L'Unione europea rende merito ai suoi imprenditori e invita a seguire i passi dei creatori di Skype, Spotify e Angry Birds — prima fase della campagna "StartUp Europe"
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Data documento: 21-03-2013
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EU says we should glorify our entrepreneurs:Skype; Spotify and Angry Birds creators advise EU – first stage of "Startup Europe" campaign
L'Unione europea rende merito ai suoi imprenditori e invita a seguire i passi dei creatori di Skype, Spotify e Angry Birds — prima fase della campagna "StartUp Europe"
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Most people think of Silicon Valley in the United States when they think about technology and entrepreneurs – the European Commission wants young Europeans to be inspired by home-grown entrepreneurs, so their bright ideas start and stay in Europe.
Quasi tutti pensano subito alla Silicon Valley negli Stati Uniti quando sentono parlare di tecnologie e imprenditori. La Commissione europea vuole invece che i giovani europei traggano ispirazione dagli imprenditori nostrani, in modo che le loro idee brillanti nascano e restino in Europa.
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With help from the creators of Spotify, Angry Birds, Tuenti, Skype, SeedCamp, HackFwd, London's Tech City and TheNextWeb, the Commission is creating a platform for star entrepreneurs to tell their stories of inspirations and frustration, to wake-up young Europeans and leaders to the potential of entrepreneurial careers.
Con l'aiuto dei creatori di Spotify, Angry Birds, Tuenti, Skype, SeedCamp, HackFwd, della Tech City di Londra e di TheNextWeb, la Commissione sta creando una piattaforma in cui imprenditori di spicco potranno parlare delle loro fonti di ispirazione e delle loro frustrazioni, richiamando l'attenzione dei giovani e dei leader europei sul potenziale offerto da una carriera imprenditoriale.
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"Europeans need to be creative and fearless.
"Gli europei devono essere creativi e intraprendenti.
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That's how dozens of the world's most exciting web and tech companies were born in the EU, and I want the world to know it," said Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice President. |
È così che sono nate nell'UE decine di imprese tecnologiche e attive su Internet, fra le più dinamiche a livello mondiale.Voglio che il resto del mondo lo sappia", ha dichiarato Neelie Kroes, vicepresidente della Commissione europea.
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I want young entrepreneurs to have role models, and for them to have a real digital single market to grow their ideas in."
"Vorrei che i giovani imprenditori trovassero modelli cui ispirarsi, con un vero e proprio mercato unico digitale in cui sviluppare le loro idee".
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The Startup Europe Leaders Club is the first part of Startup Europe, the European Commission's 6-part plan to accelerate and connect local entrepreneurship ecosystems in Europe to help tech start-ups to start and grow in Europe and to scale up to a global level.
Lo "StartUpEurope Leaders Club" costituisce la prima parte di Startup Europe, l'iniziativa in 6 parti con cui la Commissione europea intende accelerare lo sviluppo di "ecosistemi" locali per gli imprenditori in Europa e agevolare la creazione di reti. L'obiettivo: aiutare le imprese in fase di avviamento (start-up) del settore tecnologico a nascere e crescere in Europa e a espandere le loro attività in tutto il mondo.
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Members of the Startup Europe Leaders Club are living proof that web entrepreneurship can be a hugely rewarding career.
I membri dello Startup Europe Leaders Club sono la prova tangibile che l'imprenditorialità nel settore web può aprire la porta a una carriera professionale particolarmente gratificante.
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Neelie Kroes said "These people didn't just talk about doing something, they went and did it.
Neelie Kroes ha commentato: "Queste persone non si sono limitate alle parole, sono passate ai fatti e hanno realizzato un progetto.
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That's why young people and leaders should listen to them."
Ecco perché i giovani e i leader dovrebbero ascoltarle".
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For example, Spotify is now in 23 countries; Skype handles one third of international calls; Angry Birds is bigger than Twitter, with over 250 million monthly active users.
Ad esempio, oggi Spotify è disponibile in 23 paesi, mentre attraverso Skype passa un terzo delle chiamate internazionali e Angry Birds, con gli oltre 250 milioni di utenti attivi al mese, è più grande di Twitter.
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And yet our numbers of ICT graduates are falling and our unemployment queues are growing.
Eppure, il numero di laureati nel settore delle TIC è in calo e la disoccupazione è in aumento.
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Entrepreneurs can help us fill these gaps.
