Ambiente: la Commissione lancia l'Europa sulla via della prosperità nel rispetto dei limiti ecologici del pianeta
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Data documento: 29-11-2012
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Environment: Commission sets out Europe's path to prosperity within the planet's ecological limits
Ambiente: la Commissione lancia l'Europa sulla via della prosperità nel rispetto dei limiti ecologici del pianeta
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The European Commission today put forward a proposal for an Environment Action Programme (EAP) to guide EU environment policy up to 2020.
La Commissione europea presenta oggi una proposta di programma di azione per l'ambiente (PAA) destinato a orientare la politica ambientale dell'UE fino al 2020.
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Coming shortly after its recommendations for short term growth [see IP/12/1274], which emphasise the need for ensuring not just the growth of today, but also tomorrow, the Commission has now made proposals aimed at protecting nature, stimulating sustainable growth, creating new jobs and setting Europe on a path to prosperity and health within the limits of the planet.
A breve tempo dalle raccomandazioni per la crescita a breve termine [cfr. IP/12/1274] che pongono l'accento sulla necessità di assicurare la crescita non solo oggi, ma anche domani, la Commissione avanza ora proposte intese a proteggere la natura, stimolare la crescita sostenibile, creare nuovi posti di lavoro e avviare l'Europa verso un futuro di prosperità e benessere, rispettando i limiti del nostro pianeta.
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Responsibility for achieving the programme's goals is shared by the EU and its Member States.
La responsabilità di realizzare gli obiettivi del programma è condivisa tra l'UE e gli Stati membri.
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Concrete steps to be taken include phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies, shifting taxation from labour to pollution, drawing up partnership agreements between Member States and the Commission on implementation of EU environmental law, and developing a system for tracking environment-related expenditure in the EU budget.
Tra le misure concrete da porre in essere si annoverano l'eliminazione graduale delle sovvenzioni dannose per l'ambiente, lo spostamento dalla tassazione del lavoro alla tassazione dell'inquinamento, la conclusione di partenariati tra Stati membri e Commissione per l'attuazione della normativa ambientale dell'UE, nonché la messa a punto di un sistema di tracciabilità delle spese relative all'ambiente nel bilancio UE.
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Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
Il Commissario per l’Ambiente Janez
Potočnik ha dichiarato:
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"The new Action Programme sets out the path for Europe to become a place where people live in a safe and healthy natural environment, where economic progress is based on a sustainable, green economy and where ecological resilience has been achieved.”
"Il nuovo programma di azione traccia la strada che porterà l'Europa a divenire un luogo in cui la gente potrà vivere in un ambiente naturale sano e sicuro, il progresso economico andrà di pari passo con un'economia verde e sostenibile e la resilienza ecologica sarà un fatto acquisito."
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Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said:
La Commissaria responsabile dell’Azione per il clima, Connie Hedegaard, ha affermato:
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"We cannot wait until the economic crisis is over before we tackle the resources, environmental and climate crises.
"Non possiamo aspettare che sia passata la crisi economica per affrontare le crisi delle risorse, dell'ambiente e del clima.
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We must address all these at the same time and so include climate and environmental concerns into all our policies.
Dobbiamo affrontarle tutte contemporaneamente e quindi integrare le considerazioni ambientali e climatiche nelle nostre politiche.
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This strategy gives businesses and politicians the long-term view we very much need for making the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon society in Europe."
Questa strategia conferisce a politici e imprese la visione di lungo periodo di cui abbiamo tanto bisogno per fare il passo verso una società sostenibile, a basse emissioni di carbonio in Europa."
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A programme for action
Il programma di azione
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In the Action Programme the Commission identifies nine priority objectives, including:
La Commissione individua nove obiettivi prioritari nel programma di azione, tra cui:
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- Protecting nature and strengthening ecological resilience
- proteggere la natura e rafforzare la resilienza ecologica;
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- Boosting sustainable, resource-efficient, low-carbon growth, and
- stimolare una crescita sostenibile, efficiente nell'impiego delle risorse e a basse emissioni di carbonio;
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- Effectively addressing environment-related threats to health.
- contrastare efficacemente i rischi d'ordine ambientale per la salute.
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The Programme sets out a framework to support the achievement of these objectives through, inter alia, better implementation of EU environment law, state of the art science, securing the necessary investments in support of environment and climate change policy, and improving the way that environmental concerns and requirements are reflected in other policies.
Il programma stabilisce un quadro di sostegno per il conseguimento di tali obiettivi, promuovendo, tra le altre cose, una migliore attuazione della normativa ambientale dell'UE, l'ampliamento e l'aggiornamento delle conoscenze scientifiche, gli investimenti necessari per supportare la politica in materia di ambiente e cambiamenti climatici, nonché un più efficace recepimento delle considerazioni e delle esigenze ambientali nelle altre politiche europee.
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The programme also aims to boost efforts to help EU cities become more sustainable, and improve the EU's capacity to meet regional and global environment and climate challenges.
Il programma mira altresì a intensificare l'impegno per rendere le città europee più sostenibili e per accrescere la capacità dell'UE di affrontare le sfide climatiche e ambientali a livello regionale e mondiale.
