Semaforo verde per Erasmus+: più di 4 milioni di persone riceveranno borse unionali per le competenze e l'occupabilità
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Data documento: 19-11-2013
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Green light for Erasmus+:More than 4 million to get EU grants for skills and employability
Semaforo verde per Erasmus+: più di 4 milioni di persone riceveranno borse unionali per le competenze e l'occupabilità
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Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, due to begin in January, was approved today by the European Parliament.
Erasmus+, il nuovo programma unionale per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport, il cui avvio è previsto a gennaio, è stato approvato oggi dal Parlamento europeo.
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Aimed at boosting skills, employability and supporting the modernisation of education, training and youth systems, the seven-year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion - 40% higher than current levels.
Finalizzato a promuovere le competenze, e l'occupabilità, nonché a sostenere la modernizzazione dei sistemi d'istruzione, formazione e gioventù, il programma, della durata di sette anni, avrà una dotazione di bilancio di 14,7 miliardi di EUR, con un aumento del 40% rispetto ai livelli attuali.
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More than 4 million people will receive support to study, train, work or volunteer abroad, including 2 million higher education students, 650 000 vocational training students and apprentices, as well as more than 500 000 going on youth exchanges or volunteering abroad.
Più di 4 milioni di persone riceveranno un sostegno per studiare, formarsi, lavorare o fare attività di volontariato all'estero, tra cui 2 milioni di studenti dell'istruzione superiore, 650 000 studenti della formazione professionale e apprendisti nonché più di 500 000 persone partecipanti a scambi giovanili o ad attività di volontariato all'estero.
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Students planning a full Master's degree abroad, for which national grants or loans are seldom available, will benefit from a new loan guarantee scheme run by the European Investment Fund.
Gli studenti che prevedono di seguire un corso integrale di laurea magistrale all'estero, per i quali sono raramente disponibili prestiti o borse nazionali, potranno avvantaggiarsi di un nuovo sistema di garanzia dei prestiti gestito dal Fondo europeo per gli investimenti.
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Erasmus+ will also provide funding for education and training staff, youth workers and for partnerships between universities, colleges, schools, enterprises, and not-for-profit organisations.
Erasmus+ erogherà inoltre finanziamenti per l'istruzione e la formazione del personale e degli animatori giovanili nonché per partenariati tra università, college, scuole, imprese e organizzazioni non profit.
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"I am pleased that the European Parliament has adopted Erasmus+ and proud that we have been able to secure a 40% budget increase compared with our current programmes.
"Sono lieta che il Parlamento europeo abbia adottato Erasmus+ e sono orgogliosa per il fatto che siamo riusciti ad ottenere un aumento del 40% del bilancio del programma rispetto ai programmi attuali.
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This demonstrates the EU's commitment to education and training.
Ciò dimostra l'impegno dell'UE nei confronti dell'istruzione e della formazione.
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Erasmus+ will also contribute to the fight against youth unemployment by giving young people the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills through experience abroad.
Erasmus+ contribuirà inoltre alla lotta contro la disoccupazione giovanile offrendo ai giovani l'opportunità di accrescere il loro bagaglio di conoscenze e competenze grazie a un'esperienza all'estero.
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As well as providing grants for individuals, Erasmus+ will support partnerships to help people make the transition from education to work, and reforms to modernise and improve the quality of education in Member States.
Oltre a fornire borse a singole persone Erasmus+ patrocinerà i partenariati per aiutare le persone a passare dal mondo dell'istruzione a quello del lavoro e incoraggerà le riforme per modernizzare e migliorare la qualità dell'istruzione negli Stati membri.
