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  1. Academic degree
  2. Academics
  3. Academy
  4. Accreditation mill
  5. Adult education
  6. Advanced Distributed Learning
  7. Alternative education
  8. Alternative school
  9. Apprenticeship
  10. Assessment
  11. Associate's degree
  12. Autodidacticism
  13. Bachelor's degree
  14. Boarding schools
  15. Bologna process
  16. British undergraduate degree classification
  17. Bullying
  18. Charter schools
  19. City academy
  20. Classical education
  21. Classroom
  22. Collaborative learning
  23. Community college
  24. Comparative education
  25. Compulsory education
  26. Computer-assisted language learning
  27. Computer based training
  28. Core curriculum
  29. Course evaluation
  30. Curriculum
  31. Degrees of the University of Oxford
  32. Department for Education and Skills
  33. Description of a Career
  34. Diploma mill
  35. Distance education
  36. Doctorate
  37. Dottorato di ricerca
  38. Double degree
  39. Dual education system
  40. Edublog
  41. Education
  42. Educational philosophies
  43. Educational psychology
  44. Educational technology
  45. Education in England
  46. Education in Finland
  47. Education in France
  48. Education in Germany
  49. Education in Italy
  50. Education in Scotland
  51. Education in the People%27s Republic of China
  52. Education in the Republic of Ireland
  53. Education in the United States
  54. Education in Wales
  55. Education reform
  56. E-learning
  57. E-learning glossary
  58. ELML
  59. Engineer's degree
  60. Essay
  61. Evaluation
  62. Examination
  63. External degree
  64. Extracurricular activity
  65. Feeder school
  66. First School
  67. Free school
  68. GCSE
  69. Gifted education
  70. Glossary of education-related terms
  71. Grade
  72. Graduate student
  73. Gymnasium
  74. Habilitation
  75. Hidden curriculum
  76. History of education
  77. History of virtual learning environments
  78. Homeschooling
  79. Homework
  80. Honorary degree
  81. Independent school
  82. Instructional design
  83. Instructional technology
  84. Instructional theory
  85. International Baccalaureate
  86. K-12
  87. Key Stage 3
  88. Laurea
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  91. Learning content management system
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  101. List of education topics
  102. List of recognized accreditation associations of higher learning
  103. List of unaccredited institutions of higher learning
  104. Magnet school
  105. Maria Montessori
  106. Masters degree
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  108. Mickey Mouse degrees
  109. Microlearning
  110. M-learning
  111. Montessori method
  112. National Curriculum
  113. Networked learning
  114. One-room school
  115. Online deliberation
  116. Online MBA Programs
  117. Online tutoring
  118. Open classroom
  119. OpenCourseWare
  120. Over-education
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  122. Primary education
  123. Private school
  124. Problem-based learning
  125. Professor
  126. Public education
  127. Public schools
  128. Questionnaire
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  132. School choice
  133. School district
  134. School governor
  135. School health services
  136. Schools Interoperability Framework
  137. SCORM
  138. Secondary school
  139. Senior high school
  140. Sixth Form
  141. Snow day
  142. Special education
  143. Specialist degree
  144. State schools
  145. Student voice
  146. Study guide
  147. Syllabus
  148. Teacher
  149. Teaching method
  150. Technology Integration
  151. Tertiary education
  152. The Hidden Curriculum
  153. Traditional education
  154. Undergraduate
  155. University
  156. Unschooling
  157. Videobooks
  158. Virtual Campus
  159. Virtual learning environment
  160. Virtual school
  161. Vocational education
  162. Vocational school
  163. Vocational university


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High school

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Senior high school)
Main article: Secondary education

High school is a name used in some parts of the world, and particularly in North America, to describe the last segment of compulsory education. It is also referred to as secondary education. Secondary education is preceded by primary education, usually known in North America as elementary education. High school is also the name used to describe the institution in which the final stage of compulsory education takes place.


Main articles: Education in Australia, List of schools in Australia, Queensland state high schools

High school is a term used for secondary schools in Australia. In Victoria the name was officially changed to secondary college in the early 1990s, however some of the adult population refer to the period as "high school". In the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania high school is 7-10, and students go to senior school for 11-12.

In some states TAFE institutes/colleges offer high school equivalent courses, usually undertaken by adult students who left school without completing/undertaking Year 12 leaving certificate requirements. There are also private commercial education facilities offering Year 12 leaving certificate courses, often to students wishing to improve on their High School results in order to obtain entry to, or better placement opportunities at, university.

