Dichiarazione del Vicepresidente Tajani sul rispetto della direttiva relativa agli impianti di condizionamento dei veicoli
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Data documento: 16-07-2013
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Statement of Vice-President Tajani on the respect of the MAC Directive
Dichiarazione del Vicepresidente Tajani sul rispetto della direttiva relativa agli impianti di condizionamento dei veicoli
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The Commission has the duty to ensure that European Union law is fully and uniformly applied throughout the EU's internal market, so that a level playing field and fair competition conditions are respected for all economic operators.
La Commissione ha il dovere di garantire l’applicazione piena e uniforme del diritto dell’Unione europea in tutto il mercato interno dell’UE, affinché tutti gli operatori economici godano di condizioni eque di concorrenza.
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Directive 2006/40/EC on mobile air conditioning (MAC Directive) became fully applicable on 1 January 2013.This Directive requires, inter alia, to use in the air-conditioning systems refrigerants with a limited global warming potential.
La direttiva 2006/40/CE sugli impianti di condizionamento d’aria dei veicoli a motore (detta MAC), entrata definitivamente in vigore il 1° gennaio 2013, dispone fra l’altro l’impiego in tali impianti di refrigeranti con un potenziale limitato in termini di riscaldamento globale.
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The refrigerant (HFO 1234yf) chosen by industry to be used on MAC to fulfil the obligations of this directive has been considered unsafe by one German manufacturer that continued to use old refrigerant with a much higher air polluting potential.
Il refrigerante (HFO 1234yf) scelto dall’industria per ottemperare agli obblighi della direttiva non è ritenuto sicuro da un fabbricante tedesco che ha continuato ad utilizzare il vecchio refrigerante, il quale presenta un potenziale molto maggiore di inquinamento atmosferico.
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As a consequence, currently, in the European market there are vehicles produced by this manufacturer that, according to the preliminary Commission analysis, are not in conformity with their type-approval, and not respecting the obligations of the MAC Directive.
Ne consegue che attualmente sul mercato europeo vi sono veicoli prodotti da questo fabbricante che – secondo un’analisi preliminare della Commissione – non sono conformi al loro modello omologato e non ottemperano agli obblighi della direttiva sui MAC.
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According to Framework Directive 2007/46/EC on type approval (Framework Directive), non-conform vehicles cannot be sold or registered in the European Union.
A norma della direttiva 2007/46/CE sull’omologazione dei veicoli (direttiva quadro), i veicoli non conformi non possono essere venduti o immatricolati nell’Unione europea.
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There are also vehicles produced from May 2013 and approved under an extension of a previous type approval granted by the competent national (German) authority, whose legal status needs to be investigated further.
Inoltre, occorre esaminare ulteriormente la situazione giuridica di alcuni veicoli prodotti dopo il maggio 2013 e omologati grazie alla proroga di una precedente omologazione rilasciata dall’autorità competente nazionale (tedesca).
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The Commission is committed to ensuring the highest level of safety of vehicles placed on the European market.
La Commissione è impegnata a garantire il massimo livello di sicurezza dei veicoli immessi sul mercato europeo.
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However, until the present date there has been no confirmation that the safety issues that have been raised are of general nature, or rather linked to specific systems/vehicles.
Ma a tutt’oggi non risulta che i problemi di sicurezza sollevati siano di ordine generale, piuttosto che circoscritti a specifici sistemi o veicoli.
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The relevant national authorities, in Germany, are currently evaluating this.
Le autorità nazionali competenti in Germania stanno procedendo a una valutazione.
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Given this situation, on 10 June the Commission sent a letter to the German authorities in the framework of the EU pilot infringement procedure in order to clarify this situation.
In considerazione di questi elementi, il 10 giugno, la Commissione ha inviato una lettera alle autorità tedesche, nell’ambito della procedura “EU Pilot” (preliminare all’avvio di un eventuale procedimento di infrazione), per chiarire la situazione.
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The Commission, in its role as Guardian of the Treaty, will duly assess the elements and explanations given by the German authorities.
