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  1. August
  2. Five Star Movement
  3. Washington Post
  4. Edward Snowden
  5. Language acquisition
  6. British humour
  7. Al Bano and Romina Power
  8. Vladimir Putin
  9. Artificial Intelligence
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  21. Multilingualism
  22. Religion in ancient Rome
  23. Giallo
  24. The Shock Doctrine
  25. PDF (Portable Document Format)
  26. Nazi plunder
  27. Nanotechnology
  28. Jennifer Lopez
  29. Decline of Detroit
  30. Firefox OS
  31. Burj Khalifa (tallest building in the world)


WIKIMAG n. 9 - Agosto 2013 
Five Star Movement

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Five Star MoVement
MoVimento 5 Stelle
Leader Beppe Grillo
Founded 4 October 2009
Membership  (2012) 255,339[1][third-party source needed]
Ideology Populism
Anti-corruption politics
Participatory democracy
Colours Yellow and White
Chamber of Deputies
106 / 630
50 / 315
European Parliament
0 / 73
Party flag
Five Star Movement flag.png
Politics of Italy
Political parties

The Five Star MoVement (MoVimento 5 Stelle, M5S) is a political party in Italy launched by Beppe Grillo, a popular activist, comedian and blogger, and Gianroberto Casaleggio, a web strategist, on 4 October 2009.[2][3][4] The party is populist,[5][6][7] anti-corruption,[8] environmentalist,[8][9] and partially Eurosceptic.[10][11] It also advocates participatory democracy,[8] direct democracy,[12][13] E-democracy, free access to the Internet,[14], the principles of "zero-cost politics"[15] and degrowth.[16] The M5S's programme also contains elements of right-wing populism and American-style libertarianism. Party members stress that the M5S is not a party but a "movement" and it may not be included in the traditional left right paradigm. The "five stars" are a reference to five key issues: public water, sustainable transport, development, connectivity, and environmentalism.



On 16 July 2005 Beppe Grillo offered supporters of the proposals submitted to his blog to adopt social networks to communicate and coordinate local meetings. Coordination of activists through Meetups had already been adopted in 2003 by Howard Dean during the campaign for the primaries of the Democratic Party of the United States.[17] This is how the first 40 meetup "friends of Beppe Grillo", with the initial aim, according to the same Grillo, "have fun, get together and share ideas and proposals for an better world, starting from their own city. And discuss and develop, if you believe, my post "[18] Within the meetup you create thematic working group on topics including" Technology and Innovation "," Press-communication "," critical consumption " , "Study Moneta", "No Incinerators"[19][20] It is from these experiences that is asked Grillo to stand for election primaries for the choice of the Prime Ministerial candidate of the centre-left coalition The Union, provided for October 2005.[21]

On three occasions - 17 December in Turin, 26 March in Piacenza and 16 to 18 June in Sorrento - the representatives of the meetup "Meetup" held meetings nationally in the presence of the Grillo. In these circumstances, proposals are discussed mostly inherent environmental issues such as the replacement of polluting incinerators with the mechanical-biological treatment of waste.[22]

During the fourth national meeting held in Genoa, 3 February 2007, Beppe Grillo announced his desire to leave the Meetup activists local autonomous space within one of the shows of his tour. The meeting in Parma held on 14 July 2007 involved the representatives of some civic lists of participants in local elections last spring.[when?] You share a document of intent for the creation of "a network of civic lists and movements, associations, organizations [...] that include within them a horizontal organization and not top-down" and that they recognize the "principle of participation democratic citizens."[23]


V-Day in Bologna, in 2007.

On 14 June 2007 Beppe Grillo launched the idea of Vaffanculo Day (Fuck you Day), or simply V-Day, a day of public mobilisation for the collection of signatures required to submit a law of popular initiative that seeks to introduce preferences in the current electoral law to prevent the nomination as Parliamentary candidates of recipients of criminal convictions or those who have already completed two terms in office.[24] The meeting was held in Bologna.

The choice of the name of the event, V-Day, of course, is linked to a threefold reference: the first in the D-Day Normandy landing of the Allies during the Second World War, as well as Italian citizens would disembark in life Italian civil from bad policy, and the second to feature film "V for Vendetta" (whose symbol is a reference in the logo of the movement) to which the principles of political renewal refers often the movement and third to the interjection "Fuck you" given to bad policy.

