I funzionari dell'UE subiranno una perdita del potere d'acquisto pari a -1,1% in seguito all'adeguamento annuale delle retribuzioni
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1318_it.htm
Data documento: 05-12-2012
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EU officials face -1.1% loss in purchasing power in annual pay adjustment
I funzionari dell'UE subiranno una perdita del potere d'acquisto pari a -1,1% in seguito all'adeguamento annuale delle retribuzioni
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Reflecting the difficult economic situation, EU officials face a loss of -1.1% in 2012.This is the result of the formula for calculating annual pay adjustments.
A seguito della difficile situazione economica, i funzionari dell'UE subiranno una perdita pari a -1,1% nel 2012, per effetto della formula di calcolo degli adeguamenti annuali degli stipendi.
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It follows an effective fall in purchasing power of -3.6% in 2011.
Questa perdita si somma ad una perdita effettiva del potere d'acquisto di - 3,6% nel 2011.
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In total, the loss in EU officials' purchasing power between 2004 and 2011 is -7.6%.
Complessivamente, la diminuzione del potere d'acquisto dei funzionari dell'UE tra il 2004 e il 2011 è di - 7,6%.
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The formula, known as 'The Method', tracks the evolution of national civil servants' purchasing power, up or down, from a basket of 8 Member States (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg – a sample explicitly chosen by the Member States in 2004 and representing 76% of EU GDP).
La formula, conosciuta come "il metodo", registra l'evoluzione, al rialzo o al ribasso, del potere di acquisto dei funzionari nazionali sulla base di un paniere di 8 Stati membri (Regno Unito, Germania, Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Spagna, Belgio e Lussemburgo – un campione esplicitamente scelto dagli Stati membri nel 2004 e che rappresenta il 76% del PIL dell'UE).
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In other words, it applies the political decisions taken by those national governments concerning the salaries of their own civil servants to the salaries of EU staff.
In altri termini, il metodo applica al personale dell'UE le decisioni politiche adottate dai governi nazionali per quanto riguarda le retribuzioni dei propri dipendenti pubblici.
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This year, the result exactly reflects the difficult economic situation and its very diverse impact on national civil services:
Quest'anno il risultato riflette con precisione la difficile situazione economica e le ripercussioni, diverse tra loro, che essa ha sulle amministrazioni nazionali:
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it takes into account the salary increases in Germany (+4.3%), Belgium (+2.5%), Luxembourg (+2.5%), France (+1.8%) and the UK (+0.9%) but also the decreases of -3% in Spain, -1.9% in the Netherlands and the freeze in Italy (0%).
tiene conto infatti degli aumenti salariali in Germania (+ 4,3%), Belgio (+ 2,5%), Lussemburgo (+ 2,5%), Francia (+ 1,8%) e Regno Unito (+ 0,9%), ma anche delle riduzioni degli stipendi pari a - 3% in Spagna, -1,9% nei Paesi Bassi e del congelamento in Italia (0%).
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The combined change in purchasing power of these national civil servants is -1.1%.
L’effetto combinato sul potere d'acquisto dei funzionari nazionali è pari a - 1,1%.
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So exactly the same loss of purchasing power is applied to EU civil servants, wherever they are based and whatever EU institution or agency they work for.
Ai funzionari dell'UE viene quindi applicata la stessa perdita di potere d'acquisto, a prescindere dalla loro sede e dall'istituzione o agenzia dell'UE per la quale lavorino.
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Inflation in Belgium means the nominal pay adjustment for those EU officials based in Brussels is 1.7%.
L'inflazione in Belgio comporta, per i funzionari europei con sede a Bruxelles, un adeguamento nominale delle retribuzioni dell'1,7%.
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This is a below inflation rise that implements the -1.1% loss of purchasing power.
Si tratta di un aumento al di sotto del livello dell'inflazione, che riflette una perdita di potere d'acquisto pari a -1,1%.
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As outlined above, this is lower than the nominal pay adjustments for civil servants in half the Member States in the sample.
Come spiegato sopra, si tratta di un livello inferiore all'adeguamento nominale delle retribuzioni dei dipendenti pubblici della metà degli Stati membri del campione.
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An exception clause effectively allows for the suspension of the Method if strict legal criteria related to 'a serious and sudden deterioration in the economic and social situation' - which cannot be gauged by the Method - are met.
