La Commissione, il Parlamento e il Consiglio europeo riuniscono i leader religiosi per discutere della solidarietà fra le generazioni e delle sfide democratiche in tutta Europa
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Data documento: 12-07-2012
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Commission, Parliament and European Council bring together religious leaders to discuss solidarity between generations and demographic challenges across Europe
La Commissione, il Parlamento e il Consiglio europeo riuniscono i leader religiosi per discutere della solidarietà fra le generazioni e delle sfide democratiche in tutta Europa
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Brussels, 12 July 2012 - More than twenty senior representatives from Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions and from the Hindu and Bahá'í communities from all over Europe met today in Brussels, under the motto 'Intergenerational Solidarity: Setting the Parameters for Tomorrow's Society in Europe'.
Bruxelles, 12 luglio 2012 - Più di venti autorevoli rappresentanti delle religioni cristiana, musulmana e ebraica e delle comunità induista e Bahá'í, provenienti da tutta Europa, hanno partecipato oggi a una riunione tenutasi a Bruxelles sul tema "Solidarietà intergenerazionale: definire i parametri della società di domani in Europa".
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This high-level meeting was called by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and co-chaired by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament representing President Martin Schulz.
Questa riunione ad alto livello è stata indetta da José Manuel Barroso, Presidente della Commissione europea, e copresieduta da Herman Van Rompuy, Presidente del Consiglio europeo, e da László Surján, Vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, che rappresentava il Presidente Martin Schulz.
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In a frank and open spirit, the leaders discussed intergenerational solidarity and other important demographic challenges for Europe, like tackling unemployment, fostering active ageing, and reconciling work and private life.
I leader hanno discusso, in un spirito di sincerità e di apertura, della solidarietà intergenerazionale e di altre sfide demografiche importanti per l'Europa, come la lotta alla disoccupazione, la promozione dell'invecchiamento attivo e la necessità di conciliare vita professionale e vita privata.
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President Barroso encouraged religious leaders to engage in public dialogue and show the specific contributions that churches and religious communities can make to explain the need for solidarity.
Il Presidente Barroso ha invitato i leader religiosi ad avviare un dialogo pubblico e a spiegare in che modo le chiese e le comunità religiose possono contribuire a sensibilizzare i cittadini al bisogno di solidarietà.
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José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"To tackle the economic crisis, we are doing a lot to ensure the right balance between solidarity and responsibility among Member States.
"Nell'affrontare la crisi economica stiamo facendo il massimo per garantire il giusto equilibrio tra la solidarietà e il senso di responsabilità fra gli Stati membri.
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But we need to devote at least as much attention to solidarity and responsibility among the young and the old.
Dobbiamo però rivolgere un'attenzione perlomeno equivalente alla solidarietà e al senso di responsabilità tra giovani e anziani.
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Ultimately, we will only be able to come well out of this crisis and lay the foundations of a prosperous future, if we keep solidarity between people and generations at the heart of our actions.
Solo mantenendo la solidarietà fra i popoli e le generazioni al centro dei nostri interventi riusciremo, a termine, a sormontare la crisi e a porre le basi di un futuro prospero.
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This is the glue that keeps our communities together.
Questo è il collante che tiene unite le nostre comunità.
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The churches and religious communities are well placed to build bridges in our societies."
La posizione delle chiese e delle comunità religiose permette loro di promuovere la coesione nelle nostre società."
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Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council said:
Herman van Rompuy, presidente del Consiglio europeo, ha dichiarato:
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"We cannot afford, socially, economically and in the first instance, humanely, a 'lost generation' in Europe. Neither can we afford to have older people side-lined for 'lesser productivity'.
"Una 'generazione persa' è una cosa che non possiamo permetterci né a livello socioeconomico né, soprattutto, a livello umano, così come non possiamo permetterci l'esclusione dei più anziani per "minore produttività".
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The productivity of wisdom and knowledge is for sure not as measurable as the productivity of manufacturing consumer goods, but African wisdom reminds us that when an older man dies, a library disappears.
Ovviamente il frutto della saggezza e della conoscenza non può essere misurato come la produttività nella fabbricazione dei beni di consumo, ma la saggezza africana ci ricorda che, quando muore un anziano, con lui scompare una biblioteca.
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Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and their NGO's, schools and associations are bringing, at local level, persons together. They can, also therefore, play an important role in improving understanding and mutual learning between generations."
