I richiedenti asilo omosessuali possono configurare un particolare gruppo sociale, esposto al rischio di persecuzione a causa dell’orientamento sessuale
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 07-11-2013
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Homosexual applicants for asylum can constitute a particular social group who may be persecuted on account of their sexual orientation
I richiedenti asilo omosessuali possono configurare un particolare gruppo sociale, esposto al rischio di persecuzione a causa dell’orientamento sessuale
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In that context, the existence of a term of imprisonment in the country of origin sanctioning homosexual acts may constitute an act of persecution per se, provided that it is actually applied.
L’esistenza, nel paese d’origine, di una pena detentiva per atti omosessuali qualificati come reato può, di per sé, costituire un atto di persecuzione, purché tale pena trovi effettivamente applicazione.
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Pursuant to a European directive, which refers to the provisions of the Geneva Convention, any person who, owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country may claim refugee status.
Ai sensi di una direttiva europea che fa riferimento alle disposizioni della convenzione di Ginevra , il cittadino di un paese terzo il quale, per il timore fondato di essere perseguitato per motivi di razza, religione, nazionalità, opinione politica o appartenenza ad un determinato «gruppo sociale», si trovi fuori dal paese di cui ha la cittadinanza e non possa o, a causa di tale timore, non voglia avvalersi della protezione di detto paese, può chiedere lo status di rifugiato.
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In that context, the acts of persecution must be sufficiently serious by their nature or repetition as to constitute a severe violation of basic human rights.
Gli atti di persecuzione devono essere sufficientemente gravi, per loro natura o frequenza, da rappresentare una violazione grave di diritti umani fondamentali.
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X, Y and Z are nationals of Sierra Leone, Uganda and Senegal respectively.
X, Y e Z sono cittadini, rispettivamente, della Sierra Leone, dell’Uganda e del Senegal.
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They seek refugee status in the Netherlands, claiming that they have a well-founded fear of being persecuted in their countries of origin by reason of their sexual orientation.
Chiedono lo status di rifugiati nei Paesi Bassi, sostenendo di avere il fondato timore di persecuzione nei loro paesi d’origine, a causa del loro orientamento sessuale.
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Homosexual acts are a criminal offence in those three countries and may lead to serious punishment, from heavy fines to life imprisonment in certain cases.
In tutti e tre i paesi gli atti omosessuali configurano infatti reati passibili di pene severe, che vanno da pesanti sanzioni pecuniarie fino, in taluni casi, all’ergastolo.
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The Netherlands Raad van State (Council of State, Netherlands), which is hearing the cases at final instance, has asked the Court of Justice about the assessment of applications for refugee status under the provisions of the directive.
Il Raad van State (Consiglio di Stato, Paesi Bassi), adito in ultimo grado, si è rivolto alla Corte di giustizia in merito alla valutazione delle domande volte a ottenere la qualifica di rifugiato ai sensi della direttiva.
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The national court asks the Court of Justice whether third country nationals who are homosexuals may be regarded as forming a ‘particular social group’ within the meaning of the directive.
Questo giudice chiede alla Corte se si possa ritenere che i cittadini di paesi terzi che siano omosessuali costituiscano un «particolare gruppo sociale» ai sensi della direttiva.
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Furthermore, it wishes to know how the national authorities should assess what constitutes an act of persecution against homosexual activities in that context, and whether the criminalisation of those activities in the applicant’s country of origin, which may lead to imprisonment, amounts to persecution.
Chiede inoltre secondo quali criteri le autorità nazionali debbano valutare che cosa costituisca, in tale contesto, un atto di persecuzione con riferimento ad atti omosessuali e se il fatto di qualificare simili atti, nel paese d’origine del richiedente, come reati passibili di pena detentiva configuri una persecuzione.
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In its judgment today, the Court of Justice considers, first of all, that it is common ground that a person’s sexual orientation is a characteristic so fundamental to his identity that he should not be forced to renounce it.
Nella sua odierna sentenza, la Corte considera anzitutto che è pacifico che l’orientamento sessuale di una persona costituisce una caratteristica così fondamentale per la sua identità che essa non dovrebbe essere costretta a rinunciarvi.
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In that connection, the Court recognises that the existence of criminal laws specifically targeting homosexuals supports a finding that those persons form a separate group which is perceived by the surrounding society as being different.
A tale riguardo, la Corte ammette che l’esistenza di una legislazione penale che riguarda in modo specifico le persone omosessuali consente di affermare che queste costituiscono un gruppo a parte, percepito dalla società circostante come diverso.
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However, in order for a violation of fundamental rights to constitute persecution within the meaning of the Geneva Convention it must be sufficiently serious.
Tuttavia, affinché una violazione dei diritti fondamentali costituisca una persecuzione ai sensi della convenzione di Ginevra essa deve raggiungere un determinato livello di gravità.
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Therefore, not all violations of the fundamental rights of a homosexual applicant for asylum will necessarily reach this level of seriousness.
Non tutte le violazioni dei diritti fondamentali a danno di un omosessuale richiedente asilo raggiungeranno pertanto necessariamente tale livello di gravità.
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In that context, the mere existence of legislation criminalising homosexual acts cannot be regarded as an act affecting the applicant in a manner so significant that it reaches the level of seriousness necessary for a finding that it constitutes persecution within the meaning of the directive.
Pertanto, la mera esistenza di una legislazione che qualifica come reato gli atti omosessuali non può essere ritenuta un pregiudizio talmente grave da far ritenere che costituisca una persecuzione ai sensi della direttiva.
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However, a term of imprisonment which accompanies a legislative provision which punishes homosexual acts may constitute an act of persecution per se, provided that it is actually applied.