È prevista una clausola di eccezione che consente di sospendere il metodo, a condizione di rispettare i rigorosi criteri giuridici relativi ad un "deterioramento grave e improvviso della situazione economica e sociale all'interno della Comunità", che non può essere misurato dal metodo.
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However, an in-depth analysis showed those conditions have not been met, and the -1.1% proposed cut in purchasing power fully captures the changed circumstances of national civil servants.
Tuttavia, un'analisi approfondita ha rivelato che tali condizioni non ricorrono e che la riduzione proposta (- 1,1%) del potere di acquisto rispecchia fedelmente la situazione aggiornata dei funzionari nazionali.
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Nevertheless, it is the Commission's firm belief that in the current economic situation the EU administrations should contribute with an extra effort.
Tuttavia, la Commissione è fermamente convinta del fatto che alla luce dell'attuale situazione economica le amministrazioni dell'UE debbano contribuire con uno sforzo supplementare.
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That is why already last year the Commission made a proposal to the Council and the European Parliament for a 5% cut in staff in all EU institutions and agencies between 2013 and 2017.
Per questo motivo, già lo scorso anno la Commissione ha proposto al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo una riduzione del 5% del personale di tutte le istituzioni e agenzie dell'UE tra il 2013 e il 2017.
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To deal with the increased work load resulting from that, the staff cut would be complemented by an increase in the minimum working week to 40 hours for staff without any salary compensation.
Per far fronte al carico di lavoro supplementare che ne conseguirebbe, tale riduzione del personale sarebbe affiancata da un aumento dell'orario minimo di lavoro settimanale a 40 ore, senza compensazione salariale.
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In addition, the Commission proposed an increase in the retirement age from 63 to 65 while making it easier to work until 67, as well as a significant lowering of starting and end of career salaries for certain functions of between -18% and -45%.
Inoltre, la Commissione ha proposto di aumentare l'età pensionabile da 63 a 65 anni, agevolando al tempo stesso il lavoro fino a 67 anni, e una consistente riduzione (tra il 18% e il 45% in meno) degli stipendi di inizio e di fine carriera per determinate funzioni.
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This would generate considerable savings of more than €1 billion during the next Multiannual Financial Framework, and of €1 billion every year in the long run due to the long-term effects of these measures.
Queste misure consentirebbero risparmi di oltre 1 miliardo di euro nel corso del prossimo quadro finanziario pluriennale e di 1 miliardo di euro ogni anno nel lungo periodo grazie ai loro effetti a lungo termine.
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In addition, the Commission also proposed last year not only to maintain a special tax which is due to expire on 31 December 2012, but also to increase this so-called 'solidarity levy' (which is applied in addition to income tax of up to 45%) from 5.5% to 6%.
Inoltre, lo scorso anno la Commissione ha proposto non soltanto di mantenere un prelievo speciale che dovrebbe scadere il 31 dicembre 2012, ma anche di aumentare dal 5,5% al 6% questo "contributo di solidarietà" (che si applica in aggiunta ad una imposta sul reddito fino al 45%).
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A reform and extension of the Method, also due to expire at the end of 2012, was proposed as well to address concerns voiced by the Member States.
È stata anche proposta una riforma e proroga del metodo, che scadrà alla fine del 2012, per tenere conto delle preoccupazioni espresse dagli Stati membri.
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The Commission highly regrets that the Council has not yet reached a common position on these proposals, although it has been public for more than 17 months.
La Commissione si rammarica profondamente del fatto che il Consiglio non abbia ancora raggiunto una posizione comune su queste proposte, sebbene siano state rese pubbliche oltre 17 mesi fa.
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The Commission also regrets that the Council has therefore not been in a position to mandate its Presidency to start talks with the European Parliament and the Commission on the proposal.
La Commissione deplora anche che il Consiglio non abbia potuto incaricare la sua presidenza di avviare colloqui con la Commissione e il Parlamento europeo sulla proposta.
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As a result, EU officials could see their net salaries increase in January due to the expiry of the special levy.
Di conseguenza, gli stipendi netti dei funzionari dell'UE potrebbero aumentare a gennaio a causa della scadenza del prelievo speciale.
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In a last attempt to prevent this, Vice-President Maroš
Šefčovič has written to Minister Andreas Mavroyiannis of the Cypriot Presidency and European Parliament President Martin Schulz reminding them again of the situation, and of how Council and Parliament can avoid this by adopting an extension of the special levy and the Method for one year.
