that secretary leader ordinary or not? Was that secretary leader ordinary or not.
>>> She was a very satisfactory secretary. She was a very satisfactory secretary.
The commissary has extraordinary food categories. The commissary has extraordinary food categories.
And the revolutionary leader was so contrary, it was extraordinary. The revolutionary leader was so contrary, it was extraordinary.
British Accent: ARY Combination Practice — powered by ExpertVillage.com
ARY Combination Practice: esercizio pratico sul suffisso ARY
Here we go: Ed eccoci
sentences: frasi
first: per primo
dialect: variante linguistica
let’s try: proviamo
ordinary: non speciale, mediocre, nella media
satisfactory: soddisfacente
The commissary: La mensa (parola solo americana)