Una pena detentiva che sanziona gli atti omosessuali può invece, di per sé, costituire un atto di persecuzione, purché essa trovi effettivamente applicazione.
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In those circumstances, where an applicant for asylum relies on the existence in his country of origin of legislation criminalising homosexual acts, it is for the national authorities to undertake an examination of all the relevant facts concerning that country of origin, including its laws and regulations and the manner in which they are applied.
Ne discende che qualora un richiedente asilo faccia valere l’esistenza nel proprio paese d’origine di una legislazione che qualifica come reato taluni atti omosessuali, le autorità dello Stato in cui richiede lo status di rifugiato devono procedere ad un esame di tutti i fatti pertinenti che riguardano tale paese d’origine, comprese le sue disposizioni legislative e regolamentari e le relative modalità di applicazione.
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In carrying out that examination, those authorities must determine, in particular, whether, in the applicant’s country of origin, the term of imprisonment provided for by such legislation is applied in practice.
Dette autorità debbono in particolare determinare se, nel paese d’origine, la pena detentiva trovi applicazione nella prassi.
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As to whether it is reasonable to expect that in order to avoid persecution an asylum seeker should conceal his homosexuality in his country of origin or exercise restraint in expressing it, the Court replies that it is not.
Quanto alla questione se sia ragionevole attendersi che, per evitare la persecuzione, un richiedente asilo nasconda la propria omosessualità nel suo paese d’origine o dia prova di riservatezza nell’esprimere tale orientamento sessuale, la Corte risponde negativamente.
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The Court considers that requiring members of a social group sharing the same sexual orientation to conceal it is incompatible with the recognition of a characteristic so fundamental to a person’s identity that the persons concerned cannot be required to renounce it.
Essa ritiene che il fatto di esigere dai membri di un gruppo sociale che condividono lo stesso orientamento sessuale che essi lo nascondano è contrario al riconoscimento stesso di una caratteristica così fondamentale per l’identità. Gli interessati non dovrebbero pertanto essere costretti a rinunciarvi.
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Therefore, an applicant for asylum cannot be expected to conceal his homosexuality in his country of origin in order to avoid persecution.
Secondo la Corte, non è quindi lecito attendersi che, per evitare la persecuzione, un richiedente asilo nasconda la propria omosessualità nel suo paese d’origine.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
Homosexual applicants for asylum can constitute a particular social group
who may be persecuted on account of their sexual orientation
In that context, the existence of a term of imprisonment in the country of
origin sanctioning homosexual acts may constitute an act of persecution per se,
provided that it is actually applied.
Pursuant to a European directive, which refers to the provisions of the
Geneva Convention, any person who, owing to well-founded fear of being
persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his
nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself
of the protection of that country may claim refugee status.
In that context, the acts of persecution must be sufficiently serious by
their nature or repetition as to constitute a severe violation of basic human
X, Y and Z are nationals of Sierra Leone, Uganda and Senegal respectively.
They seek refugee status in the Netherlands, claiming that they have a
well-founded fear of being persecuted in their countries of origin by reason of
their sexual orientation.
Homosexual acts are a criminal offence in those three countries and may lead
to serious punishment, from heavy fines to life imprisonment in certain cases.
The Netherlands Raad van State (Council of State, Netherlands), which is
hearing the cases at final instance, has asked the Court of Justice about the
assessment of applications for refugee status under the provisions of the
The national court asks the Court of Justice whether third country nationals
who are homosexuals may be regarded as forming a ‘particular social group’
within the meaning of the directive.
Furthermore, it wishes to know how the national authorities should assess
what constitutes an act of persecution against homosexual activities in that
context, and whether the criminalisation of those activities in the applicant’s
country of origin, which may lead to imprisonment, amounts to persecution.
In its judgment today, the Court of Justice considers, first of all, that it
is common ground that a person’s sexual orientation is a characteristic so
fundamental to his identity that he should not be forced to renounce it.
In that connection, the Court recognises that the existence of criminal laws
specifically targeting homosexuals supports a finding that those persons form a
separate group which is perceived by the surrounding society as being different.
However, in order for a violation of fundamental rights to constitute
persecution within the meaning of the Geneva Convention it must be sufficiently
Therefore, not all violations of the fundamental rights of a homosexual
applicant for asylum will necessarily reach this level of seriousness.
In that context, the mere existence of legislation criminalising homosexual
acts cannot be regarded as an act affecting the applicant in a manner so
significant that it reaches the level of seriousness necessary for a finding
that it constitutes persecution within the meaning of the directive.
However, a term of imprisonment which accompanies a legislative provision
which punishes homosexual acts may constitute an act of persecution per se,
provided that it is actually applied.
In those circumstances, where an applicant for asylum relies on the existence
in his country of origin of legislation criminalising homosexual acts, it is for
the national authorities to undertake an examination of all the relevant facts
concerning that country of origin, including its laws and regulations and the
manner in which they are applied.
In carrying out that examination, those authorities must determine, in
particular, whether, in the applicant’s country of origin, the term of
imprisonment provided for by such legislation is applied in practice.
As to whether it is reasonable to expect that in order to avoid persecution
an asylum seeker should conceal his homosexuality in his country of origin or
exercise restraint in expressing it, the Court replies that it is not.
The Court considers that requiring members of a social group sharing the same
sexual orientation to conceal it is incompatible with the recognition of a
characteristic so fundamental to a person’s identity that the persons concerned
cannot be required to renounce it.
Therefore, an applicant for asylum cannot be expected to conceal his
homosexuality in his country of origin in order to avoid persecution.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.