Peer review della Corte dei conti europea: riscontrati importanti progressi
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Data documento: 18-03-2014
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European Court of Auditors assessed by peers:significant progress made
Peer review della Corte dei conti europea: riscontrati importanti progressi
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A panel of EU Member State auditors, led by the German Bundesrechnungshof (supreme audit institution of Germany) has found that the European Court of Auditors (ECA) achieved significant progress since its first review in 2008.
Un gruppo di auditor degli Stati membri dell’UE, guidati dall’istituzione superiore di controllo tedesca (Bundesrechnungshof), ha riscontrato che, dalla prima valutazione svolta nel 2008, la Corte dei conti europea ha compiuto importanti progressi.
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The ECA carries out the European Union’s audit.
La Corte è l’organismo di revisione esterna dell’Unione europea.
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The panel, which comprised representatives of the supreme audit institutions of Germany, France and Sweden, concluded that the ECA systematically followed up on the recommendations of the previous peer review of 2008, and has taken a number of steps to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of EU performance audits.
Il gruppo di esperti, comprendente rappresentanti delle istituzioni superiori di controllo (ISC) di Germania, Francia e Svezia, ha concluso che la Corte ha dato sistematicamente seguito alle raccomandazioni espresse nella precedente peer review del 2008 e ha adottato una serie di misure per accrescere l’efficienza e l’efficacia dei controlli di gestione dell’UE.
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“We are very encouraged by this opinion issued by our peers,” stated Mr Vítor Caldeira, the President of the European Court of Auditors, “and appreciate the peers’ constructive comments which identify opportunities and challenges for us to further strengthen our performance audit practice”.
“Riteniamo il giudizio espresso dai nostri pari molto incoraggiante,” ha affermato Vítor Caldeira, Presidente della Corte dei conti europea, “e ne apprezziamo i commenti costruttivi che indicano le opportunità e le sfide che ci attendono per rafforzare ulteriormente le nostre pratiche in materia di controllo di gestione”.
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The peer review made recommendations, identifying opportunities and challenges for the EU’s auditors to further strengthen this EU institution’s performance audit practice.
Nell’ambito della peer review sono state formulate alcune raccomandazioni, individuando le opportunità che gli auditor dell’UE dovranno sfruttare e le sfide che dovranno raccogliere per rafforzare ulteriormente le pratiche della Corte in materia di controllo della gestione.
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Among them is the need to streamline and speed up decision making and to formulate more practical recommendations that should be clearly addressed to specific bodies at the EU or national level.
Fra queste, la necessità di razionalizzare e accelerare il processo decisionale e di formulare raccomandazioni più concrete, rivolte in maniera più esplicita a organismi specifici a livello nazionale o dell’UE.
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The ECA has already taken steps through its 2013 – 2017 strategy to implement a range of initiatives designed to address many of the issues raised in the review.
Nella strategia per il periodo 2013 – 2017, la Corte ha già adottato alcuni provvedimenti per attuare una serie di iniziative in risposta a diverse questioni sollevate nell’ambito della peer review.
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International peer reviews are encouraged by international auditing standards.They provide an opportunity for supreme audit institutions to obtain a voluntary assessment based on international standards of how they discharge their functions.
I princìpi di audit internazionali incoraggiano lo svolgimento di peer review a livello internazionale, in quanto offrono alle ISC l’opportunità di ottenere una valutazione volontaria, basata su princìpi internazionali, del modo in cui assolvono le proprie funzioni.
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The peer review draws on the experience of all partners and is a very useful exercise for the reviewers as well as the reviewees .
La peer review si avvale dell’esperienza di tutte le parti e costituisce un esercizio molto utile sia per gli esecutori della valutazione sia per coloro che ne sono oggetto.
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Furthermore, it is based on generally recognised criteria governing the work of supreme audit institutions, and takes into account the guidance set out in the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions.
Essa è inoltre basata su criteri generalmente riconosciuti – applicati dalle stesse ISC nel proprio lavoro - e tiene conto degli orientamenti forniti nei principi internazionali delle Istituzioni superiori di controllo (ISSAI).
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The full text of the peer review report is available on |
Il testo integrale della relazione sulla peer review è disponibile sul sito della Corte, |
European Court of Auditors assessed by peers:significant progress made
A panel of EU Member State auditors, led by the German Bundesrechnungshof
(supreme audit institution of Germany) has found that the European Court of
Auditors (ECA) achieved significant progress since its first review in 2008.
The ECA carries out the European Union’s audit.
The panel, which comprised representatives of the supreme audit institutions
of Germany, France and Sweden, concluded that the ECA systematically followed up
on the recommendations of the previous peer review of 2008, and has taken a
number of steps to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of EU performance
"We are very encouraged by this opinion issued by our peers," stated Mr Vítor
Caldeira, the President of the European Court of Auditors, "and appreciate the
peers’ constructive comments which identify opportunities and challenges for us
to further strengthen our performance audit practice".
The peer review made recommendations, identifying opportunities and
challenges for the EU’s auditors to further strengthen this EU institution’s
performance audit practice.
Among them is the need to streamline and speed up decision making and to
formulate more practical recommendations that should be clearly addressed to
specific bodies at the EU or national level.
The ECA has already taken steps through its 2013 – 2017 strategy to implement
a range of initiatives designed to address many of the issues raised in the
International peer reviews are encouraged by international auditing
standards.They provide an opportunity for supreme audit institutions to obtain a
voluntary assessment based on international standards of how they discharge
their functions.
The peer review draws on the experience of all partners and is a very useful
exercise for the reviewers as well as the reviewees .
Furthermore, it is based on generally recognised criteria governing the work
of supreme audit institutions, and takes into account the guidance set out in
the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The full text of the peer review report is available on