Crescita blu: la Commissione presenta le prospettive per una crescita sostenibile nei settori marino e marittimo
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Data documento: 13-09-2012
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Blue Growth: Commission presents prospects for sustainable growth from marine and maritime sectors
Crescita blu: la Commissione presenta le prospettive per una crescita sostenibile nei settori marino e marittimo
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To make it through the crisis, Europe needs the contribution of all sectors of its economy.
Per poter superare la presenta crisi l’Europa deve avvalersi del contributo di tutti i settori dell’economia.
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In a Communication on 'Blue Growth' adopted today, the European Commission presents promising indications for economic growth and employment prospects in the marine and maritime economy to help Europe's economic recovery.
In una comunicazione sulla “Crescita blu” adottata oggi, la Commissione europea presenta indicazioni promettenti per la crescita dell’economia e le prospettive di occupazione nei settori marino e marittimo per contribuire alla ripresa economica europea.
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These economic sectors provide jobs for 5.4 million people and contribute a total gross value added of around 500 billion euros. By 2020, these should increase to 7 million and nearly 600 billion euros respectively.
Tali settori economici forniscono posti di lavoro per 5,4 milioni di persone e contribuiscono per un valore aggiunto complessivo di circa 500 miliardi di euro, che entro il 2020 dovrebbero diventare rispettivamente 7 milioni e quasi 600 miliardi di euro.
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To realise this potential, the Commission establishes that obstacles hindering growth have to be removed and smart solutions to boost new sectors need to be implemented.
Per realizzare questo potenziale, la Commissione ritiene che gli ostacoli che impediscono la crescita debbano essere rimossi e vadano adottate soluzioni intelligenti in grado di lanciare nuovi settori.
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By promoting marine research and innovation, by supporting innovative SMEs, by addressing skills needs and by encouraging innovative products and solutions, Europe can unlock the untapped potential for growth in its blue economy while safeguarding biodiversity and protecting the environment.
Promuovendo la ricerca e l’innovazione marina, sostenendo le PMI innovative, affrontando le necessità in materia di specializzazioni e incoraggiando prodotti e soluzioni innovativi, l’Europa può sbloccare il potenziale di crescita nell’economia blu tutelando la biodiversità e proteggendo l’ambiente.
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Traditional sectors such as maritime transport and maritime and coastal tourism will gain in competitiveness.
I settori tradizionali come il trasporto marittimo e il turismo marittimo e costiero guadagneranno in competitività.
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Growing and emerging sectors, such as ocean renewable energy and blue biotechnology, can become a key to creating more jobs, cleaner energy, and more products and services.
Settori emergenti ed in crescita, come l’energia rinnovabile degli oceani e la biotecnologia blu, possono divenire uno strumento per creare più posti di lavoro, un’energia più pulita e più prodotti e servizi.
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Today's Communication launches a process which will place the blue economy firmly on the agenda of Member States, regions, enterprise and civil society.
La comunicazione di oggi avvia un processo che collocherà l’economia blu stabilmente sull’agenda di Stati membri, regioni, imprese e società civile.
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It describes how Member States and EU policies are already supporting the blue economy.
Essa descrive come Stati membri e politiche dell’UE stiano già sostenendo l'economia blu.
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It then identifies five specific areas with a particular potential for growth where targeted action could provide an additional stimulus:
Essa individua inoltre cinque aree specifiche con un particolare potenziale di crescita nelle quali un’azione mirata può fornire un ulteriore stimolo:
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i) maritime, coastal and cruise tourism, ii) Blue energy, iii) marine mineral resources, iv) aquaculture and v) blue biotechnology.
i) il turismo marittimo, costiero e di crociera, ii) l’energia blu, iii) le risorse minerali marine, iv) l’aquacoltura e v) la biotecnologia blu.
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A set of Commission initiatives will be launched in the near future to explore and develop the growth potential in these areas, including Communications on coastal and maritime tourism, ocean energy, blue biotechnology and marine mineral mining, as well as strategic guidelines on aquaculture.
Molto presto verrà lanciata una serie di iniziative della Commissione dirette ad esplorare e sviluppare il potenziale di crescita di queste aree, tra cui Comunicazioni sul turismo costiero e marittimo, l’energia degli oceani, la biotecnologia blu e l’attività estrattiva di minerali marini, nonché orientamenti strategici in materia di aquacoltura.
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All initiatives will be undertaken in consultation with Member states and relevant stakeholders.
Tutte le iniziative saranno intraprese in consultazione con gli Stati membri e le parti interessate.