In un ultimo tentativo per evitare questa eventualità, il Vicepresidente Maroš
Šefčovič ha scritto al ministro Andreas Mavroyiannis della presidenza cipriota e al presidente del Parlamento europeo Martin Schulz, ricordando loro la situazione e indicando come il Consiglio e il Parlamento europeo possano scongiurarla adottando una proroga di un anno del prelievo speciale e del metodo.
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The Commission would then submit to the co-legislators all the initially proposed austerity measures again in 2013.
Nel 2013 la Commissione presenterebbe nuovamente ai colegislatori il pacchetto di misure di austerità proposte inizialmente. |
EU officials face -1.1% loss in purchasing power in annual pay adjustment
Reflecting the difficult economic situation, EU officials face a loss
of -1.1% in 2012.This is the result of the formula for calculating annual pay
It follows an effective fall in purchasing power of -3.6% in 2011.
In total, the loss in EU officials' purchasing power between 2004 and
2011 is -7.6%.
The formula, known as 'The Method', tracks the evolution of national
civil servants' purchasing power, up or down, from a basket of 8 Member States
(UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg – a
sample explicitly chosen by the Member States in 2004 and representing 76% of EU
In other words, it applies the political decisions taken by those
national governments concerning the salaries of their own civil servants to the
salaries of EU staff.
This year, the result exactly reflects the difficult economic situation
and its very diverse impact on national civil services:
it takes into account the salary increases in Germany (+4.3%), Belgium (+2.5%),
Luxembourg (+2.5%), France (+1.8%) and the UK (+0.9%) but also the decreases of
-3% in Spain, -1.9% in the Netherlands and the freeze in Italy (0%).
The combined change in purchasing power of these national civil
servants is -1.1%.
So exactly the same loss of purchasing power is applied to EU civil
servants, wherever they are based and whatever EU institution or agency they
work for.
Inflation in Belgium means the nominal pay adjustment for those EU
officials based in Brussels is 1.7%.
This is a below inflation rise that implements the -1.1% loss of
purchasing power.
As outlined above, this is lower than the nominal pay adjustments for
civil servants in half the Member States in the sample.
An exception clause effectively allows for the suspension of the Method
if strict legal criteria related to 'a serious and sudden deterioration in the
economic and social situation' - which cannot be gauged by the Method - are met.
However, an in-depth analysis showed those conditions have not been
met, and the -1.1% proposed cut in purchasing power fully captures the changed
circumstances of national civil servants.
Nevertheless, it is the Commission's firm belief that in the current
economic situation the EU administrations should contribute with an extra
That is why already last year the Commission made a proposal to the
Council and the European Parliament for a 5% cut in staff in all EU institutions
and agencies between 2013 and 2017.
To deal with the increased work load resulting from that, the staff cut
would be complemented by an increase in the minimum working week to 40 hours for
staff without any salary compensation.
In addition, the Commission proposed an increase in the retirement age
from 63 to 65 while making it easier to work until 67, as well as a significant
lowering of starting and end of career salaries for certain functions of between
-18% and -45%.
This would generate considerable savings of more than €1 billion during
the next Multiannual Financial Framework, and of €1 billion every year in the
long run due to the long-term effects of these measures.
In addition, the Commission also proposed last year not only to
maintain a special tax which is due to expire on 31 December 2012, but also to
increase this so-called 'solidarity levy' (which is applied in addition to
income tax of up to 45%) from 5.5% to 6%.
A reform and extension of the Method, also due to expire at the end of
2012, was proposed as well to address concerns voiced by the Member States.
The Commission highly regrets that the Council has not yet reached a
common position on these proposals, although it has been public for more than 17
The Commission also regrets that the Council has therefore not been in a
position to mandate its Presidency to start talks with the European Parliament
and the Commission on the proposal.
As a result, EU officials could see their net salaries increase in
January due to the expiry of the special levy.
In a last attempt to prevent this, Vice-President Maroš
Šefčovič has written to Minister Andreas Mavroyiannis of the
Cypriot Presidency and European Parliament President Martin Schulz reminding
them again of the situation, and of how Council and Parliament can avoid this by
adopting an extension of the special levy and the Method for one year.
The Commission would then submit to the co-legislators all the
initially proposed austerity measures again in 2013.