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Next steps
Prossime fasi
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The Commission's proposal will be considered by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
La proposta della Commissione sarà esaminata dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio dell'Unione europea.
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Once agreed, the new EAP will become EU law.
Una volta approvato, il nuovo PAA diventerà un atto legislativo dell'Unione europea.
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The proposed programme, the seventh of its kind, builds on the significant achievements of 40 years of EU environment policy, and draws on a number of recent strategic initiatives in the field of environment, including the Resource Efficiency Roadmap, the 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the Low Carbon Economy Roadmap.
Il programma proposto, il settimo della serie, fa tesoro dei sostanziali risultati di quarant'anni di politica ambientale dell'UE e si ricollega ad alcune recenti iniziative strategiche in campo ambientale, tra cui la Tabella di marcia verso un’Europa efficiente nell'impiego delle risorse, la Strategia dell'UE sulla biodiversità fino al 2020 e la Tabella di marcia verso un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio.
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It should secure the commitment of EU institutions, Member States, regional and local administrations and other stakeholders to a common agenda for environment policy action up to 2020.
Esso dovrebbe segnare l'adesione delle istituzioni dell'UE, degli Stati membri, delle amministrazioni regionali e locali e di altri portatori d'interesse ad un'agenda comune per l'azione in materia di politica ambientale fino al 2020.
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General environment action programmes have guided the development of EU environment policy since the early seventies.
I programmi di azione per l'ambiente hanno orientato lo sviluppo della politica ambientale dell’UE fin dai primi anni 1970.
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The Sixth EU Environment Action Programme covered the period 2002-2012.
Il Sesto programma di azione dell'UE per l'ambiente ha coperto il periodo 2002-2012.
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While many EU Member States are struggling to cope with the economic crisis, the attendant need for structural reforms offers new opportunities for the EU to move rapidly onto a more sustainable path.
Nell'attuale situazione di crisi economica con cui sono alle prese molti Stati membri dell'UE, la necessità di riforme strutturali che ne consegue offre all'Unione nuove opportunità per dirigersi in breve tempo verso un modello di società più sostenibile.
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The new environment action programme points the way towards making the most of these opportunities.
Il nuovo programma di azione per l'ambiente indica la strada per cogliere appieno tali opportunità.
Environment:Commission sets out Europe's path to prosperity within the
planet's ecological limits
The European Commission today put forward a proposal for an Environment
Action Programme (EAP) to guide EU environment policy up to 2020.
Coming shortly after its recommendations for short term growth [see
IP/12/1274], which emphasise the need for ensuring not just the growth of today,
but also tomorrow, the Commission has now made proposals aimed at protecting
nature, stimulating sustainable growth, creating new jobs and setting Europe on
a path to prosperity and health within the limits of the planet.
Responsibility for achieving the programme's goals is shared by the EU
and its Member States.
Concrete steps to be taken include phasing out environmentally harmful
subsidies, shifting taxation from labour to pollution, drawing up partnership
agreements between Member States and the Commission on implementation of EU
environmental law, and developing a system for tracking environment-related
expenditure in the EU budget.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik
"The new Action Programme sets out the path for Europe to become a place where
people live in a safe and healthy natural environment, where economic progress
is based on a sustainable, green economy and where ecological resilience has
been achieved.”
Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said:
"We cannot wait until the economic crisis is over before we tackle the
resources, environmental and climate crises.
We must address all these at the same time and so include climate and
environmental concerns into all our policies.
This strategy gives businesses and politicians the long-term view we very much
need for making the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon society in Europe."
A programme for action
In the Action Programme the Commission identifies nine priority objectives,
- Protecting nature and strengthening ecological resilience
- Boosting sustainable, resource-efficient, low-carbon growth, and
- Effectively addressing environment-related threats to health.
The Programme sets out a framework to support the achievement of these
objectives through, inter alia, better implementation of EU environment law,
state of the art science, securing the necessary investments in support of
environment and climate change policy, and improving the way that environmental
concerns and requirements are reflected in other policies.
The programme also aims to boost efforts to help EU cities become more
sustainable, and improve the EU's capacity to meet regional and global
environment and climate challenges.
Next steps
The Commission's proposal will be considered by the European Parliament
and the Council of the European Union.
Once agreed, the new EAP will become EU law.
The proposed programme, the seventh of its kind, builds on the significant
achievements of 40 years of EU environment policy, and draws on a number of
recent strategic initiatives in the field of environment, including the Resource
Efficiency Roadmap, the 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the Low Carbon Economy
It should secure the commitment of EU institutions, Member States,
regional and local administrations and other stakeholders to a common agenda for
environment policy action up to 2020.
General environment action programmes have guided the development of EU
environment policy since the early seventies.
The Sixth EU Environment Action Programme covered the period 2002-2012.
While many EU Member States are struggling to cope with the economic
crisis, the attendant need for structural reforms offers new opportunities for
the EU to move rapidly onto a more sustainable path.
The new environment action programme points the way towards making the
most of these opportunities.