MAGIC VIDEO – Organizing With a Computer

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Organizing With a Computer

Hello. My name’s Melissa Schenk and on behalf of Expert Village, today we’re going to talk about how to organize your business documents.

In our final clip today let’s talk about how to organize your business documents digitally. By that I mean your computer.

We’ve been talking so far about organizing your business documents on your desk, in your filing cabinet, on shelves, in different kinds of cabinetry. That’s all for paper documents.

>>> We are living in a paperless world though. As much as we do tend to still use a lot of paper and we need to write things down. Most of us, a lot of us, work off our laptops or our computers or some form of a computer. And we live in a very digital world.

A really good thing to think about, especially if space is a restriction for you, is to digitally archive your business documents.

You can organize them by file folders on your computer. It’s almost like having a filing cabinet within your computer with all of the folders and different subject headings that you can make for yourself.

Something great to think about now, new on the market, well not so new perhaps anymore, but is a data traveler. A portable hard drive that you can take with you.

And so, you can take your documents with you wherever you go and they’re organized when you need them and where you need them.


Organizing With a Computer — powered by


Organizing: organizzarsi
on behalf of
: per conto di
we’re going to talk
: parleremo
business documents
: documenti di lavoro
final clip
: video conclusivo (perché si tratta di una serie di video di cui noi abbiamo scelto l’ultimo)
By that
: Con questo, con ciò
I mean
: intendo dire
We’ve been talking so far
: Abbiamo parlato finora (so far=finora)
about organizing
: su come organizzare
: scrivania
filing cabinet
: armadio portadocumenti
: scaffali
: armadi
paperless world
: un mondo senza carta, un mondo digitale
: però (ossia: però viviamo in un mondo digitale)
As much as
: Per quanto
we do tend
: tendiamo effettivamente (do=effettivamente)
: ancora
Most of us
: La maggior parte di noi
a lot of us
: tanti di noi
off our laptops
: dai nostri laptop (ossia: con i nostri laptop)
some form of a computer
: qualche tipo di computer
A really good thing to think about
: Una cosa davvero utile da ricordare (lett. una cosa davvero buona a cui pensare)
if space is a restriction for you
: se avete problemi di spazio (lett. se lo spazio è un fattore limitativo per voi)
by file folders
: creando dei folder a seconda del tipo di file
almost like having
: quasi come avere
: dentro al
all of
: tutti
subject headings
: titoli relativi ai vari argomenti
for yourself
: per conto vostro
Something great to think about now
: Una cosa fantastica a cui pensare ora
well not so new perhaps anymore
: beh, non così nuovo forse ormai
data traveler
: penna USB (lett. archivio dati portatile)
wherever you go
: dovunque andiate
when you need them
: quando ne avete bisogno


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