Gli imprenditori possono aiutarci a colmare queste lacune.
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The leaders (in alphabetical order, see annex for full biography) are:
I leader (qui in ordine alfabetico, la biografia completa figura in allegato) sono:
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- Zaryn Denzel, (@Zaryn) , born in California, founder of Tuenti, Spain's largest 'invite-only' social network
- Zaryn Denzel, (@Zaryn) — nato in California, fondatore di Tuenti, il più grande social network spagnolo "solo su invito"
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- Daniel Ek (@eldsjal ) and Martin Lorentzon (@MartinLorentzon ) – founders of online music streaming service Spotify
- Daniel Ek (@eldsjal ) e Martin Lorentzon (@MartinLorentzon ) — fondatori di Spotify , il servizio di musica streaming online
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- Kaj Hed (@RovioHQ ) – Chairman of Rovio (Angry Birds)
- Kaj Hed (@RovioHQ ) — presidente di Rovio (Angry Birds)
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- Lars Hinrichs (@LarsHinrichs ) – founder and CEO of HackFwd, a pre-seed investment company
- Lars Hinrichs (@LarsHinrichs ) — fondatore e amministratore delegato di HackFwd, una società di investimento nella fase di pre-avviamento delle start-up
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- Joanna Shields (@TechCityUK ) CEO and Chair of Tech City Investment Organisation
- Joanna Shields (@TechCityUK ) — amministratrice delegata e presidente di Tech City Investment Organisation
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- Reshma Sohoni (@rsohoni ) – partner of SeedCamp, a catalyst for Europe's next generation of entrepreneurs
- Reshma Sohoni (@rsohoni ) — partner di SeedCamp, un catalizzatore per la prossima generazione di investitori europei
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- Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten (@Boris ) entrepreneur - founder of The Next Web
- Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten (@Boris ) — fondatore di The Next Web
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- Niklas Zennström (@atomicoventures ) – co-founder of Skype, Kazaa, Joltid and Joost and Atomico
- Niklas Zennström (@atomicoventures ) — co-fondatore di Skype, Kazaa, Joltid, Joost e Atomico.
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The other elements of Startup Europe are:
Gli altri elementi di StartUp Europe sono:
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- The Startup Europe Partnership, to unlock expertise, mentoring, technology and services
- la partnership Startup Europe, per mobilitare le competenze tecniche, le possibilità di tutoraggio, le tecnologie e i servizi
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- EU Accelerators Forum to increase awareness of the existing accelerator programs
- il forum EU Accelerators, per far conoscere i programmi di accelerazione esistenti
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- EU Crowdfunding Networks, to link up existing crowd-funding platforms, especially those specialised in Web start-ups
- le reti di crowdfunding (finanziamento collettivo) dell'UE, per collegare le attuali piattaforme di crowdfunding, in particolare quelle specializzate in start-up che operano sul web
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- Making Venture Capitalists more aware of Web Business by sharing success stories and through networking activities
- una maggiore sensibilizzazione degli investitori in capitali di rischio alle opportunità commerciali del web grazie alla condivisione delle esperienze positive e alla creazione di reti
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Fostering Web Talent by:
- la promozione delle competenze legate al web:
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a) Expanding the role of online education platforms (such as “Massive Online Open Courses”) to combat the shortage of Web developers;
a) ampliando il ruolo delle piattaforme didattiche online (quali i "corsi online aperti a tutti" o "Massive Online Open Courses") per sopperire alla carenza di sviluppatori del web;
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b) Using barter platforms as marketplace for sharing and trading skills Europe-wide among Web entrepreneurs;
b) utilizzando piattaforme per condividere e scambiare competenze tra gli imprenditori del web su scala europea;
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c) Exploring the viability, at European level, of twinning senior, experienced people with young entrepreneurs to share ideas and experiences.
c) esplorando l'utilità di gemellaggi, a livello europeo, fra operatori esperti di alto livello e giovani imprenditori, con l'intento di condividere idee ed esperienze.
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Web entrepreneurs worldwide have an enormous impact on the economy and society.
In tutto il mondo, gli imprenditori del web hanno un impatto enorme sull'economia e sulla società.
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The majority of new jobs are created by start-ups and 45% of Europeans would like to be their own boss if they could.
Le start-up creano la maggior parte dei nuovi posti di lavoro e il 45% degli europei vorrebbe lavorare in proprio, se ne avesse la possibilità.
