Il vicepresidente Kallas lancia la nuova campagna di informazione sui diritti del passeggero
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Data documento: 25-06-2013
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Vice-President Kallas launches new passenger rights information campaign
Il vicepresidente Kallas lancia la nuova campagna di informazione sui diritti del passeggero
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For the first time, millions of holiday-makers travelling in the EU this summer will be protected by comprehensive passenger rights – whether travelling by air or rail, and now also by ship, bus and coach.
Per la prima volta milioni di turisti in viaggio quest’estate nell’Unione europea saranno pienamente tutelati da un insieme di diritti del passeggero, indipendentemente dal mezzo di trasporto scelto (aereo, treno e ora anche nave, autobus o pullman).
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But research shows that two-thirds of passengers are not aware of their rights.
Le ricerche dimostrano, però, che i due terzi dei passeggeri non conoscono i propri diritti.
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For this reason, the Commission is launching a new campaign to inform the many people gearing up to travel this summer about their passenger rights, and how to claim them if needed.
Per questo motivo la Commissione lancia una nuova campagna per informare le tante persone che si preparano alle vacanze estive dei loro diritti e delle modalità per farli valere, se necessario.
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From 25 to 28 June, launch events will take place in Brussels, Athens-Piraeus and Sofia and an air passenger rights information day will be held in Warsaw.
Dal 25 al 28 giugno si terranno manifestazioni per il lancio della campagna a Bruxelles, nella zona di Atene-Pireo e a Sofia, mentre una giornata d’informazione sui diritti dei passeggeri del trasporto aereo si terrà a Varsavia.
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Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for mobility and transport, said:
Il Vicepresidente della Commissione Siim Kallas, responsabile per la mobilità e i trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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"For millions of Europeans, holidays are a time to have a well-deserved rest, and the vast majority will travel without any problem.
"Per milioni di europei le vacanze sono un periodo di meritato riposo e la maggior parte di loro viaggerà senza alcun problema.
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But sometimes things do go wrong.
Purtroppo talvolta qualcosa non va per il verso giusto.
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This summer for the first time, holiday-makers can travel across Europe – from London to Lisbon or Ljubljana – knowing they are covered by passenger rights under EU law wherever and however they travel.
Quest'estate, per la prima volta, i turisti potranno viaggiare in tutta Europa – da Londra a Lisbona o a Lubiana – sapendo di essere tutelati dai diritti del passeggero previsti dalla normativa dell'Unione, indipendentemente dalla destinazione del viaggio e dal mezzo di trasporto.
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But passengers need to know their rights to be able to use their rights.This campaign will put more information in their hands."
È necessario, però, che i passeggeri conoscano i loro diritti per poterli esercitare: questa campagna darà loro maggiori informazioni."
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Launching the campaign
L’avvio della campagna
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As part of a new two-year campaign, eye-catching posters will hang in airports, ports, bus and train stations across Europe, and leaflets and online information will be available in all EU languages.
Nell’ambito della nuova campagna biennale saranno affissi manifesti accattivanti negli aeroporti, nei porti, nelle autostazioni e nelle stazioni ferroviarie di tutta Europa e saranno disponibili in tutte le lingue dell'Unione opuscoli e informazioni online.
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This new campaign builds on the existing one, and will focus particularly on raising awareness of the new maritime passenger rights, and bus and coach passenger rights.
Questa nuova campagna riprende la precedente e si propone in particolar modo di creare una maggiore consapevolezza riguardo ai nuovi diritti dei passeggeri che viaggiano via mare e ai diritti dei passeggeri che viaggiano in autobus e in pullman.
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Vice-President Kallas will officially launch the new campaign at Brussels Zuid/Midi train station on 26 June at 15:00, at the European Consumer Centre stand (in front of the Info Point Domestics) followed by a meeting with stakeholders and journalists held in Salon de District (terminal 22).
Il vicepresidente Kallas presenterà ufficialmente la nuova campagna presso la stazione ferroviaria di Bruxelles Midi/Zuid il 26 giugno alle ore 15, nello stand del centro europeo dei consumatori (di fronte al punto informazioni sulle tratte nazionali); seguirà una riunione con le parti interessate e con i giornalisti, organizzata presso il "Salon de district" (terminale 22).
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Passengers will be invited during the whole day to take part in a short quiz and win gadgets.
Durante tutto il giorno i passeggeri saranno invitati a partecipare a un breve quiz, con la possibilità di vincere dei gadget.
