IL BLOG DI DAISY – Will Berwick defect to Scotland?

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Crystal Jones, autrice delle Daisy Stories

Berwick is in England, two and a half miles from the Scottish border, but strangely enough its football team plays in the Scottish league. The local accent is decidedly Scottish, as most banks, but the town council is English.

Free personal care for the elderly and abolition of students’ university fees are some of the reasons why four out of five citizens of Berwick-upon-Tweed would prefer Berwick to become officially Scottish. Another reason is that a prescription in England costs £6.85 while in Scotland it’s just £5.

Berwick has changed hands between England and Scotland thirteen times already through history and has been sold, plundered, destroyed, and has had practically all its inhabitants killed.

>>>But the changeover wouldn’t be without consequences. Local solicitors would have difficulty under Scottish jurisdiction, as Scottish law is very different from English law and they would have to re-train or even stop practising. Also Scottish education is different.

Apart from all this, the discussion continues. If the change ever takes place, a lot of people’s lives will be affected and certainly other towns would be asking themselves if they prefer switching over to Scotland as well!


Berwick= si pronuncia bèrik, la w è muta
two and a half miles from the Scottish border= a due miglia e mezzo dal confine scozzese
strangely enough= stranamente (lett. abbastanza stranamente)
Scottish league= il campionato scozzese
as most banks= come la maggior parte delle banche (anch’esse scozzesi)
town council= il consiglio municipale, il comune (inteso come ente amministrativo)
free personal care= assistenza personale non a pagamento (free= gratis)
the elderly= gli anziani (singolare con valore collettivo)
university fees= tasse universitarie
some of the reasons why= alcune delle ragioni per cui
four out of five citizens= quattro cittadini su cinque (lett. quattro fuori di cinque cittadini)
would prefer Berwick to become= preferirebbero che Berwick diventasse
prescription= ricetta medica, impegnativa
plundered= saccheggiata
inhabitants= abitanti
changeover= transizione, trapasso, passaggio alla nuova situazione
solicitors= avvocati
re-train= effettuare un nuovo programma di studi per abilitarsi all’esercizio della legge scozzese
Apart from all this= a parte tutto ciò
would be asking themselves= si chiederebbero, sarebbero spinti a chiedersi
switching over= passare
as well= anch’essi

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