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Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, said:
La Commissaria per gli affari marittimi e la pesca Maria Damanaki ha dichiarato:
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“All parts of Europe's economy are essential in lifting us through this difficult period.
“Tutte le parti dell’economia europea sono essenziali per permetterci di attraversare questo difficile periodo.
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The 'blue economy' presents opportunities for sustainable economic growth both in established and emerging marine and maritime sectors.
L’”economia blu” presenta opportunità per una crescita economica sostenibile nei settori marini e marittimi già affermati e in quelli emergenti.
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Innovation, enterprise and dynamism characterise these sectors of Europe's economy.
Innovazione, spirito di intrapresa e dinamismo caratterizzano questi settori dell’economia europea.
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Blue Growth is about getting everybody – starting from the institutions and Member States, to regions and SMEs – to work towards ensuring that we overcome existing challenges to ensure the most productive and sustainable use of what our seas and coasts offer."
La “Crescita blu” comporta il coinvolgimento di tutti, a partire dalle istituzioni e gli Stati membri, alle regioni e le PMI, per lavorare assieme al fine di superare le sfide esistenti e assicurare l’utilizzo più produttivo e sostenibile di quanto offrono i nostri mari e le nostre coste.”
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Blue Growth is the contribution of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
La Crescita blu rappresenta il contributo della Politica marittima integrata dell'UE per raggiungere gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020 per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva.
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Based on its Blue Growth Study , the Commission has built a comprehensive picture of the economic size and employment of marine and maritime sectors in Europe, and has also looked at where these sectors could realistically be heading in the coming years and where there is a particular potential for innovation and new jobs.
Sulla base del proprio Studio sulla Crescita blu, la Commissione ha costruito un quadro approfondito della dimensione economica e dell’occupazione nei settori marino e marittimo in Europa, guardando inoltre dove tali settori possono realisticamente dirigersi nei prossimi anni e dove esista un particolare potenziale di innovazione e nuovi posti di lavoro.
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The study found that coastal and maritime tourism is the biggest maritime sector in terms of gross value added and employment and is expected to grow by 2 to 3% by 2020, while cruise tourism is expected to create 100,000 new jobs by 2020 compared to 2010.
Lo studio ha concluso che il turismo costiero e marittimo costituisce il più importante settore marittimo in termini di valore aggiunto lordo e occupazione e dovrebbe crescere dal 2 al 3% entro il 2020, mentre il turismo da crociera dovrebbe creare 100 000 nuovi posti entro il 2020 rispetto al 2010.
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As the worldwide ocean energy installed capacity is expected to double yearly in the near future, the commercialisation of wave and tidal technologies will be enhanced through a reduction in technology costs.
Dato che la capacità installata di energia oceanica nel mondo dovrebbe raddoppiare annualmente nei prossimi anni, la commercializzazione di tecnologie del moto ondoso e delle maree verrà migliorata attraverso una riduzione dei costi della tecnologia.
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According to estimates, the global annual turnover of marine mineral mining is expected to grow from virtually nothing to €5 billion in the next 10 years and up to €10 billion by 2030.
Secondo le stime, il fatturato annuo complessivo dell’attività estrattiva di minerali marini dovrebbe crescere da quasi 0 a 5 miliardi di euro nei prossimi 10 anni e fino a 10 miliardi di euro entro il 2030.
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EU aquaculture could contribute to a healthy diet if the growth rate outside the EU could be matched.
L’aquacoltura dell’UE potrebbe contribuire a diffondere una dieta sana se fosse possibile uguagliare il tasso di crescita al di fuori dell’UE.
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In the next decade or so, the blue biotechnology sector should become a provider of mass product markets, including cosmetics, food products, pharmaceutics, chemicals and biofuels.
Nei prossimi dieci anni, il settore della biotecnologia blu dovrebbe diventare un fornitore di mercati di prodotti di massa, come i prodotti cosmetici, alimentari, farmaceutici, chimici e i biocarburanti.
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The Blue Growth communication will feature as one of the main issues for discussion during the Cyprus Ministerial Conference on the Integrated Maritime Policy being held in Limassol on 8 October 2012.
La comunicazione sulla Crescita blu costituirà uno dei principali punti in discussione durante la Conferenza ministeriale di Cipro sulla Politica marittima integrata, che si terrà a Limassol l’8 ottobre 2012.
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Progress report on IMP
Relazione sullo stato di avanzamento della PMI
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In a separate report adopted by the Commission today, the Commission takes stock of progress in implementing the 2007 Integrated Maritime Policy and lists all Commission initiatives taken to support sustainable maritime growth.