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The event will be attended by:
All’evento parteciperanno:
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- Mr Melchior Wathelet, State Secretary of Environment, Energy and Mobility
- Melchior Wathelet, segretario di Stato all'Ambiente, all'energia e alla mobilità
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- Mr Jannie Haeck, SNCB/NMBS Holding CEO
- Jannie Haeck, direttore generale della holding SNCB/NMBS
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- Mr Luc Lallemand, Infrabel CEO
- Luc Lallemand, direttore generale di Infrabel
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- Mr Marc Descheemaecker, SNCB/NMBS CEO
- Marc Descheemaecker, direttore generale di SNCB/NMBS
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- Mr Libor Lochman, Executive Director of the Community of European Railways
-Libor Lochman, direttore esecutivo della Comunità delle ferrovie europee.
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The campaign will be launched with key speakers over the course of the week in three other European locations:
Nel corso della settimana la campagna sarà lanciata anche in altre tre località europee alla presenza di ospiti prestigiosi:
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- At the Athens–Piraeus Port Terminal: with Fotis Karamitsos, Director at the Directorate-General Mobility and Transport of the Commission, on Thursday, 27 June from 12:00 to 14:00.
- presso il terminal portuale di Atene-Pireo, con Fotis Karamitsos, direttore presso la Direzione generale Mobilità e trasporti della Commissione, giovedì, 27 giugno, dalle 12 alle 14;
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- At the Sofia Bus Station, on Friday, 28 June, from 10am to 3pm.
- presso l'autostazione di Sofia, venerdì, 28 giugno, dalle 10 alle 15;
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- Air passenger rights day at Warsaw airport with the European Consumer Centre on Friday, 28 June, public event from 10am to 4pm and press event from 11am to 1pm.
- durante la giornata sui diritti dei passeggeri del trasporto aereo presso l'aeroporto di Varsavia, in collaborazione con il centro europeo dei consumatori, venerdì, 28 giugno (manifestazione pubblica dalle 10 alle 16 con un evento dedicato alla stampa dalle 11 alle 13).
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Why this new campaign?
Perché questa nuova campagna?
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- 59% of EU air travellers are unaware of their rights while travelling, 34% are aware and 7% don’t know about their rights.
- Il 59% dei viaggiatori aerei dell’UE non è a conoscenza dei propri diritti di passeggero, il 34% li conosce, mentre il 7% ne ignora l'esistenza.
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- 66% of EU citizens are not aware of their contractual rights when purchasing a transport ticket, 34% are aware.
- Il 66% degli europei non sa quali siano i propri diritti contrattuali al momento dell’acquisto di un biglietto, mentre il 34% ne è a conoscenza.
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- One in six Europeans suffers from a disability. In addition, an ageing European population means that there will be a continuously growing number of passengers who need special assistance because of a disability or reduced mobility.
- Un cittadino europeo su sei è affetto da una disabilità e la tendenza generale all’invecchiamento della popolazione europea comporterà un aumento costante del numero di passeggeri con esigenze di assistenza specifica per disabilità o per ridotta mobilità.
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One objective of the passenger rights legislation is to allow disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility to have the same possibilities to travel as other citizens.
Un obiettivo della normativa sui diritti dei passeggeri è permettere alle persone con disabilità o alle persone con ridotta mobilità di avere la stessa possibilità di viaggiare degli altri cittadini.
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- The EU is the first area in the world with a comprehensive set of passenger rights for all modes of transport (air, rail, waterborne, bus and coach).
- L’Unione europea, per prima al mondo, ha elaborato un insieme completo di diritti del passeggero per tutte le modalità di trasporto (aereo, ferroviario, per vie navigabili, in autobus o in pullman).
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People need to know more about the rights they now have under EU law.
I cittadini devono essere maggiormente informati dei diritti di cui godono in virtù della normativa dell'Unione europea.
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How to find out your passenger rights?
Dove informarsi sui diritti del passeggero?
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A campaign website has been launched covering all transport modes.
È stato lanciato un sito web della campagna con informazioni su tutti i mezzi di trasporto.
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The website is available in all of the EU's official languages.
Il sito web è disponibile in tutte le lingue ufficiali dell’UE.
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Videos and posters on the campaign: see website below indicated
Video e poster sulla campagna sono reperibili al seguente indirizzo:vedi sito indicato
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For more information see: website below indicated
Per ulteriori informazioni: vedi sito indicato sotto
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Visit the Commission's Your passenger rights at hand website.
Visitate la pagina web della Commissione I tuoi diritti di passeggero in mano.
