Agenda digitale: scienziati svizzeri, francesi e tedeschi mettono a punto occhi artificiali in miniatura (simili a quelli di alcuni insetti) utili per prevenire gli incidenti
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Data documento: 14-08-2013
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Digital Agenda: Swiss, French & German scientists develop miniature artificial insect eyes which could help prevent accidents
Agenda digitale: scienziati svizzeri, francesi e tedeschi mettono a punto occhi artificiali in miniatura (simili a quelli di alcuni insetti) utili per prevenire gli incidenti
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Scientists in Switzerland, Germany, and France explored how the insect eye works and designed and built the first fully-functional miniature curved artificial compound eyes.
Ricercatori svizzeri, tedeschi e francesi hanno studiato le modalità di funzionamento degli occhi degli insetti e hanno progettato e costruito i primi occhi composti artificiali in miniatura perfettamente funzionanti.
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The "CURVACE" project received €2 million in EU funding to develop the miniature "insect" eyes, which have high industrial potential in mobile robotics, smart clothing and medical applications.
Il progetto "CURVACE" ha beneficiato di un finanziamento dell'UE di 2 milioni di EUR per mettere a punto occhi di "insetto" in minatura che presentano un elevato potenziale industriale nel settore della robotica mobile, dell'abbigliamento intelligente e delle applicazioni mediche.
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In the future, the artificial compound eye could be used in areas where panoramic motion detection is primordial.
In futuro, gli occhi composti artificiali potrebbero essere utilizzati in settori in cui il rilevamento panoramico dei movimenti è fondamentale.
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For instance, a flexible artificial compound eye could be attached around automobiles for efficient obstacle detection (e.g. during parking manoeuvres, for automated vehicle guidance, or for the detection of vehicles or pedestrians that are getting too close), or implemented in Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) for vision-based collision-free navigation (e.g. during landing or for obstacle avoidance, such as in rescue operations).
Ad esempio, si potrebbe applicare ai veicoli un occhio composto artificiale flessibile per il rilevamento degli ostacoli (durante le manovre di parcheggio, nel caso della guida automatica dei veicoli o per l’individuazione di veicoli o pedoni che si avvicinano troppo), o integrarlo in microveicoli aerei (micro air vehicles - MAV) per la navigazione basata sul rilevamento visivo senza pericolo di collisione (ad esempio, durante l’atterraggio o per evitare ostacoli, come nelle operazioni di soccorso).
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Due to their inherent low thickness and flexibility, they could also be integrated in tissues to make smart clothes, such as smart hats with collision-alert systems for visually impaired people.
Dati la flessibilità e lo spessore ridotti di tali dispositivi, potrebbero anche essere integrati nei tessuti per fabbricare vestiti intelligenti, ad esempio cappelli dotati di sistemi di allarme anticollisione per gli ipovedenti.
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Moreover, flexible artificial compound eyes could be attached to the walls and furniture of intelligent homes for motion detection (e.g. for the elderly in ambient assisted living scenarios, or for children in an accident prevention role).
Inoltre, gli occhi composti artificiali flessibili possono essere apposti sulle pareti e i mobili delle case "intelligenti" per rilevare i movimenti (ad esempio per gli anziani nell'ottica della "domotica per le categorie deboli", o per i bambini ai fini della prevenzione degli incidenti).
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European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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“Nature provides us with many extremely sophisticated solutions when it comes to solving problems.
"Quando si tratta di risolvere problemi la natura ci offre numerose soluzioni estremamente sofisticate.
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The research programmes financed by the EC give us the possibility to get inspired, understand, copy and recreate on an industrial scale some of the great things Mother Nature has brought us, so we can improve the lives of our fellow citizens.”
I programmi di ricerca finanziati dalla CE ci consentono di trarre ispirazione, capire, copiare e ricreare su scala industriale alcune delle meraviglie che la natura ci offre per migliorare la vita dei nostri concittadini."
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The compound eye features characteristics and functionality similar to the eye of the Drosophila fruit fly, and other arthropods.
L'occhio composto vanta caratteristiche e funzionalità simili a quelle degli occhi della Drosophila della frutta e di altri artropodi.
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The eye, a small (12.8 mm diameter, 1.75 grams) cylindrical object is made up of 630 "basic eyes", called ommatidia, arranged in 42 columns of 15 sensors each.
L'occhio, un piccolo oggetto (12,8 mm di diametro, 1,75 grammi) di forma cilindrica è costituito da 630 "occhi di base", denominati ommatidi, disposti su 42 colonne di 15 sensori ciascuna.
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Each ommatidium is composed of a lens (172 microns), combined with an electronic pixel (30 microns).
