La Commissione invita il Consiglio ad accogliere la sua proposta di concedere agli Stati membri maggiore sussidiarietà in materia di coltivazione di OGM
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Data documento: 06-11-2013
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GMO:Commission asks Council to agree on its proposal to grant Member States more subsidiarity on cultivation
La Commissione invita il Consiglio ad accogliere la sua proposta di concedere agli Stati membri maggiore sussidiarietà in materia di coltivazione di OGM
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On the 26th September 2013, the General Court of the European Union delivered a ruling finding that the Commission failed to act on a GMO cultivation request which had been submitted twelve years ago in 2001.
Con la sentenza emessa il 26 settembre 2013, il Tribunale dell’Unione europea ha dichiarato la carenza della Commissione per non aver dato seguito a una richiesta di coltivazione di OGM presentata dodici anni fa, nel 2001.
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In line with this ruling, the Commission today acted by referring the cultivation request to the Council of Ministers.
In ottemperanza a questa sentenza, la Commissione ha oggi assunto l'iniziativa di trasmettere tale domanda di coltivazione al Consiglio dei ministri.
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It is now up to the Ministers to take a position by qualified majority on this request.
Spetta ora ai ministri adottare in proposito una posizione a maggioranza qualificata.
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The European Food Safety Agency had already submitted a positive opinion on this request in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2012, in all six positive opinions.
L'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare aveva già espresso parere positivo in merito a tale domanda nel 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 e 2012, per un totale di sei pareri favorevoli.
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This 2001 request falls under the "old" pre-Lisbon comitology procedure, which means that if the Council is not able to muster a qualified majority, either for or against the authorisation, then the Commission is obliged by law to grant the authorisation.
Essendo stata presentata nel 2001, la domanda rientra nella "vecchia" procedura di comitato pre-Lisbona: ciò significa che se il Consiglio non è in grado di deliberare a maggioranza qualificata a favore o contro l’autorizzazione, la Commissione è obbligata per legge a rilasciare l’autorizzazione.
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In parallel, the Commission has requested a fresh debate in the Council of Ministers of its so-called "cultivation proposal" on which the European Parliament has already adopted its opinion which would allow Member States to restrict or prohibit cultivation of GMOs on their territory on grounds other than those relating to risks to health and the environment.
Parallelamente, la Commissione ha chiesto di avviare un nuovo dibattito in seno al Consiglio dei ministri sulla sua cosiddetta "proposta sulla coltivazione", sulla quale il Parlamento europeo ha già espresso il proprio parere, che consentirebbe agli Stati membri di limitare o di vietare la coltivazione di OGM sul proprio territorio per motivi diversi dalla tutela contro i rischi per la salute e l’ambiente.
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Commissioner in charge of Health, Tonio Borg, said:
Tonio Borg, Commissario per la Salute, ha dichiarato:
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"Duty bound to comply with the ruling of the Court, the Commission has decided today to send a draft decision of authorisation of the maize 1507 to the Council:
"In ottemperanza alla sentenza del Tribunale, la Commissione ha deciso oggi di trasmettere al Consiglio una proposta di decisione di autorizzazione del mais 1507:
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in the coming months, ministers will be invited to take a position on this authorisation request".
nei prossimi mesi i ministri saranno invitati a prendere posizione su tale domanda di autorizzazione."
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Commissioner Borg continued:
Il Commissario Borg ha aggiunto:
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"The Court's decision on maize 1507 confirms the urgency of reconciling strict and predictable European authorisation rules for GMO cultivation, with fair consideration of national contexts.
"La sentenza del Tribunale in merito al mais 1507 conferma l’urgenza di conciliare norme di autorizzazione europee rigorose e certe in materia di coltivazione di OGM con la giusta considerazione dei contesti nazionali.
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Three years ago, the Commission tabled a proposal, broadly supported by both the Parliament and the Council, to provide a solution to the current deadlock on the authorisation process.
Tre anni fa la Commissione ha presentato una proposta, largamente sostenuta sia dal Parlamento sia dal Consiglio, per superare l’attuale stallo riguardo al processo di autorizzazione.
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I therefore urge Member States to engage and support the Commission's proposal, so that the Presidency and Council can form a compromise enabling the Cultivation proposal to move forward."
Sollecito pertanto gli Stati membri a adoperarsi per sostenere la proposta della Commissione, in modo che la Presidenza e il Consiglio possano giungere a un compromesso che consenta di far avanzare la proposta sulla coltivazione di OGM."
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The Commission has requested a discussion with Member States during the Environmental Council which will meet on 13 December 2013.
La Commissione ha chiesto di dibattere la questione con gli Stati membri nella riunione del Consiglio Ambiente del 13 dicembre 2013.
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The genetically modified maize 1507 (Bt maize) was developed to confer resistance to specific harmful moth larvae for maize such as the European corn borer.
