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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              


- Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
- Some - any - no
- Composti di some - any - no
- Dimostrativi
- Comportamento e ruolo degli aggettivi
- Il comparativo degli aggettivi
- Il superlativo degli aggettivi
- Articolo determinativo
- Articolo indeterminativo

- Gli avverbi
- Molto
- Poco
- Troppo
- Preposizioni di luogo
- Preposizioni di tempo
- Pronomi interrogativi
- Pronomi interrogativi soggetto
- Preposizione e pronomi interrogativi

- Pronomi personali soggetto
- Pronomi personali complemento
- Pronomi relativi
- Plurale dei sostantivi
- Countables - Uncountables
- Genitivo sassone
- Paradigma dei verbi inglesi
- Paradigma dei verbi irregolari
- Premessa sull'uso dei tempi verbali inglesi
- Generalità sugli ausiliari
- Generalità sulle forme interrogative e negative
- To be - simple present
- Usi particolari di to be
- There is - There are
- La -ing form
- Uso della -ing form
- Infinito
- Simple Present
- Present Continuous
- Imperativo
- Simple Past
- To be - simple past
- Used + infinito
- Past Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous
- Futuro
- Doppio futuro
- Congiuntivo
- Condizionale
- Future in the past
- Tempi passivi
- Modal verbs
- Can
- May
- Must
- Need
- Dare
- Question tags
- Discorso indiretto
- Interrogative indirette
- Phrasal verbs
- Verb patterns
- To have
- To like
- To say - to tell
- To do - to make

La grammatica inglese presente su questo sito è stata realizzata per noi da Francesca Anderson, docente di inglese all'Università Cattolica di Piacenza. L'audio TTS






Paradigma dei verbi irregolari inglesi di uso comune:

Forma base Simple Past Participio Passato In italiano
arise arose arisen sorgere
awake awoke awoken svegliare
be was/were been essere
(be) born
(was/were) born
essere nato
beat beat beaten battere
become became become diventare
begin began begun cominciare
bend bent bent piegare
bet bet/betted bet/betted scommettere
bid bid bid fare un'offerta ad un'asta
bind bound bound legare (insieme)
bite bit bitten mordere
bleed bled bled sanguinare
blow blew blown soffiare
break broke broken rompere
breed bred bred allevare, riprodursi
bring brought brought portare
broadcast broadcast broadcast trasmettere
build built built costruire
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt bruciare
burst burst burst scoppiare
buy bought bought comperare
can could === potere
cast cast cast lanciare
catch caught caught afferrare
choose chose chosen scegliere
cling clung clung aggrapparsi
come came come venire
cost cost cost costare
creep crept crept avanzare furtivamente
cut cut cut tagliare
deal dealt dealt trattare
dig dug dug scavare
do did done fare
draw drew drawn disegnare, tirare
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt sognare
drink drank drunk bere
drive drove driven guidare
dwell dwelled/dwelt dwelled/dwelt dimorare
eat ate eaten mangiare
fall fell fallen cadere
feed fed fed nutrire
feel felt felt sentire, provare
fight fought fought combattere
find found found trovare
flee fled fled fuggire
fling flung flung gettare
fly flew flown volare
forbid forbade forbidden proibire
forget forgot forgotten dimenticare
forsake forsook forsaken abbandonare
freeze froze frozen gelare
get got got ottenere, diventare
give gave given dare
go went gone andare
grind ground ground macinare
grow grew grown crescere, coltivare
hang hung (appese)/hanged (impiccò) hung (appeso)/hanged (impiccato) appendere, impiccare
have had had avere
hear heard heard udire
hide hid hidden nascondere
hit hit hit colpire
hold held held tenere
hurt hurt hurt far male
keep kept kept tenere, trattenere
kneel knelt knelt inginocchiarsi
knit knit/knitted
knitted è più comune
knitted è più comune
lavorare a maglia
know knew known sapere, conoscere
lay laid laid stendere, poggiare
lead led led condurre
lean leaned/leant leaned/leant pendere, essere inclinato
leap leaped/leapt leaped/leapt saltare
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt imparare
leave left left lasciare, partire
lend lent lent prestare
let let let lasciare, permettere
lie (down) lay (down) lain (down) sdraiarsi
light lit/lighted lit/lighted accendere
lose lost lost perdere
make made made fare
mean meant meant significare
meet met met incontrare, conoscere
pay paid paid pagare
put put put mettere
read read read leggere
rid rid rid liberare
ride rode ridden cavalcare
ring rang rung squillare
rise rose risen aumentare, sorgere
run ran run correre
say said said dire
see saw seen vedere
seek sought sought cercare
sell sold sold vendere
send sent sent inviare
set set set stabilire, ambientare
shake shook shaken scuotere
shed shed shed perdere (foglie, pelle)
shine shone shone risplendere
shoot shot shot sparare
show showed shown mostrare
shrink shrank shrunk restringersi
shut shut shut chiudere
sing sang sung cantare
sit sat sat sedersi
sink sank sunk affondare
sleep slept slept dormire
slide slid slid scivolare
smell smelled/smelt smelled/smelt odorare
speak spoke spoken parlare
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded affrettare
spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt compitare
spend spent spent spendere, trascorrere
spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt versare, rovesciare
spin spun spun ruotare, girare
spit spat spat sputare
split split split dividere
spread spread spread spargere
spring sprang sprung saltare
stand stood stood stare in piedi
steal stole stolen rubare
stick stuck stuck appiccicare
sting stung stung pungere
stride strode stridden camminare a grandi passi
strike struck struck colpire
string strung strung appendere con la corda
strive strove striven sforzarsi di...
swear swore sworn giurare, imprecare
sweep swept swept spazzare
swell swelled swollen/swelled gonfiare, gonfiarsi
swim swam swum nuotare
swing swung swung oscillare
take took taken prendere, portare
teach taught taught insegnare
tear tore torn strappare
tell told told dire
think thought thought pensare
thrive thrived/throve thrived/thriven prosperare
throw threw thrown gettare
thrust thrust thrust spingere con forza
tread trod trod/trodden calpestare
understand understood understood comprendere
undertake undertook undertaken intraprendere
wake woke/waked woken/waked svegliare
wear wore worn indossare
weave wove woven tessere
weep wept wept piangere
wet wetted/wet wetted/wet bagnare
win won won vincere
wind wound wound serpeggiare
wring wrung wrung strizzare
write wrote written scrivere  