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This is crucial if we are to equip our young generation with the qualifications and skills they need to succeed in life," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Questo è un aspetto essenziale se vogliamo dotare i nostri giovani delle qualifiche e abilità di cui hanno bisogno per riuscire nella vita" ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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Erasmus+ has three main targets:
Erasmus+ ha tre obiettivi principali:
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two-thirds of the budget is allocated to learning opportunities abroad for individuals, within the EU and beyond;
due terzi del bilancio sono destinati alle opportunità di studio all'estero per i singoli individui, nell'UE e fuori di essa;
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the remainder will support partnerships between educational institutions, youth organisations, businesses, local and regional authorities and NGOs, as well as reforms to modernise education and training and to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and employability.
il resto andrà a sostegno dei partenariati tra le istituzioni d'istruzione, le organizzazioni giovanili, le imprese, le autorità locali e regionali e le ONG oltre ad incoraggiare le riforme per ammodernare l'istruzione e la formazione e promuovere l'innovazione, l'imprenditorialità e l'occupabilità.
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The new Erasmus+ programme combines all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, including the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Youth in Action and five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for cooperation with industrialised countries).
Il nuovo programma Erasmus+ combina tutti gli attuali programmi unionali nel campo dell'istruzione, della formazione, della gioventù e dello sport compreso il programma di apprendimento permanente (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Gioventù in azione e cinque programmi di cooperazione internazionale (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink e il programma di cooperazione con i paesi industrializzati).
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This will make it easier for applicants to understand the opportunities available, while other simplifications will also facilitate access.
Ciò renderà più semplice per i richiedenti chiarirsi le idee sulle opportunità disponibili. Altre semplificazioni contribuiranno a loro volta a facilitare l'accesso.
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Erasmus+ who benefits?
Erasmus+:) quali sono i beneficiari?
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- 2 million higher education students will be able to study or train abroad, including 450,000 traineeships;
- 2 milioni di studenti dell'istruzione superiore potranno studiare o formarsi all'estero, compresi 450 000 tirocini;
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- 650 000 vocational students and apprentices will receive grants to study, train or work abroad;
- 650 000 studenti dell'istruzione professionale e apprendisti riceveranno borse di studio per studiare, formarsi o lavorare all'estero;
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- 800 000 school teachers, lecturers, trainers, education staff and youth workers to teach or train abroad;
- 800 000 insegnanti, docenti, formatori, membri del personale educativo e giovani lavoratori potranno insegnare o formarsi all'estero;
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- 200 000 Master's degree students doing a full course in another country will benefit from loan guarantees;
- 200 000 studenti che intendano completare un corso di laurea magistrale all'estero beneficeranno di garanzie sui prestiti;
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- More than 500 000 young people will be able to volunteer abroad or participate in youth exchanges;
- più di 500 000 giovani potranno fare attività di volontariato all'estero o partecipare a scambi giovanili;
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- More than 25 000 students will receive grants for joint master's degrees, which involve studying in at least two higher education institutions abroad;
- più di 25 000 studenti riceveranno borse per corsi di laurea magistrale congiunti che comportano lo studio in almeno due istituzioni d'istruzione estere;
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- 125 000 schools, vocational education and training institutions, higher and adult education institutions, youth organisations and enterprises will receive funding to set up 25 000 'strategic partnerships' to promote the exchange of experience and links with the world of work;
- 125 000 scuole, istituzioni d'istruzione e formazione professionale, istituzioni d'istruzione superiore e degli adulti, organizzazioni giovanili e imprese riceveranno finanziamenti per costituire 25 000 "partenariati strategici" al fine di promuovere gli scambi di esperienze e i contatti con il mondo del lavoro;
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- 3 500 education institutions and enterprises will get support to create more than 300 'Knowledge Alliances' and 'Sector Skills Alliances' to boost employability, innovation and entrepreneurship;
- 3 500 istituzioni educative e imprese riceveranno un sostegno per creare più di 300 "alleanze della conoscenza" e "alleanze delle abilità settoriali" per promuovere l'occupabilità, l'innovazione e l'imprenditorialità;
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- 600 partnerships in sport, including European non-profit events, will also receive funding.
- 600 partenariati nel campo dello sport, tra cui eventi europei non profit, riceveranno anch'essi un finanziamento.