V-Day, which continued the initiative promoted by Beppe Grillo Clean Parliament since 2006, took place in many Italian cities the following 8 September, the date chosen to evoke a state of confusion besetting the state, as at the ' September 8, 1943. Were gathered 336,000 signatures, far exceeding the 50,000 required for the filing of the law of popular initiative. For the occasion, Michele Serra coined the term "grillismo"[25]

In the wake of the success, exceeding the expectations of the organisers,[citation needed] V2-Day was organised for 25 April 2008, a second day of action aimed at collecting signatures for three referendums. On 29 and 30 September 2007 in Lucca several members of MeetUp "Meetup" and lists of local civic, driven initial open discussion in the and in the wake of the previous meeting of Perugia, setting the bar for policies for the establishment of civic lists. On 10 October 2007, Grillo gave guidance on how to create the civic lists[26]

Five Star civic lists

On 3 December 2008, Grillo announces the symbol of the Civic Lists at Five Stars for the local elections of 2009. Logo in the "V" of "citizenship" is a reference to V-Day[27] In Bologna, 17 February 2009, a gathering of civic lists discussing the future of the movement and the subsequent elections, in particular, Sonia Alfano consulted with the activist base of the movement about his possible candidacy for the European Parliament as an independent candidate on the Italy of Values list.

On 8 March 2009, he first national meeting of the Five Star Civic Lists was held in Florence. Here Beppe Grillo had the Charter of Florence, bone joint 12-point program of the various local civic lists in the afternoon, about twenty local groups present their ideas and experiences. In April Grillo announced a letter of Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz in which he declares to look carefully at the experience of local civic lists promoted through the blog[28]

On 29 March 2009 Grillo announced that in the upcoming European elections he would support Luigi de Magistris and Sonia Alfano, figures close to the movement as independent candidates in the lists of Italy of Values, together with the journalist Carlo Vulpio, also close to the movement[29] On 11 June and De Magistris is Alfano, candidates in all five constituencies are elected to the European Parliament, resulting in the first and second preferences 419 000 143 000. In the same election, as stated by Beppe Grillo, 23 councilors are elected Civic Lists of Five Star, especially in the municipalities of Emilia-Romagna in central Italy[30]

On 9 September 2009, it was announced the launch of the "National Movement Five Star" inspired by the ideologies of the Charter of Florence[31] Along with Gianroberto Casaleggio to the Emerald Theatre in Milan, 4 October 2009 Beppe Grillo declared the birth of Five Star Movement and ran a programme.[32]

2010–2012 regional and local elections

At the 2010 regional elections the M5S obtained notable results in the five regions where it ran a candidate for President: Giovanni Favia gained 7.0% of the vote in Emilia-Romagna (6.0% for the list, 2 regional councillors elected), Davide Bono 4.1% in Piedmont (3.7%, 2 councillors), David Borrelli 3.2% in Veneto (2.6%, no councillors), Vito Crimi 3.0% in Lombardy (2.3%, no councillors) and Roberto Fico 1.3% in Campania (1.3%, no councillors).[33]

Beppe Grillo held a rally in Turin during the electoral campaign, 2010.

At the local elections on 15 and 16 May 2011, the Movement occurs in 75 of the 1,177 municipalities in the vote,[34] including 18 of the 23 provincial capitals called to vote. In the first round the Movement enters its representatives in 28 municipalities (for a total of 34 elected councilors) and often resulting in some important decisive ballots[35] The best results are in the cities and towns of the center-north, especially in Emilia-Romagna (where the list gets between 9 and 12% in Bologna, Rimini and Ravenna) and Piedmont, while in the south rarely exceeds 2% of the vote.

Regional elections in Molise on 16 and 17 October 2011 had its own candidate for the presidency and its own list, the list received 2.27% of the votes and the presidential candidate the 5.60% of the vote, but no seats[36]

At the 2012 local elections the M5S did well in several cities of the North, notably in Genoa (14.1%),[37] Verona (9.5%),[38] Parma (19.9%),[39] Monza (10.2%),[40] and Piacenza (10.0%).[41] In the small Venetian town of Sarego, the M5S's candidate was elected mayor with 35.2% of the vote (there is no run-off in towns with less than 15,000 inhabitants).[42] In the run-offs the party won the mayorships of Parma (60.2%),[39] Mira (52.5%),[43] and Comacchio (69.2%).[44]

After the election, the party consistently scored around 15-20% nationally in opinion polls, frequently ahead of The People of Freedom and second just to the Democratic Party (see 2013 general election).

