Agenda digitale: la Commissione contesta il metodo utilizzato dall’autorità di regolamentazione italiana per regolare i prezzi dei servizi a banda larga
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Data documento: 12-08-2013
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Digital Agenda: Commission questions Italian regulator's method of regulating prices for broadband services
Agenda digitale: la Commissione contesta il metodo utilizzato dall’autorità di regolamentazione italiana per regolare i prezzi dei servizi a banda larga
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The European Commission has invoked the EU review mechanism in the case of plans by the Italian telecoms regulator (AGCOM) to change current wholesale broadband prices, as such changes would negatively affect operators' ability to plan and decide on their prices in Italy.
L’Autorità italiana per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) intende modificare i prezzi attualmente applicati per l’accesso a banda larga all’ingrosso. La Commissione europea ha fatto ricorso al meccanismo di riesame dell’UE in quanto ritiene che tali modifiche possano incidere negativamente sulla capacità degli operatori di pianificare e decidere in merito ai prezzi da applicare in Italia.
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More specifically, the Commission has concerns that AGCOM's recent decision to set 2013 prices based on its previous market review contradicts its own announcement of October 2012 that new prices will result from the new market analysis.
La Commissione ritiene in particolare che la recente decisione dell’AGCOM di fissare i prezzi per il 2013 sulla base della precedente analisi di mercato sia in contraddizione con la dichiarazione, rilasciata nell’ottobre 2012, in cui l’Autorità affermava che i nuovi prezzi sarebbero stati basati sulla nuova indagine di mercato.
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This is all the more unexpected given that AGCOM has been consulting in parallel the results of its new market review which it launched already in September 2012.
Tale decisione è ancora più sorprendente se si considera che l’AGCOM ha sottoposto a consultazione in parallelo i risultati delle sue nuove analisi di mercato, avviate già nel settembre 2012.
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As access prices should reflect most recent available cost information, the Commission believes that AGCOM should have set the prices on the basis of its more recent and reliable full market analysis.
Poiché i prezzi di accesso dovrebbero riflettere i più recenti dati sui costi, la Commissione ritiene che l’AGCOM avrebbe dovuto fissarli sulla base della sua analisi di mercato completa più recente e affidabile.
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The Commission, in close cooperation with BEREC will, over the next three months, discuss with AGCOM how to amend its proposal.
Nei prossimi tre mesi la Commissione, in stretta collaborazione con il BEREC, discuterà con l’AGCOM le modifiche da apportare alla proposta in questione.
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The Commission is determined to ensure regulatory approaches that are transparent and able to provide predictability and stable planning conditions for market players.
Indeed, if operators cannot plan ahead on the prices they will
offer their customers, they could see their business seriously hampered. |
La Commissione intende garantire l’adozione di approcci normativi che siano trasparenti e in grado di assicurare condizioni di pianificazione prevedibili e stabili agli operatori del mercato, la cui attività sarebbe fortemente ostacolata dall’impossibilità di pianificare in anticipo i prezzi da offrire ai clienti.
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In particular, given AGCOM's own announced course of action, all market players in Italy had expected that any modifications in the wholesale access prices for 2013 would only be based on a full review of broadband markets based on up-to-date market information.
In particolare, considerata la linea di condotta che l’AGCOM aveva annunciato di voler perseguire, tutti gli operatori del mercato in Italia si aspettavano che eventuali modifiche ai prezzi di accesso all’ingrosso per il 2013 sarebbero state basate esclusivamente su un’analisi completa dei mercati della banda larga effettuata alla luce delle più recenti informazioni.
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European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes said:
La Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Neelie Kroes, responsabile dell’Agenda digitale, ha dichiarato:
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"In departing from the approach announced last year for setting access prices in the Italian broadband markets, AGCOM undermines the required regulatory certainty for all market players.Regulation must aim at creating a level playing field for all operators."
“Scegliendo di adottare un approccio diverso da quello annunciato l’anno scorso per la fissazione dei prezzi di accesso sui mercati della banda larga italiani, l’AGCOM pregiudica la certezza normativa necessaria a tutti gli operatori economici, che hanno diritto a usufruire di condizioni paritarie.”