Il mais 1507 (mais Bt) geneticamente modificato è stato ingegnerizzato per risultare resistente all’attacco di determinate larve nocive per il mais come la piralide.
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It is currently authorised in the EU for food and feed uses, but not for cultivation.
Nell’UE ne è attualmente autorizzato l'impiego nell’alimentazione umana e animale, ma non per la coltivazione.
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In 2001, the company Pioneer submitted an application for the authorisation of the maize 1507 for cultivation under the Directive (2001/18/EC) on the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.
Nel 2001 la società Pioneer ha presentato una domanda di autorizzazione della coltivazione del mais 1507 a norma della direttiva 2001/18/CE sull’emissione deliberata di OGM nell’ambiente.
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In 2007, Pioneer initiated a first action for failure to act before the General Court of the European Union against the Commission for not having presented a decision of authorisation of that maize for vote to the Regulatory Committee.
Nel 2007 Pioneer ha promosso un primo ricorso per carenza dinanzi al Tribunale dell’Unione europea contro la Commissione che non aveva sottoposto per il voto al comitato di regolamentazione una decisione di autorizzazione di tale mais.
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This action was closed by the Court following the Commission's proposal to the Regulatory Committee of February 2009, for a draft authorisation decision.
Questo ricorso è stato chiuso a seguito della presentazione da parte della Commissione al comitato di regolamentazione di una proposta di decisione di autorizzazione nel febbraio 2009.
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The Committee, however, failed to deliver an opinion.
Il comitato, tuttavia, non ha formulato alcun parere.
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In 2010, Pioneer launched a second action for failure to act (case T-164/10) against the Commission for not having, following the absence of opinion by the Regulatory Committee, referred to the Council a proposal for an authorisation decision , in line with the comitology procedure applicable at the time1.
Nel 2010 Pioneer ha promosso un secondo ricorso per carenza (causa T-164/10) contro la Commissione perché questa non ha trasmesso al Consiglio, a seguito della mancata adozione di un parere da parte del comitato di regolamentazione, una proposta di decisione di autorizzazione, in linea con la procedura di comitato applicabile in quel momento1.
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On 26 September 2013, the General Court issued the judgment in relation to case T-164/10 that the Commission failed to act under Directive 2001/18/EC by not submitting to the Council a proposal under Article 5(4) of the Comitology Decision 1999/468/EC.
Il 26 settembre 2013, il Tribunale ha emesso la sentenza in relazione alla causa T-164/10, dichiarando la carenza della Commissione ai sensi della direttiva 2001/18/CE a seguito della sua mancata presentazione al Consiglio di una proposta a norma dell’articolo 5, paragrafo 4, della decisione 1999/468/CE (comitatologia).
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Therefore, in accordance with Article 266 of the TFEU and the Court's ruling, the Commission now submits a proposal for an authorisation decision on maize 1507 to the Council.
Pertanto, conformemente all’articolo 266 del TFUE e alla sentenza del Tribunale, la Commissione presenta ora al Consiglio una proposta di decisione di autorizzazione del mais 1507.
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To ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment, the decision of authorisation has been slightly amended in order to include recommendations made by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2011 and 2012 as regards the conditions of authorisation and the environmental monitoring of maize 1507.
Per garantire un livello elevato di protezione della salute e dell’ambiente, la decisione di autorizzazione è stata leggermente modificata per includere le raccomandazioni formulate dall’Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (EFSA) nel 2011 e nel 2012 in merito alle condizioni di autorizzazione e di monitoraggio ambientale del mais 1507.
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The Cultivation Proposal
La proposta sulla coltivazione
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In response to a long standing request from several Member States, the Commission published in July 2010 a proposal for a Regulation revising Directive 2001/18/EC to provide a legal basis to Member States in order to decide on GMO cultivation on grounds other than those based on a scientific assessment of health and environmental risks performed at European level.
In risposta a una richiesta presentata da tempo da vari Stati membri, la Commissione ha pubblicato nel luglio 2010 una proposta di regolamento di revisione della direttiva 2001/18/CE finalizzata a garantire una base giuridica agli Stati membri in sede di decisione sulla coltivazione di OGM per motivi diversi da quelli fondati sulla valutazione scientifica dei rischi per la salute e l'ambiente effettuata a livello europeo.
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Thanks to this amendment Member States will be able to restrict or prohibit GMO cultivation in part or all of their territory without recourse to safeguard clauses which up to now have not been backed by EFSA.
Grazie a questa modifica, gli Stati membri saranno in grado di limitare o vietare la coltivazione degli OGM in una parte o nella totalità del loro territorio senza ricorrere a clausole di salvaguardia che sinora non sono state appoggiate dall’EFSA.
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The European Parliament adopted a first reading opinion on the proposal in July 2011.
Nel luglio 2011 il Parlamento europeo ha adottato il parere in prima lettura sulla proposta.