At the Sicilian regional elections of 2012 the M5S filed as candidate Giancarlo Cancelleri. The campaign kicked off with Grillo's arrival in Messina on 10 October swimming from the mainland.[45][46] In the election Cancelleri came third with 18.2% of the vote, while the M5S was the most voted party with 14.9%, obtaining 15 seats out of 90 in the Regional Assembly, in a very fragmented political landscape.[47] The election was however characterized by a low participation as only 47.4% of eligible voters effectively turned out to vote.[48]

2013 general election

On 29 October 2012, Grillo announced the guidelines for standing as party candidates in the 2013 general election.[49][50] For the first time in Italy, the candidates were chosen by party members through an online primary between 3 and 6 December.[51]

On 12 December 2012, Grillo expelled two leading members from the party: Giovanni Favia, regional councillor of Emilia-Romagna, and Federica Salsi, municipal councillor in Bologna, due to political party rules infringement. The former had talked about the lack of democracy within the party, while the latter had taken part in a political talk show on Italian television, something that was discouraged and later forbidden by Grillo.[52]

On 22 February 2013, a large crowd of 800,000 people attended the final rally of Beppe Grillo before the general election, in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.[53] On 24 and 25 February 2013, M5S contested all Italian constituencies: Beppe Grillo was listed as head of the coalition, although he was not an electoral candidate.

The vote for M5S in the Chamber of Deputies reached 25.55% of the vote in Italy and 9.67% for overseas voters, for a total of 8,784,499 votes, making it the second most voted list after the Democratic Party (which acquired 25.42% of the votes in Italy and 29.9% abroad, or 8,932,615 votes), obtaining 108 deputies. The M5S vote for the Senate was 23.79% in Italy and 10% abroad, for a total of 7,375,412 votes, second only to the PD (which garnered 8,674,893 votes), obtaining 54 Senators. This was a successful election for M5S as the party gained a higher share of the vote than was expected by any of the opinion polls. The M5S won 25.6% of the vote for the Chamber of Deputies, more than any other single party. However, both the centre-left Italy Common Good coalition, centred around the Democratic Party, and the centre-right alliance, centred around The People of Freedom, obtained more votes as coalitions.[54][55]

Coupons are also the results of the regional in Lombardy, Lazio and Molise, where candidates acquired the third highest number of votes, and the party won 9 councilors in Lombardy, 2 and 7 in Molise and Lazio.[citation needed] The m5S became the largest party in the Abruzzo, Marche, Liguria, Sicily and Sardinia.[36]


In the Five Star Movement converge themes derived from ecological and anti-particracy promoting the direct participation of citizens in the management of public affairs through forms of digital democracy. From the economic point of view, embraces the theories of degrowth supporting the creation of jobs, "green", and a rejection of polluting and expensive, including incinerators and many "great works", aiming to an overall better quality of life and greater social justice[56] The Movement 5 Star proposes the adoption of large-scale energy projects, elimination of waste, sustainable mobility, protection of territory by overbuilding, teleworking, computerization[57]

Politicians as "employees," the policy as "service"

One of the fundamental ideas of the Five Star Movement is that politicians are addicted to the project of the Italian people[58][59][60] Some politicians have willingly accepted the definition of "employee", for example, on 10 and 11 January 2006, in Trieste, the two candidates for mayor and Ettore Rosato Roberto Dipiazza have signed a pledge, if elected, to be considered "employees "citizens of Trieste.

Auto reduction of salary and rejection of campaign contributions

Another feature of the movement is the so-called autoredox salary of the elect, in line with this principle, in some regions such as Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna[61][62] and Sicily[63] the elect allocate part of the salary for purposes relating to the 'political activity of the group (exposed cover, legal fees, appeals to the Administrative Court and the Council of State, etc.[62]). Likewise the movement intends to reject campaign contributions, Grillo described the reasons for this choice March 27, 2010. After the regional elections in Sicily in 2012, in addition to refusing to more than "1 Million Euro in electoral reimbursements," the MoVement has decided to allocate the money saved by the reduction of the salaries of their "Elected Officials" in a fund for the micro-credit to help small and medium enterprises, from MoVement always been considered the "backbone of Italy".[64]

Elimination of multi-tasks and compliance mandates

Among the major political battles of employees M5S is the ethical commitment, internally consistent since[65] to a greater simplicity and transparency as possible to counter the use by any legal means to hold two or more positions[66][67][68] which show the intricate conflicts of interest between any organization, subsequently strengthened by public register[69] to avoid accentrazioni type nepotistic and clientelistic.[70][71][72][73]