In una relazione separata adottata oggi dalla Commissione, quest’ultima fa il punto sui progressi realizzati nella Politica marittima integrata ed elenca tutte le iniziative prese dalla Commissione in favore della crescita marittima sostenibile.
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Since its creation, the Integrated Maritime Policy seeks to enhance the sustainable development of the European maritime economy by facilitating the cooperation of all maritime players across sectors and across borders.
Dalla sua creazione, la Politica marittima integrata si sforza di migliorare lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'economia marittima europea facilitando la cooperazione di tutti gli attori marittimi in tutti i settori e attraverso le frontiere.
Blue Growth: Commission presents prospects for sustainable growth from
marine and maritime sectors
To make it through the crisis, Europe needs the contribution of all sectors
of its economy.
In a Communication on 'Blue Growth' adopted today, the European Commission
presents promising indications for economic growth and employment prospects in
the marine and maritime economy to help Europe's economic recovery.
These economic sectors provide jobs for 5.4 million people and contribute a
total gross value added of around 500 billion euros. By 2020, these should
increase to 7 million and nearly 600 billion euros respectively.
To realise this potential, the Commission establishes that obstacles
hindering growth have to be removed and smart solutions to boost new sectors
need to be implemented.
By promoting marine research and innovation, by supporting innovative SMEs,
by addressing skills needs and by encouraging innovative products and solutions,
Europe can unlock the untapped potential for growth in its blue economy while
safeguarding biodiversity and protecting the environment.
Traditional sectors such as maritime transport and maritime and coastal
tourism will gain in competitiveness.
Growing and emerging sectors, such as ocean renewable energy and blue
biotechnology, can become a key to creating more jobs, cleaner energy, and more
products and services.
Today's Communication launches a process which will place the blue economy
firmly on the agenda of Member States, regions, enterprise and civil society.
It describes how Member States and EU policies are already supporting the
blue economy.
It then identifies five specific areas with a particular potential for growth
where targeted action could provide an additional stimulus:
i) maritime, coastal and cruise tourism, ii) Blue energy, iii) marine mineral
resources, iv) aquaculture and v) blue biotechnology.
A set of Commission initiatives will be launched in the near future to
explore and develop the growth potential in these areas, including
Communications on coastal and maritime tourism, ocean energy, blue biotechnology
and marine mineral mining, as well as strategic guidelines on aquaculture.
All initiatives will be undertaken in consultation with Member states and
relevant stakeholders.
Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, said:
"All parts of Europe's economy are essential in lifting us through this
difficult period.
The 'blue economy' presents opportunities for sustainable economic growth
both in established and emerging marine and maritime sectors.
Innovation, enterprise and dynamism characterise these sectors of Europe's
Blue Growth is about getting everybody – starting from the institutions and
Member States, to regions and SMEs – to work towards ensuring that we overcome
existing challenges to ensure the most productive and sustainable use of what
our seas and coasts offer."
Blue Growth is the contribution of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy to
achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth.
Based on its Blue Growth Study , the Commission has built a comprehensive
picture of the economic size and employment of marine and maritime sectors in
Europe, and has also looked at where these sectors could realistically be
heading in the coming years and where there is a particular potential for
innovation and new jobs.
The study found that coastal and maritime tourism is the biggest maritime
sector in terms of gross value added and employment and is expected to grow by 2
to 3% by 2020, while cruise tourism is expected to create 100,000 new jobs by
2020 compared to 2010.
As the worldwide ocean energy installed capacity is expected to double yearly
in the near future, the commercialisation of wave and tidal technologies will be
enhanced through a reduction in technology costs.
According to estimates, the global annual turnover of marine mineral mining
is expected to grow from virtually nothing to €5 billion in the next 10 years
and up to €10 billion by 2030.
EU aquaculture could contribute to a healthy diet if the growth rate outside
the EU could be matched.
In the next decade or so, the blue biotechnology sector should become a
provider of mass product markets, including cosmetics, food products,
pharmaceutics, chemicals and biofuels.
The Blue Growth communication will feature as one of the main issues for
discussion during the Cyprus Ministerial Conference on the Integrated Maritime
Policy being held in Limassol on 8 October 2012.
Progress report on IMP
In a separate report adopted by the Commission today, the Commission takes
stock of progress in implementing the 2007 Integrated Maritime Policy and lists
all Commission initiatives taken to support sustainable maritime growth.
Since its creation, the Integrated Maritime Policy seeks to enhance the
sustainable development of the European maritime economy by facilitating the
cooperation of all maritime players across sectors and across borders.