I movimenti indipendentistici delle regioni rientrano tra le questioni di politica interna degli Stati interessati
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Data documento: 15-04-2013
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Regional independence movements must be seen as internal State matters
I movimenti indipendentistici delle regioni rientrano tra le questioni di politica interna degli Stati interessati
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In an opinion adopted on 12 April on the state of devolution in the EU and the place for local and regional self-government in EU policy making, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) made it clear that demands for autonomy and independence movements on the part of a region must be seen as internal matters for the Member State concerned.
In un parere adottato il 12 aprile sul decentramento nell'Unione europea e il ruolo delle autonomie locali e regionali nella definizione delle politiche dell'UE, il Comitato delle regioni (CdR) ha dichiarato a chiare lettere che le spinte verso l'autonomia e i movimenti indipendentistici di una regione rientrano tra le questioni di politica interna dello Stato membro interessato.
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The CoR also plainly emphasised that in the hypothetical situation where such a region would become independent and wants to remain in the EU, it would have to apply to become a member of the EU like any state.
Il CdR ha sottolineato inoltre che, nell'ipotesi in cui tale regione finisse per acquisire l'indipendenza e volesse rimanere all'interno dell'UE, essa dovrebbe comunque fare richiesta di adesione al pari di qualunque altro paese.
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In the opinion, adopted by a large majority, members of the CoR stressed that neither the EU nor the CoR is meant to interfere in questions of internal organisation related to the constitutional arrangements of Member States, including developments in the direction of the independence of a region.
Nel parere adottato a larga maggioranza nella sessione plenaria del CdR è stato ribadito che l'UE o il CdR non dovranno interferire nelle questioni di organizzazione interna connesse alle disposizioni costituzionali dei singoli Stati membri, anche nel caso di eventi che puntino all'indipendenza di una regione.
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The question about the EU integration of a region having achieved independence was also a main focus of debate and was heavily discussed.
Al centro di un acceso dibattito è stata anche la questione dell'integrazione nell'UE di una regione che abbia ottenuto l'indipendenza.
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CoR members agreed on the view that such a new sovereign state wishing to join the EU should be required to make a formal application to the Council and to follow the accession procedure as laid down in the EU Treaties, in the same way as any other country wishing to become an EU Member State.
I membri del CdR hanno convenuto che questo Stato sovrano di nuova costituzione, qualora desiderasse aderire all'UE, dovrebbe presentare ufficialmente la propria candidatura al Consiglio e seguire la procedura di adesione prevista dai Trattati, come qualsiasi altro Stato che intenda diventare Stato membro dell'UE.
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More specifically on the issue of decentralisation, the opinion regrets the growing trend towards centralisation that has been noticeable throughout the EU since the economic and financial situation began to deteriorate.
Riguardo, più in particolare, alla questione del decentramento, il CdR deplora la tendenza crescente al fenomeno inverso, la centralizzazione, riscontrabile su tutto il territorio dell'UE, di fronte al peggioramento della situazione economica e finanziaria.
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In this regard, the rapporteur on the dossier, Franz Schausberger (AT/EPP), Delegate of the Region of Salzburg for the CoR, said that: "Some Member States are using the economic and debt crises and the austerity measures that are required across Europe as an excuse to further centralise powers, to devolve powers without providing corresponding financial resources or to rationalise, reduce or abolish sub-national bodies altogether.
A questo proposito il relatore del parere Franz Schausberger (AT/PPE), rappresentante del Land Salisburgo presso il CdR, ha dichiarato che "in alcuni paesi, si utilizzano la crisi economica e del debito, nonché le misure di risparmio necessarie in tutta Europa come pretesto per accrescere la centralizzazione delle competenze, per procedere al decentramento senza stanziare risorse adeguate e per semplificare, ridurre o addirittura abolire le strutture subnazionali".
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I am firmly opposed to this trend which will end up weakening local and regional democracy, and which is based on the mistaken assumption that transferring public services to the central government level will make them more cost-effective."
Schausberger ha poi continuato dichiarandosi contrario a tale tendenza che finirà per indebolire la democrazia regionale e locale ed è "basata sulla falsa supposizione che i servizi pubblici siano economicamente più convenienti se messi nelle mani del livello statale centrale".
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Drawing on the findings of a recent European Commission's report on public finances in the Economic and Monetary Union, which shows a growing trend towards fiscal decentralisation, the opinion also encourages the Member States to replace transfer payments, as far as possible, with own financial resources i.e. independently raised sub-national taxes or charges.
Attingendo ai risultati di una relazione elaborata di recente dalla Commissione europea sulle finanze pubbliche nell'Unione economica e monetaria, da cui emerge un aumento - negli Stati membri - della tendenza al decentramento fiscale, il CdR incoraggia gli Stati a passare, per quanto possibile, dal sistema dei trasferimenti a quello delle risorse proprie, nel senso di imposte o tasse riscosse autonomamente dagli enti subnazionali.
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The CoR calls upon the European Commission to repeat this review of sub-national public finances every year.
Il CdR incoraggia infine la Commissione a ripetere annualmente questo tipo di analisi per tenere sotto osservazione le finanze pubbliche subnazionali.
Regional independence movements must be seen as internal State matters
In an opinion adopted on 12 April on the state of devolution in the EU
and the place for local and regional self-government in EU policy making, the
Committee of the Regions (CoR) made it clear that demands for autonomy and
independence movements on the part of a region must be seen as internal matters
for the Member State concerned.
The CoR also plainly emphasised that in the hypothetical situation
where such a region would become independent and wants to remain in the EU, it
would have to apply to become a member of the EU like any state.
In the opinion, adopted by a large majority, members of the CoR
stressed that neither the EU nor the CoR is meant to interfere in questions of
internal organisation related to the constitutional arrangements of Member
States, including developments in the direction of the independence of a region.
The question about the EU integration of a region having achieved
independence was also a main focus of debate and was heavily discussed.
CoR members agreed on the view that such a new sovereign state wishing
to join the EU should be required to make a formal application to the Council
and to follow the accession procedure as laid down in the EU Treaties, in the
same way as any other country wishing to become an EU Member State.
More specifically on the issue of decentralisation, the opinion regrets
the growing trend towards centralisation that has been noticeable throughout the
EU since the economic and financial situation began to deteriorate.
In this regard, the rapporteur on the dossier, Franz Schausberger
(AT/EPP), Delegate of the Region of Salzburg for the CoR, said that: "Some
Member States are using the economic and debt crises and the austerity measures
that are required across Europe as an excuse to further centralise powers, to
devolve powers without providing corresponding financial resources or to
rationalise, reduce or abolish sub-national bodies altogether.
I am firmly opposed to this trend which will end up weakening local and
regional democracy, and which is based on the mistaken assumption that
transferring public services to the central government level will make them more
Drawing on the findings of a recent European Commission's report on
public finances in the Economic and Monetary Union, which shows a growing trend
towards fiscal decentralisation, the opinion also encourages the Member States
to replace transfer payments, as far as possible, with own financial resources
i.e. independently raised sub-national taxes or charges.
The CoR calls upon the European Commission to repeat this review of
sub-national public finances every year.