Le chiese, le sinagoghe, le moschee, i templi, così come le ONG, scuole e associazioni ad essi collegate, sono luoghi di aggregazione a livello locale, che possono quindi dare un contributo importante al miglioramento della comprensione e della conoscenza reciproca fra le generazioni."
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László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, stated:
László Surján, Vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, ha dichiarato:
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"Intergenerational solidarity is an obligation in Judeo-Christian heritage and in other religions as well.
"La solidarietà intergenerazionale è un obbligo insito nella tradizione giudaico-cristiana e in altre religioni.
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Nowadays, it is not only a question of religion but intergenerational solidarity has strong financial implications too: today's debt can be seen as tomorrow's potential taxes.
Al giorno d'oggi, tuttavia, tale solidarietà non è solo una questione di religione, ma ha anche notevoli implicazioni finanziarie: i debiti di oggi possono essere visti come le tasse potenziali di domani.
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Debt reduction therefore is a matter of intergenerational justice.
Questo significa che la riduzione del debito è una questione di giustizia intergenerazionale.
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Debt is not only a burden for new generations; it is multiplied by an interest rate.
Il debito non è solo un onere per le nuove generazioni, ma è moltiplicato per un tasso d'interesse.
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Europeans might well be envious of interest-free medieval times, or could well listen to other cultures in which there is no interest to be paid at all.
Gli europei potrebbero guardare con invidia al Medioevo, quando non esistevano tassi d'interesse, o ispirarsi ad altre culture che non prevedono il pagamento di alcun interesse.
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It may be unrealistic to think about an interest-free financial system, but the alarming recent news from the City of London creates a strong desire for something completely new."
Forse non è realistico immaginare un sistema finanziario senza interessi, ma le notizie allarmanti giunte di recente dalla City di Londra fanno sperare ardentemente in un rinnovamento radicale."
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During the meeting, participants agreed on the need to raise awareness of the huge societal challenges, to take up responsibilities in important areas like strengthening solidarity between young and old, and fighting discrimination, and to effectively contribute to the Commission's overall growth strategy for Europe, by striving for better education, less poverty, and a fairer society.
I partecipanti alla riunione hanno convenuto che occorre sensibilizzare i cittadini alle enormi sfide della società, assumere responsabilità in ambiti importanti quali il rafforzamento della solidarietà tra giovani e anziani o la lotta alle discriminazioni e dare un contributo efficace alla strategia globale della Commissione per la crescita in Europa promuovendo un'istruzione migliore, una riduzione della povertà e una società più giusta.
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The topic of the meeting, 'Intergenerational Solidarity:
Setting the Parameters for Tomorrow's Society in Europe', brings into practice some of the aims of the European Commission's Europe 2020 strategy to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, namely to focus on ambitious goals in the areas of employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction and climate/energy.
Il tema della riunione, "Solidarietà intergenerazionale:
definire i parametri della società di domani in Europa", traduce in pratica alcuni obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020 della Commissione europea per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva, con particolare attenzione a traguardi ambiziosi in materia di occupazione, innovazione, istruzione, riduzione della povertà e clima/energia. |
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Moreover, the European Union has designated 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
L'Unione europea ha inoltre designato il 2012 come Anno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni.
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Age discrimination is not only a question of fundamental rights, it is also an economic issue, since it prevents capable and skilled people finding work.
La discriminazione in base all'età non è solo una violazione di diritti fondamentali, ma anche una questione economica, perché impedisce a persone capaci e qualificate di trovare lavoro.
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The European Year offers a framework for triggering new initiatives by a wide range of stakeholders, including religious organisations.
L'Anno europeo offre un quadro per l'avvio di nuove iniziative da parte di un'ampia gamma di parti interessate, tra cui le organizzazioni religiose.
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Today's high-level meeting of religious leaders was the eighth one in a series launched by Commission President Barroso in 2005.
La riunione ad alto livello a cui hanno partecipato oggi i leader religiosi è l'ottava di una serie di incontri iniziata nel 2005 su iniziativa del Presidente Barroso.
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The Lisbon Treaty (2009) enshrined the open, transparent and regular dialogue with churches, religious communities as well as philosophical and non-confessional organisations into primary law (Art 17 TFEU).
Il trattato di Lisbona del 2009 ha sancito nel diritto primario il principio d un dialogo aperto, trasparente e regolare con le chiese, le comunità religiose e le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali (articolo 17 del TFUE).