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In Council, despite efforts of consecutive Presidencies, and most particularly of the Danish Presidency in 2012, no agreement could be reached due to the blocking position of a minority of Member States.
In seno al Consiglio, nonostante gli sforzi delle Presidenze che si sono susseguite, in particolare della Presidenza danese nel 2012, non è stato possibile raggiungere un accordo a causa della situazione di blocco creata da una minoranza di Stati membri.
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The Commission has persevered in its efforts to address the concerns of these blocking Member States while gaining the support of the large majority of Member States in favour of the proposal. |
La Commissione ha continuato ad adoperarsi per fugare i timori degli Stati membri che determinano tale situazione di stallo, ottenendo il sostegno della grande maggioranza degli Stati membri a favore della proposta. |
GMO:Commission asks Council to agree on its proposal to grant Member
States more subsidiarity on cultivation
On the 26th September 2013, the General Court of the European Union delivered
a ruling finding that the Commission failed to act on a GMO cultivation request
which had been submitted twelve years ago in 2001.
In line with this ruling, the Commission today acted by referring the
cultivation request to the Council of Ministers.
It is now up to the Ministers to take a position by qualified majority on
this request.
The European Food Safety Agency had already submitted a positive opinion on
this request in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2012, in all six positive opinions.
This 2001 request falls under the "old" pre-Lisbon comitology procedure,
which means that if the Council is not able to muster a qualified majority,
either for or against the authorisation, then the Commission is obliged by law
to grant the authorisation.
In parallel, the Commission has requested a fresh debate in the Council of
Ministers of its so-called "cultivation proposal" on which the European
Parliament has already adopted its opinion which would allow Member States to
restrict or prohibit cultivation of GMOs on their territory on grounds other
than those relating to risks to health and the environment.
Commissioner in charge of Health, Tonio Borg, said:
"Duty bound to comply with the ruling of the Court, the Commission has
decided today to send a draft decision of authorisation of the maize 1507 to the
in the coming months, ministers will be invited to take a position on this
authorisation request".
Commissioner Borg continued:
"The Court's decision on maize 1507 confirms the urgency of reconciling
strict and predictable European authorisation rules for GMO cultivation, with
fair consideration of national contexts.
Three years ago, the Commission tabled a proposal, broadly supported by both
the Parliament and the Council, to provide a solution to the current deadlock on
the authorisation process.
I therefore urge Member States to engage and support the Commission's
proposal, so that the Presidency and Council can form a compromise enabling the
Cultivation proposal to move forward."
Next steps
The Commission has requested a discussion with Member States during the
Environmental Council which will meet on 13 December 2013.
The genetically modified maize 1507 (Bt maize) was developed to confer
resistance to specific harmful moth larvae for maize such as the European corn
It is currently authorised in the EU for food and feed uses, but not for
In 2001, the company Pioneer submitted an application for the authorisation
of the maize 1507 for cultivation under the Directive (2001/18/EC) on the
deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.
In 2007, Pioneer initiated a first action for failure to act before the
General Court of the European Union against the Commission for not having
presented a decision of authorisation of that maize for vote to the Regulatory
This action was closed by the Court following the Commission's proposal to
the Regulatory Committee of February 2009, for a draft authorisation decision.
The Committee, however, failed to deliver an opinion.
In 2010, Pioneer launched a second action for failure to act (case T-164/10)
against the Commission for not having, following the absence of opinion by the
Regulatory Committee, referred to the Council a proposal for an authorisation
decision , in line with the comitology procedure applicable at the time1.
On 26 September 2013, the General Court issued the judgment in relation to
case T-164/10 that the Commission failed to act under Directive 2001/18/EC by
not submitting to the Council a proposal under Article 5(4) of the Comitology
Decision 1999/468/EC.
Therefore, in accordance with Article 266 of the TFEU and the Court's ruling,
the Commission now submits a proposal for an authorisation decision on maize
1507 to the Council.
To ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment, the
decision of authorisation has been slightly amended in order to include
recommendations made by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2011 and
2012 as regards the conditions of authorisation and the environmental monitoring
of maize 1507.
The Cultivation Proposal
In response to a long standing request from several Member States, the
Commission published in July 2010 a proposal for a Regulation revising Directive
2001/18/EC to provide a legal basis to Member States in order to decide on GMO
cultivation on grounds other than those based on a scientific assessment of
health and environmental risks performed at European level.
Thanks to this amendment Member States will be able to restrict or prohibit
GMO cultivation in part or all of their territory without recourse to safeguard
clauses which up to now have not been backed by EFSA.
The European Parliament adopted a first reading opinion on the proposal in
July 2011.
In Council, despite efforts of consecutive Presidencies, and most
particularly of the Danish Presidency in 2012, no agreement could be reached due
to the blocking position of a minority of Member States.
The Commission has persevered in its efforts to address the concerns of these
blocking Member States while gaining the support of the large majority of Member
States in favour of the proposal.