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Collectively, start-up companies create three million jobs in the US in each year during their first year of business, a level of dynamism we would like to see matched in the EU.
Complessivamente, ogni anno negli Stati Uniti le imprese in fase di avviamento creano tre milioni di posti di lavoro durante il primo anno di attività, con un livello di dinamismo che vorremmo vedere anche nell'UE.
EU says we should glorify our entrepreneurs:Skype; Spotify
and Angry Birds creators advise EU – first stage of "Startup Europe" campaign
Most people think of Silicon Valley in the United States when
they think about technology and entrepreneurs – the European Commission wants
young Europeans to be inspired by home-grown entrepreneurs, so their bright
ideas start and stay in Europe.
With help from the creators of Spotify, Angry Birds, Tuenti,
Skype, SeedCamp, HackFwd, London's Tech City and TheNextWeb, the Commission is
creating a platform for star entrepreneurs to tell their stories of inspirations
and frustration, to wake-up young Europeans and leaders to the potential of
entrepreneurial careers.
"Europeans need to be creative and fearless.
That's how dozens of the world's most exciting web and tech
companies were born in the EU, and I want the world to know it," said Neelie
Kroes, European Commission Vice President,
I want young entrepreneurs to have role models, and for them
to have a real digital single market to grow their ideas in."
The Startup Europe Leaders Club is the first part of Startup
Europe, the European Commission's 6-part plan to accelerate and connect local
entrepreneurship ecosystems in Europe to help tech start-ups to start and grow
in Europe and to scale up to a global level.
Members of the Startup Europe Leaders Club are living proof
that web entrepreneurship can be a hugely rewarding career.
Neelie Kroes said "These people didn't just talk about doing
something, they went and did it.
That's why young people and leaders should listen to them."
For example, Spotify is now in 23 countries; Skype handles one
third of international calls; Angry Birds is bigger than Twitter, with over 250
million monthly active users.
And yet our numbers of ICT graduates are falling and our
unemployment queues are growing.
Entrepreneurs can help us fill these gaps.
The leaders (in alphabetical order, see annex for full
biography) are:
- Zaryn Denzel, (@Zaryn) <https://twitter.com/zaryn>, born in
California, founder of Tuenti, Spain's largest 'invite-only' social network
- Daniel Ek (@eldsjal <https://twitter.com/eldsjal>) and
Martin Lorentzon (@MartinLorentzon <https://twitter.com/MartinLorentzon>) –
founders of online music streaming service Spotify <https://www.spotify.com/uk/video-splash/?utm_source=spotify&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=start>
- Kaj Hed (@RovioHQ <https://twitter.com/RovioHQ>) – Chairman
of Rovio (Angry Birds)
- Lars Hinrichs (@LarsHinrichs
<https://twitter.com/LarsHinrichs>) – founder and CEO of HackFwd, a pre-seed
investment company
- Joanna Shields (@TechCityUK
<https://twitter.com/TechCityUK>) CEO and Chair of Tech City Investment
- Reshma Sohoni (@rsohoni <https://twitter.com/rsohoni>) –
partner of SeedCamp, a catalyst for Europe's next generation of entrepreneurs
- Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten (@Boris
<https://twitter.com/Boris>) entrepreneur - founder of The Next Web
- Niklas Zennström (@atomicoventures
<https://twitter.com/atomicoventures>) – co-founder of Skype, Kazaa, Joltid and
Joost and Atomico
The other elements of Startup Europe are:
- The Startup Europe Partnership, to unlock expertise,
mentoring, technology and services
- EU Accelerators Forum to increase awareness of the existing
accelerator programs
- EU Crowdfunding Networks, to link up existing crowd-funding platforms,
especially those specialised in Web start-ups
- Making Venture Capitalists more aware of Web Business by
sharing success stories and through networking activities
Fostering Web Talent by:
a) Expanding the role of online education platforms (such as
“Massive Online Open Courses”) to combat the shortage of Web developers;
b) Using barter platforms as marketplace for sharing and
trading skills Europe-wide among Web entrepreneurs;
c) Exploring the viability, at European level, of twinning
senior, experienced people with young entrepreneurs to share ideas and
Web entrepreneurs worldwide have an enormous impact on the
economy and society.
The majority of new jobs are created by start-ups and 45% of
Europeans would like to be their own boss if they could.
Collectively, start-up companies create three million jobs in
the US in each year during their first year of business, a level of dynamism we
would like to see matched in the EU.