Civil rights

The leader of the movement, Grillo, on 15 July 2012, claims to be approving of marriages between persons of the same sex[74] The declaration of Grillo was inspired by the discussion of the National Assembly on the subject.[75] In offering his support to gay marriage, Grillo has filled a silence on the subject, which some might denote opposition, clarifying the full support of the movement to recognize such marriages.[76]


With the 2010 Italian elections, some parties highlighted a contradiction between the voluntary collective action in the struggles of civil society and openness in political representation[77][78][79] Also in 2010, there were tensions between the movement and Italy of Values.[80]

Beppe Grillo (on the right) with Giovanni Favia (on the left), who was expelled from the movement in 2011.

In March 2012 the city councillor in Rimini Valentino Tavolazzi advocated a national meeting on behalf of the movement,[81][82] gathered about 150 participants, praise and harsh criticism even by those few politicians who were present at the convention,[83] with harsh stance in the content of the meeting about the "conditions of Regulation M5S" because it was discovered to be in conflict with the statutes of its Civic Party of origin "Project for Ferrara". The was officially revoked the use of the logo[84][85] and received the ban from taking any position on behalf of M5S, was perpetuated as a legacy of controversy also internal democracy.[86][87][88]

Since 2007 Grillo criticized the extent of the cost of the policy by entering the Statute of moving an article which provides for the reduction dell'onorario for deputies and senators[89] Based on this policy, the benefits perceived by the member of parliament must not exceed 5,000 euro gross per month, while any extra will be returned to the State with solidarity allowance (also called end-term). According to the regional director of the Five Star Movement Giovanni Favia, the deduction of 5,000 euro gross salary of parliamentarians is, however, contrary to the principles of the movement, as it would result in a reduction of only 2,500 euro net. In an interview which was published in several newspapers in November 2012, Favia estimated at 11,000 euro per month the fees prescribed for a member of five stars, even though it does not explain how it got to deduct that amount because it necessarily includes reimbursements and per diem is not flat, employees that is, costs and expenses which vary from member to member.[90]

Following the exclusion of the same Giovanni Favia and Federica Salsi for expressing views about the lack of internal democracy, the party has been expelled from several criticisms and members of the same party[91][92] The expulsions were made unilaterally by the owner of Beppe Grillo and symbol, as per regulation, took place without prior consultation with members of the movement.[93][94][95]

Another criticism frequently by the same movement activists and former activists, such as Federico Pistono, social entrepreneur and the former member,[96] about the absence of any form of effective participation on the web[97] There is currently a tool for collective writing of the program and the proposed law. The forum is considered inadequate for the purpose[98][99] Through his blog, in September 2012, Grillo said that a portal to participate via the web was already under construction[100] The triggering was scheduled for the end of the year 2012, but at the time of the elections of February 2013 it was not yet realized.

Electoral results

Italian Parliament

Chamber of Deputies
Election year # of
overall votes
 % of
overall vote
# of
overall seats won
# of seats won
for citizens abroad
± Leader
2013 8,689,168 (#1) 25.55
109 / 630
1 / 12
Beppe Grillo
Major opposition party to the Grand coalition government of Enrico Letta.
Election year # of
overall votes
 % of
overall vote
# of
overall seats won
± Leader
2013 7,285,648 (#2) 23.79
54 / 315
Beppe Grillo
Major opposition party to the Grand coalition government of Enrico Letta.


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  • L'utente, inoltre, accetta di tenere Casiraghi Jones Publishing SRL indenne da qualsiasi tipo di responsabilità per l'uso - ed eventuali conseguenze di esso - delle informazioni linguistiche e grammaticali contenute sul sito, in particolare, nella sezione Disqus. Le nostre risposte grammaticali sono infatti improntate ad un criterio di praticità e pragmaticità che a volte è in conflitto con la rigidità delle regole "ufficiali" che tendono a proporre un inglese schematico e semplificato dimenticando la ricchezza e variabilità della lingua reale. Anche l'occasionale difformità tra le soluzioni degli esercizi e le regole grammaticali fornite nella grammatica va concepita come stimolo a formulare domande alla redazione onde poter spiegare più nei dettagli le particolarità della lingua inglese che non possono essere racchiuse in un'opera grammaticale di carattere meramente introduttivo come la nostra grammatica online.

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