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Erasmus+ is being launched at a time when nearly six million young people are unemployed in the EU – with levels above 50% in Spain and Greece.
Erasmus+ viene avviato in un momento in cui nell'UE quasi 6 milioni di giovani sono disoccupati, con livelli che in Spagna e in Grecia superano il 50%.
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At the same time, there are over 2 million vacancies, and a third of employers report difficulties in recruiting staff with the skills they need.
Nello stesso tempo si registrano 2 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti e un terzo dei datori di lavoro segnala difficoltà ad assumere personale con le qualifiche richieste.
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This demonstrates a significant skills gap in Europe.
Ciò dimostra il sussistere di importanti deficit di competenze in Europa.
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Erasmus+ will address this gap by providing opportunities for people to study, train or gain experience abroad.
Erasmus+ affronterà questi deficit fornendo opportunità di studio, di formazione o esperienze all'estero.
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At the same time, the quality and relevance of Europe's education, training and youth systems will be increased through support for the professional development of education staff and youth workers and through cooperation between the worlds of education and work.
Nel contempo la qualità e la pertinenza dell'istruzione, della formazione e dei sistemi giovanili europei verranno incrementate grazie al sostegno consacrato allo sviluppo professionale del personale educativo e degli animatori giovanili e grazie alla cooperazione tra il mondo dell'istruzione e quello del lavoro.
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Student and apprentice mobility also boosts workers' mobility between Member States; people who have already studied or trained in another country are more likely to want to work abroad in future.
La mobilità degli studenti e degli apprendisti promuoverà inoltre la mobilità dei lavoratori tra gli Stati membri poiché è più probabile che coloro che hanno già svolto un corso di studi o di formazione in un altro paese siano poi propensi a lavorare all'estero.
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The €14.7 billion budget takes account of future estimates for inflation.
Il bilancio di 14,7 miliardi di EUR tiene conto delle stime future relative all'inflazione.
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Additional funds are expected to be allocated for higher education mobility and capacity building involving non-EU countries;
Finanziamenti addizionali dovrebbero venire stanziati per la mobilità nel campo dell'istruzione superiore e per il capacity building con il coinvolgimento di paesi extra unionali;
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the decision on this additional budget is not expected before 2014.
la decisione in merito a questo bilancio addizionale non è prevista prima del 2014.
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Erasmus+ includes, for the first time, a dedicated budget line for sport.
Erasmus+ comprende, per la prima volta, una linea di bilancio specifica per lo sport.
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It will allocate around €265 million over seven years to contribute to developing the European dimension in sport by helping to address cross-border threats such as match fixing and doping.
Esso stanzierà circa 265 milioni di EUR nell'arco di sette anni per contribuire a sviluppare la dimensione europea dello sport in modo da affrontare le minacce transfrontaliere come ad esempio le partite truccate e il doping.
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It will also support transnational projects involving organisations in grassroots sport, promoting, for example, good governance, social inclusion, dual careers and physical activity for all.
Esso sosterrà anche i progetti transnazionali cui partecipano organizzazioni attive nello sport di base, promuovendo ad esempio la buona governance, l'inclusione sociale, le carriere duplici e l'attività fisica per tutti.
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Next steps
I prossimi passi
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The proposal was adopted today by the European Parliament.
La proposta è stata adottata oggi dal Parlamento europeo.
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Adoption by the Council (Member States) is expected within the next month.
Il Consiglio (costituito dagli Stati membri) dovrebbe approvarla nei prossimi mesi.
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The Erasmus+ programme will start in January 2014. |
Il programma Erasmus+ prenderà il via nel gennaio 2014. |
Green light for Erasmus+: More than 4 million to get EU grants for skills
and employability
Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, due
to begin in January, was approved today by the European Parliament.
Aimed at boosting skills, employability and supporting the modernisation of
education, training and youth systems, the seven-year programme will have a
budget of €14.7 billion - 40% higher than current levels.
More than 4 million people will receive support to study, train, work or
volunteer abroad, including 2 million higher education students, 650 000
vocational training students and apprentices, as well as more than 500 000 going
on youth exchanges or volunteering abroad.
