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Windows Workflow Foundation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0
This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a Microsoft technology for defining, executing, and managing workflows. This technology is part of .NET Framework 3.0 and will be available natively in the Windows Vista operating system, and has been backported to the Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server operating systems. The .NET Framework 3.0 "workflow runtime" provides common facilities for running and managing the workflows and can be hosted in any CLR app domain.

A new XML-based language XAML is commonly used for declaring the structure of a workflow. However, the workflow may also be expressed in code using any .NET-targeted language (like C#).

Workflows comprise 'activities'. Developers can write their own domain-specific activities and then use them in workflows. The .NET Framework 3.0 Windows Workflow Foundation also provides a set of general-purpose 'activities' that cover several control flow constructs.

Windows Workflow Foundation is supported by a companion set of extensions to Visual Studio 2005. These extensions contain a visual workflow designer which allows users to design workflows, a visual debugger which enables the users to debug the workflow designed, and a project system which enables the user to compile their workflows inside Visual Studio 2005.


  • Essential Windows Workflow Foundation, Dharma Shukla/Bob Schmidt, Addison-Wesley Professional, 13 October 2006. ISBN 0-321-39983-8
  • Foundations of WF ISBN 1-59059-718-4, Brian R. Myers, Apress, 23 October 2006. ISBN 1-59059-718-4
  • Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0, Bruce Bukovics, Apress, 19 February 2007. ISBN 1-59059-778-8
  • Professional Windows Workflow Foundation ISBN 0-470-05386-0, Todd Kitta, Wrox, 12 March 2007. ISBN 0-470-05386-0
  • Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation Step by Step, Kenn Scribner, Microsoft Press, 28 February 2007. ISBN 0-7356-2335-X

External links

  • Official site
  • Windows Workflow Foundation Guide An online guide to Windows Workflow Foundation
  • MSDN WinFX Developer Center Microsoft's official page for developer-related WinFX information such as technical articles, architectural overviews, hands-on labs, downloads, etc.
  • WinFX Beta Page Updated for each public CTP (Community Technology Preview) and beta.
  • WF section on
  • Windows Workflow Foundation Learning Guide from
  • The Windows Workflow Foundation Wiki

Localised links


  • En blogg om workflow foundation på Svenska
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