Ciascun ommatidio è composto da una lente (172 micron) associata a un pixel elettronico (30 micron).
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These sensors have advanced optical properties, such as an undistorted panoramic field of view of 180°x60° and a large depth of field, and can adapt to a wide variety of lighting conditions.
Questi sensori hanno proprietà ottiche avanzate, tra cui un campo visivo panoramico di 180 x 60 gradi e un'ampia profondità di campo, e si adattano a varie condizioni di illuminazione.
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CURVACE project was funded through the European Commission's FET open programme.
Il progetto CURVACE è stato finanziato nell'ambito del programma aperto "Tecnologie emergenti e future (TEF)" della Commissione europea.
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Part of the “Excellent Science” part of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, FET open is fostering novel ideas: collaborative research for embryonic, high risk visionary science and technology.
Questo programma aperto, che rientra nella sezione denominata "Eccellenza scientifica" di Orizzonte 2020 (il programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell'UE), promuove idee innovative, ossia la ricerca collaborativa a favore di una scienza e una tecnologia pioneristiche ambiziose e ad alto rischio.
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The project involves 5 collaborating institutions:
Al progetto collaborano cinque istituzioni:
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EPFL (Switzerland), University of Aix-Marseille and CNRS (France), Frauenhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany), and the University of Tübingen (Germany) working together for 45 months (01.10.2009 - 30.06.2013).
l'EPFL (Svizzera), l'Università di Aix-Marseille e il CNRS (Francia), l'Istituto Fraunhofer di ottica applicata e ingegneria di precisione (Germania), e l’università di Tubinga (Germania) che hanno lavorato insieme per 45 mesi (dal 1° ottobre 2009 al 30 giugno 2013).
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The budget of the entire project is 2.73 million euro, with 2.09 million coming from EU financing.
Lo stanziamento di bilancio per l’intero progetto ammonta a 2,73 milioni di EUR di cui 2,09 milioni provengono dal finanziamento dell’UE.
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The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).
I risultati sono stati pubblicati nella rivista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).
Digital Agenda: Swiss, French & German scientists develop miniature
artificial insect eyes which could help prevent accidents
Scientists in Switzerland, Germany, and France explored how the insect
eye works and designed and built the first fully-functional miniature curved
artificial compound eyes.
The "CURVACE" project received €2 million in EU funding to develop the
miniature "insect" eyes, which have high industrial potential in mobile
robotics, smart clothing and medical applications.
In the future, the artificial compound eye could be used in areas where
panoramic motion detection is primordial.
For instance, a flexible artificial compound eye could be attached
around automobiles for efficient obstacle detection (e.g. during parking
manoeuvres, for automated vehicle guidance, or for the detection of vehicles or
pedestrians that are getting too close), or implemented in Micro Air Vehicles
(MAVs) for vision-based collision-free navigation (e.g. during landing or for
obstacle avoidance, such as in rescue operations).
Due to their inherent low thickness and flexibility, they could also be
integrated in tissues to make smart clothes, such as smart hats with
collision-alert systems for visually impaired people.
Moreover, flexible artificial compound eyes could be attached to the
walls and furniture of intelligent homes for motion detection (e.g. for the
elderly in ambient assisted living scenarios, or for children in an accident
prevention role).
European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said:
“Nature provides us with many extremely sophisticated solutions when it
comes to solving problems.
The research programmes financed by the EC give us the possibility to
get inspired, understand, copy and recreate on an industrial scale some of the
great things Mother Nature has brought us, so we can improve the lives of our
fellow citizens.”
The compound eye features characteristics and functionality similar to
the eye of the Drosophila fruit fly, and other arthropods.
The eye, a small (12.8 mm diameter, 1.75 grams) cylindrical object is
made up of 630 "basic eyes", called ommatidia, arranged in 42 columns of 15
sensors each.
Each ommatidium is composed of a lens (172 microns), combined with an
electronic pixel (30 microns).
These sensors have advanced optical properties, such as an undistorted
panoramic field of view of 180°x60° and a large depth of field, and can adapt to
a wide variety of lighting conditions.
CURVACE project was funded through the European Commission's FET open
Part of the “Excellent Science” part of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework
Programme for Research and Innovation, FET open is fostering novel ideas:
collaborative research for embryonic, high risk visionary science and
The project involves 5 collaborating institutions:
EPFL (Switzerland), University of Aix-Marseille and CNRS (France),
Frauenhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany),
and the University of Tübingen (Germany) working together for 45 months
(01.10.2009 - 30.06.2013).
The budget of the entire project is 2.73 million euro, with 2.09
million coming from EU financing.
The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).