Dichiarazione del Presidente del CESE - Senza una visione europea, non c'è soluzione sostenibile per l'accesso all'energia
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Data documento: 24-04-2013
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Statement by the EESC President - Without a European vision, there can be no sustainable solution to energy access
Dichiarazione del Presidente del CESE - Senza una visione europea, non c'è soluzione sostenibile per l'accesso all'energia
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During his visit to Lithuania, Henri Malosse, EESC President, travelled to the Ignalina plant, closed at the request of the European Commission as one of the conditions of Lithuania's accession to the European Union.
Durante il suo viaggio in Lituania, il Presidente del CESE Henri Malosse ha visitato la centrale nucleare di Ignalina, chiusa su richiesta della Commissione europea, che aveva subordinato proprio a questa chiusura l'adesione del paese all'Unione europea
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"Access to energy is a key issue for all countries as well as their citizens.
"L'accesso all'energia è una questione fondamentale per tutti i paesi, così come per i loro cittadini.
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However, if Europe is to play a role, if European integration is to make sense, it is precisely by addressing the strategic challenge of sharing energy resources.
Se c'è un ambito in cui l'Europa ha un ruolo da svolgere, in cui l'integrazione europea ha un senso, è proprio quello, strategico, della condivisione delle risorse energetiche.
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Member States will achieve nothing in the long term if they act alone."
In questo campo gli Stati da soli non potranno ottenere nulla sul lungo termine."
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The closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant, located relatively close to the Chernobyl site, has increased awareness of the issue of energy access in Lithuania.
In Lituania, la chiusura della centrale di Ignalina, "sorella" di quella di Chernobyl, ha accentuato la sensibilità al problema dell'accesso all'energia.
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However, this is not solely a problem for Lithuania or its Baltic neighbours. It is a crucial issue for Europe as a whole.
Eppure la questione non riguarda soltanto questo paese o gli altri Stati baltici suoi vicini, ma è cruciale per tutta l'Europa.
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Ensuring access to efficient and sustainable energy represents a key challenge for the years ahead.
L'accesso a un'energia efficiente e sostenibile è la grande sfida degli anni a venire.
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It can provide a solution to the problem of company competitiveness at a time when many are experiencing cuts, which are jeopardizing their business.
È la risposta che serve alle imprese per essere competitive: molte di esse sono infatti soggette ancor oggi a interruzioni nella fornitura di energia che ne mettono in pericolo l'attività.
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It can provide an answer to our citizens, who should not have to accept the fact that between 50 and 150 million of the EU's population could be affected by fuel poverty and forced to make choices unthinkable in today's society such as the choice between heating or health.
È la risposta che si attendono i nostri concittadini: come possiamo infatti accettare che nell'Unione tra 50 e 150 milioni di persone possano essere vittime della precarietà energetica, costretti a fare scelte inconcepibili nelle nostre società, ad esempio tra riscaldamento e salute?
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It can provide an answer to our future generations at a time that is seeing the development of energy sources with a low environmental impact.
È la risposta da dare alle generazioni future, in un momento in cui si assiste allo sviluppo di fonti di energia a basso impatto ambientale.
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Each government is considering the various solutions available, but they are all doing it on their own – against all common sense.
Ogni governo riflette sulle possibili soluzioni, ma ciascuno tende a farlo per conto proprio. Contro ogni buon senso.
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Who can deny that today's energy market is one that transcends national borders?
Chi può negare che oggi il mercato dell'energia superi i confini nazionali?
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Can anyone be surprised that Lithuania has questioned the plans to build a nuclear power plant in Belarus, less than 60 km from its capital?
Chi può sorprendersi che la Lituania si ponga delle domande su un progetto di centrale nucleare in Bielorussia, a meno di 60 chilometri dalla capitale lituana?
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We are still a long way off an "energy mix" that can provide a sustainable and effective response to the challenge of the growing energy demand in Europe.
Siamo ancora lontani dal "mix energetico" che consentirebbe di apportare una risposta sostenibile ed efficace alla sfida rappresentata dall'aumento della domanda energetica in Europa.
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But this challenge cannot be discussed behind closed doors among the powers that be.
Ma questa sfida non può essere discussa a porte chiuse nelle stanze del potere.
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The EU's Member States and their citizens have everything to gain by addressing this issue at European level.
Gli Stati, così come i cittadini, hanno tutto da guadagnare trasporre questa problematica a livello europeo.
Statement by the EESC President - Without a European vision, there can be
no sustainable solution to energy access
During his visit to Lithuania, Henri Malosse, EESC President, travelled
to the Ignalina plant, closed at the request of the European Commission as one
of the conditions of Lithuania's accession to the European Union.
"Access to energy is a key issue for all countries as well as their
However, if Europe is to play a role, if European integration is to
make sense, it is precisely by addressing the strategic challenge of sharing
energy resources.
Member States will achieve nothing in the long term if they act alone."
The closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant, located relatively
close to the Chernobyl site, has increased awareness of the issue of energy
access in Lithuania.
However, this is not solely a problem for Lithuania or its Baltic
neighbours. It is a crucial issue for Europe as a whole.
Ensuring access to efficient and sustainable energy represents a key
challenge for the years ahead.
It can provide a solution to the problem of company competitiveness at
a time when many are experiencing cuts, which are jeopardizing their business.
It can provide an answer to our citizens, who should not have to accept
the fact that between 50 and 150 million of the EU's population could be
affected by fuel poverty and forced to make choices unthinkable in today's
society such as the choice between heating or health.
It can provide an answer to our future generations at a time that is
seeing the development of energy sources with a low environmental impact.
Each government is considering the various solutions available, but
they are all doing it on their own – against all common sense.
Who can deny that today's energy market is one that transcends national
Can anyone be surprised that Lithuania has questioned the plans to
build a nuclear power plant in Belarus, less than 60 km from its capital?
We are still a long way off an "energy mix" that can provide a
sustainable and effective response to the challenge of the growing energy demand
in Europe.
But this challenge cannot be discussed behind closed doors among the
powers that be.
The EU's Member States and their citizens have everything to gain by
addressing this issue at European level.