Complete the table below (example: eat - ate - eaten)
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!)
Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo  ♥
Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!  

1) drive - -
drove - driven
2) come -
came - come
3) speak -
spoke spoken
4) pay -
paid - paid
5) become -
became - become
6) think -
thought - thought
7) read -
read - read
8) fall -
fell - fallen
9) do -
did - done
10) drink -
drank - drunk


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the SIMPLE PAST
Alcune delle alternative sono completamente sbagliate. Non farti trarre in inganno!
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!)
Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo  

Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) I     (lived/left) London three years ago.
I left London three years ago.
     (do/did) Mary work for an American company?
Did Mary work for an American company?
3) Sarah
     (had/hadded) coffee for breakfast yesterday.
Sarah had coffee for breakfast yesterday.
4) They
     (drank/drunk) a Coke and a beer at the pub.
They drank a Coke and a beer at the pub.
5) She
    (was/went) away without saying a word.
She went away without saying a word.
6) I
     (slep/slept) well last night.
I slept well last night.
7) My mother
     (make/made) a nice cake yesterday.
My mother made a nice cake yesterday.
8) Roberta
(spoke/spake) English very well when she was just a child.
Roberta spoke English very well when she was just a child.
9) They
     (met/meet) in New York last month.
They met in New York last month.
10) Mark
     (taught/thought) Spanish last year in Rome.
Mark taught Spanish last year in Rome.


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the SIMPLE PAST
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!)
Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo  

Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) She    (to sing) in a band three years ago.
She sang in a band three years ago.
2) Robert
    (to be) hungry. He    (to eat) the sandwich quickly.
Robert was hungry. He ate the sandwich quickly.
3) They
    (to be) tired. They stopped to have a rest.
They were tired. They stopped to have a rest.
4) Last night my brother Tom
    (to dream) he missed the train.
Last night my brother Tom dreamt he missed the train.
5) Kim
    (to put) her key on the table and    (to go) out.
Kim put her key on the table and went out.
6) I
    (can) play the piano when I was 6.
I could play the piano when I was 6.
7) They
    (to meet) Tom yesterday.
They met Tom yesterday.
8) She
    (to be) angry because her son    (to be) late.
She was angry because her son was late.
9) I
    (to shut) the door because my children were sleeping.
I shut the door because my children were sleeping.
10) Shakespeare
    (to write) many tragedies.
Shakespeare wrote many tragedies.


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the past simple
Puoi scrivere le tue risposte nelle caselle di testo (attenzione: non vengono memorizzate!)
Per vedere le risposte corrette, seleziona con il mouse lo spazio bianco dopo il simbolo  

Se hai un tablet oppure uno smartphone ricopia tutto l'esercizio su una app di note o di word processing e vedrai tutto in chiaro!

1) At first he    (to think) thieves had got in.
At first he thought thieves had got in.
  you    (to wake up) early this morning?
Did you wake up early this morning?
3) Sam
    (to have) to pay more attention to his diet after his illness.
Sam had to pay more attention to his diet after his illness.
4) They
    (to drink) some very good wine during dinner.
They drank some very good wine during dinner.
5) Stephen
    (to drive) slowly because the street was very narrow.
Stephen drove slowly because the street was very narrow.
6) He
     (to throw) himself into a chair and fell asleep.
He threw himself into a chair and fell asleep.
7) My sister looked around and
    (to see) the scissors on the table.
My sister looked around and saw the scissors on the table.
8) Sue
    (to know) the answer but  (not to say) a word.
Sue knew the answer but didn't say a word.
9) They
    (to come) by car.
They came by car.
10) Mary
    (to grow) potatoes in her garden.
Mary grew potatoes in her garden.



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    ENGLISHGRATIS.COM è un sito personale di
    Roberto Casiraghi e Crystal Jones
    email: robertocasiraghi at iol punto it

    Roberto Casiraghi           
    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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