Students planning a full Master's degree abroad, for which national grants or
loans are seldom available, will benefit from a new loan guarantee scheme run by
the European Investment Fund.
Erasmus+ will also provide funding for education and training staff, youth
workers and for partnerships between universities, colleges, schools,
enterprises, and not-for-profit organisations.
"I am pleased that the European Parliament has adopted Erasmus+ and proud
that we have been able to secure a 40% budget increase compared with our current
This demonstrates the EU's commitment to education and training.
Erasmus+ will also contribute to the fight against youth unemployment by
giving young people the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills
through experience abroad.
As well as providing grants for individuals, Erasmus+ will support
partnerships to help people make the transition from education to work, and
reforms to modernise and improve the quality of education in Member States.
This is crucial if we are to equip our young generation with the
qualifications and skills they need to succeed in life," said Androulla
Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Erasmus+ has three main targets:
two-thirds of the budget is allocated to learning opportunities abroad for
individuals, within the EU and beyond;
the remainder will support partnerships between educational institutions,
youth organisations, businesses, local and regional authorities and NGOs, as
well as reforms to modernise education and training and to promote innovation,
entrepreneurship and employability.
The new Erasmus+ programme combines all the EU's current schemes for
education, training, youth and sport, including the Lifelong Learning Programme
(Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Youth in Action and five
international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and
the programme for cooperation with industrialised countries).
This will make it easier for applicants to understand the opportunities
available, while other simplifications will also facilitate access.
Erasmus+ who benefits?
- 2 million higher education students will be able to study or train abroad,
including 450,000 traineeships;
- 650 000 vocational students and apprentices will receive grants to study,
train or work abroad;
- 800 000 school teachers, lecturers, trainers, education staff and youth
workers to teach or train abroad;
- 200 000 Master's degree students doing a full course in another country
will benefit from loan guarantees;
- More than 500 000 young people will be able to volunteer abroad or
participate in youth exchanges;
- More than 25 000 students will receive grants for joint master's degrees,
which involve studying in at least two higher education institutions abroad;
- 125 000 schools, vocational education and training institutions, higher and
adult education institutions, youth organisations and enterprises will receive
funding to set up 25 000 'strategic partnerships' to promote the exchange of
experience and links with the world of work;
- 3 500 education institutions and enterprises will get support to create
more than 300 'Knowledge Alliances' and 'Sector Skills Alliances' to boost
employability, innovation and entrepreneurship;
- 600 partnerships in sport, including European non-profit events, will also
receive funding.
Erasmus+ is being launched at a time when nearly six million young people are
unemployed in the EU – with levels above 50% in Spain and Greece.
At the same time, there are over 2 million vacancies, and a third of
employers report difficulties in recruiting staff with the skills they need.
This demonstrates a significant skills gap in Europe.
Erasmus+ will address this gap by providing opportunities for people to
study, train or gain experience abroad.
At the same time, the quality and relevance of Europe's education, training
and youth systems will be increased through support for the professional
development of education staff and youth workers and through cooperation between
the worlds of education and work.
Student and apprentice mobility also boosts workers' mobility between Member
States; people who have already studied or trained in another country are more
likely to want to work abroad in future.
The €14.7 billion budget takes account of future estimates for inflation.
Additional funds are expected to be allocated for higher education mobility
and capacity building involving non-EU countries;
the decision on this additional budget is not expected before 2014.
Erasmus+ includes, for the first time, a dedicated budget line for sport.
It will allocate around €265 million over seven years to contribute to
developing the European dimension in sport by helping to address cross-border
threats such as match fixing and doping.
It will also support transnational projects involving organisations in
grassroots sport, promoting, for example, good governance, social inclusion,
dual careers and physical activity for all.
Next steps
The proposal was adopted today by the European Parliament.
Adoption by the Council (Member States) is expected within the next month.
The Erasmus+ programme will start in January 2014.