The exact length of secondary schooling varies from state to state, with high schools in New South Wales and Victoria serving years 7-12, and Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia serving years 8-12. In 2007 Northern Territory is introducing a Middle School system for years 7-9 and high school will be years 10-12.

It is compulsory to attend school until the age of fifteen in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory, 16 in South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. In Queensland, students are required to attend school until they are 16 or complete year 10, whichever comes first; however, they are required to be involved in either school or an apprenticeship etc until they are 17. In Western Australia the age has recently been raised to the end of the year a person turns 16 and will be 17 from 2008. In 2009 the South Australia and Tasmania leaving age will be 17

The matter of compulsory attendance has been complicated by various initiatives at Commonwealth and State level to ensure that young people are in school, training or employment. There are calls to replace compulsory attendance age with compulsory achievement requirements, meaning that students must complete their final year level rather than being able to leave at reaching "leaving age". There are also calls to make attendance to the end of year 12 mandatory.



Main article: Education in Canada

Secondary schooling in Canada differs depending on the province in which one resides. High schools (sometimes called secondary schools) generally begin from grade 9 through 12 and generally have a set up similar to that in the United States. In Vancouver, Canada, high schools are from grades 8 to 12. However in Quebec, high school is from Secondary 1 to Secondary 5 (grades 7 to 11[1]). In Quebec most students follow high school by attending a CÉGEP, which is comparable to a two-year junior college and is obligatory for Quebec students wishing to go on to university in Quebec. Vocational CÉGEP is three years. Education in Canada is compulsory up to the age of 16, 17 or 18 depending on the provence. Students may continue to attend high school until the ages of 19 (the cut-off age for high school). In Canada, those 19 and over may attend adult school.

Originally in Canada schools were divided by religion, although most provinces abolished these. Provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, and certain cities in Saskatchewan are exceptions, publicly funded by a separate school board. Quebec has replaced the system with a French/English system in 1998. Quebecois must attend a French school up until the end of high school unless one of their parents previously attended an English-language school somewhere in Canada (immigrants from other countries cannot use this exception). High schools can also be offered in French in Ontario.


Main article: Education in India

In India, high school is a grade of education from viii to x, usually students from age 13 to 15 study in this. These schools may be controlled by national boards like CBSE or state boards. Education is compulsory until age 14.


Main article:Education in Israel

In Israel, high school or Tikhon (intermediary school, in Hebrew) is a three-year school period, from the 10th to the 12th grade. Only the first year of high school is compulsory, yet most pupils in Israel attend high school. High school prepares the pupil to the Bagrut examination, which is obligatory in order to continue to higher education institution and in order to be accepted for most jobs.


Japanese high school students wearing the sailor fuku
Japanese high school students wearing the sailor fuku
Main article: Secondary education in Japan

The Japanese word for a high school is kōtōgakkō (高等学校; literally high school), or kōkō (高校) in short. High school in Japan covers grades 10 through 12, and it is not mandatory. Most Japanese pupils attend high school. High schools in Japan are referred to by MEXT as "upper secondary schools." However most English-language newspapers and sources use the term "high school". Many school boards also use "high school"; for instance the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education uses "senior high school".

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Main article: Education in South Korea

In South Korea, students from grades 10 through 12 attend high schools. A student may choose, however, the class he or she wishes to take for liberal arts. High schools in South Korea may also have subject specialty tracks. For example, university-bound students may choose to go to an academic science or foreign language specialty high school (Hangul:인문계 고등학교;Revised:Inmun-Gyae godeung hakgyo) ; while other students may choose a vocational track high school which emphasizes agriculture, commerce, or technical trade curricula (Hangul:실업계 고등학교;Revised:'Sil-ub Gyae godeung hakgyo)

High schools are called 고등학교 (Revised: godeung hakgyo; McCune-Reischauer: kodŭng hakkyo), meaning high school.

Republic of China (Taiwan)

Main article: Education in the Republic of China

The secondary education in Taiwan includes junior high school, senior high school, vocational high school, military school, and complete high school. The traditional secondary education institutions were established in "Japanese colonial time." Today, they include many features from the United States.

After six years in elementary school, the rules state that children must enter junior high school, or their parents may be fined. There are three grades in junior high. Children who achieve the third grade can choose to enter senior high school, vocational high school, or complete high school. If children want to continue their formal education, they must sit for an exam. Generally speaking, the grade to enter high school and complete high school is highest, while it is lower to go on to vocational high school and military school.

Senior high school has three grades. Graduates from senior high school often continue on to university. Vocational high school has three grades as well. Children who complete vocational high school can then enter a technological university. Complete high school is like that of American high schools, in that it has grades seven to grade twelve.