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"Article 7" of the new Telecoms Framework Directive requires national telecoms regulators to notify the Commission, BEREC (the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) and telecoms regulators in other EU countries, of measures that they plan to introduce to address the lack of effective competition in the markets in question.
A norma dell’articolo 7 della nuova direttiva quadro sulle telecomunicazioni, le autorità nazionali di regolamentazione delle telecomunicazioni sono tenute a notificare alla Commissione, all’Organismo dei regolatori europei per le comunicazioni elettroniche (BEREC) e alle autorità di regolamentazione delle telecomunicazioni degli altri Stati membri le misure che intendono adottare per ovviare all’assenza di un’effettiva concorrenza sui mercati in questione.
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Under the new powers of Article 7a of the Framework Directive, the Commission can adopt further harmonisation measures in the form of recommendations or (binding) decisions, if divergences in the regulatory approaches of national regulators, including remedies, persist across the EU in the longer term.
In base alle nuove competenze previste dall’articolo 7 bis della direttiva quadro sulle telecomunicazioni, la Commissione può adottare ulteriori misure di armonizzazione sotto forma di raccomandazioni o decisioni (vincolanti) qualora, nel lungo periodo, persistano divergenze nelle modalità di regolamentazione utilizzate dagli organismi regolatori nazionali dell’UE, comprese le misure correttive.
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Wholesale broadband access services (so-called local loop unbundling and Bitstream access) affected by the proposal allow alternative operators to use a part of a dominant company's (in this case Telecom Italia's) network to provide retail services to end users.
I servizi di accesso a banda larga all’ingrosso (il cosiddetto accesso disaggregato alla rete locale e l’accesso bitstream) interessati dalla proposta consentono agli operatori alternativi di utilizzare parte della rete di un operatore dominante (in questo caso, la rete di Telecom Italia) per fornire servizi al dettaglio agli utenti finali.
Digital Agenda: Commission questions Italian regulator's method of
regulating prices for broadband services
The European Commission has invoked the EU review mechanism in the case
of plans by the Italian telecoms regulator (AGCOM) to change current wholesale
broadband prices, as such changes would negatively affect operators' ability to
plan and decide on their prices in Italy.
More specifically, the Commission has concerns that AGCOM's recent
decision to set 2013 prices based on its previous market review contradicts its
own announcement of October 2012 that new prices will result from the new market
This is all the more unexpected given that AGCOM has been consulting in
parallel the results of its new market review which it launched already in
September 2012.
As access prices should reflect most recent available cost information,
the Commission believes that AGCOM should have set the prices on the basis of
its more recent and reliable full market analysis.
The Commission, in close cooperation with BEREC will, over the next
three months, discuss with AGCOM how to amend its proposal.
The Commission is determined to ensure regulatory approaches that are
transparent and able to provide predictability and stable planning conditions
for market players. Indeed, if operators cannot plan ahead on the prices they
will offer their customers, they could see their business seriously hampered.
In particular, given AGCOM's own announced course of action, all market
players in Italy had expected that any modifications in the wholesale access
prices for 2013 would only be based on a full review of broadband markets based
on up-to-date market information.
European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes
"In departing from the approach announced last year for setting access
prices in the Italian broadband markets, AGCOM undermines the required
regulatory certainty for all market players.Regulation must aim at creating a
level playing field for all operators."
"Article 7" of the new Telecoms Framework Directive requires national
telecoms regulators to notify the Commission, BEREC (the Body of European
Regulators for Electronic Communications) and telecoms regulators in other EU
countries, of measures that they plan to introduce to address the lack of
effective competition in the markets in question.
Under the new powers of Article 7a of the Framework Directive
, the Commission
can adopt further harmonisation measures in the form of recommendations or
(binding) decisions, if divergences in the regulatory approaches of national
regulators, including remedies, persist across the EU in the longer term.
Wholesale broadband access services (so-called local loop unbundling
and Bitstream access) affected by the proposal allow alternative operators to
use a part of a dominant company's (in this case Telecom Italia's) network to
provide retail services to end users. |