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Beyond regular seminars with the different interlocutors, there is one annual high-level meeting with religious leaders and one with philosophical and non-confessional representatives.
Oltre ai seminari periodici con i diversi interlocutori, sono previste due riunioni annuali ad alto livello, una con i leader religiosi e l'altra con esponenti delle organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali.
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The meeting took place in the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels. Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš
Šefčovič and Commissioner Connie Hedegaard also participated.
Hanno partecipato alla riunione, che si è svolta nei locali della Commissione europea a Bruxelles, anche il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Maroš
Šefčovič e la Commissaria Connie Hedegaard.
Commission, Parliament and European Council bring together religious
leaders to discuss solidarity between generations and demographic challenges
across Europe
Brussels, 12 July 2012 - More than twenty senior representatives from
Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions and from the Hindu and Bahá'í communities
from all over Europe met today in Brussels, under the motto 'Intergenerational
Solidarity: Setting the Parameters for Tomorrow's Society in Europe'.
This high-level meeting was called by José Manuel Barroso, President of the
European Commission, and co-chaired by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the
European Council, and László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament
representing President Martin Schulz.
In a frank and open spirit, the leaders discussed intergenerational
solidarity and other important demographic challenges for Europe, like tackling
unemployment, fostering active ageing, and reconciling work and private life.
President Barroso encouraged religious leaders to engage in public dialogue
and show the specific contributions that churches and religious communities can
make to explain the need for solidarity.
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
"To tackle the economic crisis, we are doing a lot to ensure the right
balance between solidarity and responsibility among Member States.
But we need to devote at least as much attention to solidarity and
responsibility among the young and the old.
Ultimately, we will only be able to come well out of this crisis and lay the
foundations of a prosperous future, if we keep solidarity between people and
generations at the heart of our actions.
This is the glue that keeps our communities together.
The churches and religious communities are well placed to build bridges in
our societies."
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council said:
"We cannot afford, socially, economically and in the first instance,
humanely, a 'lost generation' in Europe. Neither can we afford to have older
people side-lined for 'lesser productivity'.
The productivity of wisdom and knowledge is for sure not as measurable as the
productivity of manufacturing consumer goods, but African wisdom reminds us that
when an older man dies, a library disappears.
Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and their NGO's, schools and
associations are bringing, at local level, persons together. They can, also
therefore, play an important role in improving understanding and mutual learning
between generations."
László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, stated:
"Intergenerational solidarity is an obligation in Judeo-Christian heritage
and in other religions as well.
Nowadays, it is not only a question of religion but intergenerational
solidarity has strong financial implications too: today's debt can be seen as
tomorrow's potential taxes.
Debt reduction therefore is a matter of intergenerational justice.
Debt is not only a burden for new generations; it is multiplied by an
interest rate.
Europeans might well be envious of interest-free medieval times, or could
well listen to other cultures in which there is no interest to be paid at all.
It may be unrealistic to think about an interest-free financial system, but
the alarming recent news from the City of London creates a strong desire for
something completely new."
During the meeting, participants agreed on the need to raise awareness of the
huge societal challenges, to take up responsibilities in important areas like
strengthening solidarity between young and old, and fighting discrimination, and
to effectively contribute to the Commission's overall growth strategy for
Europe, by striving for better education, less poverty, and a fairer society.
The topic of the meeting, 'Intergenerational Solidarity: Setting the Parameters for Tomorrow's Society in Europe', brings into
practice some of the aims of the European Commission's Europe 2020 strategy to
deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, namely to focus on ambitious
goals in the areas of employment, innovation, education, poverty reduction and
Moreover, the European Union has designated 2012 as the European Year for
Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
Age discrimination is not only a question of fundamental rights, it is also
an economic issue, since it prevents capable and skilled people finding work.
The European Year offers a framework for triggering new initiatives by a wide
range of stakeholders, including religious organisations.
Today's high-level meeting of religious leaders was the eighth one in a
series launched by Commission President Barroso in 2005.
The Lisbon Treaty (2009) enshrined the open, transparent and regular dialogue
with churches, religious communities as well as philosophical and
non-confessional organisations into primary law (Art 17 TFEU).
Beyond regular seminars with the different interlocutors, there is one annual
high-level meeting with religious leaders and one with philosophical and
non-confessional representatives.
The meeting took place in the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels.
Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič
and Commissioner Connie Hedegaard also participated.