La Commissione, nel suo ruolo di guardiana dei trattati, valuterà gli elementi e le spiegazioni trasmesse dalle autorità tedesche.
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In early July, the Commission was informed that France was taking temporary measures regarding the registration on their territory of some vehicles, which could be in a situation of non-conformity with (the Framework Directive and) the MAC Directive.
All’inizio di luglio, la Commissione è venuta a conoscenza dell’adozione in Francia di misure temporanee relative all’immatricolazione sul territorio francese di alcuni veicoli, che potrebbero essere in violazione della (direttiva quadro) e della direttiva sui MAC.
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Article 29 of the Framework Directive provides for the possibility for Member States to adopt temporary safeguard measures, if some conditions are met and a specific procedure is followed.
L’articolo 29 della direttiva quadro dà agli Stati membri la facoltà di adottare misure temporanee di salvaguardia, nel rispetto di determinate condizioni e di una procedura specifica.
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If this procedure is triggered, the Commission may consider the French initiative within this framework.
In caso di avvio del relativo procedimento, la Commissione potrebbe considerare che l’iniziativa della Francia rientri nel disposto di detto articolo.
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I have requested my services to convene a meeting of the representatives of the 28 Member States to discuss the situation tomorrow, 17 July.
Ho chiesto ai miei servizi di indire una riunione con i rappresentanti dei 28 Stati membri per discutere la situazione domani, 17 luglio.
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I invite Member States to assist the Commission in finding concrete and urgent solutions to re-establish conformity in the internal market to the advantage of all economic operators.
Invito gli Stati membri ad assistere la Commissione nella ricerca di soluzioni concrete ed urgenti per ripristinare la conformità nel mercato interno, a vantaggio di tutti gli operatori economici.
Statement of Vice-President Tajani on the respect of the MAC Directive
The Commission has the duty to ensure that European Union law is fully
and uniformly applied throughout the EU's internal market, so that a level
playing field and fair competition conditions are respected for all economic
Directive 2006/40/EC on mobile air conditioning (MAC Directive) became
fully applicable on 1 January 2013.This Directive requires, inter alia, to use
in the air-conditioning systems refrigerants with a limited global warming
The refrigerant (HFO 1234yf) chosen by industry to be used on MAC to
fulfil the obligations of this directive has been considered unsafe by one
German manufacturer that continued to use old refrigerant with a much higher air
polluting potential.
As a consequence, currently, in the European market there are vehicles
produced by this manufacturer that, according to the preliminary Commission
analysis, are not in conformity with their type-approval, and not respecting the
obligations of the MAC Directive.
According to Framework Directive 2007/46/EC on type approval (Framework
Directive), non-conform vehicles cannot be sold or registered in the European
There are also vehicles produced from May 2013 and approved under an
extension of a previous type approval granted by the competent national (German)
authority, whose legal status needs to be investigated further.
The Commission is committed to ensuring the highest level of safety of
vehicles placed on the European market.
However, until the present date there has been no confirmation that the
safety issues that have been raised are of general nature, or rather linked to
specific systems/vehicles.
The relevant national authorities, in Germany, are currently evaluating
Given this situation, on 10 June the Commission sent a letter to the
German authorities in the framework of the EU pilot infringement procedure in
order to clarify this situation.
The Commission, in its role as Guardian of the Treaty, will duly assess
the elements and explanations given by the German authorities.
In early July, the Commission was informed that France was taking
temporary measures regarding the registration on their territory of some
vehicles, which could be in a situation of non-conformity with (the Framework
Directive and) the MAC Directive.
Article 29 of the Framework Directive provides for the possibility for
Member States to adopt temporary safeguard measures, if some conditions are met
and a specific procedure is followed.
If this procedure is triggered, the Commission may consider the French
initiative within this framework.
I have requested my services to convene a meeting of the
representatives of the 28 Member States to discuss the situation tomorrow, 17
I invite Member States to assist the Commission in finding concrete and
urgent solutions to re-establish conformity in the internal market to the
advantage of all economic operators.