MAGIC VIDEO – How to Use a Microphone for a Podcast

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How to Use a Microphone for Podcasting

How to Use a Microphone for Podcasting

Hi everybody! How are you doing? I’m J. Donnelly for Expert Village.

And today, we’re going to talk to you about Audio Podcasting. Video Podcasting will be another day and another video.

But today I will tell you about what equipment you might use for your podcast, what software to use, and what sites to help you out with your RSS feeds. So, come on. Check it out!

>>> One of the most important things you are going to use of course in podcasting is the microphone. I’m using an APEX 435 condenser microphone.

Microphone is important. You can start out with a cheap one from Radio Shack, right now you can get one for like $50 (fifty bucks) or even you know, your Goodwill store.

The other thing that is vitally important is this little doohickey here. It’s a windscreen to stop you from popping your p’s. So, if you go Paul, Peter and Paul, it’ll stop you from that “boom” hitting your microphone.

So that is very important for the sound quality of your mic.


How to Use a Microphone for Podcasting — powered by


How to Use
: come usare
Podcasting: podcasting, file sonori o video trasmessi via internet
Hi: Ciao, salve
How are you doing: come state opp. come va?
we’re going to talk to you: oggi vi parleremo
will be another day: lo tratteremo un altro giorno (lett. sarà…)
I will tell you about: vi parlerò di
might: potreste
to help you out: per aiutarvi
So, come on.: dunque, forza!
Check it out: Venite a vedere! (lett. controllate a fondo)
you are going to use: che adopererete
condenser microphone: microfono a condensatore (che offre la massima qualità possibile)
start out: iniziare
a cheap one: uno economico
from Radio Shack: comprato a Radio Shack (catena di negozi hifi)
right now: al momento (lett. proprio adesso)
like: qualcosa come
bucks: dollari
even: anche (lett. perfino)
store: negozio
vitally: estremamente
doohickey: aggeggio
windscreen: schermo antivento
to stop you from popping your p’s: per impedirvi di far sentire troppo le consonanti plosive (come b e p)
if you go: se dite (lett. se andate)
it’ll stop you from that “boom” hitting your microphone.: impedirà che quel botto di espirazione violenta venga captato dal microfono (lett. che quel suono esplosivo colpisca il vostro microfono)
sound quality: qualità sonora
mic: microfono







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