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A mobile app is available covering all transport modes and four mobile platforms:
Una app è disponibile per tutte le modalità di trasporto e per quattro piattaforme mobili:
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Apple iPhone and iPad, Google Android, RIM Blackberry and Microsoft Windows Phone 7.
Apple iPhone e iPad, Google Android, RIM Blackberry e Microsoft Windows Phone 7.
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The app is available in 22 EU languages.
L'applicazione è disponibile in 22 lingue dell'UE.
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For each potential problem, the app explains the passenger’s rights and provides information on who to contact in order to complain.
Per ciascun eventuale problema l’applicazione spiega i diritti del passeggero e fornisce informazioni sulle persone da contattare per presentare un reclamo.
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Download the smart phone application for passenger rights, available on all platforms.
Scaricate l'applicazione per dispositivo mobile sui diritti del passeggero, disponibile per tutte le piattaforme.
Vice-President Kallas launches new passenger rights information campaign
For the first time, millions of holiday-makers travelling in the EU
this summer will be protected by comprehensive passenger rights – whether
travelling by air or rail, and now also by ship, bus and coach.
But research shows that two-thirds of passengers are not aware of their
For this reason, the Commission is launching a new campaign to inform
the many people gearing up to travel this summer about their passenger rights,
and how to claim them if needed.
From 25 to 28 June, launch events will take place in Brussels,
Athens-Piraeus and Sofia and an air passenger rights information day will be
held in Warsaw.
Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for mobility and transport,
"For millions of Europeans, holidays are a time to have a well-deserved
rest, and the vast majority will travel without any problem.
But sometimes things do go wrong.
This summer for the first time, holiday-makers can travel across Europe – from
London to Lisbon or Ljubljana – knowing they are covered by passenger rights
under EU law wherever and however they travel.
But passengers need to know their rights to be able to use their rights.This
campaign will put more information in their hands."
Launching the campaign
As part of a new two-year campaign, eye-catching posters will hang in
airports, ports, bus and train stations across Europe, and leaflets and online
information will be available in all EU languages.
This new campaign builds on the existing one, and will focus
particularly on raising awareness of the new maritime passenger rights, and bus
and coach passenger rights.
Vice-President Kallas will officially launch the new campaign at
Brussels Zuid/Midi train station on 26 June at 15:00, at the European Consumer
Centre stand (in front of the Info Point Domestics) followed by a meeting with
stakeholders and journalists held in Salon de District (terminal 22).
Passengers will be invited during the whole day to take part in a short
quiz and win gadgets.
The event will be attended by:
- Mr Melchior Wathelet, State Secretary of Environment, Energy and Mobility
- Mr Jannie Haeck, SNCB/NMBS Holding CEO
- Mr Luc Lallemand, Infrabel CEO
- Mr Marc Descheemaecker, SNCB/NMBS CEO
- Mr Libor Lochman, Executive Director of the Community of European Railways
The campaign will be launched with key speakers over the course of the
week in three other European locations:
- At the Athens–Piraeus Port Terminal: with Fotis Karamitsos, Director
at the Directorate-General Mobility and Transport of the Commission, on
Thursday, 27 June from 12:00 to 14:00.
- At the Sofia Bus Station, on Friday, 28 June, from 10am to 3pm.
- Air passenger rights day at Warsaw airport with the European Consumer
Centre on Friday, 28 June, public event from 10am to 4pm and press event from
11am to 1pm.
Why this new campaign?
- 59% of EU air travellers are unaware of their rights while
travelling, 34% are aware and 7% don’t know about their rights.
- 66% of EU citizens are not aware of their contractual rights when
purchasing a transport ticket, 34% are aware.
- One in six Europeans suffers from a disability. In addition, an
ageing European population means that there will be a continuously growing
number of passengers who need special assistance because of a disability or
reduced mobility.
One objective of the passenger rights legislation is to allow disabled persons
and persons with reduced mobility to have the same possibilities to travel as
other citizens.
- The EU is the first area in the world with a comprehensive set of
passenger rights for all modes of transport (air, rail, waterborne, bus and
People need to know more about the rights they now have under EU law.
How to find out your passenger rights?
A campaign website has been launched covering all transport modes.The
website is available in all of the EU's official languages.
Videos and posters on the campaign: see website below indicated
For more information see:website below indicated Visit the
Commission's Your passenger rights at hand website.
A mobile app is available covering all transport modes and four mobile
Apple iPhone and iPad, Google Android, RIM Blackberry and Microsoft Windows
Phone 7.
The app is available in 22 EU languages.
For each potential problem, the app explains the passenger’s rights and
provides information on who to contact in order to complain.
Download the smart phone application for passenger rights, available on
all platforms.