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Food & Wine Pairing: Wine & Dark Chocolate
Let’s talk about pairing wine with dark chocolate. Many people just love to pair wine with dark chocolate, especially red wine, and if you’re, if you ask me, a sweet red wine is the perfect match for dark chocolate.
A ruby Port, a late harvest Zinfandel, or a sparkling Shiraz, but what a lot of people like to do is pair a dry red wine with dark chocolate. Now, this is a tricky match indeed, but there is one way that it could work. Let’s talk about those red wines that could work.
>>> Red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, Zinfandel and Shiraz sometimes have a little bit of a cocoa, chocolaty aroma to them that comes across as a cocoa, or chocolaty flavor.
If you take a red wine with this cocoa, chocolaty areoma or flavor, match it up with dark chocolate, the two flavors will meet.
They’ll form a bridge and the chocolaty flavors will come forward. This is an interesting match indeed. It’s a little bit elusive, because you have to find a red wine with that chocolate flavor in it, but if you do match it up with dark chocolate, it would be a very, very good match.
So break out the red wine, find a chocolate flavor, break out the dark chocolate, and you will have a match made in heaven.
Food & Wine Pairing: Abbinamento di cibo col vino
Dark Chocolate: cioccolato fondente
Let’s talk about: Parliamo di
pairing: abbinamento di (lett. l’abbinare)
just love: adora
and if you’re: e se siete fra questi
match: abbinamento
ruby: color rubino
late harvest: di raccolta tardiva
sparkling: effervescente
what: ciò che
like: come
tricky: difficile, complicato, che non sempre va bene
indeed: davvero
there is one way that: c’è un modo che
work: funzionare, andar bene
Let’s talk about: Parliamo di
like: come
a little bit: un po’
a cocoa, chocolaty aroma to them: un aroma di cacao, di cioccolato in essi
comes across: viene percepito
flavor: gusto
it up: abbinalo
will meet: si sposeranno (lett. si incontreranno)
come forward: si evidenzieranno (lett. verranno avanti)
indeed: davvero
elusive: sfuggente, vago
you have to find: dovete trovare
break out: tirate fuori