There are also international schools such as Taipei American School (TAS) and Taipei British School (TBS). These schools are from grade 1 to grade 12. English is spoken during all courses. Since the curriculum concurs with the corresponding country's curriculum, graduates from these international schools generally do not stay in Taiwan for their undergraduate degree.

South Africa

Main article: Education in South Africa

In South Africa, high school begins at Grade 8 (the eighth year of education). Students study for five years, at the end of which they write what is known as "matric" (officially the Senior Certificate to be changed to the National Senior Certificate in 2008) If enough passes are attained on the higher grade (subjects can be on either a Higher or Standard grade), they may progress on to university.

An alternative examination is possible in the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams. They are set up by a board, representing many private schools.

United Kingdom

Main article: Education in the United Kingdom

There are many different types of secondary school in the UK and some such schools, especially in Scotland and the north-west of England, are known as high schools. However, in the UK the term high school is used only for the naming of some schools and is never used as a synonym for secondary school or secondary education. In the county of Leicestershire, the label of High School in fact applies to a small group of Middle schools accepting pupils between the ages of 10 and 14, before moving on to their final stage of secondary education.

United States

Main article: Secondary education in the United States

In the United States, high schools generally consist of grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, although the inclusion of grade 9 varies by school district. A student that is not initially enrolled in a pre-kindergarten class will generally graduate from high school in the year of their 18th birthday if they were born between January 1 and August 31, but this varies by state depending on the kindergarten cut-off date, which ranges from August 1 in Missouri to January 1 in Connecticut [2]. A few American schools still incorporate grades 7 through 12, but it is usually either grades 9-12 or grades 10-12 although some states split grades 9-10 and 11-12 into a high school and senior high school. For purposes of the GPA and subject requirements used for college admission, grade 9 is usually considered the first year of high school regardless of whether the student is in the last year of a 7-9 junior high program, or the first year of a 9-12 high school program. While high school is generally defined as being grades 9-12, there are some senior high schools that cover only grades 10-12, and typically accept students from a junior high school that includes grades 7-9. Some states consider grades 7-12 to be secondary education, while others consider grades 6-12 to be secondary education.

Previous to attending a high school or senior high school, students attend a junior high school (usually grades 7-9), a middle school (usually grades 5-8, 6-8, or 7-8), or an elementary school (usually grades K-6), which may also be known as a grammar school. Individual states, counties, and school districts have considerable leeway in how they choose to divide their school levels.

About 90% of American students complete high school, however in some cities the graduation rate is much lower (such as in Santa Ana and Los Angeles, California, where less than 50% of students graduate), and in some much higher (such as Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with a graduation rate of 99%). [3] [4] A high school diploma or GED certificate is usually required for entrance into a two or four-year college or university and to other post-secondary education programs.

As a practical matter, while laws in most states mandate school attendance at least until graduation or age 16, many require attendance until age 17 or 18. (However, enforcement of truancy laws is sometimes sporadic.) Conversely, students who have failed a grade may remain in high school past the age of 18. In general, students over 18 attend alternative classes to receive a GED. State laws vary on the cut-off age for students to receive free public education services. Many states have adult high schools for people generally 19 and over.

Other Languages

In the non-English speaking world there exist the words, Hochschule, hogeschool, högskola, høgskole, højskole, and háskóli in German, Dutch/Flemish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic respectively. All these literally translate to high school but they all refer to institutes of tertiary education. On the other hand escola secundária (Portuguese lit. secondary school), videregående skole(formerly gymnas)(Norwegian lit. more extensive) and, between 1949-1994, högstadiet (Swedish lit. the last stage of secondary school) are all comparable to high school. In Canada, the French word for high school or secondary school is: lycée ou école d'enseignement secondaire. In Brazil, officially they use the term "Ensino Médio", instead of the oldest "Segundo Grau" and the most used "Colegial". In Mexico, the word for high school is Escuela Preparatoria, and includes grades: 10, 11 and 12. In some countries such as Germany, students can attend either an academic high school (Gymnasium) or several other types ranging in 'practicality' for example a Realschule.

See also

  • Secondary education
  • Secondary school
  • Secondary education by country
  • List of education articles by country
  • List of schools by country
  • High schools by country
  • Secondary schools by country
  • Lists of high schools in the United States

Additional reading

  • Youth subculture

External links

  • How to Excel in High School - From WikiHow
  • High School Ace - Free Online Academic Resources for High School Students
  • School Survival - Support site for students who hate being forced to attend school.
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